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Publikationsliste für Angehörige von
E136 - Institut für Theoretische Physik
als Autorinnen / Autoren bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Personen

4030 Datensätze (1997 - 2022)

Die Publikationen der Fakultät für Physik sind erst ab dem Jahr 2002 vollzählig in der Publikationsdatenbank enthalten. Publikationen aus den Jahren vor 2002 können, müssen aber nicht in der Datenbank vorhanden sein.

Bücher und Buch-Herausgaben

F. Aumayr, J. Burgdörfer, C. Lemell (Hrg.):
"Ineleastic Ion-Surface Collisions, North Holland - ElsevierScience BV, special issue of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 258 (April 2007)";
Elsevier, 2007, 292 S.

F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, C. Lemell (Hrg.):
"Conference Proceedings 3S*20 Symposium on Surface Science 2020, St. Christoph am Arlberg/T, March 1 - March 7, 2020";
Conference Proceedings 3S*20 Symposium on Surface Science 2020, 2020, 196 S.

F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, C. Lemell (Hrg.):
"Conference Proceedings 3S*22 Symposium on Surface Science 2022, St.Christoph/St.Anton am Arlberg/A, March 13 - March 19, 2022";
Conference Proceedings 3S*22 Symposium on Surface Science 2022, TU Wien, 2022, 214 S.

F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, C. Lemell, P. Varga (Hrg.):
"Conference Proceedings 3S*14 Symposium on Surface Science 2014";
Proc. 3S*14 Symposium on Surface Science 2014, 2014, 196 S.

F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, C. Lemell, P. Varga (Hrg.):
"Proc. Conf. Symposium on Surface Science 2012 (3S´12)";
Conference Proceedings 3S*12 Symposium on Surface Science 2012, Wien, 2012, 198 S.

F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, P. Varga, C. Lemell (Hrg.):
"Conference Proceedings 3S*16 Symposium on Surface Science 2016, St. Christoph am Arlberg/A, Feb. 21-27, 2016";
Conference Proceedings 3S*16 Symposium on Surface Science 2016, 2016, 169 S.

F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, P. Varga, C. Lemell (Hrg.):
"Conference Proceedings 3S*18 Symposium on Surface Science 2018, St. Christoph am Arlberg/A, Feb. 25 - March 3, 2018";
Conference Proceedings 3S*18 Symposium on Surface Science 2018, 2018, 186 S.

F. Aumayr, C. Lemell (Hrg.):
"Book of Abstract - IISC-16";
Vienna University of Technology, 2006, 150 S.

F. Aumayr, C. Lemell, P. Varga (Hrg.):
"Proc. Conf. Symposium on Surface Science 2010 (3S´10)";
Conference Proceedings 3S*10 Symposium on Surface Science 2010, Wien, 2010, 186 S.

M. Bartelmann, B. Feuerbacher, T. Krüger, D. Lüst, A. Rebhan, A. Wipf:
"Theoretische Physik";
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2014, ISBN: 978-3642546174; 1315 S.

M. Bartelmann, B. Feuerbacher, T. Krüger, D. Lüst, A. Rebhan, A. Wipf:
"Theoretische Physik 1 | Mechanik";
Springer-Verlag, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-662-56114-0; 422 S.

M. Bartelmann, B. Feuerbacher, T. Krüger, D. Lüst, A. Rebhan, A. Wipf:
"Theoretische Physik 2 | Elektrodynamik";
Springer-Verlag, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-662-56116-4; 376 S.

M. Bartelmann, B. Feuerbacher, T. Krüger, D. Lüst, A. Rebhan, A. Wipf:
"Theoretische Physik 3 | Quantenmechanik";
Springer-Verlag, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-662-56071-6; 426 S.

M. Bartelmann, B. Feuerbacher, T. Krüger, D. Lüst, A. Rebhan, A. Wipf:
"Theoretische Physik 4 | Thermodynamik und Statistische Physik";
Springer-Verlag, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-662-56112-6; 270 S.

P. Bicudo, F. Giacosa, M. Malek, D. Parganlija:
"Proceedings of 5th Workshop on Excited QCD 2013 : Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, February 3-9, 2013";
in Buchreihe "Acta Phys.Polon.Suppl.", Buchreihen-Herausgeber: M. Praszałowicz, P. Bizoń, W. Broniowski, P. Góra, M. Kutschera, W. Słomiński; Acta Physica Polonica B, Krakau, Polen, 2013, ISSN: 1899-2358, 285 S.

J. Burgdörfer, J.S. Cohen, S. Datz, C. R. Vane (Hrg.):
"Photonic, Electronic & Atomic Collisions";
Rinton Press, 2002, ISBN: 1-58949-018-5; 756 S.

D. Grumiller, A. Rebhan, D.V. Vassilevich (Hrg.):
"Fundamental Interactions - A Memorial Volume for Wolfgang Kummer";
World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2009, ISBN: 978-981-4273-07-7; 424 S.

A. Kapustin, M. Kreuzer, K.-G. Schlesinger:
"Homological mirror symmetry";
in Buchreihe "Lecture Notes in Physics 757", Buchreihen-Herausgeber: R. Beig et al.; Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-540-68029-1, 272 S.

D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Yee (Hrg.):
"Strongly Interacting Matter in Magnetic Fields";
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-37304-6; 624 S.

M. Kitzler, S. Gräfe (Hrg.):
"Ultrafast Dynamics Driven by Intense Light Pulses: From Atoms to Solids, from Lasers to Intense X-rays";
Springer International Publishing, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-20172-6; 379 S.

S.S. Moskaliuk:
"From Cayley-Klein groups to categories";
in Buchreihe "Methods of mathematical modelling", Buchreihen-Herausgeber: W. Kummer; TIMPANI, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2006, ISBN: 966-7649-57-1, 338 S.

A. Rebhan (Hrg.):
"Quark-Gluon-Plasma Thermalization (Proceedings QGPTH05)";
Springer-Verlag, 2006, 132 S.

A. Rebhan, L. Katzarkov, J. Knapp, R. Rashkov, E. Scheidegger (Hrg.):
"Strings, Gauge Fields, and the Geometry Behind: The Legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer";
World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2012, ISBN: 978-981-4412-54-4; 568 S.

A. Schmitt:
"Dense Matter in Compact Stars - A Pedagogical Introduction";
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-642-12865-3; 146 S.

A. Schmitt:
"Introduction to superfluidity - Field theoretical appraoch and applications";
springer, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-319-07946-2.

K. Svozil:
"Physical (A)Causality";
Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Chams, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-70815-7; 219 S.

K. Svozil, A. Abbott, C.S. Calude (Hrg.):
"A quantum random oracle";
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-12-386980-7; 5 S.

Hp. Winter, J. Burgdörfer (Hrg.):
"Slow Heavy-Particle Induced Electron Emission from Solid Surfaces";
Springer-Verlag, Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 225, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-70788-2; 244 S.


C. Abaurrea Velasco, C. N. Likos, G. Kahl:
"Effective interactions of DNA-stars";
Molecular Physics (eingeladen), 113 (2015), 17-18; S. 2699 - 2706.

A. Abbott, C.S. Calude, J. Conder, K. Svozil:
"Strong Kochen-Specker theorem and incomputability of quantum randomness";
Physical Review A, 86 (2012), 6; S. 062109 - 062119.

A. Abbott, C.S. Calude, K. Svozil:
"A quantum random number generator certified by value indefiniteness";
Mathematical Structures In Computer Science, 24 (2014), special issue 03; S. 240303 - 240325.

A. Abbott, C.S. Calude, K. Svozil:
"A variant of the Kochen-Specker theorem localising value indefiniteness";
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56 (2015), 10; S. 102201.

A. Abbott, C.S. Calude, K. Svozil:
"On demons and oracles";
Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter, 2 (2012), 1; S. 9 - 15.

A. Abbott, C.S. Calude, K. Svozil:
"Value-indefinite observables are almost everywhere";
Physical Review A, 89 (2014), 3; S. 032109 - 032115.

M. Adak, D. Grumiller:
"Poisson-sigma model for 2D gravity with non-metricity";
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24 (2007), S. F65 - F72.

H. Adami, D. Grumiller, S. Sadeghian, S. Sheikh-Jabbari, C. Zwikel:
"T-Witts from the horizon";
J. High Energy Phys., 04 (2020), S. 128.

H. Adami, D. Grumiller, S. Sheikh-Jabbari, V. Taghiloo, H. Yavartanoo, C. Zwikel:
"Null boundary phase space: slicings, news & memory";
J. High Energy Phys., 11 (2021), S. 155.

H. Adami, S. Sheikh-Jabbari, V. Taghiloo, H. Yavartanoo, C. Zwikel:
"Symmetries at null boundaries: two and three dimensional gravity cases";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, (2020), 10.1007/JHEP10(2020)107.

H. Afshar, A. Bagchi, R. Fareghbal, D. Grumiller, J. Rosseel:
"Higher spin theory in 3-dimensional flat space";
Physical Review Letters, 111 (2013), S. 121603.

H. Afshar, E. A. Bergshoeff, W. Merbis:
"Interacting spin-2 fields in three dimensions";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 01 (2015), 040; S. 1 - 27.

H. Afshar, T. Creutzig, D. Grumiller, Y. Hikida, P. Ronne:
"Unitary W-algebras and three-dimensional higher spin gravities with spin one symmetry";
J. High Energy Phys., 06 (2014), S. 063.

H. Afshar, B. Cvetkovic, S. Ertl, D. Grumiller, N. Johansson:
"Holograms of Conformal Chern-Simons Gravity";
Physical Review D, 84 (2011), S. 041502.

H. Afshar, S. Detournay, D. Grumiller, W. Merbis, A. Perez, D. Tempo, R. Troncoso:
"Soft Heisenberg hair on black holes in three dimensions";
Physical Review D, 93 (2016), S. 101503.

H. Afshar, S. Detournay, D. Grumiller, B. Oblak:
"Near-Horizon Geometry and Warped Conformal Symmetry";
J. High Energy Phys., 03 (2016), S. 187.

H. Afshar, S. Ertl, B. Cvetkovic, D. Grumiller, N. Johansson:
"Conformal Chern-Simons holography";
Physical Review D, 85 (2012), S. 064033.

H. Afshar, M. Gary, D. Grumiller, R.C. Rashkov, M. Riegler:
"Non-AdS holography in 3-dimensional higher spin gravity - General recipe and example";
J. High Energy Phys., 11 (2012), S. 099.

H. Afshar, M. Gary, D. Grumiller, R.C. Rashkov, M. Riegler:
"Semi-classical unitarity in 3-dimensional higher-spin gravity for non-principal embeddings";
Classical and Quantum Gravity (eingeladen), 30 (2013), S. 104004.

H. Afshar, H. Gonzalez, D. Grumiller, D.V. Vassilevich:
"Flat space holography and the complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model";
Physical Review D, 101 (2020), 8; S. 086024.

H. Afshar, D. Grumiller, W. Merbis, A. Perez, D. Tempo, R. Troncoso:
"Soft hairy horizons in three spacetime dimensions";
Physical Review D, 95 (2017), 10; S. 106005.

H. Afshar, D. Grumiller, S. Sheikh-Jabbari:
"Near horizon soft hair as microstates of three dimensional black holes";
Physical Review D, 96 (2017), 8; S. 084032.

H. Afshar, D. Grumiller, S. Sheikh-Jabbari, H. Yavartanoo:
"Horizon fluff, semi-classical black hole microstates - Log-corrections to BTZ entropy and black hole/particle correspondence";
J. High Energy Phys., 1708 (2017), S. 087.

D. Ahluwalia, D. Grumiller:
"Dark matter: A Spin one half fermion field with mass dimension one?";
Physical Review D, 72 (2005), 067701.

D. Ahluwalia, D. Grumiller:
"Spin half fermions with mass dimension one: Theory, phenomenology, and dark matter";
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 0507 (2005), 012.

C. Ahn, P. Bozhilov, R.C. Rashkov:
"Neumann-Rosochatius integrable system for strings on AdS4 x CP3";
J. High Energy Phys., 0809 (2008), S. 017-1 - 017-19.

P.C. Aichelburg, H. Balasin, M. Kerber:
"Head-on collision of ultrarelativistic charges";
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004), S. 1 - 10.

F. Aigner, M. Hillbrand, J. Knapp, G. Milovanovic, V. Putz, R. Schöfbeck, M. Schweda:
"Technical remarks and comments on the UV/IR-mixing problem of a noncommutative scalar quantum field theory";
J. High Energy Phys., 0302 (2003), S. 038-1 - 038-9.

F. Aigner, M. Hillbrand, J. Knapp, G. Milovanovic, R. Schöfbeck, M. Schweda:
"Technical remarks and comments on the UV/IR-mixing problem of a noncommutative scalar quantum field theory";
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 (2004), 7; S. 711 - 719.

F. Aigner, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Shot noise in the chaotic-to-regular crossover regime";
Physical Review Letters, 94 (2005), S. 21680-1 - 21680-4.

F. Aigner, N. Simonovic, B. Solleder, L Wirtz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Suppression of Decoherence in Fast-Atom Diffraction at Surfaces";
Physical Review Letters, 101 (2008), 25; S. 253201-1 - 253201-4.

F. Aigner, N. Simonovic, B. Solleder, L. Wirtz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Influence of inelastic processes on fast-atom-surface diffraction";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 133 (2008), S. 012014-1 - 012014-8.

M. Alford, M. Braby, A. Schmitt:
"Bulk viscosity in kaon-condensed color-flavor locked quark matter";
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 35 (2008), S. 115007-1 - 115007-27.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"From a complex scalar field to the two-fluid picture of superfluidity";
Physical Review D, 87 (2013), S. 065001-1 - 065001-24.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Role reversal in first and second sound in a relativistic superfluid";
Physical Review D, 89 (2014), S. 085005.

M. Alford, A. Schmitt, K. Rajagopoal, T. Schäfer:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Reviews of Modern Physics, 80 (2008), S. 1455 - 1515.

J. Aman, J. Bedford, D. Grumiller, N. Pidokrajt, J. Ward:
"Ruppeiner theory of black hole thermodynamics";
J. of Phys.: Conf. Series, 66 (2007), S. 012007-1 - 012007-10.

J. Aman, B. DeSalvo, F.B. Dunning, T. Killian, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Trap losses induced by near-resonant Rydberg dressing of cold atomic gases";
Physical Review A, 93 (2016), 043425; S. 043425-1.

P. Ambichl, A. Brandstötter, J. Böhm, M. Kühmayer, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Focusing inside disordered media with the generalized Wigner-Smith operator";
Physical Review Letters, 119 (2017), S. 033903-1 - 033903-6.

P. Ambichl, K. Makris, L. Ge, Y. Chong, A.D. Stone, S. Rotter:
"Breaking of PT-symmetry in bounded and unbounded scattering systems";
Physical Review X, 3 (2013), S. 041030.

P. Ambichl, W. Xiong, Y. Bromberg, B. Redding, H. Cao, S. Rotter:
"Super- and Anti-Principal-Modes in Multimode Waveguides";
Physical Review X, 7 (2017), S. 041053.

M. Ammon, D. Grumiller, S. Prohazka, R. Wutte:
"Higher-Spin Flat Space Cosmologies with Soft Hair";
J. High Energy Phys., 1705 (2017), S. 031.

R. Amsüss, C. Koller, T. Nöbauer, S. Putz, S. Rotter, K. Sandner, S. Schneider, M. Schramböck, G. Steinhauser, H. Ritsch, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, J. Majer:
"Cavity QED with Magnetically Coupled Collecitve Spin States";
Physical Review Letters, 107 (2011), S. 060502.

P. Anastasopoulos, I. Antoniadis, K. Benakli, M. Goodsell, A. Vichi:
"One-loop adjoint masses for non-supersymmetric intersecting branes";
J. High Energy Phys., 08 (2011), S. 120-i - 120-38.

P. Anastasopoulos, M. Bianchi:
"Revisiting light stringy states in view of the 750 GeV diphoton excess";
Nuclear Physics B, 911 (2016), S. 928 - 954.

P. Anastasopoulos, M. Bianchi, R. Richter:
"Light stringy states";
Journal of High Energy Physics, 03 (2012), S. 068-0 - 068-16.

P. Anastasopoulos, M. Cvetic, R. Vaudrevange, R. Richter:
"String Constraints on Discrete Symmetries in MSSM Type II Quivers";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 1303 (2013), 011.

P. Anastasopoulos, G.K. Leontaris, R. Richter, A.N. Schellekens:
"Avoiding disastrous couplings in SU(5) orientifolds";
Fortschritte der Physik, 59 (2011), S. 1144 - 1148.

P. Anastasopoulos, G.K. Leontaris, R. Richter, A.N. Schellekens:
"SU(5) D-brane realizations, Yukawa couplings and proton stability";
J. High Energy Phys., 1012 (2010), S. 011-1 - 011-34.

P. Anastasopoulos, R. Richter:
"Production of light stringy states";
Journal of High Energy Physics, 1412 (2014), S. 059.

P. Anastasopoulos, R. Richter, M. Goodsell:
"Three- and Four-point correlators of excited bosonic twist fields";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 1310 (2013), 182.

P. Anastasopoulos, R. Richter, A.N. Schellekens:
"Discrete symmetries from hidden sectors";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 06 (2015), S. 189-0 - 189-20.

J. Andersen, T. Brauner, C. Hofmann, A. Vuorinen:
"Effective Lagrangians for quantum many-body systems";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 08 (2014), 088; 43 S.

J. O. Andersen, E. Petitgirard, M. Strickland:
"Two-loop hard-thermal-loop thermodynamics with quarks";
Physical Review D, 70 (2004), S. 045001-1 - 045001-43.

J. O. Andersen, M. Strickland:
"Three-loop Phi-derivable approximation in QED";
Physical Review D, 71 (2005), S. 025011-1 - 025011-11.

D. Andriot:
"Tachyonic de Sitter solutions of 10d type II supergravities";
Fortschritte der Physik, 69 (2021), 2100063.

D. Andriot, A. Cornell, A. Deandrea, F. Dogliotti, D. Tsimpis:
"A new mechanism for symmetry breaking from nilmanifolds";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 05 (2020), 122; 18 S.

D. Andriot, N. Cribiori, D. Erkinger:
"The web of swampland conjectures and the TCC bound";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 07 (2020), 162.

D. Andriot, P. Marconnet, D. Tsimpis:
"Warp factor and the gravitational wave spectrum";
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 07 (2021), 040.

D. Andriot, P. Marconnet, T. Wrase:
"Intricacies of classical de Sitter string backgrounds";
Physics Letters B, 812 (2021), 136015.

D. Andriot, P. Marconnet, T. Wrase:
"New de Sitter solutions of 10d type IIB supergravity";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 08 (2020), 076.

D. Andriot, C. Roupec:
"Further refining the de Sitter swampland conjecture";
Fortschritte der Physik, 67 (2019), 1800105; 10 S.

D. Andriot, D. Tsimpis:
"Gravitational waves in warped compactifications";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 06 (2020), 100.

A. Angerer, T. Astner, D. Wirtitsch, S. Hitoshi, O. Shinobu, J. Majer, I. Junichi, S. Putz:
"Collective strong coupling with homogeneous Rabi frequencies using a 3D lumped element microwave resonator";
Applied Physics Letters, 109 (2016), S. 033508.

A. Angerer, S. Putz, D. Krimer, T. Astner, M. Zens, R. Glattauer, K. Streltsov, W. Munro, K. Nemoto, S. Rotter, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, J. Majer:
"Ultralong relaxation times in bistable hybrid quantum systems";
Science Advances, 3 (2017), 12; S. e1701626.

M. Antlanger, G. Doppelbauer, G. Kahl:
"On the stability of Archimedean tilings formed by patchy particles";
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23 (2011), S. 404206-1 - 404206-9.

M. Antlanger, G. Doppelbauer, M. Mazars, G. Kahl:
"Crystal phases of soft spheres systems in a slab geometry";
Journal of Chemical Physics, 140 (2014), S. 044507.

M. Antlanger, G. Kahl:
"Wigner crystals for a planar, equimolar binary mixture of classical, charged particles";
Condensed Matter Physics, 16 (2013), 4; S. 43501-1 - 43501-9.

M. Antlanger, G. Kahl, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, E. Trizac:
"The asymmetric Wigner bilayer";
Journal of Chemical Physics, 149 (2018), S. 244904-1 - 244904-35.

M. Antlanger, G. Kahl, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, E. Trizac:
"The polymorphic behavior of Wigner bilayers";
Physical Review Letters, 117 (2016), S. 118002.

M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, G. Kahl, E. Trizac:
"Taking one charge off a two-dimensional Wigner crystal";
Molecular Physics, 112(9-10) (2014), S. 1336 - 1349.

J. Aparicio, D. Grumiller, E. Lopez, I. Papadimitriou, S. Stricker:
"Bootstrapping gravity solutions";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 05 (2013), S. 128-0 - 128-47.

A. Apolonski, P. Dombi, G. Paulus, M. Kakehata, R. Holzwarth, T. Udem, C. Lemell, K. Torizuka, J. Burgdörfer, T. Hänsch, F. Krausz:
"Observation of light-phase-sensitive photoemission from a metal";
Physical Review Letters, 92 (2004), S. 1 - 4.

D. Arbó, K. I. Dimitriou, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Sub-Poissonian angular momentum distribution near threshold in atomic ionization by short laser pulses";
Physical Review A, 78 (2008), S. 13406-1 - 13406-6.

D. Arbó, M.S. Gravielle, J.E. Miraglia, J. Eckardt, G. Lantschner, M. Famá, N. Arista:
"Energy straggling of protons through thin foils ";
Physical Review A, 65 (2002), S. 042901-1 - 042901-6.

D. Arbó, K. L. Ishikawa, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Doubly differential diffraction at a time grating in above-treshold ionization: Intracycle and intercycle interferences";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 279 (2012), S. 24 - 30.

D. Arbó, K. L. Ishikawa, K.-M. Schiessl, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Diffraction at a time grating in above-threshold ionization: The influence of the Coulomb potential";
Physical Review A, 82 (2010), S. 043426-1 - 043426-11.

D. Arbó, K. L. Ishikawa, K.-M. Schiessl, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Intracycle and intercycle interferences in above-threshold ionization: The time grating";
Physical Review A, 81 (2010), S. 021403-1 - 021403-4.

D. Arbó, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
" Signatures of tunneling and multiphoton ionization by short-laser pulses: The partial-wave distribution";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 635 (2015), S. 012003.

D. Arbó, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, N. Camus, L. Fechner, A. Krupp, T. Pfeifer, S. Lopéz, R. Moshammer, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ionization of argon by two-color laser pulses with coherent phase control";
Physical Review A, 92 (2015), 023402; S. 023402-1 - 023402-9.

D. Arbó, J.E. Miraglia, M.S. Gravielle, K.-M. Schiessl, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Coulomb-Volkov approximation for near-threshold ionization by short laser pulses";
Physical Review A, 77 (2008), S. 013401-1 - 013401-8.

D. Arbó, S. Nagele, X.-M. Tong, X. Xie, M. Kitzler, J. Burgdörfer:
"Interference of electron wave packets in atomic ionization by subcycle sculpted laser pulses";
Physical Review A, 89 (2014), 043414; 10 S.

D. Arbó, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time double-slit interferences in strong-field tunneling ionization";
Physical Review A, 74 (2006), S. 063407-1 - 063407-6.

D. Arbó, E. Persson, K. Dimitriou, J. Burgdörfer:
"Carrier-envelope phase dependence in atomic ionization by short-laser pulses";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 267 (2009), S. 330 - 333.

D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Classical and quantum scaling for localization of HCP-driven Rydberg wavepackets";
Physical Review A, 69 (2004), S. 023409-1 - 023409-6.

D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, A. Pattanayak, C.L. Stokely, W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning:
"Pulse-induced focusing of Rydberg wave packets";
Physical Review A, 67 (2003), S. 063401-1 - 063401-10.

D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, K. Dimitriou, J. Burgdörfer:
"Interference of electrons ionized by short laser pulses";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 88 (2007), S. 012054-1 - 012054-8.

D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, K. Dimitriou, J. Burgdörfer:
"Interference oscillations in the angular distribution of laser-ionized electrons near ionization threshold";
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M. Wickenhauser, J. Burgdörfer, F. Krausz, M. Drescher:
"Time resolved Fano resonances";
Physical Review Letters, 94 (2005), S. 023002-1 - 023002-4.

M. Wickenhauser, X.-M. Tong, D. Arbó, J. Burgdörfer, C.-D. Lin:
"Signatures of tunneling and multiphoton ionization in the electron-momentum distributions of atoms by intense few-cycle laser pulses";
Physical Review A, 74 (2006), S. 041402-1 - 041402-4.

R. Wimmer, C. Pokpong, M.J. Kang, A. Mahdavi:
"Analysis of user needs for a solar cooking stove acceptance";
Energy Procedia, 2013 (2013).

Hp. Winter, F. Aumayr, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, S. Lederer, H. Winter:
"Kinetic electron emission by grazing atom scattering from clean flat metal surfaces";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 256 (2007), S. 455 - 463.

Hp. Winter, S. Lederer, H. Winter, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Kinetic electron emission induced by grazing scattering of slow atoms: Local probe of the Compton profile near the fermi edge";
Physical Review B, 72 (2005), S. 161402-1 - 161402-4.

L. Wirtz, J. Burgdörfer, M. Dallos, T. Müller:
"Potential energy surfaces for charge exchange between singly charged ions and a LiF surface";
Physical Review A, 68 (2003), S. 032902-1 - 032902-13.

L. Wirtz, C. O. Reinhold, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Liouville master equation for multielectron dynamics: Neutralization of highly charged ions near a LiF surface";
Physical Review A, 67 (2003), 012903-1; S. 012903-19 - 19.

L. Wirtz, C. Stampfer, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
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Physical Review E, 67 (2003), S. 016206-1 - 016206-13.

B. Wolter, C. Lemell, M. Baudisch, M. Pullen, X.-M. Tong, M. Hemmer, A. Senftleben, C. Schröter, J. Ullrich, R. Moshammer, J. Biegert, J. Burgdörfer:
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Physical Review A, 90 (2014), S. 063424.

B. Wolter, C. Lemell, M. Baudisch, M. Pullen, X.-M. Tong, M. Hemmer, A. Senftleben, C. Schröter, J. Ullrich, R. Moshammer, J. Burgdörfer, J. Biegert:
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B. Wyker, S. Ye, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
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Physical Review A, 84 (2011), 043412; S. 043412-1 - 043412-9.

B. Wyker, S. Ye, T. McKinney, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
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S. Xiao, J. Gear, S. Rotter, J. Li:
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X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, H Xu, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
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Physical Review Letters, 109 (2012), S. 243001-1 - 243001-5.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, H. Xu, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 488 (2014), 3; S. 032012.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, S. Roither, A. Iwasaki, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Selective inner-valence ionization of aligned polyatomic molecules for controlling molecular fragmentation";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 488 (2014), 3; S. 032013.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, S. Erattupuzha, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Selective Control over Fragmentation Reactions in Polyatomic Molecules Using Impulsive Laser Alignment";
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X. Xie, S. Roither, S. Gräfe, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, C. Lemell, L. Zhang, M. Schöffler, A. Baltuska, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Probing the influence of the Coulomb field on atomic ionization by sculpted two-color laser fields";
New Journal of Physics, 15 (2013), 4.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, D. Arbó, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Attosecond probe of valence electron wavepackets by sub-cycle sculpted laser fields";
Physical Review Letters, 108 (2012), S. 193004-1 - 193004-5.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, A. Baltuska, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Observing the influence of the Coulomb binding potential on momentum spectra of strong-field driven electronic wave packets";
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X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
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X. Xie, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, H. Xu, L. Zhang, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Gräfe, S. Bubin, M. Atkinson, K. Varga, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
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S. Ye, X. Zhang, T. Killian, F.B. Dunning, M. Hiller, S. Yoshida, S. Nagele, J. Burgdörfer:
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H. Yin, G. Wachter, C. Deiss, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, E. Lamour, C. Prigent, C. Ramond, J. Rozet, S. Steydli, M. Trassinelli, D. Vernhet:
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S. Yoshida, E. Persson, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, B.E. Tannian, C.L. Stokely, F.B. Dunning:
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S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, J.J. Mestayer, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning:
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S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, B. Wyker, S. Ye, F.B. Dunning:
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S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, S. Ye, F.B. Dunning:
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M. Zens, S. Rotter:
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I. Zhang, A. Grüneis:
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J. Zhang, B. Peng, S. Özdemir, K. Pichler, D. Krimer, G. Zhao, F. Nori, Y. Liu, S. Rotter, L. Yang:
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L. Zhang, S. Roither, X. Xie, D. V. Kartashov, M. Schöffler, H Xu, A. Iwasaki, S. Gräfe, T. Okino, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
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Editorials in wiss. Zeitschriften

E. Bianchi, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos, F. Sciortino:
"Patchy particles";
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (eingeladen), 27 (2015), 23; S. 230301-1 - 230301-2.

S. Rotter:
"Viewpoint: PT Symmetry Goes Quantum";
Physics (eingeladen), 11 (2018).


W. Auzinger, I. Brezinova, H. Hofstätter, O. Koch, M. Quell:
"Practical Splitting Methods for the Adaptive Integration of Nonlinear Evolution Equations. Part II: Comparison of Local Error Estimation and Step-Selection Strategies for Nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave Equations";
in: "ASC Report 14/2017", herausgegeben von: Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing; Vienna University of Technology, Wien, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-902627-10-0, S. 1 - 40.

W. Auzinger, H. Hofstätter, D. Ketcheson, O. Koch:
"Practical splitting methods for the adaptive integration of nonlinear evolution equations. Part I: Construction of optimized schemes and pairs of schemes";
in: "ASC Report 25/2015", herausgegeben von: Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing; Vienna University of Technology, Wien, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-902627-08-7, S. 1 - 16.

V. Batyrev, M. Kreuzer:
"Conifold Degenerations of Fano 3-Folds as Hypersurfaces in Toric Varieties";
in: "Strings, Gauge Fields, and the Geometry Behind: The Legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2012, ISBN: 978-981-4412-54-4, S. 187 - 212.

V. Batyrev, M. Kreuzer:
"Integral Cohomology and Mirror Symmetry for Calabi-Yau 3-folds";
in: "Mirror Symmetry V", N. Yui, S.-T. Yau, J. Lewis (Hrg.); American Mathematical Society and International Press, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-8218-4251-5, S. 255 - 270.

D. Bender, L. Gonzalez, S. Gräfe:
"Short introduction into atomic and molecular configuration";
in: "Handbook of Biophotonics Vol. 1: Basis and Techniques", J. Popp et al. (Hrg.); Wiley-VCH, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-527-41047-7, S. 39 - 86.

E. Bianchi:
"Patchy colloids: a theoretical and numerical perspective on functionalized units for self-assembly";
in: "Self-Assembly of Nano- and Micro-structured Materials using Colloidal Engineering", 12; D. Chakrabarti, S. Sacanna (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Elsevier; Frontiers of Nanoscience, Amsterdam, 2019, S. 2 - 172.

J.-P. Blaizot, E. Iancu, A. Rebhan:
"Thermodynamics of the high-temperature quark-gluon plasma";
in: "Quark-Gluon Plasma", R.C. Hwa, X.-N. Wang (Hrg.); World Scientific Publishing Co., 2004, ISBN: 981-238-077-9, S. 60 - 122.

D. Blaschke, F. Delduc, F. Gieres, M. Schweda, S. Sorella:
"Some local and global aspects of the gauge fixing in Yang-Mills theories";
in: "Fundamental Interactions - A memorial volume for Wolfgang Kummer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2009, ISBN: 978-981-4273-07-7, S. 145 - 174.

A. Braun, J. Knapp, E. Scheidegger, H. Skarke, N.-O. Walliser:
"PALP - A User Manual";
in: "Strings, Gauge Fields, and the Geometry Behind: The Legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2012, ISBN: 978-981-4412-54-4, S. 461 - 550.

V. Braun, M. Kreuzer, A.B. Ovrut, E. Scheidegger:
"Worldsheet instantons and torsion curves";
in: "Advances in String Theory: First Sowers Workshop inTheoretical Physics", American Mathematical Society and International Press, Providence, USA, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-8218-4764-0, S. 231 - 239.

J. Burgdörfer, C. Lemell:
"Theoretical concepts and methods for electron emission from solid surfaces";
in: "Slow heavy-particle induced electron emission from solid surfaces", Hp. Winter, J. Burgdörfer (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-70788-2, S. 1 - 38.

J. Burgdörfer, S. Rotter:
"Quantum mechanics";
in: "Encyclopedia of Applied High Energy and Particle Physics", R. Stock (Hrg.); Wiley-VCH, 2009, (eingeladen), ISBN: 3-527-40691-3, S. 1 - 46.

J. Burgdörfer, L. Wirtz, M. Dallos, H. Lischka:
"Ab initio calculations of charge exchange in ion-surface collision: an embedded-cluster approach";
in: "Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films and Nanostructures", J. Berakdar, J. Kirschner (Hrg.); WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2004, ISBN: 3-527-40477-5, S. 130 - 143.

R. Dirl, P. Weinberger:
"Group Theory in Materials Science: Applications";
in: "Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics", Elsevier, 2005, ISBN: 0-12-227610-8, S. 290 - 302.

R. Dirl, P. Weinberger:
"Group Theory in Materials Science: Foundations";
in: "Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics", Elsevier, 2005, ISBN: 0-12-227610-8, S. 281 - 290.

F.B. Dunning, J. Lancaster, C. O. Reinhold, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"The kicked Rydberg atom";
in: "Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 52: Building Insights, Breaking Boundaries", P. Berman, C. Lin (Hrg.); Elsevier, 2005, ISBN: 0-12-003852-8, S. 49 - 103.

S. Esterhazy, D. Liu, M. Liertzer, A. Cerjan, L. Ge, K. Makris, A. Stone, J. Melenk, S. Johnson, S. Rotter:
"A scalable numerical approach for the Steady-State Ab-Initio Laser Theory";
in: "ASC Report 40/2013", herausgegeben von: Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing; Vienna University of Technology, Wien, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-902627-06-3, S. 1 - 16.

S. Gräfe, V. Engel, M.Yu. Ivanov:
"Attosecond Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Electron Tunneling in Dissociating Hydrogen Molecular Ion";
in: "Ultrafast Phenomena XVI", P. Corkum, S. de Silvestri, K. Nelson, E. Riedle, R. Schoenlein (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-540-95945-8, S. 57 - 59.

D. Greenberger, K. Svozil:
"A quantum mechanical look at time travel and free will";
in: "Between Chance and Choice", H. Atmanspacher, R. Bishop (Hrg.); Imprint Academic, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 0-907845-215, S. 293 - 308.

D. Greenberger, K. Svozil:
"Quantum theory looks at time travel";
in: "Quo vadis quantum mechanics", A. Elitzur, S. Dolev, N. Kolenda (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, 2005, S. 63 - 71.

H. Grosse, D. Grumiller:
"Daniel Kastler (Nachruf)";
in: "Almanach 2016", Verlag der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2017, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-3-7001-8123-1, S. 324 - 327.

H. Grosse, A. Rebhan:
"Rudolf Haag (Nachruf)";
in: "Almanach 2016", Verlag der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2017, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-3-7001-8123-1, S. 330 - 333.

A. Grüneis:
"Coupled Cluster and Quantum Chemistry Schemes for Solids";
in: "Handbook of Materials Modeling: Methods: Theory and Modeling", Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2018, (eingeladen), S. 1 - 16.

D. Grumiller, R. Jackiw, N. Johansson:
"Canonical analysis of cosmological topologically massive gravity at the chiral point";
in: "Fundamental Interactions - A memorial volume for Wolfgang Kummer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2009, ISBN: 978-981-4273-07-7, S. 363 - 374.

D. Grumiller, R. McNees, J. Salzer:
"Black holes and thermodynamics - The first half century";
in: "Quantum Aspects of Black Holes", X. Calmet (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, 2015, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-3-319-10851-3, S. 27 - 70.

M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Low energy electron-ion recombination in a magnetic field: The role of chaotic dynamics ";
in: "Physics of Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions", J. Burgdörfer, J.S. Cohen, S. Datz, C. R. Vane (Hrg.); Rinton, New York, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 1-58949-018-5, S. 324 - 328.

M. Kreuzer:
"Heterotic (0,2) Gepner models and related geometries";
in: "Fundamental Interactions - A memorial volume for Wolfgang Kummer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2009, ISBN: 978-981-4273-07-7, S. 335 - 362.

D. Krisiloff, J. M.! Dieterich, F. Libisch, E Carter:
"Numerical Challenges in a Cholesky-decomposed Local Correlation Quantum Chemistry Framework";
in: "Mathematical and Computational Modeling: With Applications in Natural and Social Sciences, Engineering, and the Arts", R. Melnik (Hrg.); Wiley-VCH, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-118-85398-6, S. 59 - 91.

P. Landshoff, A. Rebhan:
"Frozen ghosts in thermal gauge field theories";
in: "Fundamental Interactions - A memorial volume for Wolfgang Kummer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2009, ISBN: 978-981-4273-07-7, S. 175 - 180.

S. Leupold, K. Redlich, M. Stephanov, A. Andronic, D. Blaschke, M. Bluhm, A. Dumitru, Z. Fodor, B. Friman, C. Fuchs, B. Kämpfer, F. Karsch, S. Katz, T. Klähn, J. Randrup, C. Ratti, A. Rebhan, D. Rischke, K. Rummukainen, C. Sasaki, B.-J. Schaefer, E. Shuryak, M. Thaler, J. Wambach, F. Weber, W. Weise, S. Typel:
"Bulk Properties of Strongly Interacting Matter";
in: "The CBM Physics Book: Compressed Baryonic Matter in Laboratory Experiments", B. Friman, C. Höhne, J. Knoll, S. Leupold, J. Randrup, R. Rapp, P. Senger (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2011, (eingeladen), ISBN: 3642132928, S. 39 - 334.

K. Makris, A. Brandstötter, S. Rotter:
"Constant-intensity waves in non-Hermitian media";
in: "Parity-time Symmetry and Its Applications", 280; D. Christodoulides, J. Yang (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Springer Tracts in Modern Physics; Springer-Verlag, Singapore, 2018, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-981-13-1246-5, S. 535 - 555.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Emergence of Gravity and RG Flow";
in: "Gravity and the Quantum", Fundamental Theories of Physics 187; Springer: New York, 2017, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-3-319-51699-8, S. 283 - 302.

V. Putz, K. Svozil:
"Quantum Music, Quantum Arts and Their Perception";
in: "Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction to Core Concepts, Theory and Applications", E. Miranda (Hrg.); Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham, Switzerland, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-030-95538-0, S. 179 - 191.

R.C. Rashkov:
"Notes on the Relation Between Strings, Integrable Models and Gauge Theories";
in: "Strings, Gauge Fields, and the Geometry Behind: The Legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2012, ISBN: 978-981-4412-54-4, S. 391 - 402.

A. Rebhan:
"Thermal gauge field theories ";
in: "Lectures on quark matter", W. Plessas, L. Mathelitsch (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 3-540-43234-5, S. 161 - 208.

A. Rebhan, L. Katzarkov, J. Knapp, R. Rashkov, E. Scheidegger:
"Foreword by the Editors";
in: "Strings, Gauge Fields, and the Geometry Behind: The Legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2012, ISBN: 978-981-4412-54-4, S. vii - ix.

A. Rebhan, P. van Nieuwenhuizen, R. Wimmer:
"Quantum corrections to solitons and BPS saturation";
in: "Fundamental Interactions - A memorial volume for Wolfgang Kummer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2009, ISBN: 978-981-4273-07-7, S. 41 - 74.

B. I. Schneider, J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, S. X. Hu, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Recent Advances in Computational Methods for the Solution of the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation for the Interaction of Short, Intense Radiation with One and Two-Electron Systems: Application to He and H2+";
in: "Quantum Dynamic Imaging", A. D. Bandrauk, M.Yu. Ivanov (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, New York, 2011, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-1-4419-9490-5, S. 149 - 208.

J. Schöll, E. Paschinger:
"Cluster analysis with restricted random walks ";
in: "Classification, Clustering and Data Analysis", K. Jajuga, A. Sokolowski, H. Bock (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002, ISBN: 3-540-43691-x, S. 113 - 120.

D. J. Schwarz, W. Zimdahl, A.B. Balakin, D. Pavón:
"Cosmic acceleration from effective forces?";
in: "Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and their Use for Cosmology", M. Gilfanov, R. Sunyaev, E. Churazov (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, ISBN: 3-540-43769-x, S. 541 - 543.

M. Schweda:
"(My) Life with Wolfgang Kummer";
in: "Fundamental Interactions - A memorial volume for Wolfgang Kummer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2009, ISBN: 978-981-4273-07-7, S. 399 - 402.

H. Skarke:
"How to Classify Reflexive Gorenstein Cones";
in: "Strings, Gauge Fields, and the Geometry Behind: The Legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer", World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2012, ISBN: 978-981-4412-54-4, S. 443 - 458.

B. Sulik, C. Koncz, K. Tökési, A. Orbán, L. Köver, S. Ricz, J.-Y. Chesnel, N. Stolterfoht, D. Berényi:
"Hot electrons from intermediate velocity C+ + inert gas collisions: experimental signatures of Fermi-shuttle ionization";
in: "Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions", J. Burgdörfer, J.S. Cohen, S. Datz, C. R. Vane (Hrg.); Rinton, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 1-58949-018-5, S. 567 - 570.

A. Svozil, K. Svozil:
"Induction and Physical Theory Formation As Well As Universal Computation by Machine Learning";
in: "Swarm Intelligence", A. Schumann (Hrg.); CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2021, S. 170 - 180.

K. Svozil:
"A note on the statistical sampling aspect of delayed choice entanglement swapping";
in: "Probing the Meaning of Quantum Mechanics", herausgegeben von: Diederik Aerts, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Christian de Ronde and Decio Krause; World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2018, ISBN: 978-981-3276-88-8, S. 1 - 9.

K. Svozil:
"Computational universes";
in: "Space time physics and fractality", P Weibel, G. Ord, O.E. Rössler (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, 2005, ISBN: 3-211-25210-x, S. 144 - 173.

K. Svozil:
"Contexts in quantum, classical and partition logic";
in: "Handbook of Quantum Logic and quantum Structures: Quantum Logic", K. Engesser et al. (Hrg.); Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008, ISBN: 9-780-444-528698, S. 551 - 586.

K. Svozil:
"Entanglement through Path Identification";
in: "Mathematics Almost Everywhere. In Memory of Solomon Marcus", C.S. Calude, A. Bellow, T. Zamfirescu (Hrg.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2018, ISBN: 978-981-3237-30-8, S. 211 - 218.

K. Svozil:
"Feyerabend and physics";
in: "Paul Feyerabend - ein Philosoph aus Wien", F. Stadler, K.R. Fischer (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York, 2006, ISBN: 3-211-29759-6, S. 66 - 97.

K. Svozil:
"Finite automata models of quantized systems; Conceptual status and outlook";
in: "Developments in language theory", M. Ito, M. Toyama (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, 2003, (eingeladen), ISBN: 3-540-40431-7, S. 93 - 102.

K. Svozil:
"Generalized event structures and probabilities";
in: "Information and Complexity. World Scientific Series in Information Studies: Volume 6", M. Burgin, C.S. Calude (Hrg.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2016, ISBN: 978-981-3109-02-5, S. 276 - 300.

K. Svozil:
"Indeterminism and randomness through physics";
in: "Randomness through computaion", herausgegeben von: Hector Zenil; World Scientific, 2011, ISBN: 978-981-4327-74-9, S. 109 - 119.

K. Svozil:
"Omega and the time evolution of the n-body problem";
in: "Randomness and Complexity, from Leibnitz to Chaitin", C.S. Calude (Hrg.); World Scientific, 2007, ISBN: 978-981-277-082-0, S. 231 - 236.

K. Svozil:
"Physics and metaphysics look at computation";
in: "Church's Thesis after 70 Years", A. Olszewski, J. Wolenski, R. Janusz (Hrg.); Ontos Verlag, 2006, ISBN: 3-938793-09-0, S. 491 - 517.

K. Svozil:
"Quantum Advantage by Relational Queries About Equivalence Classes";
in: "High-Performance Computing and Big Data Analysis", L. Grandinetti, S. Mirtaheri, R. Shahbazian (Hrg.); Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-33495-6, S. 504 - 512.

K. Svozil:
"Quantum Queries Associated with Equi-partitioning of States and Multipartite Relational Encoding Across Space-Time";
in: "Advances in Unconventional Computing: Volume 1: Theory", herausgegeben von: Andrew Adamatzky; Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-33924-5, S. 429 - 438.

K. Svozil:
"Vector Computation";
in: "Handbook of Unconventional Computing", A. Adamatzky (Hrg.); World Scientific, Singapore, 2021, (eingeladen), ISSN: 2737-520x, S. 489 - 505.

K. Svozil, C.S. Calude:
"Is feasibility in physics limited by phantasy alone?";
in: "A computable universe", H. Zenile (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: World Scientific; World Scientific Review, Singapore, 2012, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-9814374309, S. 539 - 547.

K. Tökési, X.-M. Tong, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Friction force for charged particles at large distances from metal surfaces";
in: "Advances in Quantum Chemistry Volume 46", J.R. Sabin, E. Brändas (Hrg.); Elsevier, 2004, ISBN: 0-12-034846-2, S. 29 - 64.

K. Tökési, L. Wirtz, C. Lemell, X.-M. Tong, J. Burgdörfer:
"Scattering of highly charged ions at microcapillaries ";
in: "Physics of Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions", J. Burgdörfer, J.S. Cohen, S. Datz, C. R. Vane (Hrg.); Rinton, New York, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 1-58949-018-5, S. 580 - 591.

X.-M. Tong, C. W. Chu, T. Watanabe, S. Ohtani, J. Burgdörfer:
"Self-interaction free time-dependent density functional theory for atomic collisions: from photons to highly-charged ions";
in: "Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions", J. Burgdörfer, J.S. Cohen, S. Datz, C. R. Vane (Hrg.); Rinton, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 1-58949-018-5, S. 739 - 750.

T. Waitz, W. Schranz, A. Tröster:
"Nanoscale Phase Transformations in Functional Materials";
in: "Mesoscopic Phenomena in Multifunctional Materials", springer, 2014, S. 23 - 56.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling and Reading Interference Structures Created by Strong Field Ionizing Attosecond Electron Wave Packets";
in: "Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 125", K. Yamanouchi, M. Katsumi (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-28947-7, S. 193 - 197.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, G.A. Reider, R. Dörner, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Driving Electronic Wave Packets by Attosecond Half-Cycle Pulses";
in: "Ultrafast Phenomena XVII", M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R. Schoenlein, A. Taylor (Hrg.); Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN: 9780199768370, S. 89 - 91.

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden

A. Abbott, C.S. Calude, K. Svozil:
"On the unpredictability of individual quantum measurement outcomes";
in: "Gurevich Festschrift II", L.D. Beklemishev (Hrg.); Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-3-319-23534-9, S. 69 - 86.

F. Aigner, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Shot noise in transport through quantum dots: Clean versus disordered samples";
in: "Journal of Computational Electronics", Springer-Verlag, 6, 2007, S. 109 - 111.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Relativistic superfluid hydrodynamics from field theory";
in: "Proceedings of "Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum X"", PoS Confinement X, 2012, S. 256 - 263.

P. Anastasopoulos, I. Antoniadis, K. Benakli, M. Goodsell, A. Vichi:
"One-loop adjoint masses for branes at non-supersymmetric angles";
in: "Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2011", Proceedings of Science, Trieste, 2011, Paper-Nr. PoS(CORFU2011)015, 15 S.

P. Anastasopoulos, M. Goodsell, R. Richter:
"Three- and Four-point correlators of excited bosonic twist fields";
in: "PoS CORFU2014", Proceedings of Science (PoS), PoS CORFU2014 (2015) 099, 2015, S. 099-0 - 099-16.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Longitudinal thermalization via the chromo-Weibel instability";
in: "Xth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum", herausgegeben von: SISSA; Proceedings of Science, Trieste, 2012, Paper-Nr. 176, 8 S.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Plasma instabilities in heavy ion collisions";
in: "The IX International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum QCHS IX, AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 1343", F. J. Llanes-Estrada, J. R. Pelaez (Hrg.); American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0899-9, S. 614.

F. Aumayr, G. Wachter, K. Tökési, G. Betz, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, A.S. El-Said, R.A. Wilhelm, R. Heller, S. Facsko, R. Ritter:
"Nano-structuring of CaF2 surfaces by slow highly charged ions: simulation and experiment";
in: "XXVIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2013), 24 - 30 July 2013, Lanzhou, China", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 488, 2014, S. 012002.

E. Benes, M. Gröschl, H. Nowotny, H. Böhm, S. Radel, C. Hauser, J.B. Power, K.C. Lowe, L.G. Briarty, M.R. Davey:
"The ultrasonic h-shape separator: Harvesting of the alga Spirulina Platensis under zero-gravity conditions";
in: "Proc. WCU 2003 - World Congress on Ultrasonics", WCU - World Congress on Ultrasonics, Paris/France, 2003, ISBN: 2-9521105-0-6, S. 1631 - 1638.

E. Benes, M. Gröschl, H. Nowotny, F. Trampler, T. Keijzer, H. Böhm, S. Radel, L. Gherardini, J.J. Hawkes, R. König, C. Delouvroy:
"Ultrasonic separation of suspended particles";
in: "Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2001 ", D.E. Yuhas, S.C. Schneider (Hrg.); IEEE, Atlanta/USA, 2001, ISBN: 0-7803-7177-1, S. 649 - 659.

E. Benes, M. Gröschl, S. Radel, C. Hauser, H. Böhm, H. Nowotny:
"New simple mathematical model for the separation performance of ultrasonic cell filters";
in: "Proc. 2nd Congress of Alps-Adria Acoustics Association and 1st Congress of Acoustical Society of Croatia", Acoustical Society of Croatia, Zagreb/Croatia, 2005, ISBN: 953-95097-0-x, S. 14 - 17.

E. Benes, M. Gröschl, S. Radel, H. Nowotny:
"Splitting of dispersions by ultrasonic standing wave fields";
in: "Proc. 18th Int. Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2004)", Acoustical Society of Japan, Kyoto/Japan, 2004, ISBN: 4-9901915-6-0, 4 S.

E. Benes, R. Thalhammer, M. Gröschl, H. Nowotny, S. Jary:
"Viscosity sensor based on a symmetric dual quartz thickness shear resonator";
in: "Proc. 2003 IEEE Int. Frequency Control Symp. / 17th Europ. Frequency and Time Forum", herausgegeben von: J.R. Vig; IEEE, Tampa, Florida/USA, 2003, ISBN: 0-7803-7689-7, S. 1048 - 1054.

L. Bergamin, D. Grumiller:
"Black holes as boundaries in 2D dilaton supergravity";
in: "Proceedings of the eleventh Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity", herausgegeben von: H. Kleinert, R. Jantzen, R. Ruffini; World Scientific, 2008, S. 2686 - 2691.

D. Blaschke, M. Schweda, F. Gieres, O. Piguet:
"A vector supersymmetry killing the infrared singularity of gauge theories in noncommutative space";
in: "Proceedings of Science", Springer-Verlag, 2006, S. 1 - 10.

K. Boguslavski, B. Kasmaei, M. Strickland:
"Long and short distance behavior of the imaginary part of the heavy-quark potential";
in: "A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (vConf21)", 258; EPJ Web of Conferences, 2022, S. 04008 - 04013.

K. Boguslavski, A. Kurkela, T. Lappi, J. Peuron:
"Spectral function for overoccupied gluodynamics from classical lattice simulations";
in: "Proceedings, 25th Cracow Epiphany Conference on Advances in Heavy Ion Physics (Epiphany 2019): Cracow, Poland, January 8-11, 2019", 50; Acta Physica Polonica B, 2019, (eingeladen), S. 1105 - 1116.

K. Boguslavski, T. Lappi, S. Schlichting:
"Fermion and gluon spectral functions far from equilibrium";
in: "A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (vConf21)", 258; EPJ Web of Conferences, 2022, S. 05003 - 05010.

F. Brünner, D. Parganlija, A. Rebhan:
"Top-down holographic glueball decay rates";
in: "XIth Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 1701", AIP Press, 2016, S. 090007-1 - 090007-9.

F. Brünner, A. Rebhan:
"Predictions for production and decay of the pseudoscalar glueball from the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
in: "EPS-HEP2017", 314; Proceedings of Science (PoS), 2018, S. 545-0 - 545-4.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Ab-initio simulations of strong-field processes in wide-bandgap insulators";
in: "CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science in Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optic", OSA - The optical society, 2016, (eingeladen).

J. Burgdörfer:
"Ultrafast currents in insulators";
in: "Proceedings of SPIE Volume 9835 - Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics", The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2016, (eingeladen).

J. Burgdörfer, C. Lemell, K.-M. Schiessl, B. Solleder, C. O. Reinhold, K. Tökési, L Wirtz:
"Collisions of slow highly charged ions with surfaces";
in: "Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions - Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference", World Scientific, 2006, ISBN: 981-270-412-4, S. 16 - 45.

J. Burgdörfer, N. Rohringer, P.S. Krstic, C. O. Reinhold:
"Nonadiabatic processes near barriers";
in: "Nonadiabatic transition in quantum systems", V.I. Osherov, L.I. Ponomarev (Hrg.); Institute of Problem of Chemical Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia, 2004, ISBN: 5-901675-48-7, S. 205 - 228.

N. Cribiori:
"Constructing the Supersymmetric anti-D3-brane action in KKLT";
in: "Proceedings, 19th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity (CORFU2019)", Pos CORFU 2019, 2019.

C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of ultra-short laser pulses with clusters: short-time dynamics of a nano-plasma";
in: "The pyhsics of ionized gases", AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, New York, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0377-2, S. 143 - 153.

C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer, E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet:
"X-ray generation by laser-cluster interaction";
in: "8e Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et X (UVX 2006)", EDP Sciences, 2006, ISBN: 2-86883-984-3, S. 55 - 62.

P. Dombi, A. Apolonski, G. Paulus, M. Kakehata, K. Torizuka, R. Holzwarth, T. Udem, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, T. Hänsch, F. Krausz:
"Solid-state Carrier-envelope phase detector";
in: "Ultrafast Optics IV", F. Krausz, C. Korn, P. Corkum, I.A. Walmsley (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004, ISBN: 0-387-40091-5, S. 185 - 189.

C. Ecker, S. Stricker:
"Holographic Entanglement Entropy from Numerical Relativity";
in: "PoS CORFU2015 (2016) 066", PoS CORFU2015, 2016, S. 11.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, C. Ticknor, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond two-photon interferometry for probing doubly excited states of helium";
in: "Multiphoton Processes And Attoscond Physics", K. Yamanouchi, K. Midorikawa (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Springer Proceedings in Physics; Springer-Verlag, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-28947-7, S. 187 - 191.

S. Filipp, K. Svozil:
"Boole-Bell-type inequalities in mathematica";
in: "Challenging the Boundaries of Symbolic Computation", P. Mitic, P. Ramsden, J. Carne (Hrg.); Imperial College Press, London, 2003, ISBN: 1860943632, S. 215 - 222.

S. Filipp, K. Svozil:
"Tracing the bounds on Bell-type inequalities";
in: "Foundations of probability and physics - 3", A. Khrennikov (Hrg.); American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 0-7354-0235-3, S. 87 - 94.

A. Gerhold:
"Two aspects of color superconductivity: gauge independence and neutrality";
in: "Strong and electroweak matter 2004", herausgegeben von: K. J. Eskola, K. Kainulainen, K. Kajantie, K. Rummukainen; World Scientific, Singapore, 2005, ISBN: 981-256-135-8, S. 351 - 355.

A. Gerhold, A. Ipp, A. Rebhan:
"Anomalous specific heat in ultradegenerate QED and QCD";
in: "Strong and electroweak matter 2004", herausgegeben von: K. J. Eskola, K. Kainulainen, K. Kajantie, K. Rummukainen; World Scientific, Singapore, 2005, ISBN: 981-256-135-8, S. 411 - 415.

A. Gerhold, A. Ipp, A. Rebhan:
"Thermodynamics of QCD at large quark chemical potential";
in: "29th Johns Hopkins Workshop on current problems in particle theory: strong matter in the heavens", herausgegeben von: Jonathan Bagger, Gabor Domokos, David E. Kaplan, Susan Kovesi-Domokos, Raman Sundrum; Proceedings of Science, Trieste, 2006, (eingeladen), ISSN: 1824-8039, Paper-Nr. PoS(JHW2005)013, 19 S.

M. Gröschl, R. Thalhammer, G. Karlowatz, E. Benes, H. Nowotny:
"Viscosity monitoring with a quartz crystal thickness shear resonator";
in: "Proc. 1st Congress of Alps Adria Acoustics Association / 3rd Congress of Slovenian Acoustical Society", M. Cudina (Hrg.); Slovenian Acoustical Society, Portoroz/Slowenien, 2003, ISBN: 961-6238-73-6, S. 663 - 672.

D. Grumiller:
"Logarithmic corrections to the entropy of the exact string black hole";
in: "8th International Conference On Path Integrals From Quantum Information To Cosmology", herausgegeben von: C. Burdik, O. Navratil and S. Posta; JINR, Dubna, 2005, (eingeladen), ISBN: 5-9530-0100-2, 18 S.

D. Grumiller:
"Path integral for half-binding potentials as quantum mechanical analog for black hole partition functions";
in: "9th International Conference On Path Integrals: New Trends And Perspectives (PI007)", herausgegeben von: W. Janke and A. Pelster; World Scientific, Singapore, 2008, S. 236 - 241.

D. Grumiller:
"Virtual black holes in generic 2D dilaton theories";
in: "Proceedings of ICHEP 2002", S. Bentvelsen, P. de Jong, J. Koch, E. Laenen (Hrg.); Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003, ISBN: 0-444-51343-4, S. 870 - 871.

D. Grumiller, R. Jackiw:
"Liouville gravity from Einstein gravity";
in: "TBA", NN, 2008, (eingeladen).

D. Grumiller, W. Kummer:
"How to approach quantum gravity-background independence in 1+1 dimensions";
in: "Proceedings to the Euroconference on Symmetries beyond the Standard Model", N. Mankoc et al. (Hrg.); DMFA Ljubljana, 2003, (eingeladen), S. 184 - 196.

D. Grumiller, W. Kummer, D. Vassilevich:
"Three functions in dilaton gravity: The good, the bad and the muggy";
in: "Proceedings of the IVth International Hutsulian Workshop on Mathematical Theories and their Applications in Physics & Technology", S.S. Moskaliuk (Hrg.); Timpani 2004, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 2004, ISBN: 966-7649-26-1, S. 59 - 96.

K. Hatsagortsyan, A. Ipp, J. Evers, A. Di Piazza, C. Keitel:
"Ultra-strong laser pulses: streak-camera for gamma-rays via pair production and quantum radiative reaction";
in: "Diode-Pumped High Energy and High Power Lasers; ELI: Ultrarelativistic Laser-Matter Interactions and Petawatt Photonics; and HiPER: the European Pathway to Laser Energy", J. Hein et al. (Hrg.); Proc. SPIE, 2011, S. 80801T-1 - 80801T-7.

J.J. Hawkes, M. Gröschl, E. Benes, H. Nowotny, W.T. Coakley:
"Positioning particles within liquids using ultrasound force fields";
in: "Proc. Forum Acusticum 2002", A. Calvo-Manzano, A. Pérez-López, J.S. Santiago (Hrg.); Sociedad Española de Acústica, Madrid, Sevilla/Spain, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 84-87985-06-8, Paper-Nr. PHA-01007, 6 S.

M. Hiller, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, S. Ye, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning:
"Creation of quasi-one-dimensional high-n strontium Rydberg atoms";
in: "XXVIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2013), 24 - 30 July 2013, Lanzhou, China", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 488, 2014, S. 032002.

R. Höller, V. Smejkal, F. Libisch, Ch. Hellmich:
"Energy Landscapes of Graphene under General Deformations: DFT-to-Hyperelasticity Upscaling";
in: "Technical Program and Abstracts of EMI 2021 / PMC 2021", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2021.

R. Höller, V. Smejkal, F. Libisch, Ch. Hellmich:
"Upscaling From Electrons to Membranes: Quantification of the Anisotropic Elasticity of Graphene";
in: "Programme & Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research in Civil Engineering Sciences (IS-IRCES)", Technische Universität Wien, 2021, S. 11.

A. Ipp:
"Thermodynamics of deconfined QCD at small and large chemical potential";
in: "Strong and electroweak matter 2004", herausgegeben von: K. J. Eskola, K. Kainulainen, K. Kajantie, K. Rummukainen; World Scientific, Singapore, 2005, ISBN: 981-256-135-8, S. 256 - 260.

A. Ipp:
"Yoctosecond photon pulse generation in heavy ion collisions";
in: "Proceedings of International Conference on Physics in Intense Fields (PIF2010), 24-26 November 2010, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan", K. Itakura (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: KEK Proceedings 2010-13; KEK Reports, Tsukuba, Japan, 2011, S. 32 - 35.

A. Ipp, J. Evers, C. Keitel, K. Hatsagortsyan:
"Streaking At High Energies With Electrons And Positrons";
in: "Light At Extreme Intensities 2011", herausgegeben von: AIP Conference Proceedings; AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012, S. 25 - 30.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Rapidity profiles from 3+1D Glasma simulations with finite longitudinal thickness";
in: "Proceedings, 2017 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP 2017)", 314; Proceedings of Science, 2018, (eingeladen).

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, M. Favoni, D. Schuh:
"Preserving gauge invariance in neural networks";
in: "A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (vConf21)", 258; EPJ Web of Conferences, 2022, ISSN: 2100-014x, Paper-Nr. 09004, 8 S.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"On transverse momentum broadening in real-time lattice simulations of the glasma and in the weak-field limit";
in: "A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (vConf21)", 258; EPJ Web of Conferences, 2022, ISSN: 2100-014x, Paper-Nr. 05002, 8 S.

J. Kalliauer, G. Kahl, St. Scheiner, Ch. Hellmich:
"A Novel, Molecular Dynamically Informed, Beam Model for DNA";
in: "Proceedings of the 55th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES2018)", IMDEA Materials Institute, 2018.

J. Kalliauer, G. Kahl, St. Scheiner, Ch. Hellmich:
"Molecule-to-Beam Homogenization, Applied to DNA";
in: "Book of Abstracts of the Vienna Young Scientists Symposium (VSS)", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Vienna, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0.

J. Kalliauer, G. Kahl, St. Scheiner, Ch. Hellmich:
"Molecule-to-Beam Homogenization, Applied to DNA";
in: "Book of Abstracts of the 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics", TU Verlag, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-903024-96-0, S. 412.

J. Kalliauer, St. Scheiner, G. Kahl, Ch. Hellmich:
"DNA Beams: Molecular-To-Beam Upscaling - Theoretical Foundations and Application to DNA";
in: "Book of Abstracts of the 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2019)", TU Verlag, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-903024-84-7, S. 98 - 99.

J. Knapp:
"Exotic Calabi-Yaus from non-abelian gauge theories";
in: "Matrix Factorizations in Algebra, Geometry, and Physics", herausgegeben von: European Mathematical Society; Oberwolfach Reports, 2013, (eingeladen), S. 2501 - 2552.

M. Kreuzer:
"On the statistics of lattice polytopes";
in: "Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Information Theory and Statistical Learning", M. Dehmer, M. Drmota, F. Emmert-Streib (Hrg.); CSREA Press, 2008, ISBN: 1-60132-079-5, S. 119 - 124.

M. Krüger, M. Schenk, M. Förster, S. Thomas, G. Wachter, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, P. Hommelhoff:
"Attosecond physics at a nanoscale metal tip";
in: "XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena", EDP Sciences, 2013, S. 01005-1 - 01005-3.

M. Krüger, S. Thomas, M. Förster, L. Maisenbacher, G. Wachter, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, P. Hommelhoff:
"Attosecond physics at a nanoscale metal tip - strong field physics meets near-field optics";
in: "Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVII", Proc. SPIE Vol. 8623, 2013, S. 862313-1 - 862313-6.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-Dependent Two-Particle Reduced Density Matrix Theory: Application to High-Harmonic Generation";
in: "XXX international Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions", 875; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017, S. 012011 - 012017.

P. Lebiedowicz, J. Leutgeb, O. Nachtmann, A. Rebhan, A. Szczurek:
"Central exclusive diffractive production of axial-vector f1 mesons in proton-proton collisions";
in: "40th International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2020)", Proceedings of Science (PoS), Trieste, 2021, Paper-Nr. 492, 6 S.

C. Lemell, K. Dimitriou, D. Arbó, D. V. Kartashov, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe:
"Low-Energy Peak Structure in Strong-Field Ionization by Mid-Infrared Laser Pulses";
in: "XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena", EDP Sciences, 2013, S. 02016-1 - 02016-3.

C. Lemell, B. Solleder, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulations of streaking experiments at surfaces";
in: "24th Summer School And International Symposium On The Physics Of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers", Astronomical Observatory, Volgina 7, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 2009, ISBN: 978-86-80019-27-7, S. 241 - 244.

J. Leutgeb, A. Rebhan:
"Axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD and their contribution to the muon g-2";
in: "40th International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2020)", Proceedings of Science (PoS), Trieste, 2021, Paper-Nr. 671, 6 S.

F. Libisch, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Chladni figures in Andreev billiards";
in: "EPJ ST Vol. 145: Nodal Patterns in Physics and Mathematics", U. Smilansky, H. Stöckmann (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, 2007, S. 245 - 254.

M. Ossiander, K. Golyari, K. Scharl, L. Lehnert, F. Siegrist, D. Zimin, M. Weidmann, I. Floss, V. Smejkal, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, F. Krausz, M. Schultze:
"Attosecond Vacuum-Ultraviolet Photoconductive Switching in Dielectrics";
in: "2020 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics (cleo)", herausgegeben von: IEEE; CLEO, 2021, ISBN: 978-1-943580-76-7, 2 S.

D. Parganlija:
"Scalar Glueball in a Top-Down Holographic Approach to QCD";
in: "EEF70 Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy: Non-Perturbative Models and Methods of QCD vs. Experiment", P. Bicudo, A. Blin, B. Hiller, G. Rupp (Hrg.); Acta Physica Polonica B, Krakau, 2015, S. 219 - 224.

D. Parganlija:
"Scalar Mesons and FAIR";
in: "Proceedings for "FAIRNESS 12"", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2013, ISSN: 1742-6588, S. 012019-1 - 012019-5.

D. Parganlija:
"Tensor Glueball in a Top-Down Holographic Approach to QCD";
in: "International Meeting Excited QCD", P. Bicudo, S. Dubnicka, F. Giacosa, R. Kaminski, M. Krstic Marinkovic (Hrg.); Acta Physica Polonica B, Krakau, 2015, S. 289 - 294.

D. Parganlija, F. Giacosa:
"Excited Scalar Mesons and the Search for Glueballs";
in: "Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP 2016)", The Physical Society of Japan, JPS Conf.Proc., 2017, S. 011029 - 011034.

D. Parganlija, F. Giacosa:
"The f0(1790) and a0(1950) Resonances as Excited \bar{q}q States in the Extended Linear Sigma Model";
in: "Proceedings of Excited QCD 2017", Acta Physica Polonica B, 2017, S. 1029 - 1036.

D. Parganlija, P. Kovacs, G. Wolf, F. Giacosa, D. Rischke:
"Eta, Eta' and eLSM";
in: "Proceedings of 10th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (Confinement X) : Munich, Germany, October 8-12, 2012", PoS Confinement X, 117, 2012.

T. Paschen, M. Förster, M. Krüger, C. Lemell, G. Wachter, F. Libisch, T. Madlener, J. Burgdörfer, P. Hommelhoff:
"Two-color phase-controlled photoemission from a zero-dimensional nanostructure";
in: "Xxi International Conference On Ultrafast Phenomena 2018", herausgegeben von: EDP Sciences; EDP Sciences, Paris, 2019, S. 05004-1 - 05004-3.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time delays in correlated photoemission processes";
in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", 635; IOP Publishing, 2015, (eingeladen), S. 012004-1 - 012004-9.

E. Persson, S. Puschkarski, X.-M. Tong, J. Burgdörfer:
"Towards attosecond half-cycle pulses";
in: "Ultrafast Optics IV", F. Krausz, C. Korn, P. Corkum, I.A. Walmsley (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, 2004, ISBN: 0-387-40091-5, S. 253 - 258.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Chiral transition in dense, magnetized matter";
in: "AIP Conf. Proc. 1492 (2012)", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012, S. 264 - 268.

A. Rebhan:
"HTL perturbation theory and QCD thermodynamics";
in: "QCD perspectives on hot and dense matter", J.-P. Blaizot, E. Iancu (Hrg.); Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, (eingeladen), ISBN: 1-4020-1036-2, S. 327 - 351.

A. Rebhan:
"HTL-resummed thermodynamics of hot and dense QCD";
in: "Strong and electroweak matter 2002", M. G. Schmidt (Hrg.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2003, (eingeladen), ISBN: 981-238-333-6, S. 157 - 166.

A. Rebhan:
"Scalar and tensor glueball decay rates from the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
in: "Proceedings of the 51st Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions : La Thuile, Italy, March 19-26, 2016", E. Augé, J. Dumarchez, J. Trân Thanh Vân (Hrg.); ARISF, 2016, (eingeladen), ISBN: 979-10-968-7900-7, S. 81 - 84.

A. Rebhan, P. van Nieuwenhuizen, R. Wimmer:
"The Casimir effect for SUSY solitons";
in: "Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions", herausgegeben von: Kimball A. Milton; Rinton Press, 2004, ISBN: 1-58949-033-9, S. 158 - 165.

U. Reinosa:
"Renormalization and gauge symmetry for 2PI effective actions";
in: "Strong and electroweak matter 2004", herausgegeben von: K. J. Eskola, K. Kainulainen, K. Kajantie, K. Rummukainen; World Scientific, Singapore, 2005, ISBN: 981-256-135-8, S. 316 - 320.

S. Rieder, K. Svozil:
"Probability distributions and Cleason's theorem";
in: "Foundation of Probability and Physics - 4", G. Adenier, A. Khrennikov, C.A. Fuchs (Hrg.); American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0391-8, S. 235 - 242.

P. Romatschke, M. Strickland:
"Progress in anisotropic plasma physics";
in: "Strong and electroweak matter 2004", herausgegeben von: K. J. Eskola, K. Kainulainen, K. Kajantie, K. Rummukainen; World Scientific, Singapore, 2005, ISBN: 981-256-135-8, S. 167 - 176.

S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, F. Libisch, F. Aigner, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"A modular method for the efficient calculation of ballistic transport through quantum billiards";
in: "Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 5th International Conference, LSSC 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria", I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006, ISBN: 3-540-31994-8, S. 586 - 593.

A. Schmitt, F. Preis, A. Haber:
"Baryon onset in a magnetic field";
in: "Proceedings, 11th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (Confinement XI) : St. Petersburg, Russia, September 8-12, 2014", 1701; AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016, ISBN: 9780735413481, 5 S.

A. Schmitt, S. Stetina, M. Tachibana:
"Meson condensation and critical point in dense quark matter";
in: "Proceedings of "Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum IX"", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2011, S. 583 - 585.

S. Stricker:
"Holographic thermalization patterns";
in: "PoS EPS-HEP2013", Conference Proceedings, 2013, S. 547 - 552.

K. Svozil:
"Aesthetics and scarcity";
in: "On transient realities and their generators", FOAM, Brüssel, Belgien, 2006, ISBN: 9-08107-333-8, S. 152 - 167.

K. Svozil:
"Characterization of quantum computable decision problems by state discrimination";
in: "Quantum Theory - Reconsideration of Foundations", G. Adenier, A. Khrennikov, T.M. Nieuwenhuizen (Hrg.); American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2006, ISBN: 0-7354-0301-5, S. 271 - 279.

K. Svozil:
"Haunted Quantum Contextuality versus Value Indefiniteness";
in: "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-27653-8, S. 309 - 314.

K. Svozil:
"On counterfactuals and contextuality";
in: "Foundations of probability and physics - 3", A. Khrennikov (Hrg.); American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 0-7354-0235-3, S. 351 - 360.

K. Svozil:
"Physical Aspects of Oracles for Randomness and Hadamard´s Conjecture";
in: "Gruska Festschrift", C.S. Calude (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: LNCS; Springer International Publishing Switzerland, CH-6330 Cham, 2014, S. 223 - 230.

K. Svozil:
"Roots and (Re)sources of Value (In)definiteness Versus Contextuality";
in: "Quantum, Probability, Logic: The Work and Influence of Itamar Pitowsky", H. Meir, O. Shenker (Hrg.); Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-34316-3, S. 521 - 544.

G. Wachter, K. Tökési, G. Betz, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"A microscopic model for track formation by swift heavy ions";
in: "Book of Abstracts, 19th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-19)", herausgegeben von: Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik; Book of Abstracts, 19th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-19), 2012, S. 23.

G. Wolf, D. Parganlija, P. Kovacs, F. Giacosa, D. Rischke:
"Scalar mesons in a linear sigma model with (axial-)vector mesons";
in: "Xii Hadron Physics", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2013, S. 226 - 231.

S. Ye, X. Zhang, T. Killian, F.B. Dunning, M. Hiller, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Production of high-n strontium Rydberg atoms";
in: "XXVIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2013), 24 - 30 July 2013, Lanzhou, China", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 488, 2014, S. 022003.

P. Zeiner:
"Remarks on CSLs for cubic and hypercubic lattices";
in: "Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Proceedings of the XXV Intern. Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics", G.S. Pogosyan, L.E. Vicent, K.B. Wolf (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Institute of Physics; Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 2005, ISBN: 0-7503-1008-1, S. 569 - 573.

P. Zeiner, T. Janssen:
"Superspace groups for incommensurate composite structures";
in: "Symmetry and structural properties of condensed matter", T. Lulek, B. Lulek, A. Wal (Hrg.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2003, (eingeladen), ISBN: 981-238-272-0, S. 378 - 392.

P. Zeiner, T. Janssen:
"Superspace groups for incommensurate composite systems";
in: "Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics", J.-P. Gazeau et al. (Hrg.); Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003, ISBN: 0-7503-0933-4, S. 223 - 226.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag)

H. Afshar, A. Bagchi, S. Detournay, D. Grumiller, S. Prohazka, M. Riegler:
"Holographic Chern-Simons Theories";
Hauptvortrag: 7th Aegean Summer School "Beyond Einstein´s Theory of Gravity", Paros (eingeladen); 23.09.2013 - 28.09.2013; in: "Proceedings of the 7th Aegean Summer School : Beyond Einstein's theory of gravity. Modifications of Einstein's Theory of Gravity at Large Distances", Lect.Notes Phys., 892 (2015), S. 311 - 329.

F. Aigner, N. Simonovic, B. Solleder, L. Wirtz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Fast-atom diffraction at surfaces";
Vortrag: 26th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (XXVI ICPEAC), Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA (eingeladen); 22.07.2009 - 28.07.2009; in: "Journal of Physics Conference Series", IOP Publishing, 194 (2009), ISSN: 1742-6588; S. 012057-1 - 012057-8.

P. Anastasopoulos, M. Bianchi, R. Richter:
"Light strings at D-brane intersections";
Vortrag: 11th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, Corfu; 04.09.2011 - 18.09.2011; in: "Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2011", Proceedings of Science, (2011), S. 030-1 - 030-13.

P. Anastasopoulos, M. Cvetic, R. Richter, R. Vaudrevange:
"Discrete symmetries in semi-realistic orientifold compactifications";
Vortrag: 12th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, Greece; 08.09.2012 - 27.09.2012; in: "Discrete symmetries in semi-realistic orientifold compactifications", Proceedings of Science, (2012), S. 094-1 - 094-15.

P. Anastasopoulos, R. Richter:
"Light stringy state production";
Vortrag: 14th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity (CORFU2014) : Corfu, Greece, September 3-21, 2014, 14th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity (CORFU2014) : Corfu, Greece, September 3-21, 2014 (eingeladen); 03.09.2014 - 21.09.2014; in: "Light stringy state production", PoS Proceedings of Science, 116 (2014), S. 116-0 - 116-16.

G. Andriukaitis, T. Balciunas, A. Pugzlys, A. Baltuska, T. Popmintchev, C.-M. Chen, M. Murnane, H.C. Kapteyn:
"Phase-Matched Harmonic Generation beyond the Water Window with a Mid-IR Parametric Amplifier";
Vortrag: CLEO Europe 2011, Munich, Germany; 22.05.2011 - 26.05.2011; in: "EQEC 2011 - Conference Digest", (2011), ISBN: 978-1-4577-0532-8; Paper-Nr. CG5.4 THU, 1 S.

M. Antlanger, G. Kahl, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, E. Trizac:
"The polymorphic plethora of Wigner bilayer systems";
Poster: 10th Liquid Matter Conference (2017), Ljubljana; 17.07.2017 - 21.07.2017; in: "Liquids 2017 10TH LIQUID MATTER CONFERENCE", (2017), S. 1.009.

A. Apolonski, P. Dombi, G. Paulus, M. Kakehata, R. Holzwarth, T. Udem, T. Hänsch, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, F. Krausz:
"Solid-state light phase detector";
Vortrag: CLEO Europe EQEC 2003, Munich, Germany; 22.02.2003 - 27.02.2003; in: "Postdeadline papers", (2003).

D. G. Arbó, K. L. Ishikawa, X. Xie, M. Kitzler, S. Gräfe, J. Burgdörfer:
"Intracycle diffraction in atomic ionization by short-laser pulses: The time grating";
Poster: 11th European Conference On Atoms, Molecules And Photons (ecamp11), Aarhus, Denmark; 24.06.2013 - 28.06.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), Paper-Nr. Mo-T8- 1, 1 S.

D. Arbó, K. L. Ishikawa, X. Xie, M. Kitzler, S. Gräfe, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum interferences in electron emission for atomic ionization by infrared short-laser pulses";
Vortrag: 4th International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO2013), Paris; 08.07.2013 - 12.07.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), 1 S.

D. Arbó, J.E. Miraglia, M.S. Gravielle, P.A. Macri, V. D. Rodriguez, K. Tökési, K.-M. Schiessl, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Beyond the strong field model in atomic single photoionization";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Tu034.

D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, K. Dimitriou, J. Burgdörfer:
"Distribution of emitted electrons by shorter-laser pulses: dominant angular momentum near threshold";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Feiburg, Germany (eingeladen); 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Mo016.

D. Arnaudov, H. Dimov, R.C. Rashkov:
"On the pulsating strings in Sasaki-Einstein spaces";
Vortrag: Second Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, Sozopol, Bulgaria; 21.06.2010 - 26.06.2010; in: "Proceedings of 2nd Int. Conference AMiTaNS", (2010), S. 51 - 58.

F. Aumayr, A.S. El-Said, R. Heller, R. Wilhelm, G. Wachter, R. Ritter, S. Facsko, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Phase diagram for nanostructuring CaF2 surfaces by slow highly charged ions";
Poster: Symposium on Surface Science 2012 (3S*12), St.Christoph am Arlberg/A; 14.03.2012; in: "Conf. Proc. 3S*12 Symposium on Surface Science 2012", (2012), S. 129 - 130.

F. Aumayr, A.S. El-Said, W. Meissl, R. Heller, R. Ritter, S. Facsko, C. Lemell, B. Solleder, I. Gebeshuber, G. Betz, W. Möller, J. Burgdörfer:
"Potential energy threshold for nano-hillock formation on CaF2 by impact of very slow, highly charged ions";
Poster: 14th Intern. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI-2008), University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo/Japan; 02.09.2008; in: "Book of Abstracts, 14th Intern. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions", (2008), S. 123.

F. Aumayr, A.S. El-Said, R.A. Wilhelm, R. Heller, S. Facsko, C. Lemell, G. Wachter, J. Burgdörfer, R. Ritter:
"Phase diagram for nanostructuring CaF2 surfaces by slow highly charged ions";
Poster: 25th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-25), Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan,; 24.10.2012; in: "Book of Abstracts, ICACS-25", (2012), S. 184.

F. Aumayr, G. Kowarik, R. Bereczky, E. Gruber, F. Ladinig, D. Schrempf, P. Gunacker, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, K. Tökési:
"The effect of conductivity on ion guiding through insulating capillaries";
Poster: 25th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-25), Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan,; 23.10.2012; in: "Book of Abstracts, ICACS-25", (2012), S. 90.

E. Benes, H. Nowotny, S. Radel, B. Devcic-Kuhar, M. Gröschl:
"Layered piezoelectric resonators for the online measurement of the viscosity of fluids";
Hauptvortrag: EAA EuroRegio 1st European Congress on Sound and Vibration, Ljubljana/Slovenia (eingeladen); 17.09.2010; in: "Proc. EAA EuroRegio 1st European Congress on Sound and Vibration", (2010), Paper-Nr. 265, 11 S.

R. Bereczky, G. Kowarik, F. Aumayr, K. Tökési:
"Transmission of 4.5 keV Ar9+ ions through a single macroscopic glass-capillary";
Poster: 4th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems (CEPAS), Cluj-Napoca/Romania; 18.06.2008; in: "4th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems (CEPAS)", (2008), S. 105.

E. Bianchi, S. Ferrari, E. G. Noya, G. Kahl:
"On the propensity of inverse patchy colloids to self-organize in stable, lamellar structures";
Poster: 10th Liquid Matter Conference (2017), Ljubljana; 17.07.2017 - 21.07.2017; in: "Liquids 2017 10TH LIQUID MATTER CONFERENCE", (2017), S. 5.021.

E. Bianchi, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Inverse patchy colloids: from microscopic description to mesoscopic coarse-graining";
Poster: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 246.

S. Borbély, J. Feist, S. Nagele, L. Nagy, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ionization of He by slow antiproton impact: total and differential ionization cross sections";
Poster: 28th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVIII ICPEAC), Lanzhou/China; 24.06.2013 - 30.06.2013; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", 488, 072008 (2014), ISSN: 1742-6588; S. 1.

M. Brandstetter, M. Liertzer, C. Deutsch, H. Detz, A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, S. Rotter:
"Exceptional points in coupled microdisk THz quantum cascade lasers";
Vortrag: CLEO Europe 2013, Munich; 12.05.2013 - 16.05.2013; in: "Conference Digest", (2013), ISBN: 978-1-4799-0594-2; Paper-Nr. CB/CC-1.3 MON, 1 S.

M. Brandstetter, M. Liertzer, C. Deutsch, H. Detz, A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, S. Rotter:
"Investigating exceptional points with coupled microdisk THz quantum cascade lasers";
Vortrag: ITQW, New York, USA; 15.09.2013 - 20.09.2013; in: "Technical Digest", (2013).

I. Brezinova, J. Burgdörfer, A. Lode, A. Streltsov, L. Cederbaum, O. Alon, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider:
"Elastic scattering of a Bose-Einstein condensate at a potential landscape";
Vortrag: 28th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVIII ICPEAC), Lanzhou/China (eingeladen); 24.07.2013 - 30.07.2013; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", 488 (2014), S. 012032 - 012041.

I. Brezinova, M. Kuhnert, K. Dobes:
"Was ist Temperatur?";
Vortrag: Kinderuni 2010, Vienna, Austria; 14.07.2010 - 15.07.2010; in: "Kinderuni Wien Studienbuch 12.-24.07.2010", (2010), S. 110.

R. Brienza, G. Fields, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"L-dependences in the autoionization of high-n Rydberg states";
Poster: 52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, USA; 31.05.2021 - 04.06.2021; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2021).

R. Brienza, G. Fields, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Studies of high-n, n1G4 and n1H5 strontium Rydberg states using microwave-optical multiphoton excitation";
Poster: 51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Portland, Oregon; 01.06.2020 - 05.06.2020; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2020), ISSN: 0003-0503.

F. Brünner, D. Parganlija, A. Rebhan:
"Glueball decay patterns in top-down holographic QCD";
Poster: European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2015, Vienna, Austria; 23.07.2015; in: "EPS-HEP2015", Proceedings of Science, EPS-HEP2015 (2015), S. 421-1 - 421-6.

F. Brünner, D. Parganlija, A. Rebhan:
"Holographic glueball decay";
Vortrag: Excited QCD 2014, Sarajevo; 02.02.2014 - 08.02.2014; in: "Excited QCD 2014", Acta Physica Polonica B Supplement, 7(3) (2014), ISSN: 1899-2358; S. 533 - 538.

F. Buchner, C. Jochum, G. Kahl, A. Singraber, C. Dellago:
"Free energy landscapes for dendrimer-like DNAs via neural networks";
Vortrag: CECAM and IUPAP workshop on High density DNA arrays: models, theories and multiscale simulations, Ljubljana (eingeladen); 24.07.2019 - 26.07.2019; in: "CECAM and IUPAP workshop on High density DNA arrays: models, theories and multiscale simulations", CIP - Katalozni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica, Ljubljana, (2019), ISBN: 978-961-6104-45-6; S. 45.

S. Bulusu, M. Favoni, A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Equivariance and generalization in neural networks";
Vortrag: A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2021, Stavanger (Norwegen); 02.08.2021 - 06.08.2021; in: "A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (vConf21)", EPJ Web of Conferences, 258 (2022), Paper-Nr. 09001, 8 S.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond Streaking Chronoscopy of Surfaces";
Vortrag: APS March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, USA (eingeladen); 18.03.2013 - 22.03.2013; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society APS March Meeting 2013 Volume 58, Number 1", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting 2013, Volume 58, Number 1 (2013).

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with condensed matter: dielectrics and nanotips";
Hauptvortrag: 27th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, Engelberg, Schweiz (eingeladen); 06.07.2014 - 10.07.2014; in: "27th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference", AVS Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (JVST B), (2014).

J. Burgdörfer:
"Thermalization and Quantum Chaos";
Vortrag: XXXIX. Dynamics Days Europe, Rostock, Deutschland (eingeladen); 02.09.2019 - 06.09.2019; in: "XXXIX. Dynamics Days Europe Book of Abstracts", (2019), S. 29.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-dependend electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules and solids probed by ultrashort pulses";
Vortrag: 12th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP12), Sapporo, Japan (eingeladen); 03.07.2011 - 06.07.2011; in: "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP12)", (2011).

J. Burgdörfer, C. Lemell, K.-M. Schiessl, B. Solleder, C. O. Reinhold, K. Tökési, L. Wirtz:
"Collisions of slow highly charged ions with surfaces";
Vortrag: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Argentina (eingeladen); 20.07.2005 - 26.07.2005; in: "Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions", (2005), ISBN: 981-270-412-4; S. 16 - 45.

J. Burgdörfer, C. Lemell, X. Tong:
"60 years of attosecond physics at ICPEAC: from collisions to ultrashort pulses";
Hauptvortrag: 31st International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXXI ICPEAC), Deauville, Normandy/France (eingeladen); 23.07.2019 - 30.07.2019; in: "IOP Conf. Series", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1412 (2020), S. 022001 - 022015.

F. Camargo, J. Whalen, R. Ding, H. Sadeghpour, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, F.B. Dunning, T. Killian:
"Lifetimes of ultra-long-range strontium Rydberg molecules";
Poster: 47th annual meeting of the APS DAMOP, Providence, RI, USA; 23.05.2016 - 27.05.2016; in: "Bulletin of the american physical society", (2016), ISSN: 0003-0503; S. 235.

N. Camus, L. Fechner, D. Arbó, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, J. Ullrich, T. Pfeifer, S. Lopéz, J. Burgdörfer, R. Moshammer:
"Control of strong-field ionization with two-color laser pulses";
Poster: 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIX ICPEAC), Toledo/Spain; 22.07.2015 - 28.07.2015; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", 635, 092122 (2015).

D. Coslovich, J.-P. Hansen, G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft primitive model of polyelectrolytes in solution";
Poster: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 240.

D. Coslovich, D.F. Schwanzer, G. Kahl:
"Diffusion-localization and liquid-glass transitions of a colloidal fluid in porous confinement";
Poster: Diffusion Fundamentals III, Athens, Greece; 07/2009; in: "Diffusion Fundamentals III", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-86583-387-7; S. 375 - 376.

C. Deiss, J. Burgdörfer:
"Cluster-laser interaction: hot electron production by short laser pulses";
Vortrag: 27. EAS-Tagung 2006, Riezlern; 05.02.2006 - 10.02.2006; in: "EAS Arbeitsbericht 2006", (2006), S. 28.

C. Deiss, E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet, J. Burgdörfer:
"X-ray generation by laser-cluster interaction";
Vortrag: IAMPI 2006 Int. Conf. on the Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Szeged; 01.10.2006 - 05.10.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts IAMPI 2006", (2006), S. 28.

C. Deiss, E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet, J. Burgdörfer:
"X-ray production by laser-cluster interaction: the influence of the pulse duration";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Feiburg, Germany; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Mo032.

C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer, E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet:
"Emission X générée par interaction laser-agrégats";
Vortrag: 8ème Colleque National sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et X: Applications et Développements Récents, Colleville sur Mer, France (eingeladen); 06.07.2006 - 09.07.2006; in: "Book of Abstract UVX 2006", (2006), S. 13.

C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer, E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet:
"Laser-cluster interaction: X-ray production by short laser pulses";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 06, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA; 16.05.2006 - 20.05.2006; in: "Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.", 51 (2006), S. 29.

K. I. Dimitriou, C. Lemell, S. Gräfe, S. Nagele, J. Burgdörfer:
"Low-energy peak features in atomic ionization by mid-infrared laser pulses";
Poster: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011; in: "International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions", (2011), 1 S.

K. I. Dimitriou, C. Lemell, S. Gräfe, S. Nagele, J. Burgdörfer:
"Low-energy peak features in atomic ionization by mid-infrared laser pulses";
Poster: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast, UK; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", 388, 032042 (2012), S. 1.

K. Dimitriou, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, H. Shimada, Y. Yamazaki:
"Momentum distribution of multiply charged ions ionized by intense lasers";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 06, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA; 16.05.2006 - 20.05.2006; in: "Bull. Am. Phys. Soc", 51 (2006), S. 21.

R. Ding, S. Kanungo, J. Whalen, H. Rathore, Y. Wang, F.B. Dunning, T. Killian, J. Sous, H. Sadeghpour, M. Wagner, R. Schmidt, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Effects of Fermi statistics on vibrationally-excited Rydberg molecules";
Poster: 50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2019), ISSN: 0003-0503.

R. Ding, J. Whalen, S. Kanungo, T. Killian, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Excitation of vibrationally-excited ultralong-range strontium Rydberg molecules in quantum gases";
Poster: 31st International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXXI ICPEAC), Deauville, Normandy/France; 24.07.2019 - 30.07.2019; in: "Book of abstracts", (2019).

R. Ding, J. Whalen, S. Kanungo, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, T. Killian, F.B. Dunning:
"Spectroscopy of 87Sr triplet Rydberg states";
Vortrag: 49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; 28.05.2018 - 01.06.2018; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", American Physical Society, 63 (2018), ISSN: 0003-0503.

K. Doblhoff-Dier, M. Kitzler, S. Gräfe:
"Mechanisms of strong-field control in the fragmentation of small molecules";
Vortrag: 30th ICPEAC International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Cairns, Tropical Queensland, Austrailia (eingeladen); 26.07.2017 - 01.08.2017; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2017), 1 S.

L. Dobusch, A. Pospischil, M. M. Furchi, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, T. Müller:
"Electroluminescence and photovoltaics in two-dimensional semiconductors";
Poster: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung 2015 der ÖPG, SPS, ÖGA und SSAA in Wien, Wien; 01.09.2015 - 04.09.2015; in: "Gemeinsame Jahrestagung in Wien - ÖPG Tagungsband", (2015).

P. Dombi, A. Apolonski, G. Paulus, M. Kakehata, R. Holzwarth, T. Udem, J. Burgdörfer, T. Hänsch, F. Krausz:
"Lichtphasendetektor aus Festkörper";
Vortrag: 53. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg, Austria; 01.10.2004 - 02.10.2004; in: "Book of Abstract", (2004), S. 84.

P. Dombi, A. Apolonski, G. Paulus, M. Kakehata, R. Holzwarth, T. Udem, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, T. Hänsch, F. Krausz:
"Solid-state light phase detector";
Vortrag: CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 01.06.2003 - 06.06.2003; in: "Postdeadline papers book", (2003), S. 3 - 4.

S. Donsa, I. Brezinova, J. Burgdörfer, V. Stooß, S. Cavaletto, A. Blättermann, P. Birk, C. Keitel, C. Ott, T. Pfeifer:
"Accurate reconstruction of the non-linear response of matter from spectroscopic absorption data";
Vortrag: 49th Annual Meeting of the APS Divison of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physicss, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA; 28.05.2018 - 01.06.2018; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2018), S. 218.

S. Donsa, H. Hofstätter, O. Koch, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Anderson localization of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate after long-time expansion";
Vortrag: Vienna young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 09.06.2016 - 10.06.2016; in: "Proccedings VSS 2016", Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2016), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-2-1; S. 114 - 115.

S. Donsa, H. Hofstätter, O. Koch, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Anderson localization of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate after long-time expansion";
Poster: 12th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP12), Frankfurt/Main, Germany; 04.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "Extended Abstracts ECAMP 2016", (2016), 468 S.

S. Donsa, H. Hofstätter, O. Koch, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Fate of Anderson localization of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate";
Poster: ICAP 2016 (International Conference on Atomic Physics), Seoul, South Corea; 24.07.2016 - 29.07.2016; in: "Book of Abstracts ICAP 2016", (2016), S. 292.

S. Donsa, H. Hofstätter, O. Koch, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Long-time expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate: Does the interacting many-particle system show Anderson localization?";
Vortrag: 49th Annual Meeting of the APS Divison of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physicss, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA; 28.05.2018 - 01.06.2018; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2018), S. 173.

S. Donsa, A. Kaldun, A. Blättermann, V. Stooß, H. Wei, R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, C. Ott, C.-D. Lin, J. Burgdörfer, T. Pfeifer:
"Ultrafast buildup of a Fano resonance in the time domain";
Vortrag: 6th International Conference on Attosecond Physics, Xian; 02.07.2017 - 07.07.2017; in: "Conference Book", (2017), S. 63.

S. Donsa, F. Lackner, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Non-equilibrium dynamics of finite one and two-dimensional Hubbard systems";
Poster: ICAP 2016 (International Conference on Atomic Physics), Seoul, South Corea; 24.07.2016 - 29.07.2016; in: "Book of Abstracts ICAP 2016", (2016), S. 331.

G. Doppelbauer, D. Chakrabarti, G. Kahl, D. J. Wales:
"Cluster formation of patchy particles";
Poster: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 249.

G. Doppelbauer, E. G. Noya, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl:
"Ordered equilibrium structures of patchy particles";
Vortrag: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", I. Coluzza, R. Blaak, B. Capone, S. Jungblut (Hrg.); European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 148.

F.B. Dunning, F. Camargo, J. Whalen, R. Ding, T. Killian, J. Perez-Rios, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Lifetimes of ultralong-range strontium Rydberg molecules in a dense BEC";
Poster: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 26.07.2017 - 01.08.2017; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", IOP Publishing, 875 (2017), S. 082001.

F.B. Dunning, X. Zhang, R. Fields, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Autoionization of very-high-n strontium Rydberg atoms";
Poster: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 26.07.2017 - 01.08.2017; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", IOP Publishing, 875 (2017), S. 022001.

S. Eikemeier, R. Wimmer, A. Mahdavi:
"Simulation-Supported Design Optimization of Atrium Buildings with Passive Cooling in Austria";
Vortrag: Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2018, Gold Coast, Australia; 24.06.2018 - 26.06.2018; in: "Proceedings of the 10th International Conference in Sustainability on Energy and Buildings (SEB´18)", P. Kaparaju, R.J. Howlett, J. Littlewood, Chandima Ekanayake, L. Vlacic (Hrg.); Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-030-04292-9; S. 21 - 31.

A.S. El-Said, W. Meissl, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, S. Facsko, R. Heller, C. Lemell, I. Gebeshuber, J. Burgdörfer, C. Trautmann, M. Toulemonde, J. Ullrich, W. Möller, F. Aumayr:
"Surface nanostructuring of CaF2 (111) by irradiation with slow highly charged ions";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg/Breisgau/D; 27.07.2007; in: "Proc. XXV ICPEAC, Freiburg/Breisgau/D, (July 25 - 31, 2007) editors: J. Ullrich et al. (2007),", (2007), S. FR151.

S. Erattupuzha, V. Hanus, S. Larimian, X. Xie, M. Koch, M. Schöffler, A. Baltuska, G. Paulus, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Laser-sub-cycle control of electron recapture and fragmentation processes in argon dimers";
Poster: 14th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2017), Budapest; 24.09.2017 - 27.09.2017; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2017), Paper-Nr. P25, 1 S.

S. Erattupuzha, V. Hanus, S. Larimian, X. Xie, M. Koch, M. Schöffler, A. Baltuska, G. Paulus, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Laser-sub-cycle control of electron recapture and fragmentation processes in argon dimers";
Poster: 6th International Conference on Attosecond Physics, Xi'an, China; 02.07.2017 - 07.07.2017; in: "Technical Digest", (2017), Paper-Nr. 78, 1 S.

S. Erattupuzha, V. Kunnummel, S. Larimian, V. Hanus, M. Koch, M. Schöffler, X. Xie, A. Baltuska, G. Paulus, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Laser-sub-cycle Fragmentation Dynamics of Argon Dimers";
Poster: 12th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP 12), Frankfurt am Main; 05.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "Program", (2016), S. 152.

S. Erattupuzha, V. Kunnummel, S. Larimian, V. Hanus, M. Koch, M. Schöffler, X. Xie, A. Baltuska, G. Paulus, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Laser-sub-cycle fragmentation dynamics of Argon dimers";
Vortrag: 7th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference (EUROPHOTON 2016), Wien; 21.08.2016 - 26.08.2016; in: "Europhysics Conference Abstract Volume 40 B", (2016), ISBN: 979-10-96389-00-1; Paper-Nr. SS-2.1, 1 S.

S. Erattupuzha, M. Schöffler, X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, S. Larimian, P. Wustelt, M. Möller, V. Hanus, A. Baltuska, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, G. Paulus, M. Kitzler:
"Laser-subcycle control of double-ionization and electron recapture processes";
Vortrag: 12th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP 12), Frankfurt am Main; 05.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "Program", (2016), S. 391.

S. Ertl, D. Grumiller, N. Johansson:
"All stationary axi-symmetric solutions to topologicaly massive gravity";
Vortrag: FAKT 2010 (Österr. Physikalische Gessellschaft), Salzburg; 06.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Österr. Physikalische Gessellschaf", (2010), 312 S.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer, B. I. Schneider:
"Wave packet dynamics in doubly excited states of He";
Vortrag: DAMOP07 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Calgary, Canada; 06.06.2007 - 09.06.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2007), S. D1000.64.

J. Feist, R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ab initio Calculations of Two-electron Emission by Attosecond Pulses";
Vortrag: 26th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (XXVI ICPEAC), Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA (eingeladen); 22.07.2009 - 28.07.2009; in: "Ab initio calculations of two-electron emission by attosecond pulses", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 194 (2009), ISSN: 1742-6588; S. 012010.

G. Fields, R. Brienza, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"L-changing through very-long-range interactions in collisions between high-n, n=300, n1F3 strontium Rydberg atoms";
Poster: 51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Portland, Oregon; 01.06.2020 - 05.06.2020; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2020), ISSN: 0003-0503.

R. Fields, R. Brienza, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Destruction of very-high-n Rydberg atoms in Rydberg-Rydberg collision";
Poster: 49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; 28.05.2018 - 01.06.2018; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", American Physical Society, 63 (2018), ISSN: 0003-0503.

R. Fields, R. Brienza, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Engineering long-range interactions between high-n, n≥ 300, strontium Rydberg atoms in a beam";
Poster: 50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2019), ISSN: 0003-0503.

R. Fields, R. Brienza, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Long-range Rydberg-Rydberg interactions at very-high n";
Poster: 49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; 28.05.2018 - 01.06.2018; in: "The Bulletin of the American Physical Society", American Physical Society, 63 (2018), ISSN: 0003-0503.

R. Fields, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Controlling the interactions of very-high-n strontium Rydberg atoms";
Poster: 48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Sacramento, California; 05.06.2017 - 09.06.2017; in: "The Bulletin of the American Physical Society", American Physical Society, 62 (2017), ISSN: 0003-0503.

R. Fields, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Controlling autoionization in strontium two-electron-excited states";
Hauptvortrag: 47th annual meeting of the APS DAMOP, Providence, RI, USA; 23.05.2016 - 27.05.2016; in: "Bulletin of the american physical society", (2016), ISSN: 0003-0503; S. 44.

M. M. Furchi, A. Pospischil, A.A. Zechmeister, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, T. Müller:
"Van der Waals heterostructure based photovoltaic cells";
Poster: 19 th International Winterschool Mauterndorf 2016, Mauterndorf; 21.02.2016 - 26.02.2016; in: "Technical Digest", (2016), Paper-Nr. P 3.2.8, 2 S.

G. Georgiou, L. Athanasopoulou, P. Ziherl, G. Kahl:
"Large amphiphilic dendrimers: internal structure and effective pair interactions";
Poster: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 241.

D. Grumiller:
"Holographic Chern-Simons theories";
Hauptvortrag: 7th Aegean Summer School "Beyond Einstein´s Theory of Gravity", Paros (eingeladen); 23.09.2013 - 28.09.2013; in: "Proceedings of the 7th Aegean Summer School "Beyond Einstein´s Theory of Gravity"", (2013), S. 10000000000000000000.

D. Grumiller:
"Wahrheit in der Physik";
Hauptvortrag: ÖFG Tagung 2014, Semmering (eingeladen); 23.10.2014 - 25.10.2014; in: "Wahrheit in den Wissenschaften", (2014).

D. Grumiller, J. Salzer, D.V. Vassilevich:
"Aspects of AdS_2 holography with non-constant dilaton";
Poster: International Wokshop on Strong Field Problems in Quantum Theory, Tomsk (eingeladen); 06.06.2016 - 11.06.2016; in: "Proceedings of "International Wokshop on Strong Field Problems in Quantum Theory"", Fisika, 11 (2016), ISSN: 0021-3411; S. 63 - 67.

B. Hartl, K. Cui, S. De Feyter, M. Walter, S. Mertens, G. Kahl:
"Molecular Self-Assembly At Solid Liquid Interfaces Under Electrochemical Control";
Vortrag: Interfacing Machine Learning and Experimental Methods for Surface Structures, Graz; 11.07.2018 - 13.07.2018; in: "IMPRESS Interfacing Machine Learning and Experimental Methods for Surface Structures - Abstract Book", (2018), S. 16.

B. Hartl, K. Cui, S. De Feyter, M. Walter, S. Mertens, G. Kahl:
"Molecular self-assembly at solid-liquid interfaces under electrochemical control";
Vortrag: 32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS), Ljubljana; 02.09.2018 - 07.09.2018; in: "Book of Abstracts of The 32nd Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society - ECIS2018", (2018), ISBN: 978-961-6756-90-7; S. 387.

B. Hartl, G. Kahl:
"On the self-assembly capacities of ionic liquid crystals";
Poster: 32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS), Ljubljana; 02.09.2018 - 07.09.2018; in: "Book of Abstracts of The 32nd Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society - ECIS2018", (2018), ISBN: 978-961-6756-90-7; S. 402.

B. Hartl, G. Kahl, K. Cui, S. De Feyter, M. Walter, S. Mertens:
"Predictive theoretical modeling of molecular self-assembly at an electrochemical solid-liquid interface";
Poster: 10th Liquid Matter Conference (2017), Lubljana, Slowenien; 17.07.2017 - 21.07.2017; in: "Liquids 2017 10TH LIQUID MATTER CONFERENCE", (2017), S. 7.007.

B. Hartl, M. Mihalkovič, L. Samaj, E. Trizac, G. Kahl:
"On a possible emergence of a quasi-crystalline structure in a Wigner bilayer system";
Poster: 14th International Conference on Quasicrystals (ICQ14), Kranjska Gora, Slovenia; 26.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "14th International Conference on Quasicrystals (ICQ14)", (2019), S. 130.

M. Hiller, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, S. Ye, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning:
"Characterizing high-n quasi-one-dimensional strontium Rydberg atom";
Poster: 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2014), Madison, WI (USA); 02.06.2014 - 06.06.2014; in: "DAMOP 2014", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 59 (2014), ISSN: 0003-0503; S. 52.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"An investigation of dendrimer-like DNA: theory and experiment";
Vortrag: 33rd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface (ECIS) 2019, Leuven; 08.09.2019 - 13.09.2019; in: "33rd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS", (2019), S. 16.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Conformation characteristics of DNA-based dendrimers";
Poster: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien; 27.02.2018; in: "1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium", (2018), S. 16.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Conformation characteristics of DNA-based dendrimers in electrolyte solutions";
Poster: 32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS), Ljubljana; 02.09.2018 - 07.09.2018; in: "32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society, Book of Abstracts", (2018), S. 546.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Conformation characteristics of DNA-based dendrimers in electrolyte solutions";
Poster: Jülich Soft Matter Days 2018, Jülich; 20.11.2018 - 23.11.2018; in: "Jülich Soft Matter Days 2018 Book of Abstracts", (2018), S. 107.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Equilibrium properties of DNA-dendrimers in electrolyte solutions";
Poster: 10th Liquid Matter Conference (2017), Ljubljana; 17.07.2017 - 21.07.2017; in: "Liquids 2017 Book of abstracts Posters", (2017), S. 155.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Equilibrium properties of DNA-dendrimers in electrolyte solutions";
Vortrag: 12th Christmas Biophysics Workshop, Golte; 11.12.2017 - 12.12.2017; in: "12th Christmas Biophysics Workshop Book of Abstracts", (2017), S. 33.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Investigating DNA-based dendrimers: theory and experiment";
Vortrag: 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019), Edinburgh; 03.06.2019 - 07.06.2019; in: "Conference Booklet of the 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019)", (2019), S. 25.

C. Jochum, C. N. Likos, N. Adzić, G. Kahl:
"Structure and stimuli-responsiveness of all-DNA den drimers: theory and experiment";
Vortrag: CECAM Workshop: Charged Species in Bulk and Interfaces: Mobility and Motility of Macromolecular Systems, Wien (eingeladen); 24.09.2018 - 27.09.2018; in: "Charged Species in Bulk and Interfaces: Mobility and Motility of Macromolecular Systems", (2018), S. 17 - 18.

G. Kahl:
"Inverse patchy colloids: structure, dynamics, and self-assembly from Monte Carlo simulations";
Vortrag: Ulam Computer Simulations Workshop, Lviv, Ukraine (eingeladen); 21.06.2017 - 24.06.2017; in: "Challenges & Opportunities in Molecular Simulations", (2017), S. 23.

G. Kahl:
"Tunability and order: the plethora of polymorphism of Wigner bilayer systems";
Vortrag: CONIN Workshop, Jablonna Palace, Polen; 17.02.2017 - 20.02.2017; in: "Systems with competing electrostatic and short-range interactions", (2017), S. 11.

C. Karner:
"Mosaics of patchy rhombi: from close-packed arrangements to open lattices";
Vortrag: 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019), Edinburgh; 07.05.2012 - 10.05.2012; in: "Conference Booklet of the 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019)", (2012), S. 29.

M. Kitzler, V. Hanus, S.S. Kangaparambil, S. Larimian, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, X. Xie, A. Baltuska:
"Measurement and control of electron and nuclear dynamics in molecules";
Vortrag: Third Conference on Anharmonicity in Medium-Sized Molecules and Clusters, Budapest (eingeladen); 16.04.2018 - 19.04.2018; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2018), S. 15.

M. Kitzler, X. Xie, E. Lötstedt, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, H. Xu, A. Baltuska, G. Paulus, S. Gräfe, K. Yamanouchi:
"Electronic pre-determination of the fragmentation dynamics of polyatomic molecules";
Vortrag: The 5th Shanghai Tokyo Advanced Research Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science (STAR5), Miyazaki, Japan (eingeladen); 21.05.2014 - 24.05.2014; in: "Book of Abstracts", K. Yamanouchi, R. Li (Hrg.); (2014), S. 4.

M. Kitzler, X. Xie, S. Roither, K. Doblhoff-Dier, M. Schöffler, S. Erattupuzha, H. Xu, K. Yamanouchi, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe, A. Baltuska:
"Watching and controlling the onset of restructuring and fragmentation reactions in polyatomic molecules";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Attosecond Science: Challenges for Theoretical Research, Pohang, South Korea (eingeladen); 24.06.2013 - 25.06.2013; in: "Technical Digest", (2013).

J. Knokneryte, E. Navickas, Q. Chen, A. Braun, S. Tamulecicius, J. Fleig:
"Proton Conductivity in Y substituted Barium Cerate";
Poster: 13th International Conference-School Advanced Materials and Technologies, Palanga, Lithuania; 27.08.2011 - 31.08.2011; in: "Advanced Materials and Technologies", (2011), ISSN: 1822-7759; S. 110.

G. Kowarik, R. Bereczky, E. Gruber, F. Ladinig, D. Schrempf, P. Gunacker, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, K. Tökési, F. Aumayr:
"Temperature control of ion guiding through straight insulating macro - capillaries";
Poster: 19th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-19), Frauenchiemsee/Germany; 18.09.2012; in: "Book of Abstracts, 19th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-19)", (2012), S. 7.

G. Kowarik, R. Bereczky, E. Gruber, F. Ladinig, D. Schrempf, P. Gunacker, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, K. Tökési, F. Aumayr:
"The effect of conductivity on ion guiding through straight insulating macro - capillaries";
Poster: 16th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI 2012), Heidelberg/Germany; 03.09.2012; in: "Book of Abstracts, 16th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI 2012)", (2012), S. 136.

V. Kunnummel, S. Erattupuzha, V. Hanus, M. Koch, S. Larimian, M. Schöffler, X. Xie, A. Baltuska, G. Paulus, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Laser-sub-cycle Fragmentation Dynamics of Argon Dimers";
Poster: International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA; 17.07.2016 - 22.07.2016; in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena", (2016), ISBN: 978-1-943580-18-7; Paper-Nr. UTu4A.17, 3 S.

J. Kurzidim, D. Coslovich, G. Kahl:
"Dynamic arrest of fluids in porous media: crossover from glass- to Lorentz-like behavior";
Vortrag: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", I. Coluzza, R. Blaak, B. Capone, S. Jungblut (Hrg.); European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 195.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"The time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix method: LiH in strong laser fields";
Poster: 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIX ICPEAC), Toledo/Spain; 22.07.2015 - 28.07.2015; in: "XXIX international Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisioons", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 635 (2015), S. 112084.

E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet, C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer:
"L'emission X: une sonde de la dynamique de l'interaction laser de puissance-agrégats";
Vortrag: 4ème Colloque de la Division Physique Atomique, Moléculaire ét Optique de la Societé Francaise, Dijon, France; 05.07.2006 - 07.07.2006; in: "Book of Abstract PAMO 2006", (2006), S. 91.

S. Larimian, S. Erattupuzha, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Frustrated Double Ionization of Argon Atoms";
Vortrag: HILAS 2018, Strasbourg, France; 26.03.2018 - 28.03.2018; in: "Proceedings of High brightness sources and light driven Interactions", (2018), ISBN: 978-1-943580-40-8; Paper-Nr. HM4A.6, 2 S.

S. Larimian, S. Erattupuzha, R. Maurer, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Coincidence Spectroscopy of High-Lying Rydberg States with a Reaction Microscope";
Poster: International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA; 17.07.2016 - 22.07.2016; in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena", (2016), ISBN: 978-1-943580-18-7; Paper-Nr. UTu4A.23, 3 S.

S. Larimian, S. Erattupuzha, R. Maurer, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Coincidence Spectroscopy of Strong Laser Field Induced Rydberg States";
Poster: 12th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP 12), Frankfurt am Main; 05.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "Program", (2016), S. 153.

S. Larimian, S. Erattupuzha, R. Maurer, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"High-Lying Rydberg States Observation in Strong Field Interaction";
Vortrag: XXIX International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2015), Toledo, Spain; 22.07.2015 - 28.07.2015; in: "Conference Program", (2015), Paper-Nr. MO-029, 1 S.

S. Larimian, S. Erattupuzha, R. Maurer, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Observation of High-Lying Rydberg States in Strong Field Interaction";
Poster: CLEO Europe 2015, München, Deutschland; 21.06.2015 - 25.06.2015; in: "EQEC 2015 - Conference Digest", (2015), ISBN: 978-1-4673-7475-0; Paper-Nr. EE-P.8 SUN, 1 S.

S. Larimian, S. Erattupuzha, R. Maurer, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Observation of high-lying Rydberg states survived from strong field interaction";
Vortrag: CLEO 2015, San Jose; 10.05.2015 - 15.05.2015; in: "Abstracts in Laser Science to Photonic Applications", (2015), ISBN: 978-1-55752-968-8; Paper-Nr. FTh4C.8, 2 S.

S. Larimian, S. Erattupuzha, R. Maurer, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Strong Laser Field Induced High-Lying Rydberg States";
Poster: 7th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference (EUROPHOTON 2016), Wien; 21.08.2016 - 26.08.2016; in: "Europhysics Conference Abstract Volume 40 B", (2016), ISBN: 979-10-96389-00-1; Paper-Nr. PO-2.37, 1 S.

S. Larimian, D.Y. Geng, S. Roither, D. Kartashov, L. Zhang, M. Wang, Q. Gong, L.-Y. Peng, C. Lemell, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Localizing High-Lying Rydberg Wave Packets with Orthogonally-Polarized Two-Color Laser Fields";
Poster: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 26.07.2017 - 01.08.2017; in: "Conference Program", (2017), Paper-Nr. TH-011, 1 S.

S. Larimian, J.-W. Geng, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, M.-X. Wang, Q. Gong, L.-Y. Peng, V. Hanus, C. Lemell, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Localizing High-Lying Rydberg Wave Packets by Orthogonally-Polarized Two-Color Laser Pulses";
Vortrag: CLEO Europe, München, Deutschalnd; 25.06.2017 - 29.06.2017; in: "Abstracts of the Conference on Lasers and the Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference", (2017), ISBN: 978-1-5090-6736-7; Paper-Nr. CG-7.1 TUE, 1 S.

S. Larimian, J.-W. Geng, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, M.-X. Wang, Q. Gong, L.-Y. Peng, C. Lemell, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Steering High-Lying Rydberg Wave Packets";
Vortrag: 6th International Conference on Attosecond Physics, Xi'an, China; 02.07.2017 - 07.07.2017; in: "Technical Digest", (2017), Paper-Nr. 42, 1 S.

S. Larimian, J.-W. Geng, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, M.-X. Wang, Q. Gong, L.-Y. Peng, C. Lemell, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler, X. Xie:
"Steering High-Lying Rydberg Wave Packets with Two-Color Lasers";
Vortrag: FTAPS 2017, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; 22.02.2017 - 25.02.2017; in: "Proceedings of the Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics", (2017), 1 S.

C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Light-phase-sensitive photoemission";
Vortrag: International Conference on Laser Probing, Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 12.09.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts LAP 2006", W. Husinsky (Hrg.); (2006), S. 49.

C. Lemell, P. Dombi, X. Tong, F. Krausz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Determination of the carrier-envelope phase of ultrashort laser pulses using metal surfaces";
Vortrag: 68. Physikertagung und AMOP Frühjahrstagung, Munich, Germany (eingeladen); 22.03.2004 - 26.03.2004; in: "Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft", (2004), ISSN: 0420-0195; S. 152.

C. Lemell, K.-M. Schiessl, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of capillary guiding";
Vortrag: Symp. on Surface Science 2006 (3S'06), St. Christoph am Arlberg; 10.03.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts 3S'06", F. Aumayr, P. Varga (Hrg.); (2006), S. 167 - 168.

C. Lemell, K.-M. Schiessl, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of heavy-ion guiding in insulators";
Vortrag: International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS 2006), Berlin, Germany (eingeladen); 21.07.2006 - 26.07.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts ICACS 2006", (2006), S. 14.

C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Classical simulations for surface-streaking experiments";
Poster: Symposium on Surface Science 2014 (3S*14), St. Christoph am Arlberg/A; 09.03.2014 - 15.03.2014; in: "Conference Proceedings 3S*14 Symposium on Surface Science 2014", F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, C. Lemell, P. Varga (Hrg.); (2014), S. 113 - 114.

C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoelectron emission from surfaces";
Vortrag: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK (eingeladen); 27.07.2011 - 03.08.2011; in: "XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2011)", Journal of Physics Conference Series, 388 (2012), ISSN: 1742-6588; S. 012048.

S. Leone, C. McCurdy, J. Burgdörfer, L. Cederbaum, Z. Chang, N. Dudovich, J. Feist, C. Greene, M.Yu. Ivanov, R Kienberger, U. Keller, M. Kling, Z. Loh, T. Pfeifer, A. Pfeiffer, R. Santra, K. Schafer, A. Stolow, U. Thumm, M. Vrakking:
"Time-resolved one- and two-electron processes";
Vortrag: DOE Attosecond Workshop 2013, Washington D.C., USA (eingeladen); 24.03.2013 - 26.03.2013; in: "Unraveling the Interpretations of Attosecond Measurements", (2013), S. ???.

B. Limbacher, S. Schönhuber, N. Bachelard, M. A. Kainz, A. M. Andrews, H. Detz, G. Strasser, J. Darmo, S. Rotter, K. Unterrainer:
"All-Optical Control of Quantum Cascade Random Lasers Enhanced by Deep Learning";
Vortrag: CLEO/Europe EQEC 2021, Virtual Conference; 21.06.2021 - 25.06.2021; in: "Proceedings of 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)", IEEE Xplore, (2021), ISBN: 978-1-6654-1876-8; Paper-Nr. CC-7.5, 1 S.

B. Limbacher, S. Schönhuber, N. Bachelard, M. A. Kainz, A. M. Andrews, H. Detz, G. Strasser, J. Darmo, S. Rotter, K. Unterrainer:
"Deep Learning Enhanced Optical Control of Quantum Cascade Random Lasers";
Vortrag: Gemainsame Jahrestagung der ÖPG und SPS 2021, Innsbruck; 30.08.2021 - 03.09.2021; in: "Gemeinsame Jahrestagung in Innsbruck", (2021), Paper-Nr. 156, 1 S.

B. Limbacher, S. Schönhuber, N. Bachelard, M. A. Kainz, A. M. Andrews, H. Detz, G. Strasser, J. Darmo, S. Rotter, K. Unterrainer:
"Towards Holistic Control of THz Quantum Cascade Random Lasers";
Vortrag: Online Conference CLEO 2021, Virtual Conference; 09.05.2021 - 14.05.2021; in: "Proceedings of 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)", IEEE Xplore, (2021), ISBN: 978-1-943580-91-0; Paper-Nr. SM1K.7, 2 S.

T. Mastelic, D. Lucanin, A. Ipp, I. Brandic:
"Methodology for trade-off analysis when moving scientific applications to Cloud";
Vortrag: 2012 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2012, Taipei, Taiwan; 03.12.2012 - 06.12.2012; in: "Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2012", IEEE Computer Society, (2012), ISBN: 978-1-4673-4510-1; S. 281 - 286.

A. Mathijssen, N. Figueroa-Morales, G. Junot, E. Clement, A. Lindner, A. Zöttl:
"Oscillatory dynamics of swimming E. coli bacteria in wall-bounded Poiseuille flow";
Vortrag: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Frühjahrstagung 2019, Sektion Kondensierte Materie, Regensburg/Germany; 31.03.2019 - 05.04.2019; in: "DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie", (2019).

W. Meissl, M. Simon, Hp. Winter, F. Aumayr, B. Solleder, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, H. Tawara, J. Ullrich:
"Electron emission from insulator surfaces induced by impact of slow highly charged ions";
Poster: 16th Intern. Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-16), Hernstein/NÖ; 21.09.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts, 16th Intern. Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-16)", F. Aumayr, C. Lemell (Hrg.); (2006), S. 105.

L. Mennel, V. Smejkal, F. Libisch, T. Müller:
"Impact of strain on the second-harmonic generation in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers";
Vortrag: CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019, München; 23.06.2019 - 27.06.2019; in: "CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019", IEEE, (2019), ISBN: 978-1-7281-0469-0; Paper-Nr. EI-1.2 MON, 1 S.

J.J. Mestayer, W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning, C. O. Reinhold, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"First application of engineered very -high-n polarized Rydberg states";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 06, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA; 16.05.2006 - 20.05.2006; in: "Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.", 51 (2006), S. 101.

M. Montes Saralegui, A. Nikoubashman, G. Kahl:
"Diffusion of Ultrasoft Particles in Cluster Crystals in the Presence of a Solvent";
Poster: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 243.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Coherent excitation of shake-up states in rare gas atoms by attosecond xuv pulses";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (XXVI ICPEAC), Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; 22.07.2009 - 28.07.2009; in: "XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 194 (2009), S. 032019.

S. Nagele, S. Lopéz, D. Arbó, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time delays in above-threshold ionization";
Poster: 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIX ICPEAC), Toledo/Spain; 22.07.2015 - 28.07.2015; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", 635 (2015), ISSN: 1742-6588; Paper-Nr. 092129, 1 S.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond chronoscopy of photoemission";
Vortrag: Conference on Ion-Surface Interactions 2015 (ISI-2015), Moskau (eingeladen); 20.08.2015 - 24.08.2015; in: "Ion-Surface Interactions, ISI-2015, Proceedings of the XXII International Conference", P. Karaseov, E. Zykova, A. Titov, V. Yurasova (Hrg.); Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Moskau (2015), ISBN: 978-5-7262-2124-3; S. 171 - 175.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, M. Wais, G. Wachter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoemission using attosecond streaking";
Vortrag: 28th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVIII ICPEAC), Lanzhou/China (eingeladen); 24.06.2013 - 30.06.2013; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", 488, 012004 (2014), ISSN: 1742-6588; S. 1 - 10.

S. Nagele, G. Wachter, M. Wais, R. Pazourek, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoemission from endohedral C60 probed by attosecond streaking";
Poster: 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIX ICPEAC), Toledo/Spain; 22.07.2015 - 28.07.2015; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", 635 (2015), ISSN: 1742-6588; Paper-Nr. 112118, 1 S.

A. Niggas, J. Schwestka, S. Creutzburg, D. Weichselbaum, V. Vojtech, A. Grossek, F. Libisch, C. Lemell, H. Inani, A. George, R. Heller, N. McEvoy, J. Kotakoski, A. Turchanin, F. Aumayr, R. Wilhelm:
"The interaction of highly charged ions with freestanding 2D materials; invited talk";
Vortrag: 25th International Conference on Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2021), Moscow/Russia (eingeladen); 26.08.2021; in: "Proc. of the XXV International Conference on Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2021), editors: E.Yu. Zykova, P.A. Karaseov, A.I. Titov, V.E. Yurasova, 23.-27.08.2021, Moscow/Russia, Vol.2; National Research University Higher School of Economics MEPhi", (2021), S. 182 - 185.

A. Nikoubashman, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Cluster Crystals under Shear";
Poster: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 284.

D. Parganlija, F. Giacosa, P. Kovacs, G. Wolf:
"Phenomenology of light mesons within a chiral approach";
Vortrag: MESON 2012 - 12th International Workshop on Production, Properties and Interaction of MESONS, Krakau; 31.05.2012 - 05.06.2012; in: "EPJ Web of Conferences Volume 37, 2012; MESON 2012 - 12th International Workshop on Production, Properties and Interaction of MESONS", EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 37 (2012).

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, K. Doblhoff-Dier, J. Feist, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing scattering phase shifts by attosecond streaking";
Vortrag: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011; in: "XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2011) 27 July to 2 August 2011, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 388 (2012), S. 0120291 - 0120296.

E. Persson, M. Pichler, G. Wachter, T. Hisch, W. Jakubetz, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe:
"Quantum control of electronic wavepacket dynamics in atomic and molecular systems in strong multi-color fields";
Vortrag: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011; in: "International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions", (2011), 1 S.

E. Persson, K.-M. Schiessl, A. Scrinzi, J. Burgdörfer:
"Generation of attosecond half-cycle pulses: Inclusion of propagation effects";
Poster: IAMPI 2006 Int. Conf. on the Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Szeged, Hungary; 01.10.2006 - 05.10.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts - IAMPI 2006", (2006), S. 118.

K. Pichler, M. Kühmayer, J. Böhm, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Coherent perfect absorption in disordered media: experimental realization of the random anti-laser";
Vortrag: META 2019, the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Lisbon (eingeladen); 23.07.2019 - 26.07.2019; in: "Proceedings of META 2019", (2019), ISSN: 2429-1390; S. 1034 - 1035.

A. Rebhan:
"Chiral Magnetic Effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Workshop on P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and Dense Matter, Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, New York (eingeladen); 26.04.2010 - 30.04.2010; in: "P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and Dense Matter", RBRC Workshop Proceedings, 96 (2010).

A. Rebhan, D. Parganlija, F. Brünner:
"Glueball decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model and finite quark masses";
Vortrag: 8th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics, Pisa; 29.06.2015; in: "Proceedings of Science: 8th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics 2015", (2015).

S. Roither, X. Xie, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, S. Hässler, H. Xu, A. Iwasaki, S. Gräfe, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Coincidence investigation of ultrafast hydrogen migration and ejection in polyatomic molecules";
Poster: Advances in Strong-Field and Attosecond Physics 2010, London; 23.06.2010 - 25.06.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), Paper-Nr. 10/2, 1 S.

S. Roither, X. Xie, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, L. Zhu, A. Iwasaki, S. Gräfe, T. Okino, Nakai K., M. Schöffler, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Exploring the role of ultrafast laser-induced internal proton dynamics in molecular fragmentations";
Vortrag: International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO 2010), Kazan, Russland (eingeladen); 23.08.2010 - 26.08.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 78.

S. Rotter, F. Aigner, J. Burgdörfer:
"Chaotic-to-regular crossover of shot noise in mesoscopic conductors";
Vortrag: 18th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, Salamanca, Spain; 21.09.2005; in: "AIP Conference Proceedings", T. Gonzales, J. Mateos, D. Pardo (Hrg.); 780 (2005), S. 454 - 457.

S. Rotter, F. Aigner, J. Burgdörfer:
"Shot noise in transport through quantum dots: ballistic versus diffractive scattering";
Vortrag: Conference on Fluctuations and Noise 2007, Florenz, Italy (eingeladen); 21.05.2007; in: "Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices and Materials", SPIE Digital Library, Vol 6600 (2007), S. 660006-1 - 660006-9.

K.-M. Schiessl, D. Arbó, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Holographic imaging of ionic core potentials using doubly differential electron momentum distributions";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Th018.

K.-M. Schiessl, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Energy dependence of ion guiding through nanocapillaries";
Poster: 14th Intern. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI-2008), University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo/Japan; 01.09.2008; in: "14th International Conference On The Physics Of Highly Charged Ions (hci 2008)", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 163 (2009), S. 012081-1 - 012081-4.

K.-M. Schiessl, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulating of charged particle guiding through insulating nanocapillaries";
Vortrag: 26th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (XXVI ICPEAC), Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA (eingeladen); 22.07.2009 - 28.07.2009; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", IOP Publishing, 194 (2009), ISSN: 1742-6588; S. 012069-1 - 012069-8.

K.-M. Schiessl, W. Palfinger, H. Nowotny, K. Tökési, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of guiding of multiply charged pojectiles through insulating analysis";
Vortrag: 16th Int. Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-16), Hernstein, Austria (eingeladen); 18.09.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts IISC16", F. Aumayr, C. Lemell (Hrg.); (2006), S. 28.

K.-M. Schiessl, W. Palfinger, H. Nowotny, K. Tökési, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of guiding of multiply charged projectiles through insulating capillaries";
Vortrag: 13th Int. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI 2006), Belfast, Northern Ireland (eingeladen); 30.08.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts HCI 2006", (2006), S. 2 - 3.

K.-M. Schiessl, E. Persson, A. Scrinzi, J. Burgdörfer:
"Two-color driving in high harmonic generation: Single-atom and pulse propagation analysis";
Poster: IAMPI 2006 Int. Conf. on the Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Szeged, Hungary; 02.10.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts IAMPI2006", (2006), S. 117.

M. Schillo, E. van der Woerd, T. Wrase:
"The general de Sitter supergravity component action";
Hauptvortrag: 21st European String Workshop: The String Theory Universe., Leuven (eingeladen); 07.09.2015 - 11.09.2015; in: "Proceedings of the 21st European String Workshop: The String Theory Universe.", A. van Proeyen (Hrg.); Fortschritte der Physik, (2015).

S. Schönhuber, M. Brandstetter, C. Deutsch, M. Krall, H. Detz, T. Hisch, M. Liertzer, A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, S. Rotter, K. Unterrainer:
"Quantum Cascade THz Random Lasers";
Vortrag: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung 2015 der ÖPG, SPS, ÖGA und SSAA in Wien, Wien; 01.09.2015 - 04.09.2015; in: "Gemeinsame Jahrestagung in Wien - ÖPG Tagungsband", (2015).

S. Schönhuber, M. Brandstetter, T. Hisch, C. Deutsch, M. Krall, H. Detz, M. Liertzer, D. MacFarland, T. Zederbauer, A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, S. Rotter, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer:
"Random lasers for broadband directional emission";
Vortrag: International Workshop: Discrete, Nonlinear and Disordered Optics, Dresden; 08.05.2017 - 12.05.2017; in: "Discrete, Nonlinear and Disordered Optics", (2017).

S. Schönhuber, M. Brandstetter, T. Hisch, M. Krall, M. A. Kainz, H. Detz, A. M. Andrews, G. Strasser, S. Rotter, K. Unterrainer:
"Investigating the Emission Characteristics of THz Quantum Cascade Random Lasers";
Poster: International Quantum Cascade Lasers School and Workshop (IQCLSW 2016), Cambridge; 04.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "Technical Digest", (2016), Paper-Nr. P1.4, 2 S.

S. Schönhuber, M. Brandstetter, T. Hisch, M. Krall, M. A. Kainz, H. Detz, G. Strasser, S. Rotter, K. Unterrainer:
"Study of Collimated Broadband Surface Emission from THz Quantum Cascade Random Lasers";
Poster: Int. School of Solid State Physics, 70th Workshop: Terahertz Science, Nanotechnologies and Applications, Erice, Sicily; 16.07.2016 - 22.07.2016; in: "Technical Digest", (2016), 2 S.

S. Schönhuber, C. Deutsch, M. Brandstetter, M. Krall, H. Detz, T. Hisch, S. Rotter, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer:
"Broadband Surface Emitting Random Lasers";
Poster: 19 th International Winterschool Mauterndorf 2016, Mauterndorf; 21.02.2016 - 26.02.2016; in: "Technical Digest", (2016), Paper-Nr. P 1.6.3, 2 S.

M. Seliger, C. O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, M. S. Pindzola, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, E. Lamour, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet:
"Electron capture and transport of ions penetrating solids: an open quantum system approach with sources and sinks";
Vortrag: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2007), S. W146.

M. Seliger, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, C. O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, T. Minami:
"Open quantum system approach with sources and sinks";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 06, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA; 16.05.2006 - 20.05.2006; in: "Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.", (2006), S. 96.

N. Simonovic, F. Aigner, B. Solleder, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum diffraction o fast atoms at surfaces: effect of decoherence";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Mo131.

B. Solleder, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Electron emission during scattering of N6+ ions from a magnetized iron surface";
Vortrag: 16th Int. Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-16), Hernstein; 17.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "Book of Abstracts", F. Aumayr, C. Lemell (Hrg.); (2006), S. 140.

B. Solleder, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Spin dependent low energy electron scattering and transport in metals";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freuburg, Germany; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Mo130.

B. Solleder, L Wirtz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Trion excitation near an LiF surface";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Deutschland; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Fr152.

S. Stetina, A. Schmitt, M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu:
"From field theory to superfluid hydrodynamics of dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram III, Guarujá, Brasil; 12.12.2012 - 15.12.2012; in: "Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram III (CSQCD III)", Electronic Conference Proceedings Archive, Cnum: C12-12-12 (2012), S. 1 - 8.

B. Stix, S. Pleschko, K.-M. Schiessl, K. Tökési, B. Solleder, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Guiding of charged particles through insulating nanocapillaries";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Deutschland; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Mo128.

A.D. Stone, H.E. Türeci, L. Ge, S. Rotter:
"Theory of the spatial structure of non-linear modes in novel and complex laser cavities";
Vortrag: 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON '07), Rome, Italy (eingeladen); 02.07.2007; in: "Proceedings ICTON 2007", Vol. 3 (2007), S. 46 - 49.

K. Svozil:
"On the brightness of the Thomson Lamp: A prolegomenon to quantum recursion theory";
Vortrag: 8th International Conference on Unconventional Computation, UC 2009, Ponta Delaga, Portugal; 07.09.2009 - 11.09.2009; in: "Unconventional Computation", C.S. Calude et al. (Hrg.); Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5715 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-03744-3; S. 236 - 246.

R. Szedlak, T. Hisch, M. Holzbauer, D. MacFarland, T. Zederbauer, H. Detz, A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, S. Rotter, G. Strasser:
"Creation of Orbital Angular Momentum using an On-chip Dielectric Metamaterial for Beam Shaping";
Poster: 33rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS2016), Beijing, China; 31.07.2016 - 05.08.2016; in: "Proceedings of the ICPS 2016", (2016), S. 659.

R. Szedlak, T. Hisch, M. Holzbauer, D. MacFarland, T. Zederbauer, H. Detz, A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, S. Rotter, G. Strasser:
"On-chip Generation of Infrared Orbital Angular Momentum Beams using a Dielectric Metamaterial";
Vortrag: CLEO 2016, San Jose; 05.06.2016 - 10.06.2016; in: "CLEO:2016 Laser Science to Photonic Applications", (2016), S. 181.

R. Thalhammer, S. Braun, B. Devcic-Kuhar, M. Gröschl, E. Benes, H. Nowotny, F. Trampler:
"Viscosity-density sensor based upon a three layer piezoelectric sandwich resonator";
Vortrag: World Congress on Ultrasonics (WCU 97), Yokohama/J; 24.08.1997 - 27.08.1997; in: "Proceedings of the Conference", (1997), ISBN: 4-9900616-0-8; S. 458 - 459.

R. Thalhammer, S. Braun, B. Devcic-Kuhar, M. Gröschl, F. Trampler, E. Benes, H. Nowotny, M. Kostal:
"Viscosity sensor with a piezoelectric sandwich resonator";
Vortrag: Radioelektronica 2000, Bratislava/SK; 12.09.2000 - 13.09.2000; in: "Proceedings of the Conference", (2000), ISBN: 80-227-1389-9; S. II.10 - II.13.

R. Thalhammer, S. Braun, B. Devcic-Kuhar, M. Gröschl, F. Trampler, E. Benes, H. Nowotny, M. Kostal, M. Hruskovic, J. Hribik:
"Viscosity sensor based upon an angular momentum compensated piezoelectric thickness shear sandwich resonator";
Vortrag: IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Orlando, Florida/USA; 28.05.1997 - 31.05.1997; in: "Proceedings of the IFCS 97", (1997), ISBN: 0-7803-3728-x; S. 105 - 113.

P. E. Theodorakis, G. Kahl, C. Dellago:
"Self-assembling DNA-coated colloids. A simulation study";
Poster: 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Wien; 06.09.2011 - 10.09.2011; in: "8th Liquid Matter Conference - Conference Book", European Physical Society, Europhysics Conference Abstracts / Volume 35D (2011), ISBN: 2-914771-71-1; S. 258.

M. Totaro, P. Marconcini, S. Rotter, D. Logoteta, M. Macucci:
"Using gate voltages to tune the noise properties of a mesoscopic cavity";
Vortrag: 20th International conference on noise and fluctuations, Pisa; 14.06.2009 - 19.06.2009; in: "International conference on noise and fluctuations", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1129 (2009), S. 409 - 412.

H.E. Türeci, L. Ge, S. Rotter, A.D. Stone:
"Theory of the spatial structure of non-linear modes in conventional and random lasers";
Vortrag: 2007 Photonic Metamaterial: From random to periodic (META), Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA; 07.07.2007; in: "Photonic Metamaterials: From Random to Periodic, OSA Technical Digest (CD)", ThC2 (2007), S. 1 - 3.

G. Wachter, S. Lederer, Hp. Winter, H. Winter, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Kinetic electron emission below the classical threshold";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Fr153.

G. Wachter, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Electron emission in laser-nanotip interaction";
Poster: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK; 27.07.2011 - 03.08.2011; in: "XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2011)", Journal of Phsyics Conference Series, 388 (2012), ISSN: 1742-6596; 132018 S.

G. Wachter, K. Tökési, G. Betz, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Nanomelting and track formation in insulators by swift heavy ions";
Poster: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011; in: "XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2011)", Journal of Physics Conference Series, 388 (2012), ISSN: 1742-6596; 132012 S.

S. Wagner, G. Kahl:
"Structure and thermodynamics of elliptic patcy particles";
Poster: 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019), Edinburgh; 03.06.2019 - 07.06.2019; in: "Conference Booklet of the 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019)", (2019), S. 41.

N.-O. Walliser:
"On Large Volume Moduli Stabilization in IIB Orientifolds";
Vortrag: "F-Theory and New Developments in String Theory", Bogolyubov Conference on Modern Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Kiew, Ukraine; 15.09.2009 - 18.09.2009; in: "Ukrainian Journal of Physics", Ukrainian Journal of Physics, Vol. 55 / 5 (2010), ISSN: 2071-0194; S. 481 - 486.

J. Whalen, F. Camargo, R. Ding, T. Killian, F.B. Dunning, J. Perez-Rios, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Lifetimes of Ultralong-range Strontium Rydberg Molecules in a Dense BEC";
Poster: 48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Sacramento, California; 05.06.2017 - 09.06.2017; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", American Physical Society, 62 (2017), ISSN: 0003-0503.

J. Whalen, F. Camargo, R. Ding, T. Killian, F.B. Dunning, J. Perez-Rios, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Lifetimes of ultralong-range strontium Rydberg molecules in cold dense gases";
Vortrag: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 26.07.2017 - 01.08.2017; in: "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", IOP Publishing, 875 (2017), S. 012013.

J. Whalen, R. Ding, S. Kanungo, F.B. Dunning, T. Killian, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Measurements of spatial correlations in quantum gases using ultralong-range strontium Rydberg molecules";
Poster: 31st International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXXI ICPEAC), Deauville, Normandy/France; 24.07.2019 - 30.07.2019; in: "Book of abstracts", (2019).

J. Whalen, R. Ding, S. Kanungo, H. Rathore, Y. Wang, F.B. Dunning, T. Killian, J. Sous, H. Sadeghpour, M. Wagner, R. Schmidt, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing nonlocal correlations in quantum gases with ultra-long range Rydberg molecules";
Vortrag: 50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2019), ISSN: 0003-0503.

Hp. Winter, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, S. Lederer, H. Winter:
"Below threshold kinetic electron emission";
Poster: Symp. on Surface Science 2006 (3S'06), St. Christoph am Arlberg; 09.03.2006; in: "Proc. 3S´06", F. Aumayr, P. Varga (Hrg.); (2006), S. 149 - 150.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Explaining attosecond controlled fragmentaion of molecules by theoretical modelling";
Poster: 4th International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO2013), Paris; 08.07.2013 - 12.07.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), Paper-Nr. P2.40, 1 S.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, H. Xu, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Control of isomerization and fragmentation of polyatomic molecules by recollision-ionization from inner-valence orbitals";
Vortrag: 4th International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO2013), Paris; 08.07.2013 - 12.07.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), 1 S.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, H. Xu, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling isomerization and fragmentation of polyatomic molecules by laser-sub-cycle electron recollision";
Vortrag: 22th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS´13), Prague, Czech Republic; 15.07.2013 - 19.07.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013).

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, H. Xu, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling isomerization and fragmentation of polyatomic molecules by laser-sub-cycle electron recollision";
Vortrag: 11th European Conference On Atoms, Molecules And Photons (ecamp11), Aarhus, Denmark; 24.06.2013 - 28.06.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), Paper-Nr. We-T8- 30, 1 S.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, H. Xu, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling Molecular Isomerization and Fragmentation with Laser- Induced Electron Recollision";
Vortrag: CLEO Europe 2013, Munich; 12.05.2013 - 16.05.2013; in: "Conference Digest", (2013), ISBN: 978-1-4799-0594-2; Paper-Nr. CG-2.3 TUE, 1 S.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, S. Roither, A. Iwasaki, S. Erattupuzha, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling the fragmentation of aligned polyatomic molecules by selective inner-valence ionization";
Poster: 11th European Conference On Atoms, Molecules And Photons (ecamp11), Aarhus, Denmark; 24.06.2013 - 28.06.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), Paper-Nr. We-T8- 29, 1 S.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, S. Roither, A. Iwasaki, S. Erattupuzha, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Fragmentation control of aligned polyatomic molecules by selective innervalence ionization";
Poster: 4th International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO2013), Paris; 08.07.2013 - 12.07.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), Paper-Nr. P1.37, 1 S.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, S. Roither, A. Iwasaki, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Control of Fragmentation Reactions in Impulsively Aligned Polyatomic Molecules by Selective Removal of Inner-Valence Electrons";
Poster: CLEO Europe 2013, Munich; 12.05.2013 - 16.05.2013; in: "Conference Digest", (2013), ISBN: 978-1-4799-0594-2; Paper-Nr. CG-P.4 THU, 1 S.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, S. Erattupuzha, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling Fragmentation Reactions of Polyatomic Molecules with Impulsive Alignment";
Vortrag: 19th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Okinawa, Japan; 07.07.2014 - 11.07.2014; in: "The 19th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (UP2014)", (2014), Paper-Nr. 09.Wed.C.5, 2 S.

X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, S. Erattupuzha, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling molecular fragmentation reactions with impulsive alignment";
Vortrag: High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena (HILAS) 2014, Berlin; 18.03.2014 - 20.03.2014; in: "Conference Program", (2014), Paper-Nr. HTh4B.6, 3 S.

X. Xie, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, D. Arbó, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Intracycle interferometry for atomic ionization by two-color short-laser pulses";
Poster: 4th International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO2013), Paris; 08.07.2013 - 12.07.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), Paper-Nr. P1.52, 1 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, D. V. Kartashov, M. Schöffler, S. Erattupuzha, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, L. Zhang, A. Iwasaki, S. Bubin, M. Atkinson, K. Varga, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Exploring control schemes for molecular fragmentation: alignment and CE-phase";
Poster: International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Dresden, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme; 26.11.2012 - 30.11.2012; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2012), Paper-Nr. 11, 1 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, S. Bubin, K. Varga, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Laser-pulse-induced fragmentation of polyatomic molecules: From observation to control";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Dresden, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme (eingeladen); 26.11.2012 - 30.11.2012; in: "Scientific Program", (2012), 1 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, D. G. Arbó, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, A. Baltuska, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Tracing attosecond bound electronic dynamics by subcycle electron wavepacket interferometry";
Poster: 11th European Conference On Atoms, Molecules And Photons (ecamp11), Aarhus, Denmark; 24.06.2013 - 28.06.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), Paper-Nr. We-T8- 28, 1 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, D. Arbó, S. Gräfe, A. Baltuska, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Attosecond strong-field electron wavepacket interferometry";
Vortrag: 64. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Pöllau, Steiermark; 24.09.2014 - 27.09.2014; in: "Tagungsprogramm", P. Schuster et al. (Hrg.); (2014), S. 46.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, D. Arbó, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Attosecond strong-field electron wavepacket interferometry";
Vortrag: High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena (HILAS 2012), Berlin (eingeladen); 19.03.2012 - 21.03.2012; in: "Proceedings in Research in Optical Sciences, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America)", (2012), Paper-Nr. HW2C.4, 3 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, D. Arbó, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Attosecond wavefunction retrieval by electron wavepacket interferometry";
Vortrag: CLEO 2012, San Jose, California, USA; 06.05.2012 - 11.05.2012; in: "Technical Digest", (2012), ISBN: 978-1-55752-943-5; Paper-Nr. QTu2H.2, 2 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, D. Arbó, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Tracing a valence wavepacket during its creation using laser-sub-cycle interferometry";
Vortrag: 21th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS´12), Calgary, Canada (eingeladen); 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012; in: "Technical Digest", (2012).

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, A. Baltuska, J. Burgdörfer, M. Kitzler:
"Observing the influence of the Coulomb binding potential on momentum spectra of strong-field driven electronic wave packets";
Poster: XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Belfast; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011; in: "Conference Program", (2011), Paper-Nr. Mo124, 1 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Measuring the influence of the Coulomb binding potential on the trajectories of strong-field driven electronic wave packets";
Poster: CLEO Europe 2011, Munich, Germany; 22.05.2011 - 26.05.2011; in: "EQEC 2011 - Conference Digest", (2011), ISBN: 978-1-4577-0532-8; Paper-Nr. CG.P.14 THU, 1 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, R. Dörner, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Mapping the Coulomb potential's influence on the motion of electronic wave packets in strong laser fields";
Poster: International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science 9, Maui, Hawaii; 09.12.2010 - 13.12.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts for ISUILS9", (2010), S. 61.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, R. Dörner, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Mapping the Coulomb Potential's Influence on the Motion of Electronic Wave Packets in Strong Laser Fields";
Poster: High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, Istanbul, Turkey; 16.02.2011 - 18.02.2011; in: "Advanced Solid-State Photonics, Advances in Optical Materials, Fiber Laser Applications, High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena (ASSP/AIOM/FILAS/HILAS)", (2011), ISBN: 978-1-55752-904-6; Paper-Nr. HWC1, 3 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling and reading interference structures created by strong field ionizing attosecond electron wave packets";
Vortrag: CLEO Europe 2011, Munich, Germany; 22.05.2011 - 26.05.2011; in: "EQEC 2011 - Conference Digest", (2011), ISBN: 978-1-4577-0532-8; Paper-Nr. CG3.2 THU, 1 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling and reading interference structures created by strong field ionizing attosecond electron wave packets";
Poster: 12th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP12), Sapporo; 03.07.2011 - 06.07.2011; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2011), S. 73.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling and reading interference structures created by strong field ionizing attosecond electron wave packets";
Poster: XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Belfast; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011; in: "Conference Program", (2011), Paper-Nr. Mo123, 1 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Interference structure created by attosecond electron wave packets";
Poster: Symposium of Attoscience and Ultrafast Quantum Control (SASQC11), London; 07.09.2011 - 09.09.2011; in: "SASQC11 Participant Information", (2011), S. 47.

X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, G.A. Reider, R. Dörner, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Driving elelctronic wave packets by attosecond half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: 17th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Colorado,USA; 18.07.2010 - 23.07.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), ISBN: 978-1-55752-894-0; Paper-Nr. ThA2, 2 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, H. Xu, L. Zhang, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Gräfe, S. Bubin, M. Atkinson, K. Varga, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Fragmentation Control of a Polyatomic Molecule by fully determined Laser-Fields";
Poster: UP 2012 (XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena), Lausanne; 09.07.2012 - 13.07.2012; in: "Conference Digest", (2012), ISBN: 2-914771-76-2; Paper-Nr. THU.PIII.28, 2 S.

X. Xie, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, H. Xu, K. Doblhoff-Dier, D. V. Kartashov, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, M. Kitzler:
"Controlling proton transfer processes in hydrocarbon molecules via laser-induced electron correlation";
Vortrag: International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science (ISUILS 11), Jeju, Korea (eingeladen); 21.10.2012 - 25.10.2012; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 9.

X. Xie, S. Roither, L. Zhang, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, G.A. Reider, R. Dörner, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Steering Electron Wave Packets by Impulsive Kicks of Light";
Vortrag: 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons ECAMP X, Salamanca, Spain; 04.07.2010 - 09.07.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), 1 S.

X. Xie, H. Xu, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. V. Kartashov, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Gräfe, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Control of a molecular fragmentation reaction by fully determined laser-fields";
Vortrag: 21th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS´12), Calgary, Canada; 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012; in: "Technical Digest", (2012).

S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, R. Fields, R. Brienza, F.B. Dunning:
"L-changing through very-long-range interactions in high-n, n~300, Rydberg-Rydberg collisions";
Poster: 31st International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXXI ICPEAC), Deauville, Normandy/France; 24.07.2019 - 30.07.2019; in: "Book of abstracts", (2019).

S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, R. Fields, R. Brienza, F.B. Dunning:
"State changing through very-long-range interactions in high-n, n≥ 300, Rydberg-Rydberg collisions";
Poster: 50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", (2019), ISSN: 0003-0503.

S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, C. O. Reinhold, W. Zhao, J.J. Mestayer, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning:
"Noise induced decoherence of Rydberg atoms in a DC field";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 06, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA; 16.05.2006 - 20.05.2006; in: "Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.", 51 (2006), S. 142.

S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning:
"Blockade involving high-n, n∼300, strontium Rydberg atoms";
Hauptvortrag: 47th annual meeting of the APS DAMOP, Providence, RI, USA; 23.05.2016 - 27.05.2016; in: "Bulletin of the american physical society", (2016), ISSN: 0003-0503; S. 120.

S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning:
"Effect of atomic motion on Rydberg blockade in a hot atomic beam";
Poster: 48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Sacramento, California; 05.06.2017 - 09.06.2017; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society", American Physical Society, 62 (2017), ISSN: 0003-0503.

S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning:
"Strongly-coupled high-$n$ Rydberg atom pairs";
Poster: Damop 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA; 08.06.2015 - 12.06.2015; in: "Bulletin of the American Physical Society, DAMOP 2015", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 60 (2015), ISSN: 0003-0503; S. K1-39.

S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, W. Zhao, J.J. Mestayer, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning:
"Electric dipole echoes and noise-induced decoherence";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Mo050.

L. Zhang, S. Roither, X. Xie, D. V. Kartashov, A. Iwasaki, H. Xu, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, G.A. Reider, R. Dörner, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Coincidence Imaging of Fragmentation Pathways in Polyatomic Molecules";
Poster: 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons ECAMP X, Salamanca, Spain; 04.07.2010 - 09.07.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), 1 S.

L. Zhang, X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, M. Lezius, R. Dörner, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska, M. Kitzler:
"Driving electronic Wave Packets by Attosecond Half-Cycle Pulses";
Vortrag: CCAST Workshop on "Strong Field Laser Physics", Shanghai (eingeladen); 25.10.2010 - 29.10.2010; in: "Proceedings to CCAST", Z. Xu (Hrg.); (2010), 1 S.

L. Zhang, X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, M. Schöffler, D. Shafir, S. Gräfe, P. Corkum, A. Baltuska, A. Staudte, M. Kitzler:
"Exploring sub-cycle ionization dynamics with orthogonally polarized two-color laser pulses";
Poster: 11th European Conference On Atoms, Molecules And Photons (ecamp11), Aarhus, Denmark; 24.06.2013 - 28.06.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), Paper-Nr. We-T8-27, 1 S.

X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Observation of Rydberg blockade effects at very high n, n∼300, using strontium n1F3 states";
Poster: Damop 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA; 08.06.2015 - 12.06.2015; in: "46the Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 60 (2015), ISSN: 0003-0503; S. M6-3.

X. Zhang, S. Ye, F.B. Dunning, M. Hiller, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Exploring dipole blockade using high-n strontium Rydberg atoms";
Poster: 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2014), Madison, WI (USA); 02.06.2014 - 06.06.2014; in: "DAMOP 2014", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 59 (2014), ISSN: 0003-0503; S. 106.

X. Zhang, S. Ye, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, M. Hiller, J. Burgdörfer:
"Efficient three-photon excitation of quasi-1D n∼300 strontium Rydberg atoms";
Poster: 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2014), Madison, WI (USA); 02.06.2014 - 06.06.2014; in: "DAMOP 2014", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 59 (2014), ISSN: 0003-0503; S. 52.

W. Zhao, J.J. Mestayer, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning, C. O. Reinhold, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer:
"Navigating in phase space";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 06, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA; 16.05.2006 - 20.05.2006; in: "Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.", 51 (2006), S. 142.

W. Zhao, J.J. Mestayer, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Steering Rydberg electrons using chirped half-cycle pulse trains";
Poster: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany; 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007; in: "Book of Abstracts", J. Ullrich et al. (Hrg.); (2007), S. Mo051.

X. Zhao, G. Kastlunger, R. Stadler:
"Quantum interference effects in coherent electron transport through single molecule Junctions with branched compounds containing ferrocene";
Poster: Vienna young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 09.06.2016 - 10.06.2016; in: "TU Wien - VSS Vienna Young Scientists Symposium", B. Ullmann, G. Artner, P. Hans, H. Krebs, P. Eder-Neuhauser, R. Zemann (Hrg.); Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2016), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-2-1; S. 118 - 119.

A. Zöttl, J. M. Yeomans:
"Hydrodynamic simulations of flagellated bacteria in polymer solutions and polymer networks";
Vortrag: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Frühjahrstagung 2019, Regensburg/Germany; 31.03.2019 - 05.04.2019; in: "DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie", (2019).

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag)

F. Aigner:
"Fast atom diffraction on crystal surfaces";
Vortrag: Seminar Institut für Allgemeine Physik (IAP), TU Wien; 31.03.2009.

F. Aigner:
"Recent results on shot noise in transport through open quantum dots";
Vortrag: Workshop on Andreev Billiards 2004, Technische Universität Wien; 06.04.2004.

F. Aigner:
"Shot noise and full counting statistics in mesoscopic quantum dots";
Poster: Quantum Coherence, Noise and Decoherence in Nanostructures DECONS 06, Dresden; 15.05.2006 - 26.05.2006.

F. Aigner:
"Shot noise in transport through quantum dots: Clean versus disordered samples";
Poster: Intern. Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE-11), Wien; 25.05.2006 - 27.05.2006.

F. Aigner, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Chaotic-to-regular crossover of shot noise in mesoscopic conductors";
Vortrag: Dynamics Days 2005, Berlin, Germany; 25.07.2005.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Quark superfluidity in the two-fluid formalism";
Vortrag: Conference ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum X", Munich (Germany); 08.10.2012 - 12.10.2012.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Quark superfluidity in the two-fluid formalism";
Vortrag: ``Quark Gluon Plasma meets Cold Atoms -- Episode III" (EMMI Workshop), Hirschegg; 25.08.2012 - 31.08.2012.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Quark superfluidity in the two-fluid formalism";
Vortrag: Conference "Strong and electroweak matter 2012", Swansea (UK); 10.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Role reversal in first and second sound in a relativistic superfluid";
Vortrag: Quark Matter in Compact Stars (EMMI Workshop), Frankfurt (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 10/2013.

M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu, A. Schmitt, S. Stetina:
"Superfluid properties of dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Nuclear Matter and Phases of QCD (I3HP Workshop), Graz (eingeladen); 21.05.2013 - 23.05.2013.

P. Ambichl, A. Brandstötter, J. Böhm, M. Kühmayer, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Focusing inside disordered media with the generalised Wigner-Smith operator";
Vortrag: 8th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localisation Phenomena, Warsaw (eingeladen); 19.05.2017 - 21.05.2017.

P. Ambichl, A. Brandstötter, J. Böhm, M. Kühmayer, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Focusing inside Disordered Media with the Generalized Wigner-Smith Operator";
Vortrag: Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp, London; 25.07.2017 - 28.07.2017.

P. Ambichl, A. Brandstötter, M. Kühmayer, M. Horodynski, J. Böhm, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Wavefront Shaping with the Generalized Wigner-Smith Operator";
Vortrag: CLEO 2018, San Jose; 13.05.2018 - 18.05.2018.

P. Ambichl, F. Libisch, S. Rotter:
"From particle to wave and back";
Vortrag: X. Billiard Workshop, Riezlern; 19.09.2011 - 23.09.2011.

P. Ambichl, K. Makris, S. Rotter:
"Breaking of PT-symmetry in bounded and unbounded scattering systems";
Vortrag: Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XI, Prag; 30.10.2013 - 01.11.2013.

P. Ambichl, S. Rotter, F. Libisch:
"Generating Particle-Like Scattering States in Wave Transport";
Vortrag: InnoWave 2012 Innovations in Wave Modelling, Nottingham; 03.09.2012 - 07.09.2012.

P. Ambichl, S. Rotter, F. Libisch:
"Generating Particle-Like Scattering States in Wave Transport";
Poster: QCMC 2012 Intl. Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Wien; 30.07.2012 - 03.08.2012.

P. Ambichl, S. Rotter, F. Libisch:
"Generating Particlelike Scattering States in Wave Transport";
Poster: Cargèse Summer School 2013, Cargèse, Korsika, Frankreich; 27.05.2013 - 31.05.2013.

P. Ambichl, S. Rotter, F. Libisch, K. Makris:
"Delay Times and Particle-Like Scattering States in Systems with Loss and Gain";
Vortrag: PHHQPXI Non-Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics, Paris; 27.08.2012 - 31.08.2012.

P. Anastasopoulos:
"Light stringy states";
Vortrag: Universita di Torino, String Theory Group, Turin (eingeladen); 08.11.2011.

P. Anastasopoulos:
"On mass hierarchies in orientifolds";
Vortrag: Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata", String Theory Group Seminar, Rom (eingeladen); 04.03.2011.

P. Anastasopoulos:
"One-loop adjoint masses for branes at non-supersymmetric angles";
Vortrag: 11th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, Corfu; 04.09.2011 - 18.09.2011.

P. Anastasopoulos:
"One-loop Adjoint Masses for Non-Supersymmetric Intersecting Branes";
Vortrag: String Phenomenology 2011, Stockholm; 30.05.2011 - 25.06.2011.

M. Antlanger:
"Classical two-dimensional Wigner crystals formed by an equimolar binary mixture";
Vortrag: 2nd Workshop on Statistical Physics, Bogota (Colombia); 22.09.2014 - 26.09.2014.

M. Antlanger:
"Classical two-dimensional Wigner crystals formed by an equimolar binary mixture";
Vortrag: ViCoM Young Researchers Meeting 2014, TU Wien, Österreich; 22.04.2014 - 23.04.2014.

M. Antlanger:
"Ordered layered structures in confined dipolar systems";
Vortrag: Transnational Access Meeting of the HPC-Europa2 project, Amsterdam; 25.06.2012 - 27.06.2012.

M. Antlanger:
"The asymmetric Wigner bilayer problem";
Vortrag: Minimal Energy Point Sets, Lattices and Designs, Wien; 13.10.2014 - 17.10.2014.

M. Antlanger, G. Doppelbauer, M. Mazars, G. Kahl:
"Ordered equilibrium structures of soft spheres in slit-pore confinement";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal); 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

M. Antlanger, G. Kahl:
"Classical two-dimensional Wigner crystals formed by an equimolar binary mixture";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal); 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, G. Doppelbauer, G. Kahl:
"Crystal phases of soft spheres in slit-pore geometry";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom; 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, G. Doppelbauer, G. Kahl:
"Ordered structures in confined soft particle systems";
Poster: Physics of Complex Colloids Conference, Ljubljiana; 14.05.2013 - 18.05.2013.

M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, G. Doppelbauer, J.-J. Weis, G. Kahl:
"Ordered structures in dipolar, layered systems";
Poster: ESF Conference Energy Landscapes, Obergurgl; 16.07.2012 - 21.07.2012.

M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, G. Kahl:
"Ground states in classical asymmetric bilayer Wigner crystals";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom; 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, G. Kahl, E. Trizac:
"Ordered equilibrium structures in classical asymmetric bilayer Wigner crystals";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal); 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, E. Trizac, G. Kahl:
"Ground states in asymmetric bilayer Wigner crystals";
Poster: From Electrons to Phase Transitions ViCoM Conference, Wien; 02/2014.

D. Arbó:
"Coherences in Rydberg atoms";
Vortrag: Institute of Astronomy and Space Physics, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 01.08.2002.

D. Arbó:
"Electron distribution in ionization of atoms by short and strong laser pulses";
Vortrag: Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 09.11.2005.

D. Arbó:
"Ionization by short-laser pulses: Interference phenomena";
Vortrag: Int. Seminar on Intense Laser-Matter Interaction and Pulse Propagation, Dresden, Germany; 01.08.2005 - 24.08.2005.

D. Arbó:
"Ionization of atoms by short-laser pulses";
Vortrag: University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentinien (eingeladen); 16.12.2004.

D. Arbó, E. Persson, K. I. Dimitriou, J. Burgdörfer:
"Carrier-envelope phase dependence of short-laser pulse atomic ionization";
Poster: 11th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2008), Heidelberg, Germany; 18.09.2008 - 23.09.2008.

D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Discrete scaling laws for the transiently localized Rydberg states";
Poster: 35th Meeting of the Division of Atomic und Optical Physics (DAMOP), Tucson, Arizona, USA; 25.05.2004 - 29.05.2004.

D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum and classical scaling law for transient localization of HCP-driven Rydberg wave packets";
Poster: 8th Europ. Conf. on Atomic and Molecular Physics (ECAMP VIII), Rennes, Frankreich; 06.07.2004 - 10.07.2004.

D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transient localization of HCP-driven Rydberg wave packets: Quantum and classical scaling law";
Poster: Intern. Workshop and Seminar on Rydberg Physics, Dresden, Deutschland; 19.04.2004 - 14.05.2004.

D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, A. Pattanayak, C.L. Stokely, W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning:
"Quantum description of transient phase-space localization";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm, Sweden (eingeladen); 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, K. Dimitriou, J. Burgdörfer:
"Interference of electrons ionized by short laser pulses";
Vortrag: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany (eingeladen); 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007.

D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, K. Dimitriou, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ionization by short-laser pulses: Complex low-energy structures";
Poster: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Argentina; 20.07.2005 - 26.07.2005.

D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, K. Dimitriou, J. Burgdörfer:
"Single ionization of atoms in the tunneling regime: Interference phenomena";
Poster: Intern. Workshop on Intense Laser-Matter Interaction and Pulse Propagation, Dresden, Germany; 15.08.2005 - 19.08.2005.

M. Attems:
"Chromo-Weibel plasma instabilities in Bjorken expansion";
Vortrag: CERN Heavy Ion Forum, Geneva (eingeladen); 26.01.2012.

M. Attems:
"Instabilities in an Anisotropically Expanding Quark-Gluon Plasma";
Vortrag: FAKT 2007 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Langenlois; 24.09.2007 - 26.09.2007.

M. Attems:
"Instabilities in an expanding quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: FAKT 2008 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Aflenz; 21.09.2008 - 23.09.2008.

M. Attems, D. Grumiller, A. Rebhan, P. Romatschke, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"On the collision of two shock waves in AdS5";
Vortrag: FAKT 2009 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Innsbruck; 01.09.2009 - 04.09.2009.

M. Attems, A. Ipp, A. Rebhan, D. Steineder, M. Strickland:
"The (better) fate of nonabelian plasma instabilities in 3+1 dimensions with longitudinal expansion";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2012, Swansea, UK; 10.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

M. Attems, O. Philipsen, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Realtime fermions in an anisotropic plasma";
Vortrag: New Frontiers in QCD 2013, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan; 18.11.2013 - 20.12.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
""Longitudinal thermalization via the chromo-Weibel instability";
Vortrag: Palaver, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; 22.10.2012.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Chromo-Weibel filaments in the Quark-Gluon Plasma";
Vortrag: Kent QCD Seminar, Kent State University (eingeladen); 07.11.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Chromo-Weibel instabilities in an expanding Quark Gluon Plasma";
Vortrag: Blockcourse on Aspects of QCD at Finite Density, Universität Bielefeld; 19.09.2011 - 23.09.2011.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Chromo-Weibel instabilities in Bjorken expansion";
Vortrag: Seminar Hochenergiephysik, Universitaet Bielefeld; 06.11.2012.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Chromo-Weibel plasma instabilities in Bjorken expansion";
Vortrag: 8th Vienna Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Wien; 27.11.2011.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Chromo-Weibel plasma instabilities in Bjorken expansion";
Vortrag: IPN Seminaire, Palaiseau (eingeladen); 17.11.2011.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Chromo-Weibel plasma instabilities in Bjorken expansion";
Vortrag: Quark-Gluon Plasma and Heavy Ion Collisions : past, present, future, Villa Gualino, Torino, Italy; 07.03.2011 - 12.03.2011.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Filamentation instability in non-Abelian plasma";
Vortrag: CUNY Physics Seminar, Baruch College - The City University of New York; 04.11.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Instabilities in an anisotropically expanding quark-gluon plasma";
Poster: 47. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, "Fundamental Challenges of QCD", Schladming; 28.02.2009 - 07.03.2009.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Instabilities in an anisotropically expanding quark-gluon plasma";
Poster: 6th Vienna Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Wien; 27.11.2009 - 29.11.2009.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Instabilities in an anisotropically expanding quark-gluon plasma";
Poster: Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Madrid; 20.08.2010 - 03.09.2010.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Instabilities in anisotropically expanding Quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: Quarks, Gluons, and Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions, St. Goar; 15.03.2011 - 18.03.2011.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Instabilities in Quark Gluon Plasma";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien; 12.10.2010.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Instabilities in the Quark-Gluon-Plasma";
Vortrag: DissertantInnenseminar Teilchenphysik, Universität Graz; 19.01.2011.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Kinetic models of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Seminar at University of Vienna, Wien, Österreich; 07.05.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Longitudinal thermalization via the chromo-Weibel instability";
Vortrag: Conference ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum X", Campus Garching, Muenchen; 07.10.2012 - 12.10.2012.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Longitudinal Thermalization via the Chromo-Weibel Instability";
Vortrag: Second Norwegian Winter Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim (Norway); 13.12.2012 - 15.12.2012.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Longitudinal thermalization via the chromo-Weibel instability";
Vortrag: Transport Meeting, FIAS; 22.11.2012.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Longitudinal thermalization via the Chromo-Weibel instability";
Vortrag: Ohio Nuclear Physics Seminar, Ohio State University; 12.11.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Longitudinal Thermalization via the Chromo-Weibel Instability";
Vortrag: Schladming winterschool 2013, Schladming; 23.02.2013 - 02.03.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Realtime evolution of Chromo-Weibel instabilities";
Vortrag: LBL Theory Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA (eingeladen); 14.11.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Realtime evolution of non-Abelian plasma instabilities";
Vortrag: Nuclear Physics & RIKEN Theory Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory; 01.11.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"The chromo-Weibel instability in an expanding background";
Vortrag: High energy, high density and hot QCD, ECT* Trento, Italy; 17.06.2013 - 21.06.2013.

M. Attems, A. Rebhan, M. Strickland:
"Weibel instabilities and thermalization in quantum chromodynamics";
Vortrag: Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt International Graduate School for Science; 24.06.2013.

F. Aumayr, M Fürsatz, S. Pleschko, I. Gebeshuber, Hp. Winter, C. Lemell, N. Stolterfoht:
"2-D scattering distribution of multiply charged ions guided through nano-capillaries";
Poster: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario/Argentina; 22.07.2005.

F. Aumayr, G. Kowarik, R. Bereczky, C. Lemaignan, A. Macé, F. Ladinig, R. Raab, K.-M. Schiessl, C. Lemell, K. Tökési:
"Guiding of slow highly charged ions through mesoscopic glass capillaries";
Poster: 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP 10), Salamanca/Spain; 06.07.2010.

F. Aumayr, R. Ritter, M. Stöger-Pollach, C. Lemell, R. Wilhelm, S. Facsko, U. Werner, A. Gölzhäuser:
"Holes in carbon nanosheets due to impact of individual slow highly charged ions";
Poster: Symposium on Surface Science 2012 (3S*12), St.Christoph am Arlberg/A; 14.03.2012.

F. Aumayr, G. Wachter, K. Tökési, G. Betz, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, A.S. El-Said, R.A. Wilhelm, R. Heller, S. Facsko, R. Ritter:
"Nano-structuring of CaF2 surfaces by slow highly charged ions: simulation and experiment";
Poster: 28th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVIII ICPEAC), Lanzhou/China; 29.07.2013.

W. Auzinger, H. Hofstätter, D. Ketcheson, O. Koch, M. Thalhammer:
"Higher-order time-adaptive splitting schemes for evolution equations";
Vortrag: SIAM Annual Meeting 2016, Boston (eingeladen); 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016.

W. Auzinger, H. Hofstätter, D. Ketcheson, O. Koch, M. Thalhammer:
"Local error estimation and adaptive splitting in time";
Vortrag: 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando (eingeladen); 01.07.2016 - 05.07.2016.

A. Azari, P. van Oostrum, E. Bianchi:
"Tuning the porosity of self-assembled multipolar colloidal monolayers";
Poster: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021.

N. Bachelard:
"Collective Mechanisms for the Self-organization of Dynamic Photonic and Phononic Crystals out of Ther-modynamic Equilibrium";
Vortrag: DIEP Workshop on Topology and broken symmetries: from driven quantum matter to active metamaterials, Utrecht (eingeladen); 01.07.2019 - 03.07.2019.

N. Bachelard:
"Collective Mechanisms for the Self-organization of Dynamic Photonic and Phononic Crystals out of Thermodynamic Equilibrium";
Vortrag: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2019, Rome (eingeladen); 17.06.2019.

N. Bachelard:
"Collective mechanisms for the self-organization of dynamic photonic and phononic crystals out of thermodynamic equilibrium";
Vortrag: Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp 2019, London (eingeladen); 11.08.2019 - 14.08.2019.

N. Bachelard:
"Collective Mechanisms for the Self-organization of Dynamic Photonic Crystals out of Thermodynamic Equilibrium";
Vortrag: SPIE Photonics West 2020, San Francisco; 01.02.2020 - 06.02.2020.

N. Bachelard, S. Burkhardt, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, P. Sebbah:
"Selection and control of laser modes in random media through spatial pump modulation";
Vortrag: DPG Spring Meeting Berlin 2014, Berlin, Germany; 17.03.2014 - 21.03.2014.

N. Bachelard, S. Rotter:
"Non-hermitian control of topological charge in random media";
Vortrag: SPIE Photonics West 2020, San Francisco; 01.02.2020 - 06.02.2020.

A. Bärnthaler, S. Rotter, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gehler, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann:
"Fano resonances under the influence of absorption or decoherence";
Poster: Tunneling and Scattering in Complex Systems - From Single to Many Particle Physics, Dresden, Germany; 14.09.2009 - 18.09.2009.

A. Bärnthaler, S. Rotter, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gehler, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann:
"Probing decoherence through Fano resonances";
Poster: 7th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Puebla, Mexiko (eingeladen); 20.09.2010 - 24.09.2010.

R. Baier, S. Stricker, O. Taanila, A. Vuorinen:
"Holographic dilepton and prompt photon production in a thermalizing plasma";
Vortrag: FAKT 2012 (oest. physikalische Geselschaft), Graz; 18.09.2012 - 21.09.2012.

H. Balasin:
"Beyond the singularity curvature structure of the extended Schwarzschild geometry";
Vortrag: Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Deutschland (eingeladen); 06.12.2005.

H. Balasin:
"On Einstein's path";
Vortrag: Mini Symposium for Peter C. Aichelburg, Universität Wien (eingeladen); 26.11.2007.

H. Balasin:
"Singuläre Energie-Impuls-Verteilung der maximal erweiterten Kerr-Lösung";
Vortrag: Universität Jena, Jena (eingeladen); 01.12.2003.

H. Balasin:
"The generalized 'tHooft-Dray equation and the gravitational field of a massless particle on the horizon of a stationary black hole";
Vortrag: Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Wien, Wien, Austria; 06.06.2002.

H. Balasin:
"The generalized Kerr-Schild class and the gravitational field of a massless particle on the horizon";
Vortrag: Laboratoire de Mathematique et Physique Theorique (CNRS UPRES), Tours, France (eingeladen); 28.05.2003.

A. Banlaki:
"Gromow-Witten-Invariants and Moonshine";
Vortrag: Moonshine, Wien (eingeladen); 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018.

A. Banlaki:
"On Mathieu Moonshine and Gromov-Witten invariants";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Seminar, Wien (eingeladen); 11.12.2018.

I.F. Barna, K. Tökési, L. Gulyás, J. Burgdörfer:
"Angular differential double ionization cross sections for anti Proton-Helium collisions";
Vortrag: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Argentina; 21.07.2005 - 27.07.2005.

F. Benedetti, T. Saghaei, P. van Oostrum, E. Bianchi:
"Combining force inference and holographic microscopy to measure colloidal interactions";
Vortrag: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021 - 23.07.2021.

D. Berényi, K. Tökési, J. Tóth, J. Burgdörfer:
"Electron energy loss spectra of germanium";
Vortrag: Werner Brandt Workshop Particle and Wave Penetration in Condensed Matter, Namur, Belgium; 29.06.2002.

D. Berényi, K. Tökési, J. Tóth, L. Köver, P. Varga:
"Electron energy loss spectra of Al, Si and Ge";
Poster: 8th European Vacuum Congress, Berlin, Germany; 23.06.2003 - 26.06.2003.

L. Bergamin:
"2D (quantum)-dilaton supergravity from graded Poisson-Sigma models";
Vortrag: Spinoza Institut, Universität Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 05.09.2003.

L. Bergamin:
"2D dilaton supergravity as a graded Poisson-Sigma model";
Vortrag: Universität Hannover, Deutschland (eingeladen); 22.03.2005.

L. Bergamin:
"2d dilaton supergravity from graded Poisson-Sigma models";
Vortrag: Triangle Seminar on Particle Physics 2002, Vienna; 29.11.2002 - 30.11.2002.

L. Bergamin:
"Background independent quantization of 2D dilaton supergravity";
Vortrag: Universität Bern, Bern, Schweiz (eingeladen); 07.05.2004.

L. Bergamin:
"Background independent quantization of supergravity in 2D";
Vortrag: Albert Einstein Institut Golm, Golm (eingeladen); 27.04.2004.

L. Bergamin:
"Confinement and effective approaches to supersymmetric gauge theories";
Vortrag: University of Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland; 22.04.2003.

L. Bergamin:
"Dimensional reduction of Chern-Simons (super-)gravity";
Vortrag: XVII Workshop "Beyond the Standard Model", Bad Honnef, Deutschland; 14.03.2005.

L. Bergamin:
"Global aspects of Chern-Simons supergravity and its kink";
Vortrag: 8th European Meeting "From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale", ICTP Triest, Italien; 27.05.2005.

L. Bergamin:
"gPSM approach to 2D (quantum-)dilaton supergravity";
Vortrag: Worshop on Gravity in two dinensions, Int. Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Vienna; 25.09.2003.

L. Bergamin:
"Gravity in 2D: Why? How?";
Vortrag: Universität Bern, Bern, Schweiz (eingeladen); 06.05.2004.

L. Bergamin:
"Non-semiclassical effects in non-perturbative SUSY theories";
Vortrag: EURESCO Conference on Particle Physics and Gravitation, Bad Herrenalb, Germany; 04.06.2002.

L. Bergamin:
"Supersymmetry, glueballs and dynamical symmetry breaking";
Vortrag: Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 10.01.2003.

L. Bergamin:
"SUSY glue-balls and non-holomorphic contributions to the effective potential of SYM";
Vortrag: Workshop: Beyond the Standard Model XV, Bad Honnef, Germany; 10.03.2003.

L. Bergamin:
"SUSY glue-balls, dynamical symmetry breaking and non-holomorphic potentials";
Vortrag: EURESCO Conference 'What comes beyond the Standard Model', Portoroz, Slovenia; 15.07.2003.

E. Bianchi:
"A mesoscopic, coarse-grained model for Inverse Patchy Colloids";
Vortrag: CECAM workshop on New Challenges in Electrostatics of Soft and Disordered Matter, Toulouse, Frankreich; 07.05.2012 - 10.05.2012.

E. Bianchi:
"A mesoscopic, coarse-grained model for Inverse Patchy Colloids";
Vortrag: CECAM workshop on Design of self-assembling materials, Wien; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012.

E. Bianchi:
"Adding charges to conventional patchy colloids: layers formation in inverse patchy systems";
Vortrag: 2015 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Lille, France (eingeladen); 11.05.2015 - 15.05.2015.

E. Bianchi:
"Anisotropy-driven assembly of nanoparticle model systems with directional interactions";
Vortrag: Seminar at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Chemistry Department, Rome, Italy (eingeladen); 02.07.2015.

E. Bianchi:
"Assembly of patterned colloids close to a patterned substrate";
Vortrag: 5th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2019), Edinburgh; 03.06.2019 - 07.06.2019.

E. Bianchi:
"Effect of the Interplay between Attractive and Repulsive Anisotropic Interactions on the Self-Assembly of Heterogeneously Charged Units";
Vortrag: 2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Symposium E: Fundamentals of Gels and Self-Assembled Polymer Systems, Boston (eingeladen); 01.12.2013 - 06.12.2013.

E. Bianchi:
"Equilibrium behavior of patchy particles: Thermo-reversible gelation, phase separation and self-assembly";
Vortrag: CMS Seminar, Vienna; 04/2009.

E. Bianchi:
"Heterogeneously charged colloids: a toolkit";
Vortrag: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021.

E. Bianchi:
"Heterogeneously charged colloids: from modeling to self-organization";
Vortrag: NanoTrans Annual Meeting 2017, Berlin; 27.02.2017 - 03.03.2017.

E. Bianchi:
"Inverse and Soft Patchy Colloids";
Vortrag: seminar at the Chemical Engineering Department of Princeton university, Princeton (eingeladen); 09.12.2013.

E. Bianchi:
"Inverse patchy colloids: effect of the interplay between attractive and repulsive anisotropic interactions on the collective behaviors";
Vortrag: Physics of Complex Colloids Conference, Ljubljiana (eingeladen); 14.05.2013 - 18.05.2013.

E. Bianchi:
"Inverse patchy colloids: effect of the interplay between attractive and repulsive anisotropic interactions on the collective behaviour";
Vortrag: University of Rome La Sapienza, Rom, Italien; 09.11.2012.

E. Bianchi:
"Model systems with directional interactions for anisotropy-driven self-assembly";
Vortrag: Seminar, Universita di Roma Tre, Rom (eingeladen); 15.09.2017.

E. Bianchi:
"Model systems with directional interactions for materials design";
Vortrag: Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven (eingeladen); 29.03.2019.

E. Bianchi:
"Mosaics of patchy rhombi: from close-packed arrangements to open lattices";
Vortrag: FISMAT2019, Cataina; 30.09.2019 - 03.10.2019.

E. Bianchi:
"Physics of colloidal particles with heterogeneously patterned surfaces";
Vortrag: DaCAM workshop on Physics of colloidal particles with heterogeneously patterned surfaces, Wien; 24.09.2014 - 27.09.2014.

E. Bianchi:
"Playing with directional interactions between colloids in silico: modeling, assembly and phase behavior";
Vortrag: Debye Lecture, Utrecht University, Utrecht/Netherlands; 02.04.2019.

E. Bianchi:
"Self-assembly of heterogeneously charged particles under confinement";
Vortrag: ViCom Meeting 12.04.2012, Wien; 12.04.2012.

E. Bianchi:
"Self-Assembly of Heterogeneously Charged Particles under Confinement";
Vortrag: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom (eingeladen); 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

E. Bianchi:
"Self-assembly of heterogeneously charged particles under confinement and in the bulk";
Vortrag: Seminarreihe des Instituts für Materialchemie der Technischen Universität Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 20.05.2015.

E. Bianchi:
"Self-assembly of inverse patchy particles: adding charges to conventional patchy colloids";
Vortrag: seminar at the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, Bordeaux (France) (eingeladen); 26.11.2014.

E. Bianchi:
"Self-assembly of inverse patchy particles: adding charges to conventional patchy colloids";
Vortrag: Invited seminar at the Unversity of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal) (eingeladen); 04.12.2014.

E. Bianchi:
"Soft Patchy Colloids: the role of directional bonding, soft interactions and deformability on the self-assembly";
Vortrag: 246th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Indianapolis (eingeladen); 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013.

E. Bianchi:
"Spontaneous assembly of a hybrid crystal-liquid phase in inverse patchy colloid systems";
Vortrag: BioNano Summerschool 2017, Hirschegg; 13.08.2017 - 20.08.2017.

E. Bianchi:
"Spot-like Patchy Particles: Thermo-reversible Gelation, Phase Separation and Self-Assembly";
Vortrag: Seminar at Institut for Condensed Matter Physics NASU, Institut for Condensed Matter Physics NASU (eingeladen); 24.10.2013.

E. Bianchi:
"Tunable assembly of inverse patchy colloids in the vicinity of a charged substrate";
Vortrag: Italian Soft Matter Days, Rome (Italy); 17.09.2014 - 18.09.2014.

E. Bianchi:
"Tunable assembly of inverse patchy colloids in the vicinity of a charged substrate";
Vortrag: Central European Statistical Physics Mini-Meeting, Budapest (Hungary); 12.06.2014 - 13.06.2014.

E. Bianchi, B. Capone:
"Soft and flexible patchy colloids: the role of directional bonding, soft interactions and deformability on the self-assembly";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal)ç; 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

E. Bianchi, S. Ferrari:
"What does it take to make a hybrid crystal-liquid structure?";
Poster: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021.

E. Bianchi, D. Jin:
"Phase stability of a hybrid crystal-liquid solid in charged patchy colloid systems";
Poster: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021.

E. Bianchi, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Inverse Patchy Colloids: From Microscopic Description to Mesoscopic Coarse-Graining";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions, Ventura, CA; 05.02.2012 - 10.02.2012.

E. Bianchi, C. N. Likos, B. Capone, G. Kahl:
"Soft-patchy nanoparticles: modeling and self-organization";
Vortrag: Faraday Discussion: Nanoparticle Synthesis and Assembly, Argonne, IL, USA (eingeladen); 20.04.2015 - 22.04.2015.

E. Bianchi, C. N. Likos, G. Kahl:
"Self-assembly of heterogeneously charged particles under confinement";
Poster: The Role of Interfaces in Crystallization Conference, Lausanne; 05/2013.

E. Bianchi, C. N. Likos, G. Kahl:
"Tunable aggregation of heterogeneously charged colloids";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal)ç; 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

E. Bianchi, E. Locatelli:
"Assembly of patterned colloids close to a patterned substrate";
Poster: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021.

E. Bianchi, U. Pedersen, B. Capone:
"Soft Patchy Colloids: the role of directional bonding, soft interactions and deformability on the self-assembly";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom; 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

E. Bianchi, U. Pedersen, B. Capone:
"Soft Patchy Colloids: the role of directional bonding, soft interactions and deformability on the self-assembly";
Poster: From Electrons to Phase Transitions ViCoM Conference, Wien; 02/2014.

E. Bianchi, A. Yethiraj:
"Heterogeneously charged colloids under confinement and in bulk";
Hauptvortrag: 89th ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (eingeladen); 15.06.2015 - 17.06.2015.

J.-P. Blaizot, A. Ipp, N. Wschebor:
"Scalar theory thermodynamics beyond the local potential approximation";
Poster: 49. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik - "Physics at all scales: The Renormalization Group", Schladming; 26.02.2011 - 05.03.2011.

C.G. Böhmer:
"Static perfect fluid spheres with cosmological constant";
Vortrag: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RMKI), Budapest (eingeladen); 17.03.2005.

K. Boguslavski:
"Broad excitations in a 2+1D overoccupied gluon plasma";
Vortrag: FunQCD 2021: from first principles to effective theories, Virtual conference (eingeladen); 29.03.2021 - 01.04.2021.

K. Boguslavski:
"Dynamics of non-Abelian plasmas: self-similarity and spectral functions";
Vortrag: Seminar at Kent State University, Ohio, USA (eingeladen); 15.04.2019 - 18.04.2019.

K. Boguslavski:
"Dynamics of non-Abelian plasmas: spectral functions and transport coefficients";
Vortrag: Seminar at TU Munich, Munich, Germany (eingeladen); 06.05.2019 - 10.05.2019.

K. Boguslavski:
"Excitation spectra of scalar and gluonic systems far from equilibrium";
Vortrag: Friday seminar, Atominstitut (eingeladen); 26.03.2021.

K. Boguslavski:
"Far-from-equilibrium universality and spectral functions in the QGP";
Hauptvortrag: Extreme Nonequilibrium QCD, ICTS Bangalore (eingeladen); 05.10.2020 - 09.10.2020.

K. Boguslavski:
"Highly occupied gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions";
Vortrag: Theory seminar at University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland (eingeladen); 21.08.2019 - 30.08.2019.

K. Boguslavski:
"Non-perturbative properties of evolving gluonic plasmas";
Vortrag: ECT* Webinar, ECT*, Trento, Italy (eingeladen); 14.05.2020.

K. Boguslavski:
"Nonperturbative excitations in overoccupied gluon plasmas";
Vortrag: Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP2021), USA (eingeladen); 16.04.2021.

K. Boguslavski:
"Nonperturbative properties of overoccupied gluonic plasmas";
Vortrag: Initial Stages 2021, Weizmann Institute, Israel; 10.01.2021 - 15.01.2021.

K. Boguslavski:
"Nonperturbative properties of overoccupied gluonic plasmas";
Vortrag: NCSU nuclear theory group seminar, NC State University (eingeladen); 19.01.2021.

K. Boguslavski:
"Quark-Gluon plasma (QGP) activities at the TU Wien";
Vortrag: FAKT Workshop 2020: Particle Physics Retreat, Semmering, Austria (eingeladen); 27.02.2020 - 28.02.2020.

K. Boguslavski:
"The imaginary part of the heavy-quark potential from real-time Yang-Mills dynamics";
Vortrag: Heidelberg Stavanger Lattice & Machine Learning Seminar, Heidelberg and Stavanger (online) (eingeladen); 14.04.2021.

K. Boguslavski:
"The imaginary part of the heavy-quark potential from real-time Yang-Mills dynamics";
Vortrag: Bergen Heavy-Ion Seminar, Bergen, Norwegen (eingeladen); 27.05.2021.

K. Boguslavski:
"Turbulent attractors for heavy-ion collisions and scalar models far from equilibrium";
Vortrag: INT Program 19‐1a, Quantum Turbulence: Cold Atoms, Heavy Ions, and Neutron Stars, Seattle, USA (eingeladen); 01.04.2019 - 12.04.2019.

K. Boguslavski, A. Kurkela, T. Lappi, J. Peuron:
"Heavy quark diffusion in an overoccupied gluon plasma";
Vortrag: Initial Stages 2021, Weizmann Institute, Israel; 10.01.2021 - 15.01.2021.

K. Boguslavski, A. Kurkela, T. Lappi, J. Peuron:
"Heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient in 3D gluon plasma";
Vortrag: Quark Matter 2019 - the XXVIIIth International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Wuhan, China; 03.11.2019 - 09.11.2019.

K. Boguslavski, A. Kurkela, T. Lappi, J. Peuron:
"Heavy-quark diffusion coefficient in out-of-equilibrium plasmas";
Poster: Initial Stages 2019, Columbia University, New York, USA; 24.06.2019 - 28.06.2019.

K. Boguslavski, A. Kurkela, T. Lappi, J. Peuron:
"Nonperturbative excitations in overoccupied gluon plasmas";
Vortrag: 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Zoom/Gather at MIT; 26.07.2021 - 31.07.2021.

K. Boguslavski, A. Kurkela, T. Lappi, J. Peuron:
"Self-similarity and spectral functions of non-Abelian plasmas in 2+1D";
Vortrag: Initial Stages 2019, Columbia University, New York, USA; 24.06.2019 - 28.06.2019.

K. Boguslavski, T. Lappi, S. Schlichting:
"Fermion and gluon spectral functions far from equilibrium";
Vortrag: A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2021, Stavanger, Norway; 02.08.2021 - 06.08.2021.

K. Boguslavski, A. Pineiro Orioli:
"Unraveling universal phenomena with unequal-time correlations";
Vortrag: Quantum Systems in Extreme Conditions (QSEC) 2019, Heidelberg University, Germany; 23.09.2019 - 27.09.2019.

S. Borbély, J. Feist, K. Tökési, S. Nagele, L. Nagy, J. Burgdörfer:
"The ionization of He by slow antiproton impact";
Poster: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011.

D. Borka, K. Tökési, C. Lemell:
"Electron transmission through macroscopic metallic capillaries";
Poster: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 27.07.2017.

J. Bosch, P. Pai, M. Kühmayer, S. Rotter, A. Mosk:
"Generalized eigenstates of air and a strong scattering medium";
Vortrag: European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM) 2018, Delft; 02.10.2018 - 12.10.2018.

H. Bozkaya, M. Faber, P. Koppensteiner, M. Pitschmann:
"Are there Local Minima in the Magnetic Monopole Potential in Compact QED ?";
Vortrag: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2005, Wien; 27.09.2005 - 29.09.2005.

A. Brandstötter:
"Constant-Intensity Waves in Non-Hermitian Potentials";
Vortrag: Demetrios Christodoulides' group seminar, University of Central Florida, Orlando (eingeladen); 14.02.2018.

A. Brandstötter, A. Girschik, P. Ambichl, S. Rotter:
"Controlling Branched Flow";
Vortrag: PQE-2016, Snowbird, Utah, USA (eingeladen); 03.01.2016 - 08.01.2016.

A. Brandstötter, A. Girschik, P. Ambichl, S. Rotter:
"Controlling the Branched Flow of Light throught Disordered Media";
Poster: Imaging, Focusing and Sensing in Wave Physics, Cargése; 25.05.2015 - 29.05.2015.

A. Brandstötter, M. Horodynski, M. Kühmayer, K. Pichler, Y. Fyodorov, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Optimal Wave Fields for Micro-Manipulation in Complex Scattering Environments";
Poster: Imaging in Wave Physics : Multi-Wave and Large Sensor Networks 2019, Cargese; 23.09.2019 - 27.09.2019.

A. Brandstötter, M. Kühmayer, P. Ambichl, S. Rotter:
"Coherent Wave Scattering in Billiards: Time-Delay and Beyond";
Vortrag: Dynamics Days Europe 2018, Loughborough (eingeladen); 03.09.2018 - 07.09.2018.

A. Brandstötter, K. Makris, P. Ambichl, D. Christodoulides, Z. Musslimani, A. Girschik, S. Rotter:
"New Insights on Scattering through Disordered and Non-Hermitian Media";
Vortrag: Quantum Chaos, Billiards, RMT and more, Cuernavaca (eingeladen); 31.08.2015 - 04.09.2015.

A. Brandstötter, K. Makris, P. Ambichl, Z. Musslimani, S. Rotter, U. Kuhl, J. Böhm:
"Perfect Transmission and Focusing in Disordered Media";
Vortrag: SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA/USA (eingeladen); 27.01.2018 - 01.02.2018.

A. Brandstötter, K. Makris, Z. Musslimani, P. Ambichl, D. Christodoulides, S. Rotter:
"Non-Hermitian Focusing Deep Inside Strongly Disordered Scattering Media";
Poster: CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017, München; 25.07.2017 - 29.07.2017.

A. Brandstötter, K. Makris, E. Rivet, R. Fleury, S. Rotter:
"Constant-intensity waves in non-Hermitian media";
Vortrag: WAVES 2019 - 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Wien; 25.08.2019 - 30.08.2019.

A. Braun:
"An explicit construction of G4 Fluxes in F-Theory";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, LMU Muenchen (eingeladen); 21.07.2011.

A. Braun:
"An explicit construction of G4 Fluxes in F-Theory";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Universitaet Heidelberg (eingeladen); 25.07.2011.

A. Braun:
"G-flux in F-Theory and algebraic cycles";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Universitaet Bonn (eingeladen); 25.10.2011.

A. Braun:
"G-flux in F-theory and algebraic cycles";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, IPhT Paris (eingeladen); 28.10.2011.

T. Brauner:
"Applications of Galilei invariance in condensed matter physics";
Vortrag: HIP seminar, Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki (eingeladen); 13.11.2014.

T. Brauner:
"Effective Lagrangians for quantum many-body systems";
Vortrag: Friday Seminar in Mathematics and Physics, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Stavanger (eingeladen); 15.05.2014.

T. Brauner:
"Nambu-Goldstone bosons: classification and effective actions";
Vortrag: Low Energy Challenges for High Energy Physicists, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada (eingeladen); 26.05.2014 - 30.05.2014.

T. Brauner:
"Spontaneously broken symmetries and Nambu-Goldstone bosons";
Vortrag: Department Seminar, Department of Complex Physical Systems, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (eingeladen); 08.12.2014.

I. Brezinova:
"Computational methods for the simulation of Bose-Einstein condensates";
Vortrag: Austrian High Performance Computing Workshop, St. Pölten (eingeladen); 25.09.2012 - 26.09.2012.

I. Brezinova:
"Localization effects in quantum systems";
Vortrag: CoQuS Traunkirchen retreat, Traunkirchen; 28.09.2008.

I. Brezinova:
"Nonlinear dynamics, wave chaos and Bose-Einstein condensates";
Vortrag: 12th CHRISTMAS SYMPOSIUM OF PHYSICISTS, Maribor, Slowenien (eingeladen); 12.12.2013 - 14.12.2013.

I. Brezinova:
"Quantum physics of non-linear and complex systems";
Vortrag: CoQuS II Kickoff meeting, Wien; 30.09.2010.

I. Brezinova:
"Suppression of transport through quantum localization";
Vortrag: Atom-Institut der TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 06.06.2008.

I. Brezinova:
"The time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix method: Theory and applications";
Vortrag: 20th international conference on recent progress in many-body theories, Toulouse (eingeladen); 09.09.2019 - 13.09.2019.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, K. Ludwig, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Chaos in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for Bose-Einstein condensates";
Poster: International Workshop "Quo vadis Bose-Einstein condensation?", Dresden; 15.08.2010 - 20.08.2010.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, K. Ludwig, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Chaos in the non-linear Schrödinger equation";
Vortrag: PDEtech Seminar, Wien (eingeladen); 25.11.2010.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, K. Ludwig, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Chaotic dynamics of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in periodic and disorder potentials";
Poster: Quantum science and technologies, Rovereto; 09.05.2011 - 12.05.2011.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, K. Ludwig, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Wave chaos in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation";
Vortrag: invited seminar lecture, Universite de Liege (eingeladen); 14.02.2011.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, K. Ludwig, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Wave chaos of matter waves in periodic and disordered potentials";
Poster: 42nd Annual DAMOP Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 13.06.2011 - 17.06.2011.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Anderson localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien (eingeladen); 20.04.2009.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Anderson localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate";
Vortrag: PDEtech Seminar, Wien (eingeladen); 07.05.2009.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Anderson-like localization of an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate";
Poster: Symposium on 50 Years of Anderson Localization, Paris, France; 04.12.2008 - 05.12.2008.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Anderson-like localization of an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate";
Poster: International Workshop on Anderson Localization in Nonlinear and Many-Body Systems, Dresden, Deutschland; 16.03.2009 - 20.03.2009.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Chaos in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for Bose-Einstein condesates";
Vortrag: Student talk within the CoQuS colloquium, Wien; 03.05.2010.

I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider, A. Lode, A. Streltsov, O. Alon, L. Cederbaum, J. Burgdörfer:
"Wave chaos and many-body dynamics in Bose-Einstein condensates";
Poster: ICAP 2012, Palaiseau, France; 23.07.2012 - 27.07.2012.

I. Brezinova, S. Donsa, H. Hofstätter, O. Koch, J. Burgdörfer et al.:
"Expansion of Bose-Einstein condensates in disorder: Anderson localization and wave chaos";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Quantum-Classical Transition in Many-Body Systems, Dresden (eingeladen); 13.02.2017 - 17.02.2017.

I. Brezinova, F. Lackner, S. Donsa, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"A new theoretical approach for accurate multi-electron dynamics in strong fields: the time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix method";
Vortrag: 14th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2017), Budapest (eingeladen); 24.09.2017 - 27.09.2017.

I. Brezinova, F. Lackner, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"A new approach in many-body quantum mechanics using the two-particle reduced density matrix";
Vortrag: Seminarvrotrag am ATOMKI, Debrecen/Hungary (eingeladen); 11.02.2015.

I. Brezinova, F. Lackner, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"A new theoretical approach for accurate multi-electron dynamics in strong fields: the time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix method";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Max-Plank-Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 27.11.2016 - 02.12.2016.

I. Brezinova, F. Lackner, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix theory: Application to high-harmonic generation";
Vortrag: 12th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP12), Frankfurt/Main, Germany (eingeladen); 04.09.2016 - 09.09.2016.

I. Brezinova, C Stampfer, L Wirtz, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Diffractive paths for weak localization in quantum billiards";
Vortrag: Workshop "Quantum Chaos: Routes to RMT and beyond", Banff, Kanada (eingeladen); 24.02.2008 - 29.02.2008.

I. Brezinova, C Stampfer, L Wirtz, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Diffractive paths for weak localization in quantum billiards";
Vortrag: Yale Monday Luch Seminar, Yale, USA (eingeladen); 14.02.2008.

I. Brezinova, C Stampfer, L Wirtz, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Semiclassical theory for transport through quantum billiards: from qualitative reasoning to quantitative agreement";
Poster: Workshop "New Frontiers of Quantum Chaos in Mesoscopic Systems", MPI Dresden, Germany; 19.05.2008 - 23.05.2008.

I. Brezinova, L Wirtz, S. Rotter, C Stampfer, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transport through open quantum dots: Making semiclassics quantitative";
Vortrag: invited seminar lecture, Dresden (eingeladen); 06.07.2010.

I. Brezinova, L Wirtz, C Stampfer, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Diffractive paths for weak localization in quantum billiards";
Vortrag: Informal Billiard Workshop, Göttingen; 04.10.2007.

I. Brezinova, L Wirtz, C Stampfer, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Semiclassical theory for transport through quantum billiards; from qualitative reasoning to quantitative agreement";
Poster: Informal Billiard Workshop, Regensburg, Deutschland; 06.10.2008 - 08.10.2008.

I. Brezinova, L Wirtz, C Stampfer, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Semiclassical theory of weak localization: the role of diffractive paths";
Vortrag: 71. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), Regensburg; 29.03.2007.

I. Brezinova, L. Wirtz, S. Rotter, C. Stampfer, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transport through open quantum dots: Making semiclassics quantitative";
Vortrag: invited seminar lecture, Nottingham University, UK (eingeladen); 14.01.2010.

I. Brezinova, L. Wirtz, S. Rotter, C. Stampfer, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transport through open quantum dots: Making semiclassics quantitative";
Vortrag: invited seminar lecture, Bristol University, UK (eingeladen); 15.01.2010.

F. Brünner:
"A duality web of linear quivers";
Vortrag: Workshop on supersymmetric theories, dualities and deformation, Bern; 04.07.2016 - 06.07.2016.

F. Brünner:
"A duality web of linear quivers";
Vortrag: Helmholtz Summer School, JINR Dubna; 05.09.2016 - 07.09.2016.

F. Brünner:
"Glueball Decay in Gauge/Gravity duality";
Vortrag: Holography Seminar, Oxford, University of Oxford, Rudolf Peierls Center for Theoretical Physics (eingeladen); 07.11.2016 - 09.11.2016.

F. Brünner:
"Glueball Decay in Gauge/Gravity duality";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag Würzburg, Universität Würzburg (eingeladen); 10.11.2016 - 11.11.2016.

F. Brünner:
"Glueball decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Monitoring Workshop 2015 Jena, Jena (eingeladen); 29.09.2015.

F. Brünner:
"Glueball decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Invited Talk INFN Pisa, Pisa (eingeladen); 02.07.2015.

F. Brünner:
"Glueball Decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto Model";
Vortrag: HoloGrav Workshop 2016, Kopenhagen; 25.04.2016 - 29.04.2016.

F. Brünner:
"Glueball Decay, Tachyons, and Worldsheet Instantons";
Vortrag: Invited Talk MPI Munich, MPI Munich (eingeladen); 29.07.2015.

F. Brünner:
"Supersymmetric Casimir Energy and SL(3,Z) Transformations";
Vortrag: Seminar AEI, MPI für Gravitationsphysik, Potsdam, Golm (eingeladen); 28.11.2016 - 30.11.2016.

F. Brünner, F. Giacosa, D. Parganlija, A. Rebhan:
"Excited Scalar Mesons and the Scalar Glueball";
Vortrag: 14th ACHT Meeting on Strong Interactions in Quantum Field Theory, Leibnitz; 07.10.2015 - 09.10.2015.

F. Brünner, J. Leutgeb, A. Rebhan:
"Pseudovector glueball decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Poster: Gauge/Gravity Duality 2018, Würzburg, Germany; 30.07.2018 - 03.08.2018.

F. Brünner, D. Parganlija, A. Rebhan:
"Holographic Glueball Decay Rates in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto Model";
Vortrag: 11th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, St. Petersburg (eingeladen); 08.09.2014 - 12.09.2014.

F. Brünner, D. Parganlija, A. Rebhan:
"Holographic Scalar and Tensor Glueballs";
Vortrag: Excited QCD 2015, Tatranska Lomnica, Slowakei; 08.03.2015 - 14.03.2015.

F. Brünner, A. Rebhan:
"Predictions for production and decay of the pseudoscalar glueball from the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: EPS Conference on High Energy Physics, Venice; 05.07.2017 - 12.07.2017.

S. Bulusu, M. Favoni, A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Generalization capabilities of neural networks in lattice applications";
Vortrag: 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Online; 26.07.2021 - 30.07.2021.

S. Bulusu, M. Favoni, A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Translational equivariance in neural networks";
Vortrag: Machine Learning Techniques in Lattice QCD, Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University; 24.05.2021 - 28.05.2021.

S. Bulusu, A. Ipp, M. Favoni, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Translational and gauge symmetry in neural networks Andreas Ipp";
Vortrag: The Cyprus Institute Seminar, Cyprus (eingeladen); 23.07.2021.

J. Burgdörfer:
"4th International meeting on Frontiers of Physics (IMFP)";
Hauptvortrag: 4th International meeting on Frontiers of Physics (IMFP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 27.08.2013 - 30.08.2013.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atomic dynamics on the attosecond scale";
Vortrag: Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany (eingeladen); 10.01.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atomic dynamics on the attosecond scale";
Vortrag: 37th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP), Knoxville, TN, USA (eingeladen); 16.05.2006 - 20.05.2006.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atomic dynamics on the attosecond scale";
Vortrag: University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany (eingeladen); 29.11.2007.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atomic dynamics on the attosecond scale";
Vortrag: Max-Born-Institute, Berlin (eingeladen); 10.01.2007.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atomic dynamics on the attosecond scale: photons and charged particles";
Vortrag: 4th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems (CEPAS), Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Romania (eingeladen); 18.06.2008 - 20.06.2008.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atomic Physics with ultra-short and strong laser pulses";
Hauptvortrag: XXVIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (28th ICPEAC), Lanzhou, China (eingeladen); 24.07.2013 - 30.07.2013.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atoms in half-cycle pulses: a laboratory for wave functions tailoring, coherent control and quantum chaos";
Vortrag: AMOP Spring Meeting, Hannover, Germany (eingeladen); 24.03.2003 - 28.03.2003.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atoms in half-cycle pulses: a laboratory for wave functions tailoring, coherent control and quantum chaos";
Vortrag: University of Würzburg, Würzburg (eingeladen); 30.04.2003.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atoms in half-cycle pulses: a laboratory for wavefunction tayloring, coherent control and quantum chaos";
Vortrag: Coherent Science Colloquium, RIKEN 2004, Wakko-Shi, Japan (eingeladen); 16.02.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atoms in half-cycle pulses: a laboratory for wavefunction tayloring, coherent control and quantum chaos";
Vortrag: Center of Excellence Colloquium, Univ. of Electro-Communication, Chofu-Shi, Japan (eingeladen); 17.02.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Atoms in half-cycle pulses: a laboratory for wavefunction tayloring, coherent control, and quantum chaos";
Vortrag: Colloquium, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA (eingeladen); 17.09.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond chronoscopy of photoemission";
Hauptvortrag: Frontiers of Intense Laser Physics, St. Barbara, CA, USA (eingeladen); 28.07.2014 - 17.08.2014.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond chronoscopy of photoemission";
Vortrag: Photon Science Research Division, Riken University Tokio (eingeladen); 27.07.2016 - 01.08.2016.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond chronoscopy: time ordering in multi-photon ionization";
Hauptvortrag: ICOMP13, Shanghai, China (eingeladen); 06.12.2014 - 11.12.2014.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond electronic dynamics in atoms";
Vortrag: Conference on Laser, Electrooptics and Quantum Electronics (CLEO Europe-EQEC 2005), International Congress Centre Munich, Germany (eingeladen); 12.06.2005 - 17.06.2005.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond physics";
Hauptvortrag: Symposium in Honor of Siegfried Grossmann, Maribor, Slovenia (eingeladen); 09.12.2010 - 11.12.2010.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond physics: from atoms to condensed matter";
Vortrag: Seminar beim SFB 1277, Prof. Klaus Richter, Uni Regensburg, Regensburg (eingeladen); 02.07.2019.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond physics: opportunities and challenges";
Vortrag: Kolloquiumsvortrag, TU Graz und Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (eingeladen); 20.11.2007.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond physics: opportunities and challenges";
Vortrag: Kooperation mit dem Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ATOMKI), Debrecen (eingeladen); 30.11.2014 - 05.12.2014.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond physics: opportunities and challenges";
Hauptvortrag: PIPAMON workshop, Debrecen (eingeladen); 24.03.2015 - 26.03.2015.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond physics: Opportunities and challenges";
Vortrag: Physikalisches Kolloquium, Aachen, Deutschland (eingeladen); 22.05.2017.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond physics: time-dependent electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids probed by ultrashort pulses";
Hauptvortrag: 95th Meeting of Optical Society of America, Frontiers in Optics 2011, San Jose, CA, USA (eingeladen); 16.10.2011 - 20.10.2011.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond streaking";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Max-Plank-Institut für Physik Komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Deutschland (eingeladen); 23.11.2009 - 27.11.2009.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond streaking: probing time-dependent electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids";
Vortrag: Joint Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics Colloquium, Harvard Quantum Optics Center, Cambridge, USA; 16.05.2012.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond-resolved quantum dynamics: Opportunities and challenges";
Hauptvortrag: IMPRS-APS Meeting 2012, Garching, Germany (eingeladen); 03.12.2012 - 04.12.2012.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond-time resolved Fano resonances";
Vortrag: High-Field Attosecond Physics Workshop of the Heraeus Foundation, Obergurgl, Austria (eingeladen); 09.01.2005 - 15.01.2005.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond-time resolved Fano resonances";
Vortrag: Workshop on Attosecond Science, Cambridge, MA, USA (eingeladen); 02.05.2005 - 04.05.2005.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Chaos und Quantenmechanik";
Vortrag: Akademiesitzung der Math.-Nat. Klasse, Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien (eingeladen); 24.04.2002.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Classical-quantum correspondence in strong-field ionization by few-cycle pulses";
Hauptvortrag: LPHYS15 Laser Physics XV conference, Shanghai (eingeladen); 21.08.2015 - 25.08.2015.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Coherent control and transport at the quantum-to-classical crossover: shaping and manipulating Rydberg wavepackets";
Hauptvortrag: Tandem Workshop on cold Rydberg gases and ultracold plasmas, Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 06.09.2010 - 10.09.2010.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Coherent control at the quantum to classical crossover: shaping and manipulating Rydberg wavepackets";
Vortrag: Gordon Research Conference, Tilton/NH, USA (eingeladen); 08.06.2008 - 13.06.2008.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Concluding remarks";
Vortrag: 8th Intern. Seminar on Fast-Ion-Atom Collisions, Debrecen, Hungary (eingeladen); 01.09.2004 - 03.09.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Correlated wavefunction methods for inelastic atomic collisions";
Vortrag: 8th REM Conference on radiation effects in matter, Kerteminde (eingeladen); 20.09.2015 - 23.09.2015.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Diffractive paths in the semiclassical and quantum mechanics of billiards";
Hauptvortrag: Advanced Research Workshop "Recent advances in non-linear dynamics and complex system physics: from natural to social sciences and security", Tashkent, Uzbekistan (eingeladen); 06.10.2008 - 11.10.2008.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Dynamical correlations beyond TDDFT: TD-2RDM theory";
Vortrag: Theory Days, Toulouse, France (eingeladen); 28.11.2018 - 30.11.2018.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Dynamical correlations beyond TDDFT: the TD-2RDM method";
Vortrag: Joint Quantum Seminar, ITAMP, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (eingeladen); 13.02.2019.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Dynamical correlations beyond TDDFT: the TD-2RDM method";
Vortrag: Seminar Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, USA (eingeladen); 19.02.2019.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Dynamical correlations beyond TDDFT: time-dependent two-particle density matrix theory";
Vortrag: 8th workshop on TDDFT, Benasque, Spain (eingeladen); 27.08.2018 - 30.08.2018.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Dynamical correlations in ultrafast laser-atom interactions";
Vortrag: Laser Seminar / NCCR MUST Seminar, ETH Zürich (eingeladen); 21.11.2016.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Dynamical correlations in ultrafast laser-atom interactions";
Vortrag: Seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA (eingeladen); 03.02.2018.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Dynamical surface interaction";
Vortrag: Austrian-Hungarian Workshop, Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 29.11.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Employing ultra-fast pulses: Quantum physics in the time domain";
Vortrag: Workshop Ultra-fast Pulses, Institut für Laser-Physik, Universität Hamburg (eingeladen); 10.05.2011 - 11.05.2011.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Guiding of ions and electrons through nano-capillaries";
Hauptvortrag: IISC-18 (18th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions, Gatlinburg, TN, USA (eingeladen); 26.09.2010 - 01.10.2010.

J. Burgdörfer:
"High-n Rydberg wavepackets in quasi-two electron atoms";
Vortrag: ILP Workshop, Hamburg (eingeladen); 23.02.2015 - 25.02.2015.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Highly charged ion-matter interactions at low velocities";
Vortrag: 11th International Conference on Highly Charged Ions, Caen, France (eingeladen); 05.09.2002.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Highly charged ions interacting with surfaces";
Vortrag: Workshop on Ion-Beam Science - Solved and Unsolved Problems (ION06), Copenhagen, Denmark (eingeladen); 30.04.2006 - 05.05.2006.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of highly charged ions with matter";
Vortrag: HITRAP Workshop 2002, Darmstadt, Germany (eingeladen); 09.12.2002 - 11.12.2002.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of highly charged ions with matter: from hollow atoms to nanostructure";
Vortrag: Int. Workshop on Atomic Collision of Slow and Trapped Highly Charged Ions, RIKEN 2004, Tokyo, Japan (eingeladen); 19.02.2004 - 21.02.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of highly charged ions with matter: from hollow atoms to nanostructures";
Vortrag: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (eingeladen); 27.02.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with a Jellium surface";
Vortrag: Heraeus Seminar on Highly Correlated States in Molecules, Atoms und Nuclei, Bad Honnef, Germany (eingeladen); 04.06.2002.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of ultrashort pulses with clusters: Short-time dynamics of a nano plasma";
Vortrag: 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Kopaonik, Serbia (eingeladen); 28.08.2006 - 01.09.2006.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of ultrashort pulses with matter: light-phase-sensitive photoemission and streaking";
Vortrag: Intern. Seminar on Atomic Processes, Shonan Village Center Zushi, Japan (eingeladen); 20.01.2005 - 23.01.2005.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interactions of ions and atoms with surfaces, clusters, and capillaries";
Vortrag: 10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules, and Photons, Salamanca, Spain (eingeladen); 04.07.2010 - 09.07.2010.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interactions of ions, atoms, and photons with surfaces";
Vortrag: Workshop Schwer-Ionen, GSI Darmstadt (eingeladen); 25.01.2011.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Interactions of ions, atoms, and photons with surfaces and capillaries";
Hauptvortrag: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2011, Dresden (eingeladen); 13.03.2011 - 18.03.2011.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Ion-surface collisions";
Hauptvortrag: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Argentina (eingeladen); 21.07.2005 - 27.07.2005.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Large-scale tight-binding simulations for graphene quantum dots and nanoribbons";
Hauptvortrag: NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Recent trends in energy security, Tashkent (eingeladen); 14.10.2012 - 19.10.2012.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Linear and non-linear Schrödinger equation: where is chaos?";
Hauptvortrag: 8th International Summerschool "Let's face chaos through nonlinear dynamics", Maribor, Slovenia (eingeladen); 27.06.2011 - 30.06.2011.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Liouville master equation for multi-electron dynamics: neutralization of highly charged ions near a LiF surface";
Vortrag: MPG-Conference on Coincidence Studies of Surfaces, Thin Films and Nanostructures, Ringberg, Germany (eingeladen); 07.09.2003 - 10.09.2003.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Molecular hole punching: an introduction";
Vortrag: Thesis defense, Stockholm (eingeladen); 09.06.2016 - 12.06.2016.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Multi-electron dynamics for neutralization of highly charged ions";
Vortrag: 16th International Conference on Ion-Surface Interaction, Zvenigorod , Russia (eingeladen); 24.08.2003 - 28.08.2003.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Non-adiabatic processes near barriers";
Vortrag: Workshop on Non Adiabatic Transitions in Quantum Mechanics, Moscow-Chernogolovka (eingeladen); 04.08.2003 - 07.08.2003.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Open quantum billiards: classical-quantum correspondence";
Vortrag: Workshop on Andreev Billiards 2004, Technische Universität Wien; 04.06.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing and controlling electronic dynamics on the attosecond scale";
Vortrag: 41th Meeting of the Division for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, DAMOP 2010, Houston, TX (eingeladen); 25.05.2010 - 29.05.2010.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing atomic dynamics on the attosecond scale";
Vortrag: Workshop on Attosecond Science, KAVLI Institute, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, USA (eingeladen); 01.08.2006 - 04.08.2006.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing few-body dynamics in atoms by photons and neutrons";
Vortrag: Few Body Dynamics in AMPS, Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 27.06.2010 - 01.07.2010.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing, controlling, and manipulating electronic dynamics";
Vortrag: Workshop on "The Future of Ultrafast Soft X-ray Science", Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California (eingeladen); 30.11.2009 - 03.12.2009.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Projectile excitation and charge transfer in solids and at surfaces";
Vortrag: Int. Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Genova, Italy (eingeladen); 04.07.2004 - 09.07.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum and classical methods for atomic collisions with surfaces and solids";
Vortrag: 24th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS), Krakow, Poland (eingeladen); 17.07.2010 - 22.07.2010.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum chaos and Rydberg atoms";
Vortrag: MPI Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 19.04.2004 - 23.04.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum dynamics in the time domain: What we can explore with attosecond pulses";
Vortrag: Colloquium ICFO, Barcelona (eingeladen); 02.03.2012 - 06.03.2012.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Realization of localized Bohr-like wavepackets";
Hauptvortrag: ICAP 2008 - International Conference on Atomic Physics, Storrs, CT, USA (eingeladen); 27.07.2008 - 01.08.2008.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Rydberg atoms in half-cycle pulses: A laboratory for wavefunction tayloring, coherent control and chaos";
Vortrag: Int. Workshop on Rydberg Physics, MPI, Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 04.05.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Rydberg atoms in half-cycle pulses: A laboratory for wavefunction tayloring, coherent control and chaos";
Vortrag: 2004 APS Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Tuscon, Arizona, USA (eingeladen); 27.05.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Rydberg wavepackets: A mesoscopic laboratory for wavefunction manipulation, coherent control, and quantum-chaos";
Vortrag: Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France (eingeladen); 08.02.2007.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Semi-classical and quantum mechanics of billiards";
Hauptvortrag: Non-linear dynamics in quantum systems, Krasnojarsk (eingeladen); 04.07.2009 - 10.07.2009.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation codes for highly-charged-ion surface interactions";
Vortrag: TRAP Meeting of European Research Networks, Groningen, The Netherlands (eingeladen); 23.05.2002.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of ion transport through nanocapillaries";
Vortrag: The Satellite Symposium of IISC-15; The Interaction between Particle Beams and Matter at OUS, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (eingeladen); 14.10.2004 - 15.10.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of light-driven electronic dynamics in solids";
Vortrag: SPIE Photonics Europe 2018, Strassburg, France (eingeladen); 23.04.2018 - 24.04.2018.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulations of desorption and nanohillock formation induced by highly charged ions";
Vortrag: Workshop on "Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions" (DIET XII) 2009, Gallaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA (eingeladen); 19.04.2009 - 23.04.2009.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Slow highly charged ion-surface interactions";
Vortrag: Intern. Workshop on Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions, Ise-Shima, Mie, Japan (eingeladen); 17.10.2004 - 22.10.2004.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Solid-state high harmonics: TDDFT and decoherence";
Vortrag: Workshop on Electron-Density-Based Approaches 2, ETH Zürich, Zürich (eingeladen); 24.06.2019 - 25.06.2019.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Theorie der Attosekunden-Pulse";
Vortrag: Rundgespräch: "Neue Entwicklungen am Rande der Festkörperphysik", Bad Honnef, Germany (eingeladen); 22.02.2007 - 23.02.2007.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Theory of time-resolved atomic physics";
Vortrag: DPG School on Attosecond Physics 2007, Bad Honnef, Germany (eingeladen); 20.05.2007 - 25.05.2007.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-delay and attosecond streaking";
Vortrag: Workshop of COST CM0702 ACTION "CUSPFEL", Cluj (eingeladen); 21.03.2012 - 23.03.2012.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-dependent density functional theory for few-electron systems";
Vortrag: Pauli Institute and Center for Computational Material Science, Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 31.03.2006.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-dependent electronic dynamics in atoms, solids, and nanostructures";
Vortrag: Institut für Photonik, TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 31.05.2012.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-dependent second-order density matrix theory: first results";
Vortrag: 19th Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Pohang, Südkorea (eingeladen); 26.06.2017 - 30.06.2017.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved electronic dynamics on the attosecond time scale";
Vortrag: Wigner colloquium at the Wigner Research Center for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (eingeladen); 10.03.2015.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photo emission by attosecond streak extraction of the Wigner-Smith time delay";
Hauptvortrag: Attosecond science - exploring and controlling matter on it's natural time scale, Peking (eingeladen); 16.05.2011 - 23.05.2011.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoemission from hydrogen to buckyballs";
Vortrag: Joint meeting XLIC - CORINF, Madrid, Spain (eingeladen); 11.11.2013 - 15.11.2013.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Transmission of charged particles through nanocapillaries: from HCI-surface interactions to nanostructuring";
Vortrag: International Conference on PEARL, 2007, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (eingeladen); 08.03.2007 - 12.03.2007.

J. Burgdörfer:
"Wave chaos and the depletion of a Bose-Einstein condensate";
Hauptvortrag: 4th International Meting on Frontiers in Physics (IMFP2013), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (eingeladen); 27.08.2013 - 30.08.2013.

J. Burgdörfer, D. Arbó, E. Persson, S. Puschkarski, S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, F.B. Dunning, J. Lancaster, W. Zhao:
"Atoms in half-cycle pulses: A laboratory for wavefunction tailoring, coherent control and quantum chaos";
Vortrag: 2004 APS Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Tucson, Arizona, USA; 25.05.2004 - 29.05.2004.

J. Burgdörfer, J. Feist, S. Gräfe, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, F. Krausz, V.S. Yakovlev, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider:
"Attosecond Physics: Time-dependent electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids";
Hauptvortrag: APS March Meeting 2011, Dallas, TX, USA (eingeladen); 21.03.2011 - 25.03.2011.

J. Burgdörfer, J. Feist, S. Gräfe, C. Lemell, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, F. Krausz, V.S. Yakovlev, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider:
"Time-dependend electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules and solids probed by ultrashort pulses";
Vortrag: Frontiers in Optics 2011, San José, CA, USA (eingeladen); 16.10.2011 - 20.10.2011.

J. Burgdörfer, T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold:
"Quantum Monte Carlo approach of internal states of HCI's traversing amorphous foils";
Vortrag: 11th International Conference on Highly Charged Ions, Caen, France (eingeladen); 03.09.2002.

J. Burgdörfer, R. Pazourek, S. Nagele:
"Time-resolved photoemission on the attosecond scale: opportunities and challenges";
Vortrag: Faraday Discussion 163: Photo-initiated quantum molecular dynamics, Nottingham, UK (eingeladen); 15.04.2013 - 17.04.2013.

D. Burke:
"Confined monopoles";
Vortrag: FAKT 2008 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Aflenz; 21.09.2008 - 23.09.2008.

D. Burke, A. Rebhan:
"Confined Monopoles";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien; 10.03.2009.

S. Burkhardt, S. Rotter, D. Krimer, M. Liertzer:
"Assessing the Stability of Laser Solutions with SALT";
Vortrag: 1. NextLite-Workshop, Hirschwang; 18.06.2015 - 19.06.2015.

F. Camargo, R. Schmidt, J. Whalen, R. Ding, G. Woehl Jr, J. Burgdörfer, F.B. Dunning, H. Sadeghpour, E. Demler, T. Killian:
"Creation of Rydberg Polarons in a Bose Gas";
Poster: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 26.07.2017 - 01.08.2017.

L. Chizhova, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Graphene quantum dots with superlattice potential in the presence of a magnetic field";
Poster: 1st Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2014 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Two Dimensional Nanostructures", Naturhistorische Museum; 26.11.2014 - 28.11.2014.

L. Chizhova, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Magneto-optical response of graphene on boron nitride: Dirac cone replica and Excitonic effects";
Poster: International Winterschool on Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM) 2015, Kirchberg in Tirol; 07.03.2015 - 14.03.2015.

A. Chowdhury:
"Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups";
Vortrag: Invited lecture at Shiv Nadar University, Noida, India, Noida, India (eingeladen); 29.11.2018.

A. Chowdhury:
"Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups";
Vortrag: Invited lecture at CTP, Jamia, Delhi, Delhi, India (eingeladen); 30.11.2018.

A. Chowdhury:
"Negative Discriminant states and where to find them?";
Vortrag: Invited talk at Theory Lunch Seminar, Wien; 15.05.2018.

A. Chowdhury et al.:
"Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups";
Vortrag: Invited talk at ESI workshop on Moonshing, Wien (eingeladen); 11.09.2018.

A. Chowdhury et al.:
"Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups";
Vortrag: Invited lecture at SINP, Kolkata, India, Kolkata, India (eingeladen); 12.12.2018.

A. Chowdhury et al.:
"Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups";
Vortrag: Invited lecture at "Partition functions and Automorphic Forms" in Dubna, Russia, Dubna, (eingeladen); 31.01.2018.

A. Chowdhury et al.:
"Hilbert series and Black holes microstate counting";
Vortrag: Invited lecture at IIT-Jammu, Jammu, India (eingeladen); 28.11.2018.

I. Coluzza, E. Bianchi:
""Biovelcro": Learning from nature how to target dangerous cells and pathogens";
Vortrag: XII International Symposium of University Professors, Rome, Italy (eingeladen); 24.06.2015 - 27.06.2015.

D. Coslovich:
"Amorphous order and dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids";
Vortrag: Laboratoire des Colloides, Verres et Nanomateriaux, Montpellier (eingeladen); 11.02.2010.

D. Coslovich:
"Amorphous order and unstable modes in close-packed and network glasses";
Vortrag: COST Workshop on Physics of Amorphous Solids, Les Houches, France (eingeladen); 19.03.2010.

D. Coslovich:
"Close-packed and network-forming glasses: Two distinct universality classes?";
Vortrag: CMS Seminar, Wien (eingeladen); 06/2009.

D. Coslovich:
"Density scaling of the dynamics and pressure-energy correlations in hard and soft matter";
Poster: 34th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, Leipzig, Germany; 30.03.2009 - 01.04.2009.

D. Coslovich:
"Network-forming and close-packed glasses: Two distinct universality classes?";
Vortrag: CompMat 09, Burg-Schlaining (eingeladen); 10/2009.

D. Coslovich:
"Snapshots of glassy energy landscapes";
Vortrag: Universität Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 11/2009.

D. Coslovich:
"Structural motifs, heterogeneity and dynamics in glassy systems";
Vortrag: Josef-Stefan-Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (eingeladen); 08.06.2010.

D. Coslovich:
"Thermodynamic scaling of the dynamics and pressure-energy correlations in fragile glass-formers";
Vortrag: Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition VII, Sominestationen; 04/2006.

D. Coslovich:
"Thermodynamic scaling of the dynamics and pressure-energy correlations in fragile glass-formers";
Vortrag: Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition VII, Sominestationen, Denmark (eingeladen); 04/2009.

D. Coslovich, G. Kahl, J.-P. Hansen:
"Clustering and phase separation in a soft primitive model of polyelectrolytes";
Poster: 24th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Prague, Czech Republic; 05.09.2010 - 10.09.2010.

D. Coslovich, G. Pastore:
"Dependence of the static structure on the shape of ultrasorft potentials in model star-polymer solutions";
Poster: 7th Liquid Matter Conference 2008, Lund, Sweden; 07/2008.

D. Coslovich, G. Pastore:
"Linking slow dynamics and local structure in simple models of glass-forming liquids";
Vortrag: 15th International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, USA; 08/2008.

D. Coslovich, G. Pastore:
"Network-forming and close-packed glasses: Two distinct universality classes?";
Poster: 6th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (IDMRCS 6th), Rome, Italy; 09/2009.

D. Coslovich, G. Pastore:
"What makes glass-forming liquids fragile? Insight from molecular dynamics simulation";
Poster: 7th Liquid Matter Conference 2008, Lund, Sweden; 07/2008.

D. Coslovich, C. M. Roland:
"Strongly correlating liquids and density scaling of the dynamics: Examples and counterexamples from hard and soft matter";
Vortrag: 6th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (IDMRCS 6th), Rome, Italy (eingeladen); 09/2009.

D. Coslovich, C. M. Roland:
"Thermodynamic scaling of the dynamics in fragile glass-formers: Insight from computer simulations";
Poster: 15th International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, USA; 08/2008.

D. Coslovich, L. Strauss, G. Kahl:
"Hopping and microscopic dynamics of ultrasoft particles in cluster phases";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference 2010, Granada, Spain; 04.07.2010 - 08.07.2010.

N. Cribiori:
"Anti-D3-brane and de Sitter in String theory";
Vortrag: XV Avogadro meeting, Naples (eingeladen); 18.12.2019 - 20.12.2019.

N. Cribiori:
"Linear versus Non-linear Supersymmetry";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag Universität Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 06.11.2018.

N. Cribiori:
"The supersymmetric anti-D3-brane action in KKLT";
Vortrag: StringPheno 2019, CERN; 25.06.2019 - 28.06.2019.

N. Cribiori:
"The supersymmetric anti-D3-brane action in KKLT";
Vortrag: Conference on Recent Developments in Strings and Gravity, Corfu (eingeladen); 10.09.2019 - 16.09.2019.

N. Cribiori:
"The supersymmetric anti-D3-brane action in KKLT";
Poster: Strings 2019, Bruxelles; 09.07.2019 - 13.07.2019.

C. Deiss, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of the dynamics of laser-cluster interaction";
Vortrag: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany (eingeladen); 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007.

C. Deiss, C. Prigent, E. Lamour, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet, J. Burgdörfer:
"Optimal pulse duration in laser-cluster interaction";
Vortrag: 14th Intern. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI-2008), University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo/Japan; 01.09.2008 - 05.09.2008.

C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer:
"Cluster-laser interaction: fast production of hot electrons by short laser pulses";
Vortrag: 12th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI-2004), Vilnius, Litauen (eingeladen); 06.09.2004 - 11.09.2004.

C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer:
"Cluster-laser interaction: fast production of hot electrons by short laser pulses";
Poster: Workshop on Atomic Physics 2004, Dresden, Deutschland; 29.11.2004 - 03.12.2004.

C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet, J. Burgdörfer:
"Laser-cluster interaction: The role of electron-ion collision in the production of hot electrons";
Poster: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Argentina; 22.07.2005.

S. Denk:
"Time ordered perturbation theory for nonlocal interactions";
Vortrag: FAKT 2003 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Strobl / Wolfgangsee; 04.10.2003.

H. Dhar, M. Zens, D. Krimer, S. Rotter:
"Nonclassical light in the quantum dynamics of mesoscopic spin ensemble cavity systems";
Poster: Conference on Quantum Dynamics of Disordered Interacting Systems at ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 11.06.2018 - 15.06.2018.

H. Dhar, M. Zens, D. Krimer, S. Rotter:
"Nonclassical light in the quantum dynamics of mesoscopic spin ensembles";
Vortrag: XXV International Summer School `Nicolás Cabrera´: Manipulating Light and Matter at the Nanoscale, Miraflores, Spain (eingeladen); 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018.

K. Dimitriou, D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Classical analysis of the above threshold ionization ";
Vortrag: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

K. Dimitriou, D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ionization of atoms by strong laser fields: origin of the double peak structure in the longitudinal momentum distribution";
Poster: The eighth European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Rennes, France; 06.07.2004 - 07.07.2004.

K. Dimitriou, D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Single ionization of atoms by strong laser fields: A quasi classical study of the electron dynamics";
Vortrag: Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 29.10.2003.

K. Doblhoff-Dier:
"Carrier envelope phase dependend fragmentation of C_2H_2²+";
Vortrag: Annual meeting of the IMPRS-APS 2012, Schloss Ringberg, Germany (eingeladen); 15.07.2012 - 18.07.2012.

K. Doblhoff-Dier:
"The molecules' dense in laser light";
Vortrag: Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien (eingeladen); 06.11.2012.

K. Doblhoff-Dier, M. Kitzler, S. Gräfe:
"Towards a multi-dimensional non-adiabatic description of photoinduced dynamics in multiply ionized acetylene";
Poster: CM0702 COST Action: CUSPFEL, Cluj, Rumänien; 21.03.2012 - 23.03.2012.

K. Doblhoff-Dier, X. Xie, M. Kitzler, S. Gräfe:
"Attosecond recollision-controlled selective fragmentation of acetylene 2+";
Vortrag: 523rd WE Heraeus Seminar on High-Harmonic Spectroscopy, Bad Honnef, Deutschland (eingeladen); 28.01.2013 - 01.02.2013.

P. Dombi, A. Apolonski, G. Paulus, M. Kakehata, k. Torizuki, R. Holzwarth, T. Udem, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, T. Hänsch, F. Krausz:
"Solid-state carrier-envelope phase detector ";
Vortrag: Third International Conference on Ultrafast Optics, Vienna; 30.06.2003 - 04.07.2003.

S. Donsa:
"Anderson localization of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate after long-time expansion";
Vortrag: ViCoM Young Researchers Meeting 2016, Wien; 22.09.2016 - 23.09.2016.

S. Donsa:
"Observing the time-domain build-up and spectral phase of Fano resonances";
Vortrag: 13th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13), Florenz, Italien (eingeladen); 08.04.2019 - 12.04.2019.

S. Donsa, I. Brezinova, J. Burgdörfer, V. Stooß, S. Cavaletto, A. Blättermann, P. Birk, C. Keitel, C. Ott, T. Pfeifer:
"Accurate reconstruction of the ultrafast non-linear response in the time domain from spectroscopy";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes 2018, Smithfield, RI, USA; 06.06.2018 - 11.06.2018.

S. Donsa, I. Brezinova, J. Burgdörfer, V. Stooß, S. Cavaletto, A. Blättermann, P. Birk, C. Keitel, C. Ott, T. Pfeifer:
"Real-Time Reconstruction of the Strong-Field-Driven Dipole Response";
Poster: Label Free Spectro-Microscopy, Garching bei München; 15.11.2018 - 16.11.2018.

S. Donsa, N. Douguet, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova, L. Argenti:
"RABBITT Attoclock for the Direct Measurement of Ionization Phases";
Vortrag: 31st International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXXI ICPEAC), Deauville, France; 23.07.2019 - 30.07.2019.

S. Donsa, N. Douguet, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova, L. Argenti:
"RABBITT Attoclock for the Direct Measurement of Ionization Phases";
Vortrag: 7th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology, Szeged, Hungary; 01.07.2019 - 05.07.2019.

S. Donsa, I. Floss, V. Smejkal, F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulating the time-dependent non-equilibrium dynamics of many-electron systems";
Vortrag: Austrian HPC Meeting 2019, Grundlsee (eingeladen); 25.02.2019 - 27.02.2019.

S. Donsa, F. Lackner, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Non-equilibrium Dynamics of finite one and two-dimensional Hubbard systems";
Poster: 10th ViCoM Workshop (March 2016), Stadtschlaining; 30.03.2016 - 31.03.2016.

S. Donsa, F. Lackner, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Non-equilibrium Dynamics of finite one and two-dimensional Hubbard systems";
Poster: IMPRS Symposium for the Science of Light, Erlangen; 24.04.2016 - 26.04.2016.

S. Donsa, F. Lackner, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Propagating the two-particle reduced-density matrix of one- and two-dimensional Hubbard systems";
Poster: International Workshop on Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Physics and Role of Fermionic Exchange Symmetry, Oxford; 12.04.2016 - 15.04.2016.

S. Donsa, F. Lackner, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"The time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix method";
Vortrag: Informal seminar of the Departement of Theoretical Condensed Matter at the University Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain (eingeladen); 23.11.2017.

S. Donsa, H. Ni, J. Burgdörfer, J. Feist, I. Brezinova:
"Polarization tagging of two-photon double ionization by elliptically polarized XUV pulses";
Poster: 7th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology, Szeged, Hungary; 01.07.2019 - 05.07.2019.

S. Donsa, H. Ni, J. Burgdörfer, J. Feist, I. Brezinova:
"Polarization tagging of two-photon double ionization by elliptically polarized XUVs";
Poster: 13th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13), Florenz, Italien; 08.04.2019 - 12.04.2019.

S. Donsa, H. Ni, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"Probing electronic correlations with ultrashort elliptically polarized pulses";
Vortrag: IMPRS annual meeting 2019, Ringberg, Tegernsee; 13.05.2019 - 15.05.2019.

S. Donsa, R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, I. Brezinova, J. Burgdörfer:
"Strong-field interaction of doubly excited states in helium: time gating and population transfer";
Poster: 14th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2017), Budapest; 24.09.2017 - 27.09.2017.

S. Donsa, R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Burgdörfer, A. Kaldun, A. Blättermann, V. Stooß, C. Ott, T. Pfeifer, H. Wei, C.-D. Lin:
"Ultrafast build-up of a Fano resonance in helium in the time domain";
Poster: International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Max-Plank-Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany; 27.11.2016 - 02.12.2016.

S. Donsa, R. Wanzenböck, H. Hofstätter, O. Koch, J. Burgdörfer, P. Schlagheck, I. Brezinova:
"Expanding Bose-Einstein condensate in disorder: Role of many-body interactions for Anderson localization";
Poster: Research Frontiers in Ultracold Quantum Gases. 685. WE-Heraus Seminar, Bad Honnef/ Germany; 17.12.2018 - 21.12.2018.

G. Doppelbauer:
"Ordered structures of soft matter systems";
Vortrag: Universität Wien, Wien; 17.03.2010.

G. Doppelbauer:
"Patchy particles - clusters, crystals, energy landscapes";
Vortrag: CMS-Science College Seminar, Wien; 27.06.2011.

G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl:
"Self-assembly scenarios of patchy colloidal particles";
Poster: 24th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Prague, Czech Republic; 05.09.2010 - 10.09.2010.

G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl:
"Self-assembly scenarios of patchy colloidal particles";
Poster: 8th Liblice Conference, Brno, Czech Republic; 13.06.2010 - 18.06.2010.

G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl:
"Self-assembly scenarios of patchy particles in two dimensions";
Poster: CECAM Workshop on Computer Simulation Approaches to Study Self-Assembly, Lausanne, Switzerland; 07/2009.

G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl:
"Structural optimization of patchy colloidal particles";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference 2010, Granada, Spain; 04.07.2010 - 08.07.2010.

G. Doppelbauer, D. Chakrabarti, G. Kahl, D. J. Wales:
"Cluster formation of patchy particles";
Poster: HPC Europa 2 Transnational Access Meeting, Barcelona, Spanien; 08.06.2011 - 09.06.2011.

G. Doppelbauer, E. G. Noya, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl:
"Ordered Equilibrium Structures of Patchy Particles";
Poster: ESF Conference Energy Landscapes, Obergurgl; 16.07.2012 - 21.07.2012.

J. Doppler, O. Dietz, J. Méndez-Bermúdez, J. Feist, F. Libisch, D. Krimer, N. Makarov, F. Izrailev, H. Stöckmann, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Quantitative description of coherent transport through surface- disordered wires";
Poster: Advances in Quantum Chaotic Scattering: From (Non-)Linear Waves to Few-Body Systems, Dresden; 09.09.2013 - 13.09.2013.

J. Doppler, F. Izrailev, J. Méndez-Bermúdez, J. Feist, S. Rotter:
"Reflection resonances in waveguides with rough surface profiles: Identifying signatures of a new scattering mechanism";
Vortrag: 8th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Benasque, Spanien; 26.08.2012 - 01.09.2012.

J. Doppler, A. Mailybaev, J. Böhm, U. Kuhl, A. Girschik, F. Libisch, T. Milburn, P. Rabl, N. Moiseyev, S. Rotter:
"Dynamically encircling exceptional points in a waveguide: asymmetric mode switching from the breakdown of adiabaticity";
Vortrag: META'16, 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Malaga (eingeladen); 25.07.2016 - 28.07.2016.

J. Doppler, A. Mailybaev, A. Girschik, F. Libisch, T. Milburn, P. Rabl, S. Rotter:
"Using exceptional points to engineer the modal transmission characteristics of waveguides";
Vortrag: 10th IR-On Workshop, Traunkirchen; 16.04.2015 - 17.04.2015.

C. Ecker:
"Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT";
Vortrag: 2nd Doctorial Colloquium, ITP TU-Wien, Vienna; 19.01.2015.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, V. Keranen, S. Stricker, A. Vuorinen:
"Simulations of strongly coupled quantum systems using black holes";
Vortrag: Vienna Young Scientist Symposium, TU Wien (eingeladen); 25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, P. Stanzer, S. Stricker, W. van der Schee:
"Exploring Non-Local Observables in Shock Wave Collisions";
Vortrag: DK Monitoring Workshop - Joint Meeting Graz/Wien/Jena, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna; 05.12.2016 - 07.12.2016.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, S. Stricker:
"Holographic entaglement entropy from numerical relativity";
Vortrag: OEPG/SPS Tagung 2015, Vienna, Austria; 02.09.2015.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, S. Stricker:
"Holographic entaglement in anisotropic systems";
Vortrag: Equilibration Mechanisms in Weakly and Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theory, Institute for Nuclear Theory Program INT-15-2c, Seattle (eingeladen); 03.08.2015 - 12.08.2015.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, S. Stricker:
"Numerical Holography, Numerical Relativity & AdS/CFT";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Seminar at University of Vienna, Wien, Österreich; 21.10.2014.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, S. Stricker:
"Numerical Relativity in AdS, Holography and Thermalization";
Vortrag: 64th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Pöllau; 24.09.2015.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, S. Stricker, W. van der Schee:
"Holographic Entanglement Entropy from Numerical Relativity";
Vortrag: Summer Shool and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, Corfu Summer Institute, Corfu; 01.09.2015 - 11.09.2015.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, W. van der Schee, P. Stanzer, S. Stricker:
"Entanglement entropy in shock wave collisions";
Vortrag: Meeting on cosmology and particle physics, Tampere, Finland (eingeladen); 29.09.2016.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, W. van der Schee, P. Stanzer, S. Stricker:
"Exploring Non-Local Observables in Shock-Wave Collisions";
Poster: Workshop on Numerical Holography (NumHol2016), Santiago de Compostela; 27.06.2016 - 01.07.2016.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, W. van der Schee, P. Stanzer, S. Stricker:
"Exploring nonlocal observables in shock wave collisions";
Vortrag: High Energy Physics Seminar, Univertsity of Helsinki, Finland; 27.09.2016.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, W. van der Schee, P. Stanzer, S. Stricker:
"Monitoring Non-Local Observables in Shock-Wave Collisions";
Poster: 54th Schladming Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Schladming, Austria; 21.02.2016 - 28.02.2016.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, W. van der Schee, P. Stanzer, S. Stricker:
"Numerical Relativity & AdS/CFT Correspondence";
Vortrag: Einstein Toolkit EU School and Workshop, University of Trento, Italy; 13.06.2016 - 17.06.2016.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, W. van der Schee, S. Stricker:
"Entanglement Entropy in Shock Wave Collisions";
Vortrag: IV Postgraduate Meeting on Theoretical Physics, IFT UAM/CSIC, Madrid; 18.11.2015 - 20.11.2015.

C. Ecker, D. Grumiller, W. van der Schee, S. Stricker:
"Shock Wave Collisions and Entanglement Entropy";
Vortrag: 11th Vienna Central European Seminar, University of Vienna, Vienna; 27.11.2015 - 28.11.2015.

C. Ecker, A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Soloviev:
"Semiholography in heavy ion collisions";
Poster: Gauge/Gravity Duality 2018, Würzburg, Germany; 30.07.2018 - 03.08.2018.

C. Ecker, A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Soloviev:
"Time Evolution of a Semiholographic Glasma";
Vortrag: Holography and Extreme Chromodynamics (HoloQuark2018), Santiago de Compostela, Spain; 02.07.2018 - 05.07.2018.

C. Ecker, P. Stanzer, D. Grumiller, S. Stricker, W. van der Schee:
"Holographic Entanglement Entropy in Heavy Ion Collisions";
Poster: Humboldt Kolleg "From the Vacuum to the Universe", Kitzbühel; 26.06.2016 - 01.07.2016.

C. Ecker, P. Stanzer, S. Stricker, D. Grumiller, W. van der Schee:
"Entanglement Entropy in Heavy Ion Collisions";
Poster: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2016 - II, Vienna, Austria; 27.09.2016 - 29.09.2016.

K. Ehrenberger, K. Svozil:
"Stochastic interference and auditory perception";
Vortrag: 7th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation 2004, Geneva, Switzerland; 02.05.2004 - 05.05.2004.

A.S. El-Said, W. Meissl, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, C. Lemell, I. Gebeshuber, J. Burgdörfer, C. Trautmann, M. Toulemonde, J. Ullrich, F. Aumayr:
"Potential energy threshold for surface nanostructuring of CaF_{2}(111) induced by slow highly charged ions";
Poster: 14th Intern. Conf. on Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI-2007), Caen, Normandy/France; 31.08.2007.

S. Ertl:
"Warped AdS_3";
Vortrag: 60. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Salzburg (eingeladen); 09.09.2010.

S. Ertl, D. Grumiller, N. Johansson:
"Topologically massive mechanics: A continuation of the TMG saga";
Vortrag: Aspects of string, gravity and gauge theories, Wien; 17.06.2010 - 18.06.2010.

S. Esterhazy, M. Liertzer, J. Melenk, S. Rotter:
"Solving the steady-state ab-initio laser theory with FEM";
Vortrag: Mafelap 2013, Brunel University London; 11.06.2013 - 14.06.2013.

T. Fabian, F. Libisch:
"Inelastic Scattering in Tight-Binding";
Poster: "Novel Materials and Superconductors" Workshop, Obertraun, Obertraun; 11.02.2018 - 17.02.2018.

T. Fabian, F. Libisch:
"Universal conductance and shot noise fluctuations in graphene";
Poster: IWEPNM 2020, Kirchberg in Tirol; 08.03.2020 - 13.03.2020.

M. Falge, V. Engel, K. Doblhoff-Dier, X. Xie, M. Kitzler, S. Gräfe:
"Ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics of molecular systems";
Vortrag: Institutsseminar Theoretische Chemie der Universität Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 08.10.2012.

M. Falge, V. Engel, S. Gräfe:
"Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of coupled nuclear-electronic dynamics";
Vortrag: Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Atomic and Molecular Processes Induced by Intense Ultrashort Pulses, Debrecen, Ungarn; 27.09.2011 - 30.09.2011.

M. Falge, V. Engel, S. Gräfe:
"Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of coupled nuclear-electronic dynamics";
Poster: International Workshop on Atomic Physics 2011, Dresden, Deutschland; 21.11.2011 - 25.11.2011.

M. Favoni, A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Implementing gauge symmetry in machine learning models";
Vortrag: Strong and Electro-Weak Matter 2021, Paris, Frankreich; 28.06.2021 - 02.07.2021.

M. Favoni, A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Lattice Gauge Symmetry in Neural Networks";
Vortrag: 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 26.07.2021 - 30.07.2021.

J. Feist:
"Correlation in double ionization of He by ultrashort pulses";
Vortrag: DAMOP 2008, State College, Pennsylvania, USA (eingeladen); 27.05.2008 - 31.05.2008.

J. Feist, A. Kaltenbäck, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Streaking of shake-up ionization in helium";
Poster: Second International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO-09), Manhattan, Kansas, USA; 28.07.2009 - 01.08.2009.

J. Feist, M. Liertzer, S. Nagele, J. Burgdörfer:
"Neutron impact ionization of helium";
Poster: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK; 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011.

J. Feist, M. Liertzer, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Neutron impact ionization of helium";
Vortrag: 41th Meeting of the Division for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, DAMOP 2010, Houston, TX; 25.05.2010 - 29.05.2010.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins:
"Cross sections for nonsequential two-photon double ionization of helium";
Poster: DAMOP 2008, State College, Pennsylvania, USA; 27.05.2008 - 31.05.2008.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ab initio simulations of the interaction of helium with ultrashort laser pulses";
Poster: Fourth annual TeraGrid conference (TeraGrid 09), Arlington, Virginia, USA; 22.06.2009 - 25.06.2009.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Correlation in double ionization of helium by ultrashort pulses";
Poster: Workshop on Interaction of Free-Electron-Laser Radiation with Matter, Hamburg, Germany; 07.10.2008 - 10.10.2008.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Nonsequential two-photon double ionization of helium";
Vortrag: ADLIS Workshop 2008, Obergurgl, Österreich; 02.02.2008 - 09.02.2008.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing electron correlation in two-photon double ionization of helium by ultrashort pulses";
Poster: Workshop "Quantum Dynamic Imaging", Montreal, Canada; 19.10.2009 - 23.10.2009.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Using attosecond pulses to probe electron correlations in two-photon double ionization of helium";
Vortrag: Annual Meeting of the IMPRS-APS, Schloss Ringberg, Germany; 20.10.2008 - 22.10.2008.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond physics in simple atomic systems";
Vortrag: Meeting of the DFG Forschergruppe 760, Hirschegg; 15.09.2008 - 18.09.2008.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Two-photon double ionization of helium";
Poster: 11th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2008), Heidelberg, Germany; 18.09.2008 - 23.09.2008.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, C. Ticknor, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond pump-probe of doubly excited states in helium";
Poster: 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2011), Atlanta; 13.06.2011 - 17.06.2011.

J. Feist, S. Nagele, C. Ticknor, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond two-photon interferometry for probing doubly excited states of helium";
Poster: The 3rd International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO3), Sapporo; 06.07.2011 - 08.07.2011.

J. Feist, R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Interference between nonsequential and sequential two-photon double ionization in short XUV pulses";
Vortrag: 40th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2009), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA; 19.05.2009 - 23.05.2009.

J. Feist, R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing electron correlation through nuclear recoil in two-photon double ionization of helium";
Poster: 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP 10), Salamanca/Spain; 04.07.2010 - 09.07.2010.

J. Feist, R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing electron correlation through nuclear recoil in two-photon double ionization of helium";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes, Tilton, NH, USA; 06.06.2010 - 11.06.2010.

J. Feist, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transport through nano-wires with surface disorder";
Vortrag: Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Deutschland (eingeladen); 21.06.2005.

J. Feist, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer, A. Bäcker, R. Ketzmerick:
"Transport through quantum wires with one-sided surface disorder";
Vortrag: Meeting of the DFG Forschergruppe 760, Hirschegg; 15.09.2008 - 18.09.2008.

J. Feist, O. Zatsarinny, S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, J. Burgdörfer, X. Guan, K. Bartschat, B. I. Schneider:
"Time delays for attosecond streaking in photo-ionization of neon";
Poster: 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2014), Madison, WI (USA); 02.06.2014 - 06.06.2014.

M.-J. Fernaud:
"Dipolar fluid inclusions in random ionic matrices";
Vortrag: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Deutschland (eingeladen); 09.11.2004.

M.-J. Fernaud, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Structural properties of a fluid of polymers confined in a porous matrix of star polymers";
Poster: International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement (CONFIT06), Grenoble, France; 23.03.2006 - 26.03.2006.

M.-J. Fernaud, G. Kahl, R. Roth:
"A hard-sphere fluid exposed to the external field of two impenetrable spheres";
Poster: 6th Liquid Matter Conference 2005, Utrechet, Netherlands; 02.07.2005 - 06.07.2005.

M.-J. Fernaud, E. Lomba:
"Dipolar fluid inclusions in random ionic matrices";
Vortrag: NATO-Advanced Research Workshop on "Ionic Soft Matter: Novel trends in theory and applications", Lviv, Ukraine (eingeladen); 14.04.2004 - 17.04.2004.

M.-J. Fernaud, E. Lomba, J.-J. Weis, G. Kahl:
"Estudio de un fluido dipolar en un medio poroso";
Poster: XI Congreso de Fisica Estadistica, FISES 2002, Tarragona, Spain; 24.05.2002.

S. Ferrari:
"Analogies between Soft Matter Systems and Manner Schnitten";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien; 01.04.2014.

S. Ferrari:
"Gel and solid structures formation with colloidal particles with heterogeneously charged surfaces (IPCs)";
Vortrag: ViCoM Young Researchers Meeting 2014, TU Wien, Österreich; 22.04.2014 - 23.04.2014.

S. Ferrari:
"Inverse Patchy Colloids: chasing the simulations with theory";
Vortrag: DaCAM workshop on Physics of colloidal particles with heterogeneously patterned surfaces, Wien; 24.09.2014 - 27.09.2014.

S. Ferrari:
"Static properties of Inverse Patchy Colloids: theory versus simulations";
Vortrag: Central European Statistical Physics Mini-Meeting, Budapest (Hungary); 12.06.2014 - 13.06.2014.

S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, G. Doppelbauer, G. Kahl:
"Planar liquid/solid structures formation with Inverse Patchy Colloids";
Poster: DaCAM workshop on Physics of colloidal particles with heterogeneously patterned surfaces, Wien; 24.09.2014 - 27.09.2014.

S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl:
"Spatial and rotational slowing down of colloidal particles with heterogeneously charged surfaces";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal)ç; 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, G. Pastore, G. Kahl:
"Static and dynamic correlations in Inverse Patchy Colloids";
Poster: From Electrons to Phase Transitions ViCoM Conference, Wien; 02/2014.

S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, G. Pastore, G. Kahl:
"Static and dynamic correlations in Inverse Patchy Particle systems";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom; 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

S. Ferrari, G. Pastore:
""Bridge function and static structure of the one-patch Kern and Frenkel model";
Poster: Physics of Complex Colloids Conference, Ljubljiana; 14.05.2013 - 18.05.2013.

Z. Ficek, J. Seke, A. Soldatov, G. Adam, N.N. Bogolubov:
"Absorption and dispersion by a multiple driven two-level atom";
Poster: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Leoben, Austria; 26.09.2002.

Z. Ficek, J. Seke, A. Soldatov, G. Adam, N.N. Bogolubov, O. Hittmair:
"Multilevel coherence effects in a two-level atom driven by a trichromatic field";
Poster: 53. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg; 01.10.2003 - 02.10.2003.

S. Filipp, K. Svozil:
"Analytic Quantum Bounds on Bell Inequalities";
Poster: Quantum Physics of Nature Conference, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 23.05.2005.

S. Filipp, K. Svozil:
"Boole-Bell-type inequalities in Mathematica";
Vortrag: 5th Int. Mathematica Symposium, Imperial College London (UK); 07.07.2003 - 11.07.2003.

P. Fischer:
"Quantum gravity in extra dimensions";
Vortrag: University of Geneva, Switzerland; 11.03.2005.

P. Fischer:
"Quantum gravity in extra dimensions";
Vortrag: University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Deutschland; 20.04.2005.

I. Floss:
"Accounting for decoherence in solid-state TDDFT";
Vortrag: International Symposium on Ab Initio Electron Dynamics Simulations, Tsukuba, Japan (eingeladen); 14.11.2018 - 16.11.2018.

I. Floss:
"Multi-scale simulation of high harmonic generation in condensed matter";
Vortrag: International Workshop Attosecond Physics at the Nanoscale, PCS IBS, Daejeon, South Korea (eingeladen); 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018.

I. Floss:
"Multi-scale simulation of high harmonic generation in condensed matter";
Vortrag: International Conference on Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Surfaces, Budapest, Hungary; 21.08.2018 - 24.08.2018.

I. Floss:
"Simulation of High Harmonic Generation in Laser-Solid Interactions";
Vortrag: 7th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, Benasque, Spain; 12.09.2016 - 23.09.2016.

I. Floss, C. Lemell, G. Wachter, S. A. Sato, X.-M. Tong, K. Yabana, J. Burgdörfer:
"Multi-scale simulation of ultra-short pulses interacting with condensed matter: high harmonic generation";
Poster: 14th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2017), Budapest; 24.09.2017 - 27.09.2017.

I. Floss, S. A. Sato, G. Wachter, C. Lemell, X.-M. Tong, K. Yabana, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of High Harmonic Generation in Laser-Solid Interactions";
Poster: 7th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, Benasque, Spain; 12.09.2016 - 23.09.2016.

I. Floss, G. Wachter, C. Lemell, S. Sato, X.-M. Tong, K. Yabana, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of High Harmonic Generation in Solids";
Poster: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 01.08.2017.

J. Fornleitner:
"Cluster-formation vs. lane-formation: Minimum energy configurations for the two-dimensional square-sholder potential";
Vortrag: SOCOBIM 2007, Terrasini, Italy; 15.07.2007 - 19.07.2007.

J. Fornleitner:
"Finding equilibrium structures for one- and two-component monolayers";
Vortrag: CMS Seminar, Wien; 18.06.2007.

J. Fornleitner:
"Genetic algorithms predict formation of exotic ordered configuration for two-component dipolar monolayers";
Vortrag: Seminar des internationalen Graduiertenkollegs, Konstanz, Germany; 02/2008.

J. Fornleitner:
"Genetic algorithms predict the formation of exotic ordered configurations for two-component monolayers";
Poster: FWF WK04:CMS evaluation poster session, Vienna; 28.11.2007.

J. Fornleitner:
"Genetic algorithms predicting equilibrium structures in two dimensions";
Vortrag: Josef-Stefan-Institute Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 10.11.2007 - 17.11.2007.

J. Fornleitner:
"Predicting equilibrium structures with genetic algorithms";
Vortrag: Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf; 20.03.2007.

J. Fornleitner, D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Genetic algorithms - an attractive new tool in (soft) matter physics";
Poster: Seventh Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Lednice, Czech Republic; 11.06.2006 - 16.06.2006.

J. Fornleitner, G. Kahl:
"Exotic structures as minimum energy configurations for the two-dimensional square-shoulder potential";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference 2007 (ISMC), Aachen, Germany; 01.10.2007 - 04.10.2007.

J. Fornleitner, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Tailoring the phonon band structues in binary colloidal monolayers";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference 2010, Granada, Spain; 04.07.2010 - 08.07.2010.

J. Fornleitner, F. LoVerso, G. Kahl:
"Complex alloy phases of binary dipolar monolayers, investigated by genetic algorithms";
Poster: Meeting: Structuring Collodial Dispersions by External Fields, London, United Kingdom; 21.11.2007.

J. Fornleitner, F. LoVerso, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Exotic alloy phases of dipolar binary monolayers";
Poster: 7th Liquid Matter Conference 2008, Lund, Sweden; 07/2008.

J. Fornleitner, F. LoVerso, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Exotic ordered equilibrium structures in binary two-dimensional soft systems";
Vortrag: 21st Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS), Geneva, Switzerland (eingeladen); 15.09.2007.

J. Fornleitner, F. LoVerso, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Phonon spectra of dipolar monolayer systems";
Poster: ECIS 2008 and COST D43, Crakow, Poland; 09/2008.

J. Fornleitner, F. LoVerso, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Predicting non-trivial equilibrium structures in binary two-dimensional soft systems";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference 2007 (ISMC), Aachen, Germany; 01.10.2007 - 04.10.2007.

N. Freitag, P. Nemes-Incze, L. Chizhova, F. Libisch, C. Woods, R. Gorbachev, Y. Cao, A. Geim, K. Novoselov, J. Burgdörfer, M. Morgenstern:
"Magnetically confined quantum dots in graphene revealed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy";
Poster: International Winter School of Properties of Novel Materials 2016, Kirchberg in Tirol; 13.02.2016 - 20.02.2016.

N. Freitag, T. Reisch, F. Libisch, P. Nemes-Incze, J. Burgdörfer, M. Morgenstern:
"Edge-free graphene quantum dots on hexagonal boron nitride";
Vortrag: CCP 2018, Davis, Californien, USA; 29.07.2018 - 03.08.2018.

M. M. Furchi, A. Pospischil, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, T. Müller:
"2D materials that aren´t made out of C (TMDC based optoelectronics";
Vortrag: 4th International Nanophotonics Meeting 2014, Igls; 23.10.2014 - 25.10.2014.

L. Ge, H.E. Türeci, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter:
"Lasing in PT-symmetric cavities";
Vortrag: 7th IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, Georgia, USA; 04.04.2011 - 07.04.2011.

J. Gear, F. Liu, S. Rotter, J. Li:
"PT-symmetry in the effective medium description of metamaterials";
Vortrag: META 14 Singapore, Singapur (eingeladen); 20.05.2014 - 23.05.2014.

S. Gehler, A. Bärnthaler, S. Rotter, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann:
"Probing decoherence through Fano resonances";
Vortrag: IX. Billiard workshop, Marburg an der Lahn, Deutschland (eingeladen); 04.10.2010 - 06.10.2010.

S. Gehler, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann, A. Bärnthaler, S. Rotter, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Fano resonances under the influence of absorption or dephasing";
Poster: Summer School "Mesoscopic Physics in Complex Media", Cargèse, Corsica; 12.07.2010 - 16.07.2010.

S. Gehler, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann, S. Rotter, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Fano resonances under the influence of absorption or dephasing";
Poster: Mesoscopic physics in complex media, Max-Planck-Institut for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden; 17.05.2010 - 21.05.2010.

M. Geismann, F. Salihbegovic, M. Kühmayer, F. Libisch, S. Rotter:
"Expanding the Scattering Matrix through Quasi Normal Modes: a Numerical Case Study";
Vortrag: WAVES 2019 - 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Wien; 25.08.2019 - 30.08.2019.

D. Gelfand, J. Berges, F. Hebenstreit:
"Early quark production and approach to chemical equilibrium";
Poster: Quark Matter 2015, Kobe, Japan; 27.09.2015 - 03.10.2015.

D. Gelfand, F. Hebenstreit, J. Berges:
"Early quark production and approach to chemical equilibrium";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2016, Stavanger, Norwegen; 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016.

D. Gelfand, A. Ipp, F. Hebenstreit, J. Berges:
"Modelling early quark production and color dynamics for heavy-ion collisions";
Poster: 3rd International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (InitialStages2016), Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus, Lisboa, Portugal; 23.05.2016 - 27.05.2016.

D. Gelfand, A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Modelling color dynamics in heavy-ion collisions";
Vortrag: Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 21.03.2016 - 24.03.2016.

D. Gelfand, A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Simulating collisions of thick nuclei in the color glass condensate framework";
Vortrag: DK Monitoring Workshop - Joint Meeting Graz/Wien/Jena, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna; 05.12.2016 - 07.12.2016.

G. Georgiou:
"Large amphiphilic dendrimers: structure, orientation and effective pair interactions";
Vortrag: Annual COMPLOIDS Meeting, Edinburgh, UK; 30.05.2012 - 02.06.2012.

G. Georgiou:
"Structure, orientation and effective pair interactions of large amphiphilic dendrimers";
Vortrag: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA; 20.02.2012.

G. Georgiou, R. Blaak, P. Ziherl, G. Kahl:
"Antinematic local order in dendrimer liquids";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom; 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

G. Georgiou, R. Blaak, P. Ziherl, G. Kahl:
"Large amphiphilic dendrimers: structure, orientation and effective pair interactions";
Poster: Annual COMPLOIDS Meeting, Edinburgh, UK; 30.05.2012 - 02.06.2012.

G. Georgiou, R. Blaak, P. Ziherl, G. Kahl:
"On the shape of dendrimers";
Poster: Physics of Complex Colloids Conference, Ljubljiana; 14.05.2013 - 18.05.2013.

G. Georgiou, P. Ziherl, G. Kahl:
"Large amphiphilic dendrimers: structure, orientation and effective pair interactions";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions, Ventura, CA; 05.02.2012 - 10.02.2012.

A. Gerhold:
"Anomalous specific heat in high density QCD";
Vortrag: FAKT 2004 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Weyer, Österreich; 27.09.2004.

A. Gerhold:
"Gauge dependence identities for color superconducting QCD";
Poster: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004, Helsinki, Finnland; 17.06.2004.

A. Gerhold, A. Ipp, A. Rebhan:
"Anomalous specific heat in ultradegenerate QED and QCD";
Poster: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004, Helsinki, Finnland; 17.06.2004.

A. Girschik, J. Doppler, F. Libisch, J. Feist, S. Rotter:
"Coherent scattering through disorder wires: theory and experiment";
Vortrag: Billiard workshop of the Forschergruppe 760, Regensburg (eingeladen); 24.09.2012 - 26.09.2012.

A. Girschik, F. Libisch, S. Rotter:
"Effects of Correlation in the Disorder on the Topological Anderson Insulator";
Poster: International Physics School, Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Teneriffa; 12.02.2012 - 17.02.2012.

A. Girschik, A. Pena, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch, S. Rotter, A. Chabanov:
"New Insights on coherent wave transmission through disordered system";
Vortrag: ETOPIM10 - Electrical, Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media, Israel, Neveh Ilan; 21.06.2015 - 26.06.2015.

A. Girschik, A. Pena, F. Libisch, S. Rotter, A. Chabanov:
"Coherent Wave Transmission Through Strongly Disordered Media: Microwave Tubes and Topological Insulators";
Vortrag: The Eighth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, Georgia, USA (eingeladen); 25.03.2013 - 28.03.2013.

A. Girschik, S. Rotter, F. Libisch:
"Topological Insulator in the Presence of Spatially Correlated Disorder";
Vortrag: Workshop Obertraun 2014 "Novel Materials and Superconductors", Obertraun (eingeladen); 09.02.2014 - 15.02.2014.

A. Girschik, S. Rotter, F. Libisch, J. Doppler:
"New Insights on Coherent Wave Transmission through Disordered Systems";
Vortrag: 9th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, San Antonio, Texas, USA (eingeladen); 18.08.2014 - 22.08.2014.

D. Gottwald:
"Clustered crystals";
Vortrag: Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf (eingeladen); 12.11.2004.

D. Gottwald:
"Genetic algorithms - an attractive tool in condensed matter theory";
Vortrag: CMS Evolution Meeting 2004, Vienna, Austria; 14.12.2004.

D. Gottwald, G. Kahl:
"Predicting equilibrium structures in freezing processes";
Poster: CMS Evolution Meeting 2004, Vienna, Austria; 14.12.2004.

D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Genetic algorithms - a powerful and efficient tool to predict equilibrium structures in freezing transitions";
Vortrag: 6th Liquid Matter Conference 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands; 02.07.2005 - 06.07.2006.

D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Predicting equilibrium structures in freezing processes";
Vortrag: Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields (CODEF), Bonn, Germany; 29.03.2004 - 01.04.2004.

D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Predicting equilibrium structures in freezing processes with a generic algorithm";
Vortrag: Computational Materials Science, Advisory Board Meeting, Wien (eingeladen); 17.10.2003.

D. Gottwald, J. Köfinger, B. Mladek:
"Einfache Methoden zur Visualisierung von Simulationsdaten";
Vortrag: Universität Wien, Wien, Österreich; 16.06.2004.

D. Gottwald, C. N. Likos, G. Kahl:
"Ordering of soft particles in quasi-two-dimensional geometries";
Poster: 6th Liquid Matter Conference 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands; 02.07.2005 - 06.07.2005.

D. Gottwald, C. N. Likos, G. Kahl, H. Löwen:
"Phase behavior of ionic microgels";
Vortrag: Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields (CODEF), Bonn, Germany; 29.03.2004 - 01.04.2004.

D. Gottwald, C. N. Likos, G. Kahl, H. Löwen:
"Structure and phase behavior of ionic microgels";
Poster: 6th Liquid Matter Conference 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands; 02.07.2005 - 06.07.2005.

S. Gräfe:
"Attosecond electron localization dynamics in laser- induced electron re-collision";
Vortrag: Seminar, London, UK (eingeladen); 09.09.2009 - 10.09.2009.

S. Gräfe:
"Attosecond probing of electron tunneling in H2+";
Vortrag: 402nd Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on Novel Light Sources and Applications, Obergurgl, Austria; 02/2008.

S. Gräfe:
"Attosecond spectroscopy of electron tunneling in dissociating hydrogen molecular ion";
Vortrag: Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, 2008, Stresa, Italy; 09.06.2008.

S. Gräfe:
"Attosekunden Elektronenlokalisierungsdynamik in laserinduzierter Elektronen-Rekollision - osder: Elektronen beim Tunneln beobachten";
Vortrag: Leopoldina Meeting "Ergebnisse des Leopoldina Förderprogramms VI, Halle / Saale, Germany; 14.11.2008.

S. Gräfe:
"Chemiker ist, was Du draus machst";
Vortrag: Jung Chemiker Forum der Gesellschaft deutscher Chemiker, Würzburg, Germany (eingeladen); 29.05.2008.

S. Gräfe:
"Control of electronic wavepacket dynamics in atomic and molecular systems";
Vortrag: Seminar, Würzburg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 11.05.2010 - 12.05.2010.

S. Gräfe:
"Electron Localization Induced by Laser-Assisted Electron Re-Collision";
Vortrag: Seminar, Jena, D; 16.06.2009.

S. Gräfe:
"Introduction to quantum control of light-matter interaction";
Hauptvortrag: Complexity from quantum systems to emergent behavior, Debrecen (eingeladen); 10.12.2012 - 14.12.2012.

S. Gräfe:
"Monitoring electron tunnelling dynamics in molecules with attosecond precision";
Vortrag: Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), Darmstadt, Germany; 10.03.2008.

S. Gräfe:
"Monitoring nuclear and electronic dynamics in molecules using high-order harmonic generation";
Vortrag: DPG Fruehjahrstagung, 2009, Hamburg, D; 23.03.2009 - 27.03.2009.

S. Gräfe:
"Quantum control of electron localization in atoms and molecules by trains of half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: Seminar, Kassel, D (eingeladen); 01.11.2009 - 03.11.2009.

S. Gräfe:
"Strong-field - matter interaction";
Hauptvortrag: Complexity from quantum systems to emergent behavior, Debrecen (eingeladen); 10.12.2012 - 14.12.2012.

S. Gräfe:
"Time-dependent weak-field - matter interaction";
Hauptvortrag: Complexity from quantum systems to emergent behavior, Debrecen (eingeladen); 10.12.2012 - 14.12.2012.

S. Gräfe, D. V. Kartashov, J. Burgdörfer:
"Monitoring nuclear and electronic dynamics using high-order harmonic generation";
Poster: 11th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2008), Heidelberg, Germany; 18.09.2008 - 23.09.2008.

S. Gräfe, D. V. Kartashov, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved strong field spectroscopy of simple model systems using high-ordered harmonic generation";
Vortrag: 11th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2008), Heidelberg, Germany; 18.09.2008.

E. Gratz, H. Nowotny, J. Enser, E. Bauer, K. Hense:
"Magnetoresistance in RCo2 spin - fluctuation systems";
Poster: ICM 2003, Rom, Italien; 27.07.2003 - 01.08.2003.

J. M. Grimstrup:
"Quantum spaces, cosmology and strings";
Vortrag: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany; 12.02.2002.

A. Grüneis:
"Applying periodic CC theory to solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: Norwegian National Meeting in Chemistry, Oslo, Norway (eingeladen); 14.10.2018 - 17.10.2018.

A. Grüneis:
"Basics and state-of-the-art quantum chemistry methods for materials";
Vortrag: Hands-on DFT and beyond summerschool, Barcelona, Spain (eingeladen); 28.08.2019.

A. Grüneis:
"Coupled Cluster Theory for Solids and Surfaces";
Vortrag: Total Energy and Force Methods Workshop 2018, Cambridge, UK (eingeladen); 09.01.2018 - 11.01.2018.

A. Grüneis:
"Coupled Cluster Theory for Solids and Surfaces";
Hauptvortrag: 60th Sanibel Symposium, St. Simons Island, GA, US (eingeladen); 16.02.2020 - 21.02.2020.

A. Grüneis:
"Cross-checking the quantum chemical hierarchy for solids: local vs. canonical approaches";
Vortrag: Local correlation approaches for molecules and solids 2019, Regensburg, DE (eingeladen); 27.06.2019 - 29.06.2019.

A. Grüneis:
"Finite size corrections in CC theory calculations of solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: 254th National ACS Meeting, Washington D.C., USA (eingeladen); 20.08.2017.

A. Grüneis:
"Low rank factorizations and finite size corrections for periodic CC theory";
Vortrag: Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo (AFQMC) Workshop, New York, US (eingeladen); 12.02.2018 - 15.02.2018.

A. Grüneis:
"Particle-particle ladder based basis-set corrections applied to atoms and molecules using coupled-cluster theory";
Vortrag: MQM 2019, Heidelberg (eingeladen); 30.06.2019 - 05.07.2019.

A. Grüneis:
"Periodic CC theory for ab-initio calculations of solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: 2018 Many Electron Collaboration Summer School (Simons F.), Stony Brook, NY, US (eingeladen); 08.07.2018 - 14.07.2018.

A. Grüneis:
"Recent progress in applying coupled cluster theories to the study of ground and excited state properties of solids";
Vortrag: Quantum-chemistry methods for materials science, CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (eingeladen); 08.11.2017.

A. Grüneis:
"Recent progress in applying periodic CC theory to solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: IMPRS-Workshop "From Models to Reality", Ringberg, DE (eingeladen); 19.02.2018 - 22.02.2018.

A. Grüneis:
"Recent progress in applying periodic CC theory to solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: PC Kolloqium LMU München, München (eingeladen); 19.06.2019.

A. Grüneis:
"Recent progress in applying periodic CC theory to solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: ISTCP 2019, Tromso, Norwegen (eingeladen); 11.07.2019 - 17.07.2019.

A. Grüneis:
"Recent progress in applying periodic CC theory to solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: New Developments in Coupled-Cluster Theory Workshop, Telluride, USA (eingeladen); 28.07.2019 - 02.08.2019.

A. Grüneis:
"The lord of the rings and ladders applied to solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: APS March Meeting, Boston, USA (eingeladen); 04.03.2019 - 08.03.2019.

A. Grüneis:
"Towards efficient periodic CC theory calculations of solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: 17th European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Shropshire, UK (eingeladen); 11.07.2017.

A. Grüneis:
"Towards efficient periodic CC theory calculations of solids and surfaces";
Vortrag: New developments in Coupled Cluster Theory 2017, Telluride, CO-USA (eingeladen); 31.07.2017.

D. Grumiller:
"2D quantum dilaton gravity with matter ";
Vortrag: EURESCO Conference 'What comes beyond the Standard model', Portoroz, Slovenia; 14.07.2003.

D. Grumiller:
"3-dimensional quantum gravity?";
Vortrag: String gravity seminar, Mitchell Institute, Department of Physics, Texas A&M; 23.11.2008 - 26.11.2008.

D. Grumiller:
"3D gravity and holography";
Vortrag: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Innsbruck (eingeladen); 02.09.2009 - 04.09.2009.

D. Grumiller:
"3D quantum gravity, logarithmic CFT and its chiral truncation";
Hauptvortrag: 1st Mediterranean Conference on Classical and Quantum Gravity, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece (eingeladen); 14.09.2009 - 18.09.2009.

D. Grumiller:
"3D quantum gravity?";
Vortrag: String and cosmology seminar, Arnold Sommerfeld Center, Munich; 20.10.2008 - 24.10.2008.

D. Grumiller:
Vortrag: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA (eingeladen); 11/2009.

D. Grumiller:
Vortrag: University of Utrecht, Netherlands (eingeladen); 05/2010.

D. Grumiller:
Vortrag: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (eingeladen); 02/2010.

D. Grumiller:
"Art and Geometry in 2D";
Vortrag: New England School of Art and Design, Boston, USA (eingeladen); 10/2006.

D. Grumiller:
"Black Hole thermodynamics and breakdown of the classical approximation";
Vortrag: University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA (eingeladen); 06/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Black Hole thermodynamics and Hamilton-Jacobi counterterm";
Vortrag: Konferenz: Quantum Field Theory under External Conditions, Leipzig, Germany (eingeladen); 09/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Black holes";
Vortrag: Die Woche der freien Bildung, Wien (eingeladen); 17.05.2010 - 21.05.2010.

D. Grumiller:
"Black holes: theory, observations and applications";
Vortrag: Habilitationskolloquium, TU Wien; 19.11.2010.

D. Grumiller:
"Boundary counterterms in gravity and Black Hole thermodynamics";
Vortrag: University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece (eingeladen); 08/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Breakdown and restoration of classical approximation in Black Hole path integrals";
Vortrag: Path Integrals - New Trends and Perspectives, Dresden (eingeladen); 09/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Breakdown of the semi-classical approximation in the path integral and Black Hole thermodynamics";
Vortrag: Department of Physics, University of Washington, Washington, USA (eingeladen); 06/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Cosmic evolution from phase transition";
Hauptvortrag: 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Classical and Quantum Gravity, Losinj, Croatia (eingeladen); 10.06.2013 - 13.06.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Cosmic evolution from phase transition";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at Amsterdam U, Amsterdam, Netherlands (eingeladen); 18.09.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Cosmology in the Multiverse";
Vortrag: Interdisciplinary Symposium Philosophy and Physics, Vienna (eingeladen); 18.12.2009 - 19.12.2009.

D. Grumiller:
"Critical points in holography";
Hauptvortrag: KITP workshop "Bits, Branes & Black Holes" and conference "Black Holes and Information", KITP, Santa Barbara (eingeladen); 07.05.2012 - 25.05.2012.

D. Grumiller:
"Deformations of dilaton gravity";
Vortrag: XIV International Hutsulian Workshop 'Mathematical Theories & their Physical and Technical Applications, Cernowitz, Ukraine; 02.11.2002.

D. Grumiller:
"Deformations of the Schwarzschild Black Hole ";
Vortrag: 10th Marcel Grossmann meeting 2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (eingeladen); 25.07.2003.

D. Grumiller:
"Die Dunkle Seite des Universums";
Vortrag: Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen des Programmes "University meets Public", VHS Meidling (eingeladen); 17.10.2011.

D. Grumiller:
"Die unertraegliche Leichtigkeit des Nichts - Physiknobelpreis 2011";
Vortrag: Vortrag im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft, Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal, Universität Wien (eingeladen); 08.11.2011.

D. Grumiller:
"Dilaton gravity in 2D ";
Vortrag: Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 24.07.2003.

D. Grumiller:
"Duality in 2D dilaton gravity";
Vortrag: Brown University, Providence, RI, USA (eingeladen); 12/2006.

D. Grumiller:
"Exact relativistic viscous fluid solutions on near horizon extremal Kerr";
Vortrag: Kavli Inst. f. Astrophysics and Spce Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA (eingeladen); 11/2009.

D. Grumiller:
"Flat space chiral gravity";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at Groningen U, Groningen, Netherlands (eingeladen); 28.02.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Flat space holography";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at U Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (eingeladen); 06.06.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Flat space holography";
Hauptvortrag: 3rd IPM School and Workshop on Applied AdS/CFT, Teheran (eingeladen); 22.02.2014 - 28.02.2014.

D. Grumiller:
"Gravity in lower dimensions";
Vortrag: Quantum field theory seminar, Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 24.11.2008 - 05.12.2008.

D. Grumiller:
"Gravity in the infrared";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, University of Vienna (eingeladen); 25.11.2010.

D. Grumiller:
"Gravity in three dimensions";
Vortrag: Koc University, Istambul (eingeladen); 06/2010.

D. Grumiller:
"Gravity in three dimensions and the AdS/log CFT correspondence";
Vortrag: 40th International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Berlin, Germany (eingeladen); 23.08.2010 - 27.08.2010.

D. Grumiller:
"Gravity in Two Dimensions";
Vortrag: String seminar, Perimeter Institute; 08.01.2007 - 26.01.2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Gravity in two dimensions";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, U. Catholique de Louvain (eingeladen); 07.04.2011.

D. Grumiller:
"Hamilton-Jacobi Counterterms in Quantum Mechanical and Black Hole Partition Functions";
Hauptvortrag: 7th Workshop on Quantization, Dualities and Integrable Systems, Anadolu University; 23.04.2008 - 26.04.2008.

D. Grumiller:
"Higher spin holography";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at U. Marseille, Marseille, France (eingeladen); 13.12.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Higher spin holography in three dimensions";
Hauptvortrag: 9th Focus Program "Liouville, Integrability and Branes", Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), South Korea (eingeladen); 01.07.2013 - 12.07.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Holographic applications of logarithmic conformal field theories";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at U of Southampton, Sothampton, England (eingeladen); 21.02.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Holographic renormalization";
Vortrag: ESI Programme on AdS Holography and the Quark-Gluon Plasma, Vienna (eingeladen); 02.08.2010 - 29.10.2010.

D. Grumiller:
"Holography and phase-transition of flat space";
Hauptvortrag: Workshop on Higher- Spin and Higher-Curvature Gravity, ICTP SAIFR, Sao Paulo (eingeladen); 04.11.2013 - 07.11.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Holography in flat space";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at ABC do Federal U, Sao Paulo, Brazil (eingeladen); 14.10.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Introduction to 3D gravity";
Vortrag: Seminar University of Vienna, Wien (eingeladen); 22.03.2012.

D. Grumiller:
"Introduction to Black Hole thermodynamics";
Vortrag: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA (eingeladen); 05/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Introduction to Black Holes in lower-dimensions";
Vortrag: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA (eingeladen); 11/2006.

D. Grumiller:
"Introduction to Black Holes in two dimensions";
Vortrag: Stockholm University, Sweden (eingeladen); 03/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Introduction to holography in flat space";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at Campinas U, Campinas, Brazil (eingeladen); 25.10.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"Kaluza-Klein reduction of conformally flat spaces";
Vortrag: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA (eingeladen); 12/2006.

D. Grumiller:
"Killing horizons kill horizon degrees";
Vortrag: 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativities, Berlin, Germany (eingeladen); 07/2006.

D. Grumiller:
"Lessons from 2D dilaton gravity";
Vortrag: Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Wien, Wien, Austria; 14.11.2002.

D. Grumiller:
"Lower dimensional gravity";
Vortrag: Weekly seminar (strings), Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University; 09.12.2008 - 14.12.2008.

D. Grumiller:
"Lower dimensional gravity";
Vortrag: IPM Teheran, Colloquium, Teheran, Iran (eingeladen); 31.01.2012.

D. Grumiller:
"Massive gravity in three dimensions";
Vortrag: Kolloquiumsvortrag, ABC do Federal, Sao Paulo (eingeladen); 24.02.2011.

D. Grumiller:
"Model for gravity at large distances";
Vortrag: Physikalisches Kolloquium, Kepler University (eingeladen); 10.03.2011.

D. Grumiller:
"Modifications of gravity vs. dark matter/energy";
Vortrag: Finnish-Japanese Workshop on Particle Cosmology, Helsinki, Finland; 03/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"New Force at Large Distances";
Vortrag: Invited TEDx Talk, Vienna (eingeladen); 29.11.2010.

D. Grumiller:
"Non-AdS holography in 3-dimensional higher spin gravity";
Hauptvortrag: University of Mons workshop "Higher spins and related topics", Mons, Belgium; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012.

D. Grumiller:
"Non-AdS holography in 3-dimensional higher spin gravity";
Vortrag: IPM Teheran, Teheran, Iran (eingeladen); 02.02.2012.

D. Grumiller:
"Physics of Jordan cells";
Hauptvortrag: Advanced Conformal Field Theory and Applications, Institute Henri Poincare (eingeladen); 27.09.2011.

D. Grumiller:
"Poisson-sigma model for gravity with non-metricity and torsion";
Vortrag: Konferenz: Poisson-Sigma Models and Lie Algebroids, Deformations and Higher Analogues, Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 08/2007.

D. Grumiller:
"Quantum dilaton gravity";
Vortrag: XIV International Hutsulian Workshop 'Mathematical Theories & their Physical and Technical Applications, Cernowitz, Ukraine (eingeladen); 31.10.2002.

D. Grumiller:
"Schwarze Löcher in der Kern- und Teilchenphysik";
Vortrag: FAKT 2008 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Aflenz; 21.09.2008 - 23.09.2008.

D. Grumiller:
"Schwarze Löcher und das holographische Prinzip";
Vortrag: "University meets Public"-Programm, Wien (eingeladen); 19.03.2012.

D. Grumiller:
"Semi-Classical Unitarity in 3d Higher Spin Gravity";
Hauptvortrag: 2nd Solvay Workshop on Higher Spin Gauge Theories, Brussels, Belgium (eingeladen); 05.02.2013 - 08.02.2013.

D. Grumiller:
"The AdS/log CFT correspondence";
Vortrag: IPM Teheran, Colloquium, Teheran, Iran (eingeladen); 01.02.2012.

D. Grumiller:
"The AdS3/log CFT2 correspondence";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, CBPF, Rio de Janeiro (eingeladen); 22.02.2011.

D. Grumiller:
"The AdS_3/log CFT_2 correspondence";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at Edinburgh U, Edinburgh, Scotland (eingeladen); 10/2012.

D. Grumiller:
"The virtual Black Hole in 2d quantum gravity";
Poster: EURESCO Conference on Particle Physics and Gravitation, Bad Herrenalb, Germany; 04.06.2002.

D. Grumiller:
"Unitarity in flat space holography";
Hauptvortrag: Solvay Workshop on "Holography for Black Holes and Cosmology", Bruxelles (eingeladen); 14.04.2014 - 18.04.2014.

D. Grumiller:
"Virtual Black Hole phenomenology from 2 d dilaton theories";
Vortrag: BritGrav II (Queen Mary), London, UK; 11.06.2002.

D. Grumiller:
"Virtual Black Holes and the S-matrix in generalized dilaton gravity";
Vortrag: Elementary Particle Physics Division, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA; 16.09.2002.

D. Grumiller:
"Virtual Black Holes in generic 2D dilaton Theories";
Poster: Conference on High Energy Phyics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 27.07.2002.

D. Grumiller:
"Virtuelle Schwarze Löcher und physikalische Observable";
Vortrag: FAKT 2003 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Strobl / Wolfgangsee; 04.10.2003.

D. Grumiller:
"Wie bastelt man Schwarze Loecher?";
Vortrag: Kinderuni TU Wien, TU Wien (eingeladen); 15.07.2011.

D. Grumiller:
"Wie bastelt man Schwarze Löcher?";
Vortrag: Kinderuni TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 16.07.2012.

D. Grumiller, N. Johansson, S. Ertl:
"Topologically Massive Gravity";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien; 16.11.2010.

J. Güttinger, C Stampfer, F. Libisch, T. Frey, J. Burgdörfer, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin:
"Graphene quantum dots in magnetic fields";
Poster: Graphene week 2009, Obergurgl; 02.03.2009 - 07.03.2009.

J. Güttinger, C Stampfer, F. Libisch, T. Frey, J. Burgdörfer, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin:
"Spin States in Graphene Quantum Dots";
Poster: Graphene week 2010, Maryland, USA; 19.04.2010 - 23.04.2010.

S. Guttenberg:
"Brackets, sigma models and integrability of generalized complex structures";
Vortrag: Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics at the LMU, München; 29.09.2006.

S. Guttenberg:
"Derived brackets in sigma models";
Vortrag: Workshop on Generalized Geometry and Flux Compactifications, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (eingeladen); 22.02.2007.

S. Guttenberg:
"Derived brackets in sigma models and integrability of generalized complex structures";
Vortrag: Maths Center of the Ecole Polytechnique /CMLS), Paris (eingeladen); 19.09.2006.

S. Guttenberg:
"Derived brackets in sigma models and integrability of generalized complex structures";
Vortrag: Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Wien (eingeladen); 13.09.2007.

S. Guttenberg:
"Kovariante Quantisierung des Green-Schwarz Strings";
Vortrag: FAKT 2003 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Strobl / Wolfgangsee; 04.10.2003.

A. Gynther:
"The Nf3g6 term in the pressure of hot QCD";
Vortrag: Norwegian Winter Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim, Norway; 24.02.2010 - 26.02.2010.

A. Gynther, A. Rebhan, D. Steineder:
"AdS/CFT correspondence and anisotropic Yang-Mills plasmas";
Poster: 51. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik: Extreme QCD in and out of Equilibrium, Schladming; 23.02.2013 - 02.03.2013.

A. Gynther, A. Rebhan, D. Steineder:
"Comparing models of (strongly coupled) anisotropic plasma";
Poster: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2012, Swansea, UK; 10.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

A. Haber, F. Preis, A. Schmitt:
"Magnetic catalysis in nuclear matter";
Vortrag: Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI, St Petersburg (eingeladen); 09/2014.

A. Haber, F. Preis, A. Schmitt:
"Nuclear matter in strong magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Symposium Latsis EPFL (14-18 July 2014) on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM14), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Schweiz; 14.07.2014 - 18.07.2014.

A. Haber, A. Schmitt:
"(Color-)Superconductivity in Compact Stars";
Vortrag: New perspectives on Neutron Star Interiors, ECT* Trento; 09.10.2017 - 13.10.2017.

A. Haber, A. Schmitt:
"Flux Tube Phase Transitions in Neutron Stars";
Poster: Annual NewCompStar Conference 2017, Warschau; 27.03.2017 - 31.03.2017.

A. Haber, A. Schmitt:
"Magnetic Catalysis in Nuclear Matter";
Vortrag: 53. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming Winter School 2015, Schladming; 01.03.2015 - 06.03.2015.

B. Hartl:
"Optimal Control of Collective Dynamics in Cavity-QED";
Vortrag: ViCoM Lectures 2016, Wien (eingeladen); 05.12.2016.

B. Hartl:
"Softness- and anisometry-driven self-assembly in colloidal systems";
Poster: DOC award ceremony 2017, Aula der Wissenschaften, Vienna Austria; 09.06.2017.

B. Hartl:
"When Machines learn Physics";
Vortrag: Kurt Gödel´s Legacy: Does Future lie in the Past?, University of Vienna; 25.07.2019 - 27.07.2019.

B. Hartl, G. Kahl, K. Cui, S. De Feyter, M. Walter, S. Mertens:
"Predictive modeling of molecular self-assembly at an electrochemical solid-liquid interface";
Poster: From Electrons to Phase Transitions (ViCoM Conference 2018), Vienna; 04.04.2018 - 06.04.2018.

B. Hartl, D. Krimer, F. Mintert, S. Rotter:
"Optimal Control of Collective Dynamics in Cavity-QED - A Spin Ensemble Based Storage Device";
Vortrag: IRTG- Seminar, Freiburg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 16.05.2017.

B. Hartl, M. Mihalkovič, L. Samaj, E. Trizac, G. Kahl:
"On a possible emergence of a quasi-crystalline structure in a Wigner bilayer system";
Vortrag: Séminaire du LPTMS, Université Paris-Sud, France; 01.01.2019.

B. Hartl, M. Mihalkovic, L. Samaj, M. Mazars, E. Trizac, G. Kahl:
"On the possible emergence of quasi-crystalline structures in a Wigner bilayer system";
Vortrag: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021.

B. Hartl, S. Sharma, O. Brügner, S. Mertens, M. Walter, G. Kahl:
"Reliable computational prediction of supramolecular ordering of complex molecules at a gold interface";
Poster: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021.

B. Hartl, M. Walter, S. Mertens, G. Kahl:
"Predictive modeling of molecular self-assembly at an electrochemical solid-liquid interface -- An evolutionary approach";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Seminar (2019), Wien, Österreich; 17.12.2013.

Y. Hasegawa, S. Filipp, H. Rauch:
"Non-cyclic Geometric Phase due to Spatial Evolution in a Neutron Interferometer";
Vortrag: Fachausschusstagung, ÖPG, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Weyer (Österreich); 26.09.2004 - 28.09.2004.

K. Hense, E. Gratz, A. Lindbaum, H. Nowotny, A. Hoser, F. Güthoff, J. Klenke:
"Lattice dynamics in YCu2";
Poster: 52. Jahrestagung der ÖPG, Leoben; 23.09.2002 - 26.09.2002.

K. Hense, E. Gratz, H. Nowotny, M. Loewenhaupt, A. Hoser:
"Crystal electric field-phonon interaction in NdCu2";
Poster: ICM 2003, Rom, Italien; 27.07.2003 - 01.08.2003.

K. Hense, U. Witte, M. Rotter, R. Schedler, E. Gratz, H. Nowotny, M. Loewenhaupt:
"Comparison of the CF-induced phonon shifts in CeCu2 and NdCu2";
Poster: ICM 2003, Rom, Italien; 27.07.2003 - 01.08.2003.

C. P. Herzog, A. Vuorinen, S. Stricker:
"Tuning the Heavy-Light Guitar: Notes on Holographic N=2 Mesons";
Vortrag: Seminar, University of Manitoba (Kanada), Winnipeg (eingeladen); 08.10.2008.

M. Hiller, T. Konrad, M. Rehn, F. Petruccione, A. Buchleitner:
"Classicality from the continous measurement of a BEC in a double-well potential";
Vortrag: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik, Stuttgart, Germany; 15.03.2012.

M. Hiller, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, S. Ye, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning:
"Creation of quasi-one-dimensional high-n strontium Rydberg atoms";
Poster: 28th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVIII ICPEAC), Lanzhou/China; 24.07.2013 - 30.07.2013.

M. Hiller, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, S. Ye, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning:
"Exciting and probing polarized strontium Rydberg atoms";
Poster: 2013 Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics and the CAP Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Canada, Quebec, Canada; 03.06.2013 - 07.06.2013.

T. Hisch, M. Liertzer, F. Mintert, S. Rotter:
"Pump-controlled directional emission from a random laser";
Vortrag: 8th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Benasque, Spanien; 26.08.2012 - 01.09.2012.

T. Hisch, S. Schönhuber, M. Brandstetter, K. Unterrainer, S. Rotter:
"Emission Characteristics of Quantum Cascade Random Lasers";
Vortrag: 1. NextLite-Workshop, Hirschwang; 18.06.2015 - 19.06.2015.

M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Electron-ion recombination: influence of transient field effects";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Enhancement of low-energy electron-ion recombination";
Vortrag: 12th Intern. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Vilnius, Lettland; 06.09.2004 - 11.09.2004.

M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Low energy electron-ion recombination in a magnetic field";
Poster: XVIII International Conference on Atomic Physics, Cambridge, USA; 01.08.2002.

M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Low energy electron-ion recombination in a magnetic field: The role of chaotic dynamics";
Vortrag: 23. Arbeitskreis Energiereiche Atomare Stöße, Riezlern, Austria (eingeladen); 20.02.2002.

M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, A. Wolf, J. Burgdörfer:
"Enhancement of low energy electron-ion recombination in a magnetic field: influence of transient field effects";
Vortrag: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Argentina; 21.07.2005 - 27.07.2005.

M. Hokmabadi, A. Schumer, D. Christodoulides, M. Khajavikhan:
"Exceptional Point Based He-Ne Ring Laser Gyroscope";
Vortrag: CLEO, San Jose; 10.05.2020 - 15.05.2020.

M. Horodynski:
"Optimal Wave Fields for Micromanipulation in Complex Scattering";
Vortrag: Seminar at the College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL), University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida (eingeladen); 25.07.2019.

M. Horodynski, D. Bouchet, S. Rotter:
"Invariance property of the Fisher information in scattering media";
Vortrag: Wave propagation and control in complex media - From order to disorder 2021, Cargese, Frankreich (online durchgeführt); 28.06.2021 - 30.06.2021.

M. Horodynski, M. Kühmayer, A. Brandstötter, K. Pichler, Y. Fyodorov, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Optimal Light Fields for Micromanipulation in Complex Scattering Environments";
Vortrag: OSA Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS, 2019, Washington DC; 15.09.2019 - 19.09.2019.

M. Horodynski, M. Kühmayer, A. Brandstötter, K. Pichler, Y. Fyodorov, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Optimal micro-manipulation in disordered media";
Vortrag: SPIE Photonics West 2020, San Francisco (eingeladen); 01.02.2020 - 06.02.2020.

M. Horodynski, M. Kühmayer, A. Brandstötter, K. Pichler, Y. Fyodorov, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Optimal micromanipulation with structured light fields";
Vortrag: Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp, London; 11.08.2019 - 14.08.2019.

M. Horodynski, M. Kühmayer, A. Brandstötter, K. Pichler, Y. Fyodorov, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Optimal wave fields for micro-manipulation in complex scattering environments";
Vortrag: SPIE Photonics West 2020, San Francisco (eingeladen); 01.02.2020 - 06.02.2020.

M. Horodynski, M. Kühmayer, A. Brandstötter, K. Pichler, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Implementing Optimal Field Configurations for Micromanipulation";
Vortrag: Cleo Usa 2019, San José, California; 05.05.2019 - 10.05.2019.

F. Hummel:
"Finite temperature coupled cluster methods for extended systems";
Vortrag: International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE), Cadiz, Spain (eingeladen); 09.07.2018 - 14.07.2018.

F. Hummel:
"Observable calculation in zero and finite-temperature Many-body perturbation theory";
Vortrag: Workshop on "Many-body perturbation theories in modern quantum chemistry and nuclear physics", Saclay, Paris (eingeladen); 26.03.2018 - 30.03.2018.

E. Iancu, A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Preis, A. Rebhan, S. Stricker:
"Towards a semi-holographic model for heavy-ion collisions";
Vortrag: Equilibration Mechanisms in Weakly and Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theory, Institute for Nuclear Theory Program INT-15-2c, Seattle (eingeladen); 17.08.2015.

A. Ipp:
"HBT correlations of photons from an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: RIKEN QHP Seminar, Saitama, Japan (eingeladen); 09.07.2012.

A. Ipp:
"HBT correlations on the yoctosecond timescale from an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: Seminar at University of Tokyo, Komaba, University of Tokyo, Komaba (eingeladen); 27.07.2012.

A. Ipp:
"HBT photon correlations from an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: 51. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik: Extreme QCD in and out of Equilibrium, Schladming; 23.02.2013 - 02.03.2013.

A. Ipp:
"Phase transition of a scalar field theory in the early universe";
Vortrag: Common Trends in Cosmology and Particle Physics, Balatonfüred, Hungary; 23.06.2003 - 28.06.2003.

A. Ipp:
"Photon HBT correlations from a quark-gluon plasma (& polarized photons)";
Vortrag: New perspectives on Photons and Dileptons in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC and LHC, Trento, Italien (eingeladen); 30.11.2015 - 11.12.2015.

A. Ipp:
"Scalar theory pressure beyond the local potential approximation";
Vortrag: Yukawa International Molecule Workshop, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (eingeladen); 22.08.2011 - 09.09.2011.

A. Ipp:
"Theory at TU Wien";
Vortrag: RECFA - Meeting (2018), Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 06.04.2018.

A. Ipp:
"Thermodynamics of deconfined QCD at small and large chemical potential";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004, Helsinki, Finnland; 18.06.2004.

A. Ipp:
"Thermodynamics of large-Nf QCD at finite μ and non-Fermi-liquid behavior";
Vortrag: Thematische Sommerschule der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule "Quantum fields in and out of equilibrium", Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Deutschland; 23.09.2003.

A. Ipp:
"Thermodynamics of large-Nf QCD at finite chemical potential";
Vortrag: FAKT 2003 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Strobl / Wolfgangsee; 02.10.2003.

A. Ipp:
"Unstable dynamics of the anisotropic quark gluon plasma";
Vortrag: Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Fields at RHIC/LHC, Saitama, Japan (eingeladen); 07.07.2012.

A. Ipp:
"Unstable dynamics of Yang-Mills fields at early times of heavy ion collisions";
Vortrag: Heavy Ion Collisions in the LHC Era, Quy Nhon, Vietnam (eingeladen); 16.07.2012 - 20.07.2012.

A. Ipp:
"Yoctosecond gamma-ray creation with LHC, and zeptosecond gamma-ray detection with SHEEP";
Vortrag: Hot Matter: Quasiparticles or Quasinormal modes (EMMI workshop), Wien (eingeladen); 24.08.2010 - 28.08.2010.

A. Ipp:
"Yoctosecond light flashes from quark­gluon plasmas";
Vortrag: Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Deutschland (eingeladen); 19.01.2010.

A. Ipp:
"Yoctosecond photon pulse generation in heavy ion collisions";
Vortrag: International Conference on Physics in Intense Fields 2010, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan (eingeladen); 24.11.2010 - 26.11.2010.

A. Ipp:
"Yoctosecond photon pulses from quark gluon plasmas";
Vortrag: Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 17.11.2009 - 20.11.2009.

A. Ipp:
"Zeptosecond streak imaging utilizing the Schwinger effect";
Vortrag: Kick Off Meeting for the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF) at the European XFEL, DESY Hamburg (eingeladen); 02.06.2013 - 05.06.2013.

A. Ipp, J. Evers, C. Keitel, K. Hatsagortsyan:
"Streaking at high energies with electrons and positrons";
Vortrag: LEI 2011 -– Light at Extreme Intensities, Szeged, Hungary (eingeladen); 14.11.2011 - 18.11.2011.

A. Ipp, M. Favoni, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Generic Lattice gauge equivariant CNN";
Vortrag: Machine Learning Techniques in Lattice QCD, Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University; 24.05.2021 - 28.05.2021.

A. Ipp, M. Favoni, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Preserving lattice gauge equivariance in neural networks";
Vortrag: Heidelberg Stavanger Lattice & Machine Learning Seminar, Heidelberg and Stavanger (online) (eingeladen); 07.04.2021.

A. Ipp, D. Gelfand, D. Mueller:
"Simulating thick pancake collisions";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2016, Stavanger, Norwegen; 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016.

A. Ipp, D. Gelfand, D. Mueller:
"Simulating thick pancake collisions in the color glass condensate framework";
Vortrag: CERN, Theory Division, CERN, Schweiz (eingeladen); 03.10.2016 - 05.10.2016.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Broken boost invariance in 3+1D Glasma simulations";
Vortrag: Annual meeting of COST action THOR (CA15213) 2019, Istanbul, Turkey (eingeladen); 02.09.2019 - 06.09.2019.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Broken boost invariance in the Glasma via finite nuclei thickness";
Vortrag: EPS Conference on High Energy Physics, Venice (eingeladen); 05.07.2017 - 12.07.2017.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Curing the numerical Cherenkov instability in 3+1D Glasma simulations";
Poster: Quark Matter 2019 - the XXVIIIth International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Wuhan, China; 03.11.2019 - 09.11.2019.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Gaussian rapidity profile from collisions in Glasma simulations";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2018, Barcelona, Spain; 25.06.2018 - 29.06.2018.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Gaussian rapidity profile from thick pancake collisions in Glasma simulations";
Vortrag: CEA Saclay, Particle Physics Seminar, Gif-sur-Yvette (eingeladen); 13.06.2017.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Implicit numerical schemes for real-time lattice gauge theory";
Vortrag: URHIC seminars, Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (eingeladen); 03.05.2018.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Rapidity profiles from 3D Glasma simulations with finite longitudinal thickness";
Vortrag: 4th International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Kraków, Poland; 18.09.2017 - 22.09.2017.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Simulating the earliest stages of heavy-ion collisions";
Vortrag: Teilchenphysikseminar, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien, 2019, Wien (eingeladen); 12.11.2019.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Simulating the Glasma in 3+1D";
Poster: VCES 2018, Wien; 30.11.2018 - 01.12.2018.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Simulating the Glasma in heavy ion collisions with finite longitudinal thickness";
Vortrag: URHIC seminars, Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (eingeladen); 24.05.2017.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller:
"Simulating the Glasma stage in heavy ion collisions";
Vortrag: Seminar TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Deutschland (eingeladen); 18.11.2021.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, S. Schlichting, P. Singh:
"Space-time structure of 3+1D color fields in high energy";
Vortrag: Heavy Ion Group seminar, Bergen, Norwegen (eingeladen); 12.10.2021.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Jet momentum broadening in real-time lattice simulations of the glasma";
Vortrag: The VI-th International Conference on the Initial Stages of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot; 10.01.2021 - 15.01.2021.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Jet transverse momentum broadening in the Glasma";
Vortrag: Heavy Ion Group seminar, University of Bergen - virtuell (eingeladen); 04.11.2020.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Momentum broadening in the Glasma";
Vortrag: Instituto Gallego de Física de Altas Energías (IGFAE) Seminar, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (eingeladen); 25.03.2020.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Simulations of the Glasma in 2+1D and 3+1D";
Vortrag: Extreme Nonequilibrium Qcd (online), ICTS, Bangalore, India (eingeladen); 05.10.2020 - 09.10.2020.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Transverse momentum broadening in real-time lattice simulations of the glasma";
Vortrag: 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 26.07.2021 - 31.07.2021.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Transverse momentum broadening in the Glasma";
Vortrag: Virtual BNL RIKEN seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA) (virtuell) (eingeladen); 10.07.2020.

A. Ipp, D. Mueller, D. Schuh:
"Transverse momentum broadening of jets in the weak field limit of the glasma";
Vortrag: The VI-th International Conference on the Initial Stages of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot; 10.01.2021 - 15.01.2021.

T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, J. Burgdörfer, L. Chizhova, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Lauer, T. Lins, S. Rotter, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, H. Abele:
"Gravity resonance spectroscopy constrains dark energy and dark matter scenarios";
Hauptvortrag: GRANIT 2014-Workshop, Les Houches, France; 02.03.2014 - 07.03.2014.

T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, J. Burgdörfer, L. Chizhova, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Lauer, T. Lins, S. Rotter, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, H. Abele:
"Gravity resonance spectroscopy constrains dark energy and dark matter scenarios";
Hauptvortrag: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, Germany; 16.03.2014 - 21.03.2014.

D. Jin, E. Bianchi:
"Open crystals of inverse patchy colloids";
Poster: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021.

C. Jochum:
"Entropie, Zeit und Gedächtnis";
Vortrag: Pro Scientia, Wien; 05.04.2019.

C. Jochum:
"Künstliche Intelligenz und Maschinelles Lernen";
Vortrag: Pro Scientia, Wien; 19.11.2019.

C. Jochum:
"Was ist weiche Materie?";
Vortrag: Pro Scientia, Wien; 27.11.2018.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Equilibrium properties of DNA-dendrimers in electrolyte solutions";
Poster: Espresso Summer School 2017, Stuttgart; 10.10.2017 - 14.10.2017.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Investigating DNA-based dendrimers: theory (and experiment)";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien; 30.10.2018.

C. Jochum, N. Adzić, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Modelling and conformation characteristics of DNA-based dendrimers";
Poster: From Electrons to Phase Transitions (ViCoM Conference 2018), Vienna; 04.04.2018 - 06.04.2018.

C. Jochum, D. Toneian:
"Soft Matter Theory @ TU Wien";
Vortrag: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien; 27.02.2018.

N. Johansson:
"Three-dimensional gravity and logarithmic CFT";
Vortrag: The 26th Nordic Network Meeting on Strings, Fields and Branes, Schweden (eingeladen); 21.10.2010 - 23.10.2010.

J. Kabuss, A. Carmele, D. Krimer, S. Rotter, A. Knorr:
"Quantum feedback stabilized solid-state emitters";
Vortrag: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXIV, San Francisco; 13.02.2016 - 18.02.2016.

G. Kahl:
""Soft Matter Theory" at the TU Wien: from microscopic models to macroscopic properties (and back again)";
Vortrag: BIOINTERFACE Seminar der TU-Wien, Wien, Oesterreich; 15.12.2017.

G. Kahl:
"Colloidal particles with heterogeneously charged surfaces";
Vortrag: Physikalisches Kolloquium der Universität Konstanz 2017, Konstanz, Deutschland; 14.02.2017.

G. Kahl:
"Confinement and obstacles: slow dynamics of colloids in porous confinement";
Vortrag: Workshop on Soft Materials and Slow Dynamics: Challenges for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, Bath, UK (eingeladen); 02.11.2010.

G. Kahl:
"Crystal structures of Gauss-particles in confinement";
Vortrag: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany (eingeladen); 07/2008.

G. Kahl:
"Dynamics and phase transitions of complex fluids adsorbed on porous glasses";
Vortrag: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal); 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

G. Kahl:
"Exotic ordered configurations in two-dimensional soft systems";
Vortrag: Workshop on Soft Matter at Interfaces, Ringberg, Austria; 03/2008.

G. Kahl:
"Exotic ordered equilibrium structures in soft matter systems";
Vortrag: Seminar Institut für Festkörperphysik, TU Wien (eingeladen); 06/2008.

G. Kahl:
"Flowers and grains: self-assembly scenarios of inverse patchy colloids";
Vortrag: SPP 1296 final meeting, Frankfurt; 17.07.2013.

G. Kahl:
"Flowers and grains: self-assembly scenarios of particles with heterogeneously charged surfaces";
Vortrag: 10th Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Sec; 15.06.2014 - 20.06.2014.

G. Kahl:
"Fluids in contact with porous media";
Vortrag: Department of Chemistry, University Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; 21.05.2003.

G. Kahl:
"Freezing transitions in soft condensed matter";
Vortrag: ODICS Seminar, University of Vienna, Austria; 28.06.2006.

G. Kahl:
"Genetic algorithms - attractive tool in soft condensed matter theory";
Vortrag: Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, Université de Metz, Metz, France (eingeladen); 14.02.2005 - 18.02.2005.

G. Kahl:
"Genetic algorithms - possibly a new tool in condensed matter physics";
Vortrag: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Deutschland (eingeladen); 25.05.2004.

G. Kahl:
"Identifying self-assembly scenarios in soft matter systems with genetic algorithms";
Vortrag: CECAM Workshop on Computer Simulation Approaches to Study Self-Assembly, Lausanne, Switzerland (eingeladen); 07/2009.

G. Kahl:
"Impact of quenched random confinement on the slow dynamics of an annealed colloidal fluid";
Vortrag: 24th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Prague, Czech Republic; 05.09.2010 - 10.09.2010.

G. Kahl:
"In- and out-of-equilibrium properties of ultrasoft colloidal particles";
Vortrag: Theoretical Chemistry Seminar at Lund University, Lund (Sweden) (eingeladen); 12.03.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Inverse patchy colloids - a novel colloidal model";
Vortrag: 7th Christmas Biophysics Workshop, Riegersburg; 17.12.2012 - 18.12.2012.

G. Kahl:
"Inverse patchy colloids: coarse-grained interactions, integral-equations, and computer simulations";
Vortrag: CECAM Workshop: New perspectives in liquid state theories of complex molecular systems, paris; 21.06.2013.

G. Kahl:
"On the propsensity of inverse patchy colloids to form planar structrues";
Vortrag: Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC) (2016), Bordeaux, France; 22.08.2016 - 26.08.2016.

G. Kahl:
"Ordered equilibrium structures for patchy particles";
Vortrag: 5th Christmas Biophysics Workshop XBW 2010, Ptuj, Slovenia (eingeladen); 11.12.2010.

G. Kahl:
"Phase behaviour of fluids confined in disordered porous media";
Vortrag: Stranski Laboratorium für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, TU Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland; 03.06.2003.

G. Kahl:
"Phonon spectra of binary colloidal mixtures confined to two dimensions";
Vortrag: Workshop "Beyond self-assembly", Bad Gastein; 26.01.2010.

G. Kahl:
"Predicting Ordered Equilibrium Structures for Patchy Particles";
Vortrag: MECO 36 - 36th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, Lviv, Ukraine (eingeladen); 05.04.2011 - 07.04.2011.

G. Kahl:
"Self-assembly of patchy particles into three-dimensional ordered structures";
Vortrag: Soft Matter 2012 - A celebration for Bob Evans, Bristol, UK; 15.04.2012 - 17.04.2012.

G. Kahl:
"Self-assembly scenarios of particles with heterogeneously charged surfraces";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich/Germany (eingeladen); 20.01.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Self-organization of particles with heterogenously charged surfaces under confinement";
Vortrag: ECIS 2013, Sofia; 03.09.2013.

G. Kahl:
"Shear experiments on ultrasoft cluster crystals";
Vortrag: 6th Christmas Biophysics Workshop (XBW 2011), Varazdin, Kroatien; 12.12.2011 - 13.12.2011.

G. Kahl:
"Simulation of flow experiments of complex soft matter aggregates";
Vortrag: 3rd Vienna Scientific Cluster user workshop (VSC-3), Neusiedl am See/B; 28.02.2012.

G. Kahl:
"Single-particle and collective slow dynamics of colloids in porous confinement";
Vortrag: Eighth Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Brno; 13.06.2010 - 18.06.2010.

G. Kahl:
"Soft matter theory: from Hamiltonians to phase diagrams (and beyond)";
Vortrag: Festsymposium in Honour of Jürgen Hafner, Vienna (eingeladen); 24.09.2010.

G. Kahl:
"Spontaneous Assembly of a hybrid crysta-liquid phase in a system of inverse patchy colloids";
Vortrag: 11th Christmas Biophysics Workshop (XBW2016), St. Nikolai im Sausal/Stmk; 13.12.2016.

G. Kahl:
"Static and dynamic properties of inverse patchy particles";
Vortrag: International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Summer Course 2015, Course 193 - Soft Matter Self-Assembly, Varenna (Italy) (eingeladen); 29.06.2015 - 07.07.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Thermodynamic properties of inverse patchy colloids";
Vortrag: Thermodynamics 2015, Copenhagen (Denmark); 15.09.2015 - 18.09.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Tunability and order: the polymorphic plethora of Wigner bilayer systems";
Vortrag: 4th International Soft Matter Conference 2016 (ISMC 2016), Grenoble, Frankreich; 12.09.2016 - 16.09.2016.

G. Kahl:
"Two-stage melting and particle transport through layered structures formed by inverse patchy particles";
Hauptvortrag: 29th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS 2015), Bordeaux, France; 06.09.2015 - 11.09.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft cluster crystals under shear";
Vortrag: Discussion Workshop "Beyond Self-Assembly", Bad Gastein; 21.01.2012 - 25.01.2012.

G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft colloidal particles in- and out-of-equilibrium";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST), Klosterneuburg (eingeladen); 03.06.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft colloidal particles in- and out-of-equilibrium";
Vortrag: Glastag 2015, Innsbruck (eingeladen); 28.09.2015 - 30.09.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft colloidal particles in- and out-of-equilibrium";
Vortrag: Kolloquium at the University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg) (eingeladen); 29.04.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft colloidal particles in- and out-of-equilibrium";
Vortrag: Seminar at the University of Montpellier, Montpellier (France) (eingeladen); 24.02.2015.

G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft colloidal particles under out-of-equilibrium conditions";
Hauptvortrag: DPG Spring Meeting 2015 - Berlin, Berlin; Germany (eingeladen); 16.03.2015 - 20.03.2015.

G. Kahl:
"ultrasoft, cluster-foming particles under shear and Poiseuille flow";
Vortrag: Journeé en j'honneur de Jean-Pierre Hansen, Paris; 13.12.2013.

G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft, cluster-forming particles exposed to pressure and temperature";
Vortrag: 8th XBW 2013, Dobrna; 17.12.2013.

G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft.custer-forming particles in- and out-of-equilibrium";
Vortrag: Workshop on nonlinear response in complex matter, erlangen; 24.02.2013.

G. Kahl, M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, E. Trizac:
"The polymorphic plethora of Wigner bilayer systems";
Poster: Liquids at Interfaces 2018, Bordeaux (France); 22.10.2018 - 25.10.2018.

G. Kahl, M. Antlanger, M. Mazars, L. Samaj, E. Trizac:
"The rich wealth of ordered ground state configurations of Wigner bilayer systems";
Poster: 10th Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Liblice, Czech Republic; 17.06.2018 - 22.06.2018.

G. Kahl, S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi:
"Novel hybrid crystal-liquid phase formed by heterogeneously decorated colloidal particles";
Poster: 10th Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Liblice, Czech Republic; 17.06.2018 - 22.06.2018.

G. Kahl, S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi:
"Novel hybrid crystal-liquid phase formed by heterogeneously decorated colloidal particles";
Vortrag: International Conference on Self-Assembly of Colloidal Systems 2018, Bordeaux (France); 20.09.2018 - 22.09.2018.

G. Kahl, J. Fornleitner, D. Gottwald, C. N. Likos:
"Genetic algorithms - an attractive new tool in (soft) matter physics";
Poster: 32nd Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, Ladek Zdrój, Poland; 16.04.2007 - 18.04.2007.

G. Kahl, E. Schöll-Paschinger, G. Stell:
"Phase transitions and critical bahavior of simple fluids and their mixtures";
Vortrag: Liquid State Theory: From White Dwarfs to Colloids, Les Houches, France (eingeladen); 01.04.2002.

G. Kahl, D. Toneian, C. N. Likos:
"Magnetically functionalized star polymers in equilibrium and under shear";
Vortrag: Virtual Spring Meeting 2021 of the DPG, Deutschland; 22.03.2021.

M. Kahn, G. Kahl:
"Dimensional transition in layered soft systems";
Poster: MECO33, Puchberg/Wels, Austria; 04/2008.

M. Kahn, G. Kahl:
"Ordered equilibrium structures in layered systems";
Poster: CODEF 2008, Bonn, Germany; 04/2008.

J. Kalliauer, G. Kahl, St. Scheiner, Ch. Hellmich:
"A new approach to the mechanics of DNA: Atoms-to-beam homogenization";
Vortrag: 13th European Biophysics Conference, Vienna; 24.07.2021 - 28.07.2021.

Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi, E. Bianchi, S. Ferrari, G. Kahl:
"Static properties of Inverse Patchy Colloids: theory vs simulation";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal); 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi, S.P. Hlushak, G. Kahl:
"Phase coexistence in polydisperse Yukawa hard-shpere fluids. Van der Waals and mean spherical approximations";
Vortrag: NATO-Advanced Research Workshop on "Ionic Soft Matter: Novel trends in theory and applications", Lviv, Ukraine; 14.04.2004 - 17.04.2004.

Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi, G. Kahl:
"Phase coexistence in polydisperse charged hard-sphere fluids: Mean spherical and associative mean spherical approximations";
Vortrag: NATO-Advanced Research Workshop on "Ionic Soft Matter: Novel trends in theory and applications", Lviv, Ukraine; 14.04.2004 - 17.04.2004.

Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi, G. Kahl, S.P. Hlushak, P.T. Cummings:
"Liquid-gas phase coexistence in polydisperse liquid mixtures: Application of the MSA";
Poster: 29th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Portorozcaron, Slovenia; 21.08.2005 - 25.08.2005.

C. Karner, E. Bianchi:
"A matter of size and placement - varying the patch size of anisotropic colloids";
Poster: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021 - 23.07.2021.

C. Karner, E. Bianchi:
"From open to close-packed tilings and beyond - tuning the assemblies of patchy platelets with patch size and placement";
Vortrag: APS March Meeting 2021, USA; 15.03.2021 - 19.03.2021.

C. Karner, E. Bianchi:
"Hierarchical self-assembly of anisotropic platelets";
Poster: 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Prague; 19.07.2021 - 23.07.2021.

F. Karsai, F.P. Tiwald, J. Burgdörfer, P. Blaha, L. Wirtz, R. Laskowski, F. Tran, D. Koller, S. Gräfe:
"The F Center in Lithium Fluoride revisited: comparison of solid-state physics and quantum-chemistry approaches";
Poster: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Dresden, Germany; 30.03.2014 - 04.04.2014.

B. Kasmaei, K. Boguslavski, M. Strickland:
"Long and short distance behavior of the imaginary part of the heavy-quark potential";
Vortrag: A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2021, Stavanger, Norway; 02.08.2021 - 06.08.2021.

P. Kasperkovitz, C. Tutschka:
"Ergodic properties of a 2D Hamiltonian system with step potential";
Vortrag: XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Lisbon; 31.07.2003.

G. Kastlunger, F. Schwarz, E. Lörtscher, R. Stadler:
"Charge Transport in redox-based molecular switches";
Poster: 13th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, Strassburg, Frankreich; 01.09.2015 - 05.09.2015.

G. Kastlunger, R. Stadler:
"Coherent tunneling and electron hopping in molecules with redox centers";
Vortrag: ELECMOL16 - 8th International Conference on Molecular Electronics, Paris, Frankreich; 22.08.2016 - 26.08.2016.

G. Kastlunger, R. Stadler:
"Theory of charge transport through single redox-active transition metal complexes";
Vortrag: Vienna Young Scientist Symposium, TU Wien; 25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015.

G. Kastlunger, R. Stadler:
"Theory of charge transport through single redox-active transition metal complexes";
Poster: 15th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry, Universitaet Wien; 23.08.2015 - 26.08.2015.

G. Kastlunger, X. Zhao, R. Stadler:
"Coherent tunneling and electron hopping in linear and branched molecules with multiple redox centers";
Poster: 13th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, Strassburg, Frankreich; 01.09.2015 - 05.09.2015.

Y. Ke, F. Libisch, L. Wang, J. Xia, E Carter:
"Angular Momentum Dependent Orbital Free Density Functional Theory";
Vortrag: APS March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, USA; 21.03.2013.

Y. Ke, F. Libisch, J. Xia, E Carter:
"Angular momentum dependent orbital free density functional theory: Formulation and implementation";
Vortrag: Sanibel Symposium, St. Simons, Georgia, USA (eingeladen); 17.02.2014 - 21.02.2014.

K. Kepesidis, T. Milburn, K. Makris, S. Rotter, P. Rabl:
"PT-symmetry breaking in the steady state of coupled phonon lasers";
Vortrag: META'16, 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Malaga (eingeladen); 25.07.2016 - 28.07.2016.

A. Kidambi:
"Arithmetic quantum chaos, topological recursions and zeroes of zeta functions";
Vortrag: Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, TU Wien (eingeladen); 04.09.2019.

A. Kidambi:
"Auguries of Physical Mathematics";
Vortrag: DKPI colloquium, Wien; 12.11.2018.

A. Kidambi:
"BPS Algebras and Moonshine";
Vortrag: Lecture at Dept of Mathematics, IST Lisbon, LIsbon, Portugal (eingeladen); 03.10.2018.

A. Kidambi:
"DMZ revisited: Comments on negative discriminat states and exact black hole degeneracies (University of Amsterdam, Feb 2019)";
Vortrag: Mathematische Physik Seminar, University of Amsterdam (eingeladen); 02/2017.

A. Kidambi:
"Localization vs number theory for quantum black holes";
Vortrag: Algebraic Geometry and Mathematical Physics, IISC (eingeladen); 10/2019.

A. Kidambi:
"Localization vs number theory for quantum black holes";
Vortrag: Mathematische Physik Seminar, ICTS (eingeladen); 10/2019.

A. Kidambi:
"Number theory and algebraic geometry for stringy black holes";
Vortrag: Mathematische Physik Seminar, Stanford University (eingeladen); 03/2018.

A. Kidambi:
"Wall crossing and BPS jumping in supersymmetric string and gauge theories";
Vortrag: Mathematical Physics Journal Club, TU Wien (eingeladen); 10/2019.

A. Kidambi et al.:
"Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups";
Vortrag: Mathematische Physik Seminar, Uni. Wien; 14.11.2017.

A. Kidambi et al.:
"Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups";
Vortrag: Mathematical Physics Journal Club, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Chennai; 30.11.2017.

A. Kidambi et al.:
"Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups";
Vortrag: Journal club: High energy physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; 18.12.2017.

A. Kidambi et al.:
"Dyon wall crossing, automorphic forms, and exact entropy of CHL black holes";
Vortrag: Invited Lecture at MPP Munich, Munich, Germany (eingeladen); 05.11.2018.

A. Kidambi et al.:
"Helical phases with mixed anomalies and constraints on SCFT's";
Vortrag: Journal club: High energy physics, TU Wien; 12.01.2017.

A. Kidambi et al.:
"Number theory and quantum black holes";
Vortrag: Lecture within Join Theory Seminar at Uni Wien, Wien; 04.12.2018.

A. Kidambi, T. Wrase, A. Chowdhury, V. Reys, S. Murthy:
"Exact entropy and Rademacher expansion for CHL orbifold black holes";
Vortrag: Short talkt at ESI workshop on Moonshine, Wien (eingeladen); 11.09.2018.

A. Kidambi, T. Wrase, A. Chowdhury, V. Reys, S. Murthy:
"Gamma_0(N), quantum black holes and wall crossing phenomena";
Vortrag: Invited lecture at IST-Lisbon, LIsbon, Portugal (eingeladen); 01.10.2018.

A. Kidambi, T. Wrase, A. Chowdhury, H. Skarke, M. Schimpf, A. Banlaki:
"The Mathieu Group and the Elliptic Genus of SCFT's";
Vortrag: Workshop on Supersymmetric Field Theories in the Non-perturbative Regime, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy (eingeladen); 03.05.2018.

M. Kitzler, X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, S. Erattupuzha, H. Xu, K. Yamanouchi, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe, A. Baltuska:
"Exploring and controlling restructuring and fragmentation reactions in polyatomic molecules";
Vortrag: Seminar - International Laser Center, Bratislava, Slowakei (eingeladen); 04.12.2013.

M. Kitzler, X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, S. Roither, H. Xu, D. V. Kartashov, S. Gräfe, A. Baltuska:
"Electronics at the pace of light: Measurement and control of attosecond dynamics";
Vortrag: Chemisch-physikalische Gesellschaft, Universität Wien (eingeladen); 12.06.2012.

M. Kitzler, X. Xie, S. Roither, K. Doblhoff-Dier, D. V. Kartashov, M. Schöffler, D. Arbó, S. Gräfe, A. Baltuska:
"From measuring electron dynamics in atoms and molecules towards controlling it";
Vortrag: INRS - Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications,, Varennes/Montreal, Quebec, Canada (eingeladen); 02.05.2012.

M. Kitzler, X. Xie, S. Roither, K. Doblhoff-Dier, D. V. Kartashov, M. Schöffler, D. Arbó, S. Gräfe, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska:
"Measurement and control of attosecond dynamics in atoms and molecules";
Vortrag: ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics, Castelldefels/Barcelona (eingeladen); 16.01.2012.

M. Kitzler, X. Xie, S. Roither, K. Doblhoff-Dier, M. Schöffler, S. Erattupuzha, H. Xu, K. Yamanouchi, S. Gräfe, A. Baltuska:
"Exploring and controlling restructuring and fragmentation reactions in polyatomic molecules";
Vortrag: Bothe-Kolloquium / Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK), Heidelberg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 05.06.2013.

M. Kitzler, X. Xie, S. Roither, D. V. Kartashov, E. Persson, D. Arbó, L. Zhang, S. Gräfe, M. Schöffler, J. Burgdörfer, A. Baltuska:
"Controlling and reading laser-sub-cycle electron wave packet interferences";
Vortrag: Institutsseminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology (eingeladen); 07.06.2011.

J. Knapp:
"(Non-)birational Calabi-Yaus from physics";
Vortrag: Thematic Program: Advances in Biratonal Geometry, Erwin Schroedinger Institut (eingeladen); 20.04.2017.

J. Knapp:
"Calabi-Yau compactifications and supersymmetric gauge theory";
Vortrag: Mathematical Physics Seminar, Uni Wien (eingeladen); 24.01.2017.

J. Knapp:
"Calabi-Yau spaces and the physics behind";
Vortrag: Programa do pos-doutorado varao 2015, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro (eingeladen); 06.02.2015 - 11.02.2015.

J. Knapp:
"Calabi-Yaus and supersymmetric gauge theory";
Vortrag: Wokshop: Women at the Intersection of Mathematics and High Energy Physics, Mainz (eingeladen); 07.03.2017.

J. Knapp:
"D-brane transport in non-abelian gauged linear sigma models";
Vortrag: Bethe Forum on Mirror Symmetry, Bonn (eingeladen); 04.07.2016 - 08.07.2016.

J. Knapp:
"D-branes in non-abelian gauged linear sigma models";
Vortrag: 20th European Workshop on String Theory, Mainz (eingeladen); 22.09.2014 - 26.09.2014.

J. Knapp:
"D-branes in non-abelian gauged linear sigma models";
Vortrag: Topological Strings and Applications, Bonn (eingeladen); 01.10.2014 - 05.10.2014.

J. Knapp:
"D-branes in non-abelian gauged linear sigma models";
Vortrag: Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics at the LMU, München (eingeladen); 11.01.2015 - 16.01.2015.

J. Knapp:
"Deformation theory of matrix factorizations and physics applications";
Vortrag: Conference: Matrix Factorizations in Mathematics and Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook (eingeladen); 15.06.2017.

J. Knapp:
"Exotic Calabi-Yaus from one- and two-parameter non-abelian GLSMs";
Vortrag: Geometry and Physics of Gauged Linear Sigma Model and its related topics, Korean Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul (eingeladen); 28.07.2014 - 01.08.2014.

J. Knapp:
"Gauged linear sigma model and hemisphere partition function";
Vortrag: Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, Freiburg (eingeladen); 19.12.2016.

J. Knapp:
"Gauged linear sigma model and hemisphere partition function";
Vortrag: CERN, Theory Division, CERN (eingeladen); 31.01.2017.

J. Knapp:
"Gauged Linear Sigma Model, Calabi-Yaus and Hemisphere Partition Function";
Vortrag: Oxford University, Oxford/UK (eingeladen); 08.05.2017.

J. Knapp:
"Gauged Linear Sigma Model, Calabi-Yaus and Hemisphere Partition Function";
Vortrag: Uppsala University, Uppsala/ Schweden (eingeladen); 17.05.2017.

J. Knapp:
"Gauged Linear Sigma Model, Calabi-Yaus and Hemisphere Partition Function";
Vortrag: String Th. Seminar, Virginia Tech (eingeladen); 28.06.2017.

J. Knapp:
"Gauged Linear Sigma Model, Calabi-Yaus and Hemisphere Partition Function";
Vortrag: Theory Institute: Geometry of String and Gauge Theories, CERN (eingeladen); 20.07.2017.

J. Knapp:
"Hemisphere partition function and D-brane transport";
Vortrag: International Conference on Gromov-Witten Theory, Chengdu (eingeladen); 30.05.2016 - 03.06.2016.

J. Knapp:
"Matrix Factorizations and their deformations in String Theory";
Vortrag: Algebraic Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Tromso (eingeladen); 30.06.2016 - 01.07.2016.

J. Knapp:
"New Calabi-Yaus from non-abelian 2D theories";
Vortrag: String Theory Seminar, University of Bonn (eingeladen); 26.11.2012.

J. Knapp:
"New Calabi-Yaus from non-abelian 2D theories";
Vortrag: Workshop on Matrix Factorizations, Erwin Schroedinger Institute (eingeladen); 05/2013.

J. Knapp:
"String Theory for Pedestrians";
Vortrag: Monat der freien Bildung, Resselpark, Wien; 17.05.2016.

M. Kobal, M. Kavcic, M. Budnar, J.-Cl Dousse, K. Tökési:
"Double 1 s ionization of Mg and Si induced in collisions with heavy ions";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm, Sweden; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

O. Koch, W. Auzinger, I. Brezinova, H. Hofstätter, M. Thalhammer:
"Adaptive exponential splitting and Lawson methods for Schrödinger equations";
Vortrag: SciCADE 2017 - International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations,, Bath; 11.09.2017 - 15.09.2017.

J. Köfinger, G. Kahl, N.B. Wilding:
"Phase diagrams of symmetrical binary fluids in a field";
Vortrag: Conference of the ESF Program SIMU "Bridging the Scales", Genova, Italy; 29.08.2004 - 31.08.2004.

I. Kolovos, E. G. Noya, G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl:
"Phase behaviour of a system of inverse patchy colloids: A simulation study";
Poster: Physics of Complex Colloids Conference, Ljubljiana; 14.05.2013 - 18.05.2013.

M. Kopp, H. Schomerus, S. Rotter:
"Staggered level repulsion of transmission eigenvalues in mesoscopic systems with a lead-transporting symmetry";
Poster: Workshop "New Frontiers of Quantum Chaos in Mesoscopic Systems", MPI Dresden; 19.05.2008 - 23.05.2008.

I. Kresic, A. Brandstötter, K. Makris, S. Rotter:
"Tailoring light propagation in disordered media by mapping wave equation solutions";
Vortrag: Workshop on Collective Scattering of Light (CoScaLi 2021), Porquerolles, France; 12.09.2021 - 17.09.2021.

I. Kresic, K. Makris, S. Rotter:
"Local tailoring of light in inhomogeneous scattering media";
Vortrag: CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany; 21.06.2021 - 25.06.2021.

M. Kreuzer:
"Calabi-Yau phenomenology and application";
Vortrag: KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (eingeladen); 11.06.2008.

M. Kreuzer:
"Combinatorics and mirror symmetry: results and perspectives";
Vortrag: From Integrable Structures to Topological Strings and Back: SISSA 2008, Trieste, Italy (eingeladen); 08.09.2008 - 12.09.2008.

M. Kreuzer:
"Combinatorics and Quantum Geometry";
Vortrag: Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine; 15.09.2009 - 18.09.2009.

M. Kreuzer:
"Conifold transitions and mirror symmetry";
Vortrag: Homological Mirror Symmetry and Applications, ESI, Vienna (eingeladen); 15.10.2008 - 19.10.2008.

M. Kreuzer:
"Constructions and applications of toric CICYs";
Vortrag: SEENET-MTP Workshop SQ2007, Nis, Serbia (eingeladen); 22.03.2007 - 26.03.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"Examples and Problems in Toric Geometry";
Vortrag: Workshop on Homological mirror symmetry and Hodge theory, Universitaet Wien; 08.08.2009 - 12.08.2009.

M. Kreuzer:
"Exploring hidden dimensions with toric geometry";
Vortrag: 2nd Workshop on Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy; 13.08.2009 - 18.08.2009.

M. Kreuzer:
"Exploring the web of Calabi-Yau manifolds along toric paths";
Vortrag: University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (eingeladen); 22.10.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"Fano varieties, conifolds and torsion";
Vortrag: Università degli studi del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria, Italy (eingeladen); 05.03.2007 - 11.03.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"Fibrations and torsion in toric complete intersections";
Vortrag: String Theory and Complex Geometry, Bad Honnef, Germany (eingeladen); 09.04.2002.

M. Kreuzer:
"Geometry and combinatorics of hidden dimensions";
Vortrag: ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland (eingeladen); 20.10.2008.

M. Kreuzer:
"Geometry and string theory";
Vortrag: Universität Hannover, Hannover, Deutschland (eingeladen); 24.05.2005.

M. Kreuzer:
"Gepner Points and Mirror Symmetry";
Vortrag: Workshop on Homological mirror symmetry and Hodge theory, Universitaet Wien; 08.08.2009 - 12.08.2009.

M. Kreuzer:
"Heterotic (0,2) Gepner models and related geometries";
Vortrag: (0,2) Mirror symmetry and quantum sheaf cohomology, AEI, Germany; 17.08.2009 - 21.08.2009.

M. Kreuzer:
"Introduction to strings, dualities and D-branes I";
Vortrag: European Graduate School Basel-Graz-Tübingen, Double Graduate Day Graz "Physics at its limits: Cosmic Rays, Superstrings and Hot QCD", Graz (eingeladen); 29.11.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"Introduction to strings, dualities and D-branes II";
Vortrag: European Graduate School Basel-Graz-Tübingen, Double Graduate Day Graz "Physics at its limits: Cosmic Rays, Superstrings and Hot QCD", Graz (eingeladen); 30.11.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"Introduction to toric geometry";
Vortrag: 2nd Workshop on Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy; 13.08.2009 - 18.08.2009.

M. Kreuzer:
"Landau--Ginzburg orbifolds and Mirror Symmetry";
Vortrag: Geometry at Large II, ESI, Wien; 03.05.2010 - 08.05.2010.

M. Kreuzer:
"New Calabi-Yau 3-fold transitions";
Vortrag: String Phenomenology 2008, Philadelphia, USA (eingeladen); 28.05.2008 - 01.06.2008.

M. Kreuzer:
"Non-commutativity and effective actions in curved space-time";
Vortrag: Vienna Particle Seminar 2007, Vienna (eingeladen); 30.11.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"Non-topological non-commutativity in string theory";
Vortrag: III Southeastern European Workshop (BW2007), Kladovo, Serbia (eingeladen); 02.09.2007 - 09.09.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"PALP and the classification of reflexive polytopes";
Vortrag: Extremal Laurent polynomials, Warwick, England; 19.10.2010 - 21.10.2010.

M. Kreuzer:
"Particle phyics and toric geometry";
Vortrag: Algebra Day 2008, ESI, Vienna (eingeladen); 31.10.2008.

M. Kreuzer:
"Polytopes and the landscape of hidden dimensions";
Vortrag: Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom (eingeladen); 25.10.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"Polytopes, algorithms and enumeration";
Vortrag: Conference on "Combinatorics, Convexity and Algebraic Geometry, Oberwolfach, Deutschland (eingeladen); 26.01.2003 - 01.02.2003.

M. Kreuzer:
"Recent Developments in String Theory";
Vortrag: FAKT 2007 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Langenlois; 24.09.2007 - 26.09.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"Statistics of toric Calabi-Yau fourfolds";
Poster: Strings05, Toronto, Canada; 11.07.2005 - 16.07.2005.

M. Kreuzer:
"String, branes and dualities";
Vortrag: Lectures at Fundamental Problems in Modern Quantum Theories und Experiments, Sevastopol, Ukrain (eingeladen); 17.09.2005 - 21.09.2005.

M. Kreuzer:
"The making of Calabi-Yau spaces: Beyond toric hypersurfaces";
Vortrag: 4th EU RTN Workshop on Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe, Varna, Bulgaria (eingeladen); 11.09.2008 - 17.09.2008.

M. Kreuzer:
"The many roads to 4 dimensions";
Vortrag: University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom (eingeladen); 24.10.2007.

M. Kreuzer:
"The toric toolbox: Calabi-Yau constructions and data mining";
Vortrag: Mathematical Challenges in String Phenomenology, ESI, Vienna (eingeladen); 06.10.2008 - 14.10.2008.

M. Kreuzer:
"Toric complete intersections and string dualities";
Vortrag: CERN, Theory Division, Geneva, Switzerland; 24.09.2002.

M. Kreuzer:
"Toric geometry and Calabi-Yau compactification";
Vortrag: Bogoliubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, Ukrain (eingeladen); 16.09.2005.

M. Kreuzer:
"Toric geometry and sting theory";
Vortrag: Universität Frankfurt, Germany; 12.08.2002.

M. Kreuzer:
"Toric geometry, complete intersections and fundamental groups";
Vortrag: Math and Physics Colloquium, Penn State University, USA (eingeladen); 08.04.2005.

D. Krimer:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Hauptvortrag: XIV International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Minsk, Belarus; 27.10.2015 - 30.10.2015.

D. Krimer:
"Non-Markovian quantum dynamics in the strong-coupling limit of cavity QED";
Hauptvortrag: Colloquium at Physics department, University of Crete; 02.06.2016.

D. Krimer:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: Habilitandenseminar der Fakultät Physik, TU Wien; 21.04.2016.

D. Krimer, B. Hartl, M. Zens, S. Putz, A. Angerer, J. Majer, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, S. Rotter:
"Spectral engineering in hybrid quantum systems with collectively coupled spin ensembles";
Vortrag: OEPG/SPS Tagung 2015, Wien; 02.09.2015.

D. Krimer, B. Hartl, M. Zens, S. Putz, J. Majer, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: COST Action "Nanoscale Quantum Optics", Barcelona, Spain (eingeladen); 14.09.2015.

D. Krimer, B. Hartl, M. Zens, S. Rotter, S. Putz, A. Angerer, R. Glattauer, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, J. Majer:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Poster: COST Joint School and Workshop in Many-Body Physics and Quantum Simulations with Light, Chania; 04.06.2016 - 09.06.2016.

D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, H.E. Türeci:
"Emission of an excited two-level system coupled to a microcavity in the multi-mode regime";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Physics Department of the Princeton University, USA, Princeton, USA; 20.09.2012.

D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, H.E. Türeci:
"Route from simple spontaneous decay to complex multimode dynamics in cavity QED";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Freiburg, Germany; 24.05.2013.

D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, H.E. Türeci:
"Route from simple spontaneous decay to complex multimode dynamics in cavity QED";
Poster: Theo Murphy international scientific meeting, home of the Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Buckinghamshire, England; 28.10.2013.

D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, H.E. Türeci:
"Route from spontaneous decay to complex multimode dynamics in cavity QED";
Vortrag: DPG Spring Meeting Berlin 2014, Berlin, Germany; 17.03.2014 - 21.03.2014.

D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci:
"Route from spontaneous decay to complex multimode dynamics in cavity QED";
Poster: 44th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah (eingeladen); 05.01.2014 - 09.01.2014.

D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci:
"Route from spontaneous decay to complex multimode dynamics in cavity QED";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Technical University of Berlin, Technical University of Berlin; 18.03.2014.

D. Krimer, S. Putz, A. Angerer, R. Glattauer, J. Majer, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck; 05.02.2015.

D. Krimer, S. Putz, J. Majer, M. Liertzer, H.E. Tureci, S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Department of Physics of the Imperial College London, UK; 03.12.2014.

D. Krimer, S. Putz, J. Majer, S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian dynamics of a single-mode cavity strongly coupled to an inhomogeneously broadened spin ensemble";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Princeton University, Princeton, USA; 12.09.2014.

D. Krimer, S. Putz, A. Valookaran, R. Amsüss, J. Majer, S. Rotter:
"Inducing coherent oscillations between a superconducting resonator and an ensemble of NV spins II. Theory";
Vortrag: DPG Spring Meeting Berlin 2014, Berlin; 17.03.2014 - 21.03.2014.

D. Krimer, S. Putz, A. Valookaran, T. Nöbauer, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, J. Majer, S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: Theorie-Seminar ETH Zürich, Zürich (eingeladen); 29.09.2015.

D. Krimer, S. Rotter, S. Putz, R. Amsüss, J. Majer:
"QED of a single-mode cavity coupled strongly to a nitrogen-vacancy spin ensemble under the action of rectangular pulses";
Vortrag: Workshop for Quantum Simulations of Open Quantum Systems, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Freiburg Germany; 15.11.2013.

D. Krimer, M. Zens, B. Hartl, S. Putz, J. Majer, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST), Klosterneuburg; 28.09.2015.

D. Krimer, M. Zens, B. Hartl, S. Rotter, S. Putz, A. Angerer, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, J. Majer:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: Yale Solid State & Optics Seminar, New Haven (USA) (eingeladen); 11.11.2016 - 15.11.2016.

D. Krimer, M. Zens, S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics and Bistability in Cavity QED";
Poster: Novel Paradigms in Many-Body Physics from Open Quantum Systems, Dresden; 26.03.2018 - 29.03.2018.

M. Kühmayer:
"Controlling Waves in Complex Scattering Environments";
Vortrag: Hui Cao group seminar, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; 16.05.2019.

M. Kühmayer, M. Horodynski, A. Brandstötter, K. Pichler, Y. Fyodorov, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Optimal Wave Fields for Micromanipulation in Complex Scattering Environments";
Vortrag: WAVES 2019 - 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Wien; 25.08.2019 - 30.08.2019.

M. Kühmayer, K. Pichler, J. Böhm, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Random Anti-Lasing through Coherent Perfect Absorption in a Disordered Medium";
Vortrag: CWCM2020, Ein Gedi, Israel; 17.02.2020 - 20.02.2020.

W. Kummer:
"2D gravity";
Vortrag: Workshop on Gravtiy in Two Dimensions, Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 22.09.2003.

W. Kummer:
"Classical and quantum gravity in 2 dimensions";
Vortrag: Ukrainische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bogoliubov Institute, Kiew, Ukraine (eingeladen); 19.02.2004.

W. Kummer:
"Extended supergravity from graded Poisson-sigma models";
Vortrag: Ukrainische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bogoliubov Institute, Kiew (eingeladen); 13.09.2004.

W. Kummer:
"Four decades of gauge theories";
Vortrag: The II International Symposion 'Fundamental Problems in Modern Quantum Theories an Experiments', Odessa, Ukraine (eingeladen); 02.09.2002.

W. Kummer:
"Graded Poisson-sigma models in 2d dilaton supergravity";
Vortrag: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston/Cambridge, USA; 18.11.2002.

W. Kummer:
"How to approach quantum gravity";
Vortrag: Euresco Conference "What comes beyond the Standard Model", Portoroz, Slovenia (eingeladen); 13.07.2003 - 17.07.2003.

W. Kummer:
"Minimal 2 d dilaton supergravity from Poisson-Sigma models";
Vortrag: EURESCO Conference on Particle Physics and Gravitation, Bad Herrenalb, Germany; 03.06.2002.

W. Kummer:
"Progress and problems in quantum gravity";
Vortrag: Bogoliubov Institute, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine (eingeladen); 16.09.2005.

J. Kurzidim:
"Complex slow dynamics of colloids in porous media";
Vortrag: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (eingeladen); 19.01.2010.

J. Kurzidim:
"Glass formation of colloids in porous media";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien; 24.05.2011.

J. Kurzidim:
"Impact of quenched random confinement on the slow dynamics of an annealed colloidal fluid";
Vortrag: International Sorft Matter Conference, Granada, Spain; 05.07.2010 - 08.07.2010.

J. Kurzidim:
"Impact of random obstacles on the dynamics of a dense colloidal fluid";
Vortrag: CECAM Workshop on Complex Dynamics of Fluids in Disordered and Crowded Environments, Lyon, France (eingeladen); 28.06.2010 - 01.07.2010.

J. Kurzidim:
"Single-particle and collective slow dynamics of colloids in porous confinement";
Vortrag: DPG Spring Meeting 2010 of the Condensed Matter Section, Regensburg; 21.03.2010 - 26.03.2010.

J. Kurzidim, D. Coslovich, G. Kahl:
"Arrest of fluids in porous matrices: caging and confinement";
Poster: International Workshop on Dynamics in Viscous Liquids, Rom, Italien; 30.03.2011 - 02.04.2011.

J. Kurzidim, D. Coslovich, G. Kahl:
"Dynamics of colloids in porous media: crowding vs. confinement";
Poster: MECO 36 - 36th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, Lviv, Ukraine; 05.04.2011 - 07.04.2011.

J. Kurzidim, D. Coslovich, G. Kahl:
"Localization and glass formation of fluids confined in porous matrices";
Poster: 6th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (IDMRCS 6th), Rome, Italy; 09/2009.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, J. Burgdörfer:
"Semiclassical approach to the scattering states of the rectangular billiard";
Vortrag: X. Billiard Workshop, Riezlern; 19.09.2011 - 23.09.2011.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, S. Donsa, T. Sato, K. Ishikava, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-Dependent Two-Particle Reduced Density Matrix Theory for Atoms in Strong Laser Pulses";
Poster: International Workshop on Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Physics and Role of Fermionic Exchange Symmetry, Oxford; 12.04.2016 - 15.04.2016.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, S. Nagele, T. Sato, K. Ishikava, J. Burgdörfer:
"Calculating high-harmonic spectra in many-electron atoms";
Vortrag: 2. NextLite-Workshop, Wien; 03.05.2015 - 04.05.2015.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, T. Sato, K. Ishikava, J. Burgdörfer:
"High-harmonic spectra from time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix theory";
Poster: IMPRS Symposium for the Science of Light, Erlangen; 24.04.2016 - 26.04.2016.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Correlated High-Harmonic Spectra from Time-Dependent Two-Particle Reduced Density Matrix Theory";
Poster: 12th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP12), Frankfurt/Main, Germany; 04.09.2016 - 09.09.2016.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"The time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix method : LiH in strong laser fields";
Poster: 2nd XLIC General Meeting, Gdansk; 10.09.2014 - 12.09.2014.

F. Lackner, I. Brezinova, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix theory: Application to high-harmonic generation";
Vortrag: SFB ViCoM workshop 2016, Wien; 22.10.2016 - 23.10.2016.

F. Lackner, S. Donsa, T. Sato, K. L. Ishikawa, J. Burgdörfer, I. Brezinova:
"The time-dependent two-particle reduced density matrix method";
Vortrag: International Workshop on 'New challenges in Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory: Symmetries, time-evolution and entanglement', CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland; 26.09.2017 - 29.09.2017.

F. Lackner, I. Floss, S. Donsa, I. Brezinova, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with matter";
Vortrag: AHPC 2017, Grundlsee (eingeladen); 01.03.2017 - 03.03.2017.

Ch. Ladany, E. Gratz, A. Lindbaum, H. Nowotny:
"Thermal Expansion of RCu2";
Poster: 52. Jahrestagung der ÖPG, Leoben; 23.09.2002 - 26.09.2002.

E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet, C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer:
"The role of collisional processes in the X-ray emission during laser-cluster interaction";
Vortrag: 16th Intern. Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-16), Hernstein, Austria (eingeladen); 17.09.2006 - 22.09.2006.

J. Lancaster, W. Zhao, F.B. Dunning, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Characterization of quasi one-dimensional Rydberg atoms using oriented, half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: 2004 APS Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Tucson, Arizona, USA; 25.05.2004 - 29.05.2004.

J. Lancaster, W. Zhao, C.L. Stokely, F.B. Dunning, A. Pattanayak, D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Production of transiently phase-space-localized quasi-one-dimensional Rydberg wave packets";
Poster: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2003, American Pysical Society, Boulder, Colorado; 21.05.2003 - 24.05.2003.

P. Lebiedowicz, J. Leutgeb, O. Nachtmann, A. Rebhan, A. Szczurek:
"Central exclusive diffractive production of axial-vector f1 mesons in proton-proton collisions";
Vortrag: XXVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS2021), Stony Brook, NY; 12.04.2021 - 16.04.2021.

P. Lebiedowicz, J. Leutgeb, O. Nachtmann, A. Rebhan, A. Szczurek:
"Central exclusive diffractive production of axial-vector f1(1285) and f1(1420) mesons in proton-proton collisions at the LHC";
Vortrag: ICHEP 2020, Prag (eingeladen); 28.07.2020 - 06.08.2020.

C. Lemell:
"A Microscopic Model for Track Formation by Swift Heavy Ions";
Vortrag: SPARC Collaboration Meeting, Wien (eingeladen); 26.11.2012 - 28.11.2012.

C. Lemell:
"Attosecond streaking of photoelectrons emitted from solid surfaces";
Vortrag: 28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2016), Belgrad (eingeladen); 29.08.2016 - 01.09.2016.

C. Lemell:
"Classical Simulations for surface streaking experiments";
Vortrag: 30th Brandt Ritchie Workshop (BRW), San Sebastian (eingeladen); 01.10.2013 - 04.10.2013.

C. Lemell:
"Classical-quantum correspondence in atom ionization by midinfrared pulses";
Vortrag: 12th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP12), Frankfurt/Main, Germany (eingeladen); 04.09.2016 - 09.09.2016.

C. Lemell:
"Coherent Control of Photoemission from Metallic Nanotips";
Vortrag: International Workshop Series of IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid (eingeladen); 30.11.2017 - 01.12.2017.

C. Lemell:
"Determination of the carrier-envelope phase of ultrashort laser pulses unsing metal surfaces";
Vortrag: DPG, München (eingeladen); 25.03.2004.

C. Lemell:
"Determination of the carrier-envelope phase of ultrashort laser pulses using metal surfaces";
Vortrag: XVIII International Seminar on Ion-Atom Collisions, Stockholm, Schweden (eingeladen); 30.07.2003 - 01.08.2003.

C. Lemell:
"Electron emission from magnetized surfaces";
Vortrag: 3S04, St. Christoph/Arlberg (eingeladen); 05.03.2004.

C. Lemell:
"Electron emission from surfaces induced by HCI and laser";
Vortrag: 12th Intern. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Vilnius, Litauen (eingeladen); 10.09.2004.

C. Lemell:
"High-harmonics generation in dielectrics";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag ATOMKI, Debrecen, HU; 14.11.2017.

C. Lemell:
"Highly charged ions interacting with surfaces";
Vortrag: SPARC Collaboration Meeting, Darmstadt, Deutschland (eingeladen); 29.10.2004.

C. Lemell:
"Interaction of charged particles with insulating capillary targets - The guiding effect";
Hauptvortrag: 17th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI-2014), San Carlos de Bariloche/Argentina (eingeladen); 31.08.2014 - 05.09.2014.

C. Lemell:
"Interaction of slow multicharged ions with surfaces: Status of theoretical and experimental understanding";
Vortrag: Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems (CEPAS), Miskolc, Hungary (eingeladen); 01.09.2005.

C. Lemell:
"Metal surfaces under the influence of strong external fields";
Vortrag: University of San Sebastian, Spain; 07.01.2003 - 07.02.2003.

C. Lemell:
"Modeling of HCI-surface interaction";
Hauptvortrag: 25th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-25), Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan, (eingeladen); 21.10.2012 - 25.10.2012.

C. Lemell:
"Semiclassical simulation of ultrashort laser-matter interactions";
Vortrag: invited seminar talk, IAFE, Buenos Aires (eingeladen); 16.09.2014.

C. Lemell:
"Semiclassical trajectory Monte-Carlo simulations of photoionization of atoms";
Vortrag: Atomic Physics 2018, Deutschland (eingeladen); 27.11.2018 - 30.11.2018.

C. Lemell:
"Simulations of charged-particle transport through capillary targets";
Vortrag: Invited talk, 2nd Symposium on Ion-Insulator-Interactions (2. S3I), Platja d'Aro, Girona/Spain (eingeladen); 20.05.2009.

C. Lemell:
"Simulations on ion-surface interactions";
Vortrag: Joint EU-Collaboration Meeting, Munich, Germany (eingeladen); 27.05.2005.

C. Lemell:
"Time-resolved observation of plasmon excitation";
Vortrag: (e,2e), Palm Cove, Australia (eingeladen); 02.08.2017 - 04.08.2017.

C. Lemell:
"Transmission of highly charged Ions through nanocapillaries";
Vortrag: Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Charged-Particle Transport though Nanostructures and Solids, Debrecen, Hungary (eingeladen); 14.11.2003.

C. Lemell:
"Transport of highly charged ions through micro- and nanocapillaries";
Vortrag: Seminar Institut für Allgemeine Physik (IAP), TU Wien; 09.11.2004.

C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, X.-M. Tong:
"Photoemission from metal surfaces: time-dependent desnity functional theory";
Poster: 3S'02, St. Christophen, Austria; 07.03.2002.

C. Lemell, K. I. Dimitriou, X.-M. Tong, S. Nagele, D. V. Kartashov, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe:
"Low-energy peak structure in strong-field ionization by mid-infrared laser pulses";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Atomic Physics 2011, Dresden, Deutschland (eingeladen); 21.11.2011 - 25.11.2011.

C. Lemell, P. Dombi, X.-M. Tong, F. Krausz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Determination of the carrier-envelope phase of ultrashort laser pulses using metal surfaces";
Vortrag: 2004 APS Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Tucson, Arizona, USA; 25.05.2004 - 29.05.2004.

C. Lemell, B. Solleder, J. Burgdörfer:
"A theorists view on hillock formation on CaF_{2}";
Poster: Symposion on Surface Science 2008 (3S08), St. Christoph am Arlberg; 05.03.2008.

C. Lemell, B. Solleder, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of streaking experiments at surfaces";
Vortrag: SPIG 08, Novi Sad (eingeladen); 25.08.2008.

C. Lemell, B. Solleder, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ultrashort laser-surface interactions";
Vortrag: Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Atomic and Molecular Processes Induced by Intense Ultrashort Pulses, Debrecen, Ungarn (eingeladen); 27.09.2011 - 30.09.2011.

C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Theoretical treatment of charged-particle transmission through insulating capillaries";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-26), Debrecen/Hungary; 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014.

C. Lemell, X.-M. Tong, A. Apolonski, P. Dombi, F. Krausz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Determination of the carrier-envelope phase of ultrashort pulses using metal surfaces ";
Vortrag: Laser Physics 2003, Hamburg, Germany (eingeladen); 24.08.2003 - 28.08.2003.

C. Lemell, X.-M. Tong, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-dependent density functional simulation of an HCI approaching a metal surface";
Poster: 11th International Conference on Highly Charged Ions, Caen, France; 05.09.2002.

C. Lemell, X.-M. Tong, F. Krausz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Using metal surfaces to determine the carrier-envelope phase of ultrashort pulses";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm, Schweden; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

C. Lemell, G. Wachter, G. Betz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Restructuring of solid targets due to impact of highly charged ions";
Vortrag: 15th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI-2010), Fudan University, Shanghai/China (eingeladen); 30.08.2010 - 03.09.2010.

C. Lemell, G. Wachter, G. Betz, J. Burgdörfer:
"Track formation in fast atom-insulator interactions";
Vortrag: Symposium on Surface Science 2010 (3S10), St.Christoph/St.Anton am Arlberg; 07.03.2010 - 13.03.2010.

J. Leutgeb, J. Mager, A. Rebhan:
"Holographic QCD and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon";
Vortrag: seminar channel "The Dual Mysteries of Gauge Theories and Gravity" hosted by IIT Madras, Chennai (eingeladen); 11.10.2021.

J. Leutgeb, J. Mager, A. Rebhan:
"Holographic QCD and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon";
Vortrag: Theory Group Seminar, Universita di Firenze, Florence (eingeladen); 29.09.2021.

J. Leutgeb, A. Rebhan:
"Axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD and their contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon";
Vortrag: ICHEP 2020, Prag (eingeladen); 28.07.2020 - 06.08.2020.

J. Leutgeb, A. Rebhan:
"Holographic QCD and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon";
Vortrag: Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG) and Swiss Physical Society (SPS), Innsbruck/T; 31.08.2021.

F. Libisch:
""Chladni figures" in Adreev billiards";
Vortrag: Chladni Workshop, Wittenberg; 24.07.2006 - 28.07.2006.

F. Libisch:
"Andreev billiards";
Vortrag: IVth Billiard Workshop 2006, Marburg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 05.10.2006.

F. Libisch:
"Ballistic quantum transport in graphene nanoribbons";
Poster: 4th Windsor Summer School on Quantum Transport and Dynamics, Windsor, UK; 06.08.2007 - 18.08.2007.

F. Libisch:
"Dissociative Chemisorption of O2 on Al(111)";
Vortrag: Workshop: Modern Approaches to Coupling Scales In Materials Simulations, Lenggries, Germany, EU; 02.07.2018 - 04.07.2018.

F. Libisch:
"Fano resonances in dissipative materials";
Vortrag: Workshop on Scattering Systems with complex dynamics, Kleinwalsertal (eingeladen); 18.09.2008 - 24.09.2008.

F. Libisch:
"Graphene quantum dots - confining Dirac electrons";
Hauptvortrag: ROSOV pinn 2017, Belgrad (Serbien) (eingeladen); 01.06.2017 - 02.06.2017.

F. Libisch:
"Graphene quantum dots: confining Dirac electrons";
Vortrag: Solids-4-Fun Summer school, Waidhofen an der Ybbs (eingeladen); 02.07.2018 - 06.07.2018.

F. Libisch:
"Graphene-based nanodevices beyond the Dirac equation";
Vortrag: ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland (eingeladen); 20.10.2008.

F. Libisch:
"Localized inter-valley defect excitons as single-photon emitters in WSe2";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Neapel, Italien (eingeladen); 03.06.2019.

F. Libisch:
"Mathematical modelling of semiconductor - superconductor hybrid structures";
Vortrag: MATHMOD 2006, Vienna (eingeladen); 07.02.2006 - 10.02.2006.

F. Libisch:
"Modeling and probing the superstructure of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride";
Vortrag: Gastvortrag am Institut für Physik, Graz (eingeladen); 28.06.2018 - 29.06.2018.

F. Libisch:
"Properties of Andreev eigenstates";
Poster: Quantum Coherence, Noise and Decoherence in Nanostructures DECONS 06, Dresden, Germany; 15.05.2006 - 26.05.2006.

F. Libisch:
"Properties of Andreev eigenstates";
Vortrag: Dynamics and Relaxation in Complex Quantum and Classical Systems and Nanostructures, COQUSY 2006, Dresden, Germany; 25.09.2006 - 01.10.2006.

F. Libisch:
"Quantum transport in mesoscopic devices";
Vortrag: TU Graz, Graz, Österreich (eingeladen); 05.12.2007.

F. Libisch:
"Quantum-Mechanical Embedding Methods for Surface Catalysis";
Vortrag: MRS Fall Meeting 2019, Boston (eingeladen); 01.12.2019 - 06.12.2019.

F. Libisch:
"Recent results in wavefunctions in Andreev billiards";
Vortrag: Workshop on Andreev Billiards 2004, Technische Universität Wien; 06.04.2004.

F. Libisch:
"Simulating Quantum Transport Trough Disordered Graphene Nanodevices";
Vortrag: "Novel Materials and Superconductors" Workshop, Obertraun, Obertraun (eingeladen); 11.02.2018 - 17.02.2018.

F. Libisch:
"Simulating realistic graphene nanostructures: from transport to optical properties";
Vortrag: Graphene and beyond, TU Wien (eingeladen); 20.06.2016.

F. Libisch:
"Simulating realistic layered nanostructures";
Vortrag: Gastvortrag am Institut für Physik, RWTH Aachen, Germany, EU (eingeladen); 26.02.2018 - 01.03.2018.

F. Libisch:
"Size quantization signatures in graphene quantum point contacts";
Vortrag: OEPG/SPS Tagung 2015, Vienna, Austria; 02.09.2015 - 04.09.2015.

F. Libisch:
"Tackling Molecule-Surface Interactions Using Embedding Methods";
Vortrag: Eingeladener Seminarvortrag RWTH Aachen, RWTH Aachen (eingeladen); 19.12.2013.

F. Libisch:
"The electronic structure of graphene nanostructures";
Vortrag: Seminar Talk, University of Florida (eingeladen); 04.05.2015.

F. Libisch:
"The Electronic Structure of Graphene Nanostructures";
Vortrag: Seminar Talk, University of Napels Federico II, Naples, Italy (eingeladen); 20.03.2015.

F. Libisch:
"The optical response oftransition metaldichalcogenides";
Vortrag: IWEPNM 2020, Kirchberg in Tirol (eingeladen); 08.03.2020 - 13.03.2020.

F. Libisch:
"Tracking the origin of single photon emitters in WSe2";
Vortrag: Graphene week 2019, Helsinki; 23.09.2019 - 27.09.2019.

F. Libisch:
"Transport through graphene-based nanostructures";
Poster: VIIth Billiard Workshop, Göttingen, Deutschland; 04.10.2007 - 05.10.2007.

F. Libisch:
"Using embedding theory to describe dissociative chemisorbtion of molecules on metal surfaces";
Vortrag: Gastvortrag am Institut für Physik, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA (eingeladen); 06.08.2018 - 08.08.2018.

F. Libisch, D. Bischoff, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, J. Burgdörfer:
"Edge localizations in graphene nanoconstrictions: comparison between theory and experiment";
Poster: 1st Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2014 of the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences "Two Dimensional Nanostructures", Wien; 26.11.2014 - 28.11.2014.

F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transport properties of ballistic graphene nanoribbons";
Poster: Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society, London; 21.05.2007 - 22.05.2007.

F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, S. Rotter:
"Eigenstates of graphene quantum dots: beyond the Dirac equation";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, RWTH Aachen, Deutschland (eingeladen); 03.12.2009.

F. Libisch, L. Chizhova, D. Bischoff, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, J. Burgdörfer:
"Edge and substrate effects in graphene nanodevices";
Vortrag: Wissenschaftlicher Besuch, RWTH Aachen (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 01.12.2014 - 05.12.2014.

F. Libisch, J. Doppler, S. Rotter et al.:
"Dynamically encircling an exceptional point for asymmetric mode switching";
Vortrag: Eingeladener Seminarvortrag RWTH Aachen 2016, Aachen, Deutschland (eingeladen); 06.12.2016.

F. Libisch, J. Güttinger, S. Rotter, C Stampfer, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of the development of Landau Levels in Graphene Quantum Dots";
Poster: Graphene week 2010, Maryland, USA; 19.04.2010 - 23.04.2010.

F. Libisch, J. Güttinger, C Stampfer, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Landau Level Formation in Graphene quantum dots";
Poster: IX. Billiard workshop, Marburg an der Lahn, Deutschland (eingeladen); 04.10.2010 - 06.10.2010.

F. Libisch, J. Güttinger, C. Stampfer, K. Ensslin, J. Burgdörfer:
"Landau-level formation in graphene quantum dots";
Vortrag: Low Temperatur Physics Seminar, Helsinki (eingeladen); 29.07.2009.

F. Libisch, T. Hisch, M. Wallerberger, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Klein Tunneling in Graphene Quantum Dots";
Poster: Tunneling and Scattering in Complex Systems - From Single to Many Particle Physics, Dresden, Germany; 14.09.2009 - 18.09.2009.

F. Libisch, C. Huang, J. Chen, E Carter:
"Tackling Molecule-Surface Interactions Using Embedding Methods";
Vortrag: Density-based embedding for multiscale simulations, Lausanne, Schweiz (eingeladen); 24.03.2014 - 27.03.2014.

F. Libisch, M. Marsman, K. Yu, G. Kresse, E Carter:
"Embedding approaches for bulk systems using projector-augmented waves";
Vortrag: 9th congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP IX), Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA (eingeladen); 17.07.2016 - 22.07.2016.

F. Libisch, J. Möller, S. Rotter, M.G. Vavilov, J. Burgdörfer:
"Decreasing excitation gap in Andreev billiards by disorder scattering";
Poster: Workshop "New Frontiers of Quantum Chaos in Mesoscopic Systems", MPI Dresden; 19.05.2008 - 23.05.2008.

F. Libisch, J. Möller, S. Rotter, M.G. Vavilov, J. Burgdörfer:
"Decreasing excitation gap in Andreev billiards by disorder scattering";
Poster: Penetrating Physics by Random Matrices, Cuernavaca, Mexiko; 02.03.2009 - 06.03.2009.

F. Libisch, J. Möller, S. Rotter, M.G. Vavilov, J. Burgdörfer:
"Decreasing excitation gap in Andreev billiards by disorder scattering.";
Poster: DPG Fruehjahrstagung, 2009, Dresden, Deutschland; 23.03.2009 - 27.03.2009.

F. Libisch, S. Rotter, P. Ambichl:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: IX. Billiard workshop, Marburg an der Lahn, Deutschland (eingeladen); 04.10.2010 - 06.10.2010.

F. Libisch, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"A modular Green's function method for quantum transport through graphene";
Vortrag: 5th Vienna Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Wien (eingeladen); 10.02.2009 - 13.02.2009.

F. Libisch, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Suppression of size-quantization steps in disordered graphene nanoribbons";
Vortrag: DPG Fruehjahrstagung, 2009, Dresden, Deutschland; 23.03.2009 - 27.03.2009.

F. Libisch, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Traces of the integer quantum hall effect in transport through rectangular quantum dots";
Poster: Chaos and Quantum Transport, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef; 26.03.2003.

F. Libisch, C Stampfer, J. Güttinger, K. Ensslin, J. Burgdörfer:
"Graphene quantum dots in magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Festkörperseminar, ETH Zürich, ETH Zürich (eingeladen); 15.05.2009.

F. Libisch, L. Walzek, L. Linhart, L. Chizhova, J. Burgdörfer:
"Electron optics in graphene nanostructures";
Poster: International Winter School of Properties of Novel Materials 2016, Kirchberg in Tirol; 13.02.2016 - 20.02.2016.

M. Liertzer, P. Ambichl, M. Brandstetter, K. Makris, T. Hisch, L. Ge, Y. Chong, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci, C. Deutsch, K. Unterrainer, S. Rotter:
"Exceptional points in resonant structures with gain and loss";
Vortrag: IARD/PT Meeting 2014, Storrs, Connecticut, USA; 09.06.2014 - 13.06.2014.

M. Liertzer, S. Burkhardt, D. Krimer, S. Rotter:
"Lasers with Near-Degenerate Modes: Hybridized States and Stability Analysis";
Vortrag: PQE-2016, Snowbird, Utah, USA (eingeladen); 03.01.2016 - 08.01.2016.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Türeci, S. Rotter:
"Introduction to the steady-state ab-initio laser theory and its applications";
Vortrag: Seminar Laserdynamik, WIAS Berlin, Berlin (eingeladen); 11.09.2012.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Türeci, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced Exceptional Points in Lasers";
Vortrag: MIRTHE-IROn-SensorCAT Virtual Conference 2012, Wien; 26.06.2012 - 27.06.2012.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Türeci, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers";
Vortrag: International Quantum Cascade Lasers School and Workshop 2012, Baden; 02.09.2012 - 06.09.2012.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Türeci, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers";
Vortrag: Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers, Berlin; 12.09.2012 - 14.09.2012.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers";
Vortrag: Non-Hermitian Degeneracies: new directions of research and applications, Technion, Israel (eingeladen); 22.04.2012 - 24.04.2012.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers";
Vortrag: Institutsseminar, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe (eingeladen); 27.04.2012.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, K. Makris, H.E. Türeci, S. Rotter:
"Exceptional points above lasing threshold";
Vortrag: X. Billiard Workshop, Riezlern; 19.09.2011 - 23.09.2011.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, K. Makris, H.E. Türeci, S. Rotter:
"Nonlinear interactions in coupled microlasers";
Vortrag: IR-ON meeting, Wien; 07.06.2011.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, K. Makris, H.E. Tureci, S. Rotter:
"Exceptional points above lasing threshold";
Vortrag: Workshop on Quantum Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators, Dresden; 15.06.2011 - 25.06.2011.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, H.E. Tureci, S. Rotter:
"New laser physics in coupled microlasers";
Vortrag: Nanophotonik-Meeting 2011, Wien (eingeladen); 10.11.2011 - 11.11.2011.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, H.E. Tureci, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers";
Vortrag: Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Institutsseminar, Paris; 04.04.2012.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, H.E. Tureci, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers above threshold";
Vortrag: PTQM 2011 Symposium, Heidelberg (eingeladen); 25.09.2011 - 28.09.2011.

M. Liertzer, L. Ge, H.E. Tureci, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers above threshold";
Vortrag: 492. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Micro & macro-cavities in classical and non-classical light, Bad Honnef; 30.10.2011 - 03.11.2011.

M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, S. Esterhazy, F. Mintert, D. Pogany, J. Melenk, S. Rotter:
"New solution strategies for the steady-state ab-initio laser theory and applications to random lasers";
Vortrag: MASOMO 2013, Berlin (eingeladen); 10.04.2013 - 12.04.2013.

M. Liertzer, K. Makris, P. Ambichl, S. Rotter, L. Ge, H.E. Türeci:
"Scattering and lasing in coupled systems with gain and loss";
Vortrag: Analytic and algebraic methods in physics IX, Prag; 12.12.2011 - 15.12.2011.

M. Liertzer, S. Rotter:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers above threshold";
Vortrag: SFB IR-ON Meeting, Linz (eingeladen); 23.03.2012 - 24.03.2012.

C. N. Likos, B. Mladek, G. Kahl:
"Cluster formation in concentrated solutions of amphiphilic dendrimers";
Vortrag: 4th ECNS 2007, Lund, Sweden (eingeladen); 25.06.2007 - 29.06.2007.

C. N. Likos, B. Mladek, A.J. Moreno, G. Kahl:
"Cluster-forming systems of ultrasoft repulsive particles: statics and dynamics";
Vortrag: CCP 2007 Conference on Computational Physics, Brussels, Belgium (eingeladen); 09/2007.

L. Linhart, M. Paur, V. Smejkal, J. Burgdörfer, T. Müller, F. Libisch:
"Excitonic effects in strained TMDs and defects in graphene - a tight-binding approach";
Poster: International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM) 2018, Kichberg in Tirol; 17.04.2018 - 24.04.2018.

L. Linhart, M. Paur, V. Smejkal, J. Burgdörfer, T. Müller, F. Libisch:
"Excitonic effects in strained TMDs and defects in graphene - a tight-binding approach";
Poster: Graphene week 2018, St. Sebastian; 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018.

L. Linhart, M. Paur, V. Smejkal, T. Müller, J. Burgdörfer, F. Libisch:
"Tracking the origin of single photon emitters in WSe2";
Vortrag: APS March Meeting 2019, Boston; 04.03.2019 - 08.03.2019.

E. Locatelli, P. Malgaretti, V. Bianco:
"Collapse and arrest of active rings";
Poster: CECAM Mixed-Gen Session 2 : Active matter, Wien; 04.03.2021.

E. Lopez, D. Grumiller, I. Papadimitriou, S. Stricker, J. Aparicio:
"Bootstrapping gravity solutions";
Vortrag: Group Seminar, Helsinki (eingeladen); 10.09.2012 - 15.09.2012.

F. LoVerso, J. Fornleitner, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Exotic ordered equilibrium structures in binary two-dimensional soft systems";
Poster: Soft, Complex, and Biological Matter Conference (SOCOBIM 2007), Terrasini, Italy; 15.07.2007 - 19.07.2007.

K. Ludwig, I. Brezinova, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates under the influence of interactions in harmonic traps";
Poster: International Workshop "Quo vadis Bose-Einstein condensation?", Dresden; 15.08.2010 - 20.08.2010.

L. Lugosi, I. Barna, K. Tökési:
"Model calculations for positron-helium scattering";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm, Sweden; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

L. Lugosi, I. Barna, K. Tökési, A. Kövér:
"Elastic scattering of positron from helium above the first excitation threshold";
Poster: 12th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Physics, Sandbjerg, Denmark; 19.07.2003 - 21.07.2003.

L. Lugosi, B. Paripás, I. Gyémént, K. Tökési:
"Differential cross sections for positron impact excitation of hydrogen";
Poster: 2nd Conference on the Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, Gdansk, Poland; 03.09.2002.

L. Lugosi, B. Paripás, K. Tökési:
"Positron interactions with H atom";
Poster: International Scientific Conference, Section H: Physics and Education, Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Hungary; 06.03.2003 - 07.03.2003.

K. Makris:
"Complex photonic media: PT-symmetry and beyond";
Vortrag: Colloquium, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece (eingeladen); 31.10.2014.

K. Makris:
"Nonhermitian Photonics";
Vortrag: Colloquium, Wesleyan University, Connecticut (eingeladen); 28.03.2014.

K. Makris:
"Nonlinear wave propagation in PT-symmetric potentials";
Vortrag: IC-MSQUARE, Madrid (eingeladen); 28.08.2014 - 31.08.2014.

K. Makris:
"Superoscillatory optical beams";
Vortrag: Colloquium, Wesleyan University, Connecticut (eingeladen); 27.03.2014.

K. Makris:
"Wave dynamics in non-Hermitian photonic media";
Vortrag: Colloquium, Atominstitut, TU Wien (eingeladen); 23.10.2014.

K. Makris:
"Wave dynamics in non-Hermitian photonics";
Vortrag: Christmas Colloqium, CAMTP, Maribor, Maribor, Slowenien (eingeladen); 11.12.2014 - 13.12.2014.

K. Makris:
"Wave propagation in complex media: Fundamental aspects and imaging applications";
Vortrag: Colloquium, College of Staten Island, CUNY (eingeladen); 04/2014.

K. Makris, P. Ambichl, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter:
"Exceptional points in open and closed gain‐loss structures";
Vortrag: PHHQP XI: Non-Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics, Paris (eingeladen); 27.08.2012 - 31.08.2012.

K. Makris, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, Z. Musslimani, D. Christodoulides, S. Rotter:
"Constant -Intensity Waves in Non-Hermitian Potentials";
Vortrag: 13th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, Jerusalem, Jerusalem (eingeladen); 11.07.2015 - 17.07.2015.

K. Makris, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, Z. Musslimani, D. Christodoulides, S. Rotter:
"Constant-Intensity waves in Media with Gain and Loss";
Vortrag: META'16, 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Malaga; 25.07.2016 - 28.07.2016.

K. Makris, A. Brandstötter, S. Rotter:
"Broadband perfect transmission through non-Hermitian disordered media";
Vortrag: CLEO 2018, San Jose; 13.05.2018 - 18.05.2018.

K. Makris, A. Brandstötter, S. Rotter:
"Shaping of light in non-Hermitian disordered media";
Vortrag: META 2019, the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Lisbon (eingeladen); 23.07.2019 - 26.07.2019.

K. Makris, J. Cole, Z. Musslimani, D. Christodoulides, S. Rotter:
"Non-Hermitian Modulation Instability";
Vortrag: META'16, 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Malaga (eingeladen); 25.07.2016 - 28.07.2016.

K. Makris, L. Ge, H.E. Türeci:
"Anomalous transient amplification in lossy waveguides";
Poster: CLEO, San Jose, California, USA; 08.06.2014 - 13.06.2014.

K. Makris, Z. Musslimani, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, D. Christodoulides, S. Rotter:
"Constant intensity waves in non-hermitian potentials";
Vortrag: LMS joint research group meeting: New mathematical methods for open quantum systems, London (eingeladen); 18.08.2015.

K. Makris, Z. Musslimani, D. Christodoulides, S. Rotter:
"Constant-intensity Waves in Non-hermitian Optical Systems";
Vortrag: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prag (eingeladen); 06.07.2015 - 09.07.2015.

K. Makris, Z. Musslimani, D. Christodoulides, S. Rotter:
"Constant-intensity waves in non-Hermitian potentials";
Vortrag: 15th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, Palermo (eingeladen); 18.05.2015 - 23.05.2015.

K. Makris, S. Rotter, D. Christodoulides:
"PT-symmetric synthetic materials";
Vortrag: SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Cambridge (eingeladen); 11.08.2014 - 14.08.2014.

M. Malekakhlagh, H.E. Tureci, D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian Qubit Dynamics in Multimode Superconducting circuit cavities";
Vortrag: APS March Meeting 2014, Denver, Colorado; 03.03.2014 - 07.03.2014.

W. Meissl, A.S. El-Said, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, S. Facsko, R. Heller, C. Lemell, I. Gebeshuber, J. Burgdörfer, C. Trautmann, M. Toulemonde, J. Ullrich, W. Möller, F. Aumayr:
"Observation of a potential energy threshold in nano-hillock formation on CaF2(111) by impact of slow highly charged ions";
Poster: 2nd Annual Meeting of the ITS-LEIF network, Fodele Beach, Crète/Greece; 03.05.2007.

W. Meissl, R. Ginzel, R. Heller, A.S. El-Said, G. Kowarik, C. Vasko, C. Gösselsberger, R. Ritter, B. Solleder, M. Simon, S. Facsko, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, C. Lemell, R. Papaléo, W. Möller, J. Ullrich, J. Burgdörfer, F. Aumayr:
"Potential energy - induced nanostructuring of insulator surfaces by impact of slow, very highly charged ions";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (XXVI ICPEAC), Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; 27.07.2009.

W. Meissl, R. Heller, A.S. El-Said, R. Ritter, M. Simon, R. Ginzel, B. Solleder, S. Facsko, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, C. Lemell, I. Gebeshuber, W. Möller, J. Ullrich, J. Burgdörfer, F. Aumayr:
"How the potential energy of slow highly charged ions can induce the formation of nano-hillocks on CaF2";
Poster: 3rd Annual Meeting of the EU network ITS-LEIF, Da Balaia, Algarve/Portugal; 21.05.2008.

L. Mennel, V. Smejkal, F. Libisch, T. Müller:
"Second-harmonic generation in two-dimensional semiconductors";
Vortrag: Graphene Flagship Meeting, Cambridge, England; 12.11.2018 - 14.11.2018.

J.J. Mestayer, W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning, S. Yoshida, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Electric dipole echoes and noise-induced decoherence";
Vortrag: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany (eingeladen); 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007.

M. Michalcik:
"Giant magnons and single spikes on the deformed Sasaki-Einstein space T1,1";
Vortrag: Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Masaryk University, Czech Republic; 01.07.2010.

T. Milburn, J. Doppler, C. Holmes, S. Portolan, A. Girschik, F. Libisch, A. Mailybaev, P. Rabl, S. Rotter:
"General description of quasi-adiabatic dynamical phenomena near exceptional points";
Vortrag: 13th Workshop on Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators (PHHQP13), Jerusalem (eingeladen); 12.07.2015 - 16.07.2015.

T. Milburn, J. Doppler, C. Holmes, S. Portolan, S. Rotter, P. Rabl:
"General dynamical description of quasi-adiabatically encircling exceptional points";
Poster: 15th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, Palermo; 18.05.2015 - 23.05.2015.

T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Open quantum system approach for hydrogenic ions subject to multiple collisions and the interactions with the radiation field";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA; 29.05.2002.

T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum trajectory Monte Carlo Method for multilevel coherent radiative decay";
Vortrag: XVIII International Conference on Atomic Physics, Cambridge, USA; 29.07.2002.

T. Minami, M. Seliger, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Monte Carlo wavefunction method for ion-solid collisions";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm; 23.07.2003.

B. Mladek:
"Clustering transition in soft matter systems";
Vortrag: TAM 2006, Barcelona, Spain (eingeladen); 14.06.2006 - 16.06.2006.

B. Mladek:
"Exotic structures in soft material design";
Vortrag: Einsteins in the City 2, The City College, New York, USA; 31.10.2007.

B. Mladek:
"Exotic sturctures formed by soft materials";
Vortrag: 1st Joint Austrian & Slovenian Polymer Meeting ASPM 2008, Graz, Austria; 03/2008.

B. Mladek:
"Formation of clustered crystals in soft matter in the absence of attractive forces";
Vortrag: AMOLF 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (eingeladen); 11.10.2005.

B. Mladek:
"Hyperstructures formed by clusters in purely repulsive soft matter systems";
Vortrag: 31st Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Mechanics (MECO31), Primosten, Croatia; 23.04.2006 - 26.04.2006.

B. Mladek:
"Phase coexistence of cluster crystals";
Vortrag: Amsterdam - New Amsterdam, Nemo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 14.12.2007.

B. Mladek:
"Phase stability of cluster crystals";
Vortrag: CMS-Science College Seminar, Vienna; 28.11.2007.

B. Mladek:
"The self consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation";
Vortrag: Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf; 26.11.2004.

B. Mladek:
"The thermodynamics of cluster crystals";
Vortrag: AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 15.03.2007.

B. Mladek:
"Thermodynamically self-consistent liquid state theories for systems with bounded potentials";
Vortrag: Erwin Schroedinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria; 30.06.2004.

B. Mladek, P. Charbonneau, D. Frenkel:
"Free energy simulation of multiply occupied crystals";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference 2007 (ISMC), Aachen, Germany; 01.10.2007 - 04.10.2007.

B. Mladek, P. Charbonneau, D. Frenkel:
"The thermodynamics of multiple occupancy crystals";
Poster: Soft, Complex, and Biological Matter Conference (SOCOBIM 2007), Terrasini, Italy; 15.07.2007.

B. Mladek, P. Charbonneau, C. N. Likos, D. Frenkel, G. Kahl:
"Multiple-occupancy crystals formed by purely repulsive, soft particles";
Vortrag: 7th Liquid Matter Conference 2008, Lund, Sweden (eingeladen); 07/2008.

B. Mladek, P. Charbonneau, C. N. Likos, D. Frenkel, G. Kahl:
"Phase coexistence of multiple-occupancy crystals";
Poster: SimBioMa2008, Konstanz, Germany; 04/2008.

B. Mladek, D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, G. Neumann:
"Computer simulations for the clustering transition in the generalized Gaussion core model";
Vortrag: Conference of the ESF Program SIMU "Bridging the Scales", Genova, Italy; 29.08.2004 - 31.08.2004.

B. Mladek, D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, G. Neumann, C. N. Likos:
"Hyperstructures formed by clusters in purely repulsive soft matter systems";
Poster: Mesoscale Simulation Techniques for Soft Matter Systems (MESOSIM 2006), Jülich, Germany; 05.04.2006 - 07.04.2006.

B. Mladek, D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, M. Neumann:
"Clustering for systems with bounded potentials";
Poster: Center for Computational Materials Science, Wien, Österreich; 14.12.2004.

B. Mladek, D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, M. Neumann, C. N. Likos:
"Evidence for clustering transitions in soft matter";
Poster: 6th Liquid Matter Conference 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands; 02.07.2005 - 06.07.2005.

B. Mladek, D. Gottwald, G. Kahl, M. Neumann, C. N. Likos:
"Formation of polymorphic cluster phases for purely repulsive soft systems";
Vortrag: Seventh Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Lednice, Czech Republic; 11.06.2006 - 16.06.2006.

B. Mladek, D. Gottwald, G. Neumann, G. Kahl:
"The clustering transition in the generalized Gaussion core model";
Poster: Soft Matter Days, Kerkrade, The Netherlands; 16.11.2004 - 19.11.2004.

B. Mladek, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Amphiphilic dendrimers: macromolecules that show clustering behavior";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference 2007 (ISMC), Aachen, Germany; 01.10.2007 - 04.10.2007.

B. Mladek, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Dense-shell dendrimers - macromolecules that show clustering transitions";
Poster: Soft, Complex, and Biological Matter Conference (SOCOBIM 2007), Terrasini, Italy; 15.07.2007 - 19.07.2007.

B. Mladek, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos, P. Charbonneau, D. Frenkel:
"Exotic structures formed by soft materials";
Vortrag: Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductors, Planneralm, Donnersbach, Austria; 02/2008.

B. Mladek, G. Kahl, G. Neumann:
"Thermodynamically self consistent liquid state theories for the Gaussian core model.";
Poster: 6th Liquid Matter Conference 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands; 02.07.2005 - 06.07.2005.

B. Mladek, M. Neumann, G. Kahl:
"Integral equation theories and computer simulations for systems with bounded potentials";
Vortrag: Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields (CODEF), Bonn, Germany; 29.03.2004 - 01.04.2004.

M. Montes Saralegui:
"Cluster Formation of Amphiphilic Polymer Chains";
Vortrag: 11th Greta Pifat-Mrzljak International School of Biophysics, Primosten, Kroatien; 30.09.2012 - 09.10.2012.

M. Montes Saralegui:
"Compression experiments on ultrasoft cluster crystals";
Vortrag: ViCoM Young Researchers Meeting 2014, TU Wien, Österreich; 22.04.2014 - 23.04.2014.

M. Montes Saralegui:
"Computation of the equation-of-state of an ultrasoft cluster forming system via a molecular dynamics simulation";
Vortrag: Central European Statistical Physics Mini-Meeting, Budapest (Hungary); 12.06.2014 - 13.06.2014.

M. Montes Saralegui:
"Effective interactions in polymer chains with amphiphilic side groups";
Vortrag: Annual COMPLOIDS Meeting, Edinburgh, UK; 30.05.2012 - 02.06.2012.

M. Montes Saralegui:
"In- and out-of-equilibrium simulations of polymeric molecules at the monomeric and the coarse-grained level";
Vortrag: CMS Seminar, Wien; 02.03.2015.

M. Montes Saralegui:
"Ultrasoft, cluster-forming systems under compression";
Vortrag: Seminario Instituto de Quimica-Fisica Rocasolano, Madrid (Spain); 04.03.2014.

M. Montes Saralegui, G. Kahl:
"Effective many body interactions in monomer-resolved models of cluster-forming macromolecules";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal); 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

M. Montes Saralegui, G. Kahl:
"Ordered cluster forming systems under external pressure";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom; 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

M. Montes Saralegui, G. Kahl:
"Ordered cluster forming systems under external pressure";
Poster: Physics of Complex Colloids Conference, Ljubljiana; 14.05.2013 - 18.05.2013.

M. Montes Saralegui, G. Kahl:
"State dependence of effecrive interaction between mesoscopic size macromolecules";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom; 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

M. Montes Saralegui, G. Kahl:
"State dependent of effective interactions between mesoscopic size macromolecules";
Poster: From Electrons to Phase Transitions ViCoM Conference, Wien; 02/2014.

M. Montes Saralegui, G. Kahl:
"Ultrasoft, cluster-forming systems under compression";
Poster: 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon (Portugal)ç; 21.07.2014 - 25.07.2014.

M. Montes Saralegui, A. Nikoubashman, G. Kahl:
"Cluster Formation of Amphiphilic Polymer Chains";
Poster: 11th Greta Pifat-Mrzljak International School of Biophysics, Primosten, Kroatien; 30.09.2012 - 09.10.2012.

M. Montes Saralegui, A. Nikoubashman, G. Kahl:
"Clustering Polymer Chains with Amphiphilic Side Groups";
Poster: International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" - Course CLXXXIV - "Physics of Complex Colloids", Varenna, Italien; 03.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

M. Montes Saralegui, A. Nikoubashman, G. Kahl:
"Particle-Hopping as a Transport Mechanism in Ultrasoft Cluster Crystals";
Poster: MOLSIM, Amsterdam; 01/2012.

D. Mueller, A. Ipp, D. Gelfand:
"Colored particle-in-cell simulations for heavy ion collisions";
Vortrag: International School Of Nuclear Physics 38th Course, Nuclear matter under extreme conditions - Relativistic heavy-ion collisions, Erice, Sicily; 21.09.2016.

D. Mueller, A. Ipp, D. Gelfand:
"Colored particle-in-cell simulations for heavy-ion collisions";
Vortrag: 3rd International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (InitialStages2016), Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus, Lisboa, Portugal; 25.05.2016 - 27.05.2016.

D. Mueller, A. Ipp, D. Gelfand:
"Re-examining particle-in-cell simulations";
Poster: 53. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming Winter School 2015, Schladming; 01.03.2015 - 06.03.2015.

D. Mueller, A. Ipp, D. Gelfand:
"Simulating collisions of thick nuclei in the color glass condensate framework";
Vortrag: Instituto Gallego de Física de Altas Energías (IGFAE) Seminar, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain (eingeladen); 07.09.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"A new nonperturbative framework and QCD";
Vortrag: International Center for Theoretical Sciences-TIFR, Bangalore, India (eingeladen); 27.09.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"A new nonperturbative framework and QCD";
Vortrag: Colloquium at Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata, India (eingeladen); 21.09.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"A new nonperturbative framework for QCD";
Vortrag: Department of Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,, Mumbai (eingeladen); 09.09.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"A new paradigm for strongly correlated matter";
Vortrag: Colloquium at Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida, India (eingeladen); 15.09.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Explorations into new effective frameworks";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Seminar at University of Vienna, Wien, Österreich; 19.01.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"New nonperturbative frameworks for quantum many-body systems";
Vortrag: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin/Germany (eingeladen); 29.06.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Quantum kinetics and statistical mechanics of "unparticles"";
Vortrag: School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (eingeladen); 19.06.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Reconstructing holography as RG flow and applications";
Vortrag: 11th Vienna Central European Seminar, University of Vienna, Vienna (eingeladen); 27.11.2015 - 28.11.2015.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Reconstructing holography as RG flow and applications";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at Groningen U, Groningen, Netherlands (eingeladen); 14.01.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Semiholographic model for hybrid thermalisation of quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: CERN, Theory Division, Geneva, Switzerland (eingeladen); 07.11.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Semiholographic QFTs and applications";
Vortrag: Seminar Talk at Imperial College London, London (eingeladen); 11.05.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Semiholography for heavy ion collisions";
Vortrag: XIIth Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Thessaloniki (eingeladen); 30.08.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Semiholography for QCD";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at U Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (eingeladen); 28.01.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay:
"Thermalization of Schwinger-Keldysh correlation functions in holography";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2016, Stavanger, Norwegen; 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016.

A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Preis, A. Rebhan, S. Stricker:
"Semi-holography for heavy ion collisions";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2016, Stavanger, Norwegen; 11.07.2016 - 15.07.2016.

S. Nagele:
"Attosecond Chronoscopy of Photoemission";
Vortrag: International Conference on Extreme Light (ICEL 2015), Bukarest (eingeladen); 23.11.2015 - 27.11.2015.

S. Nagele:
"Time-resolved photoemission by attosecond streaking";
Vortrag: 43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2012), Orange County, California, USA (eingeladen); 04.06.2012 - 08.06.2012.

S. Nagele, I. Brezinova, F. Libisch, K.-M. Schiessl, J. Feist, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Physics of non-linear and complex systems";
Vortrag: Computational Science and Engineering Workshop (CSE 2009), Rust/Burgenland; 08.01.2009 - 09.01.2009.

S. Nagele et al.:
"Time-resolved photoionization on the attosecond scale";
Vortrag: invited seminar talk, IAFE, Buenos Aires, Argentina (eingeladen); 20.11.2013.

S. Nagele et al.:
"Ultrafast electronic dynamics in one- and two-electron atoms";
Vortrag: invited seminar talk, Peking university, Peking, China (eingeladen); 01.08.2013.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, S. Borbély, K. Tökési, L. Nagy, J. Burgdörfer:
"Single and double ionization of He by slow antiproton impact";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (XXVI ICPEAC), Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA; 22.07.2009 - 28.07.2009.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Studying the dynamics of double ionization of rare gas atoms in XUV-IR pump-probe setups";
Poster: IMPRS MAP summer workshop 2010, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 01.08.2010 - 06.08.2010.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, R. Pazourek, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond electronic dynamics in helium probed by ultrashort lasers";
Vortrag: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, TU Wien; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ionization dynamics in (multi-photon) double ionization of rare gas atoms";
Vortrag: ADLIS Workshop 2009, München, Germany; 02.02.2008 - 04.02.2008.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Nonsequential two-photon double ionization of helium by intense vuv pulses";
Poster: Workshop on Interaction of Free-Electron-Laser Radiation with Matter, Hamburg, Germany; 07.10.2008 - 10.10.2008.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, R. Pazourek, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Study of shake-up states in helium by XUV-IR pump-probe experiments";
Vortrag: 40th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2009), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA; 19.05.2009 - 23.05.2009.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Extracting the shake-up amplitudes from XUV-IR pump-probe experiments";
Poster: DAMOP 2008, State College, Pennsylvania, USA; 27.05.2008 - 31.05.2008.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Study of shake-up states by XUV-IR pump-probe experiments";
Vortrag: 11th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2008), Heidelberg, Germany; 23.09.2008.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Study of shake-up states by XUV-IR pump-probe experiments";
Vortrag: Annual Meeting of the IMPRS-APS, Schloss Ringberg, Germany; 20.10.2008 - 22.10.2008.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Study of shake-up states by XUV-IR pump-probe experiments";
Poster: 11th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2008), Heidelberg, Germany; 18.09.2008 - 23.09.2008.

S. Nagele, J. Feist, C. Ticknor, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Studying wave packet dynamics in helium using XUV-XUV pump-probe setups";
Vortrag: Annual Meeting of the IMPRS-APS, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, München, Germany; 15.12.2010 - 16.12.2010.

S. Nagele, M. Liertzer, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Neutron impact ionization of helium";
Poster: 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP 10), Salamanca/Spain; 04.07.2010 - 09.07.2010.

S. Nagele, S. Lopéz, D. Arbó, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time delays in multi-photon above-threshold ionization";
Poster: 5th International Conference on Attosecond Physics, Saint-Sauveur, Québec, Kanada; 06.07.2015 - 10.07.2015.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing time-ordering in two-photon double ionization of helium on the attosecond time scale";
Poster: 1st XLIC Work Group 1 (Ultrafast electron dynamics in molecules) meeting, London, UK (EU); 03.07.2014 - 04.07.2014.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, K. Doblhoff-Dier, J. Feist, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoemission by attosecond streaking";
Vortrag: Annual Meeting of the IMPRS-APS 2011, Kreuth; 24.07.2011 - 27.07.2011.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Understanding time-resolved photoemission";
Poster: 4th International Conference of Attosecond Physics (ATTO2013), Paris; 08.07.2013 - 12.07.2013.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Unravelling time-resolved photoemission by attosecond streaking";
Poster: 11th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons 2013 (ECAMP-11), Aarhus University/Denmark; 24.06.2013 - 28.06.2013.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, J. Feist, K. Doblhoff-Dier, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved atomic photoemission by attosecond streaking";
Poster: The 3rd International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO3), Sapporo; 06.07.2011 - 08.07.2011.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, J. Feist, K. Doblhoff-Dier, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoemission by attosecond streaking: extraction of time information";
Poster: 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2011), Atlanta; 13.06.2011 - 17.06.2011.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, G. Wachter, M. Wais, Q.-C. Ning, L.-Y. Peng, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond Chronoscopy of Photoemission";
Poster: Free Electron Lasers and Attosecond Light Sources: portals to ultrafast dynamics in AMO systems, London, UK (EU); 30.06.2014 - 02.07.2014.

S. Nagele, R. Pazourek, G. Wachter, M. Wais, Q.-C. Ning, L.-Y. Peng, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoemission from simple molecules and endohedral fullerenes";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes 2014, Waltham, MA (USA); 15.06.2014 - 20.06.2014.

S. Nagele, G. Wachter, M. Wais, R. Pazourek, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoemission from endohedral fullerenes";
Poster: 5th International Conference on Attosecond Physics, Saint-Sauveur, Québec, Kanada; 06.07.2015 - 10.07.2015.

H. Ni:
"Quantum battle on tunnelling";
Vortrag: Quantum Battles 2020, London, UK (eingeladen); 01.07.2020 - 03.07.2020.

H. Ni:
"Strong-Field Dynamics Time-Resolved by Backpropagation";
Vortrag: 2021 QUTIF International Conference, Hannover, Deutschland (eingeladen); 22.02.2021 - 25.02.2021.

H. Ni, S. Brennecke, X. Gao, P. He, S. Donsa, I. Brezinova, F. He, J. Wu, M. Lein, X. Tong, J. Burgdörfer:
"Subcyle nondipole nonadiabatic linear momentum transfer in tunneling ionization";
Vortrag: 32nd International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2021), Kanada, virtuel (eingeladen); 20.07.2021 - 23.07.2021.

H. Ni, S. Brennecke, X. Gao, P. He, S. Donsa, I. Brezinova, F. He, J. Wu, M. Lein, X. Tong, J. Burgdörfer:
"Theory of subcycle linear momentum transfer in strong-field tunneling ionization";
Vortrag: The 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Shanghai, China; 16.11.2020 - 19.11.2020.

H. Ni, S. Donsa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Subcycle transfer of photon momentum in nondipole tunneling ionization";
Poster: 31st International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXXI ICPEAC), Deauville, Normandy/France; 23.07.2019 - 30.07.2019.

H. Ni, S. Donsa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Subcycle transfer of photon momentum in nondipole tunneling ionization";
Poster: 7th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology, Szeged, Hungary; 01.07.2019 - 05.07.2019.

H. Ni, S. Donsa, J. Burgdörfer:
"Subcycle transfer of photon momentum in nondipole tunneling ionization";
Poster: 14th Femtochemistry Conference, Shanghai, China; 28.07.2019 - 02.08.2019.

M. Nigsch:
"Time-dependent scattering by arrays of elliptic cylinders";
Vortrag: Waves 2005, Providence, Road Island, USA; 21.06.2005.

A. Nikoubashman:
"Complex Fluids under Flow";
Vortrag: Physikalisches Seminar, Stuttgart, Deutschland (eingeladen); 21.07.2011.

A. Nikoubashman:
"Diffusion in Periodic Porous Nanostructures";
Vortrag: ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland; 16.04.2012.

A. Nikoubashman:
"Driven Particle Transport Through Narrow Channels";
Vortrag: Annual COMPLOIDS Meeting, Edinburgh, UK; 30.05.2012 - 02.06.2012.

A. Nikoubashman:
"Non-Equilibrium Computer Experiments of Soft Matter Systems";
Vortrag: Princeton University, Princeton, USA; 13.03.2012.

A. Nikoubashman, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Cluster Crystals under Shear";
Poster: Jülich Soft Matter Days 2011, Jülich, Deutschland; 15.11.2011 - 18.11.2011.

W. Palfinger, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transmission of HCI through insulator nanocapillaries";
Vortrag: 11th International Conference on Highly Charged Ions, Caen, France; 05.09.2002.

D. Parganlija:
"Glueballs and vector mesons at NICA";
Vortrag: Meeting of the working group on theory of hadronic matter under extreme conditions, Dubna, Russland (eingeladen); 31.10.2016 - 03.11.2016.

D. Parganlija:
"Glueballs: an Unfulfilled Promise of the Strong Interaction?";
Vortrag: Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Polen (eingeladen); 12.10.2015 - 16.10.2015.

D. Parganlija:
"Mysteries of Light and Not-So-Light Scalar Mesons";
Hauptvortrag: Eingeladener Vortrag im Physikalischen Seminar der Universität Graz, Graz (eingeladen); 08.01.2013 - 10.01.2013.

D. Parganlija:
"Mysteries of Light Mesons";
Hauptvortrag: Eingeladener Vortrag am Jozef-Stefan-Institut, Ljubljana/Slowenien, Ljubljana, Slowenien (eingeladen); 24.04.2013 - 26.04.2013.

D. Parganlija:
"Scalar Glueball - the Status Quo and Proposals for Experiments";
Hauptvortrag: Workshop on PANDA Physics Perspectives with Focus on Austrian/SMI Contributions, Wien (eingeladen); 19.02.2015 - 20.02.2015.

D. Parganlija:
"Scalar Glueball and the Excited Scalar Mesons";
Vortrag: Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Polen (eingeladen); 12.10.2015 - 16.10.2015.

D. Parganlija:
"Scalar Quarkonia in Vacuum";
Vortrag: International Summer School on Dense Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions and Astrophysics, Dubna, Russland; 08/2012.

D. Parganlija, P. Kovacs, G. Wolf, F. Giacosa, D. Rischke:
"Mesons in non-perturbative and perturbative regions of QCD";
Vortrag: Conference ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum X", München; 10/2012.

D. Parganlija, P. Kovacs, G. Wolf, F. Giacosa, D. Rischke:
"Scalar and Axial-Vector Mesons in a Three-Flavour Sigma Model";
Vortrag: Excited QCD 2012, Peniche, Portugal; 05/2012.

D. Parganlija, A. Schmitt:
"Broken Superfluidity in Dense Quark Matter";
Vortrag: Second Norwegian Winter Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim (Norway); 13.12.2012 - 15.12.2012.

B. Paripás, G. Vitez, Gy. Víkor, K. Tökési, X.-M. Tong, M. Huttula, A. Calo, H. Askela:
"PCI effect on photon excited Ne k-LL Auger line shape";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm, Sweden; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

T. Paschen, M. Förster, M. Krüger, C. Lemell, G. Wachter, F. Libisch, T. Madlener, J. Burgdörfer, P. Hommelhoff:
"Coherent control of two-color above-threshold photoemission from tungsten nanotips";
Poster: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 01.08.2017.

M. Paur, L. Linhart, F. Libisch, T. Müller:
"Quantum emitters in 2D semiconductors";
Vortrag: TU-D Workshop 2018, Langenlois; 24.09.2018 - 26.09.2018.

G. Pauschenwein:
"Equilibrium crystal structures for colloidal suspensions";
Poster: FWF WK04:CMS evaluation poster session, Vienna; 28.11.2007.

G. Pauschenwein, J.-M. Caillol, D. Levesque, J.-J. Weis, E. Schöll-Paschinger, G. Kahl:
"Liquid-vapor transition of systems with mean field universality class";
Poster: 32nd Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, Ladek Zdrój, Poland; 16.04.2007 - 18.04.2007.

G. Pauschenwein, J.-M. Caillol, D. Levesque, J.-J. Weis, E. Schöll-Paschinger, G. Kahl:
"Liquid-vapour phase behaviour of systems with mean field universality class";
Vortrag: CECAM 2007, Lyon, France; 04.07.2007 - 10.07.2007.

G. Pauschenwein, J.-M. Caillol, E. Schöll-Paschinger, J.-J. Weis, G. Kahl, D. Levesque:
"Cross-over in the critical behaviour of systems with long-range interactions";
Poster: Seventh Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Lednice, Czech Republic; 11.06.2006 - 16.06.2006.

G. Pauschenwein, G. Kahl:
"Equilibrium crystal structures for colloidal suspension";
Poster: CODEF 2008, Bonn, Germany; 04/2008.

G. Pauschenwein, G. Kahl:
"Equilibrium crystal structures for suspensions of colloidal hard-core particles";
Poster: 7th Liquid Matter Conference 2008, Lund, Sweden; 07/2008.

G. Pauschenwein, G. Kahl:
"Ordered equilibrium structures of colloidal particles";
Poster: MECO33, Puchberg/Wels, Austria; 04/2008.

G. Pauschenwein, E. Schöll-Paschinger, D. Levesque, J.-J. Weis, G. Kahl:
"A thermodynamically self-consistent liquid state theory for the restricted primitive model of electrolytes";
Poster: 6th Liquid Matter Conference 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands; 02.07.2005 - 06.07.2005.

R. Pazourek:
"Measurement of time delays in atomic photoionization through attosecond streaking";
Vortrag: ITAMP Seminar, Cambridge, MA, USA; 03.06.2010.

R. Pazourek, J. Feist, S. Nagele, A. Kaltenbäck, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Streaking of Shake-Up Ionization";
Vortrag: Workshop "Quantum Dynamic Imaging", Montreal, Canada; 19.10.2009 - 23.10.2009.

R. Pazourek, J. Feist, S. Nagele, E. Persson, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider, J. Burgdörfer:
"Probing shake-up states in He by laser controlled rescattering of XUV photoelectrons";
Vortrag: DPG Spring Meeting 2009 - section AMOP, Hamburg, Germany; 02.03.2009 - 06.03.2009.

R. Pazourek, J. Feist, S. Nagele, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ultrafast two-electron dynamics in helium";
Vortrag: COST WG1 meeting, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium; 12.04.2010 - 16.04.2010.

R. Pazourek, J. Feist, S. Nagele, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Universal features in sequential and nonsequential two-photon double ionization of helium";
Poster: 12th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP12), Sapporo, Japan; 03.07.2011 - 06.07.2011.

R. Pazourek, J. Feist, S. Nagele, G. Schoissengeier, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Two-photon double ionization of helium by chirped attosecond XUV pulses";
Vortrag: 41th Meeting of the Division for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, DAMOP 2010, Houston, TX, USA; 25.05.2010 - 29.05.2010.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond chronoscopy of photoemission";
Vortrag: The International Conference on Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Surfaces MPS-2016, Moskau, Russland (eingeladen); 23.08.2016 - 26.08.2016.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved two-photon double ionization of helium";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference on Photoionization & Photodetachment 2014, Galveston, TX (USA); 23.02.2014 - 28.02.2014.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ab inito simulations for streaking of shake-up ionization in helium";
Vortrag: Annual Meeting of the IMPRS-APS 2010, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, München, Germany; 15.12.2010 - 16.12.2010.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Apparent time delays in atomic attosecond streaking";
Vortrag: Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes, Tilton, NH, USA; 06.06.2010 - 11.06.2010.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond streaking of correlated two-electron transitions";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes 2012, South Hadley, MA, USA; 03.06.2012 - 08.06.2012.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond streaking of correlated two-electron transitions";
Poster: 43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2012), Orange County, California, USA; 04.06.2012 - 08.06.2012.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Streaking of shake-up ionization in helium";
Poster: IMPRS MAP summer workshop 2010, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 01.08.2010 - 06.08.2010.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Theory of Attosecond Delays in Photoionization";
Vortrag: Annual meeting of the IMPRS-APS 2012, Schloss Ringberg, Germany; 15.07.2012 - 18.07.2012.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time-resolved photoemission in atoms - understanding attosecond streaking";
Poster: 4th International Conference of Attosecond Physics (ATTO2013), Paris, Frankreich (EU); 08.07.2013 - 12.07.2013.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, K. Doblhoff-Dier, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Attosecond streaking of photoemission in atoms: Extraction of time information";
Vortrag: Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Atomic and Molecular Processes Induced by Intense Ultrashort Pulses, Debrecen, Ungarn (eingeladen); 27.09.2011 - 30.09.2011.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, A. Kaltenbäck, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Streaking of shake-up ionization";
Poster: APS March Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA; 15.03.2010 - 19.03.2010.

R. Pazourek, S. Nagele, J. Feist, A. Kaltenbäck, E. Persson, B. I. Schneider, L. A. Collins, J. Burgdörfer:
"Streaking of shake-up ionization in helium";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, TU Wien; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010.

U. Pedersen:
"Avoiding kinetic arrest while ensuring thermodynamical stability of functionalized nano-particles";
Vortrag: 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Barcelona; 21.07.2013 - 26.07.2013.

U. Pedersen:
"Computing the solid-liquid Gibbs free energy and the interface growth rate by interface pinning";
Vortrag: Viscous liquids and the glass transition. XI. International workshop, Denmark; 23.05.2013 - 25.05.2013.

U. Pedersen:
"Computing the solid-liquid Gibbs free energy and the interface growth rate by interface pinning";
Poster: Physics of Complex Colloids Conference, Ljubljiana; 14.05.2013 - 18.05.2013.

U. Pedersen:
"Computing the solid-liquid Gibbs free energy difference by interface pinning";
Vortrag: 5th Chalmers-Roskilde Workshop on Liquids and Glasses, Sweden; 23.01.2013 - 25.01.2013.

U. Pedersen:
"Interface Pinning: A Novel Method to Compute Gibbs Free Energy Differences";
Vortrag: SFB-ViCom, Wien; 12.04.2013 - 13.04.2013.

U. Pedersen:
"Tetrahedrally functionalized nano-particles\studied by interface pinning";
Vortrag: CeCam workshop DNA-based self-assembly: theory, simulations and experiments, Wien (eingeladen); 02.12.2013 - 05.12.2013.

U. Pedersen, G. Kahl, C. Dellago:
"Computing the solid-liquid Gibbs free-energy difference and the interface growth rate by interface pinning";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference, Rom; 15.09.2013 - 19.09.2013.

A. Pena, A. Girschik, F. Libisch, S. Rotter, A. Chabanov:
"The single-channel regime of transport through random media";
Vortrag: Summer school "Waves and disorder", Cargese, France (eingeladen); 30.06.2014 - 12.07.2014.

E. Persson:
"Effects beyond quasiclassical tunneling in two-color photoionisation";
Poster: Gordon Research Conferences, Multiphoton Processes, Tilten School, Tilton, NH, USA; 06.06.2010 - 11.06.2010.

E. Persson:
"Effects beyond quasiclassical tunneling in two-color photoionization";
Poster: ECAMP 10, Salamanca, Spain; 05.07.2010 - 09.07.2010.

E. Persson:
"Helium in strong and short XUV fields: two photon double ionization";
Vortrag: Institut für Strahlenphysik Forschungszentrum Dresden, Rossendorf, Germany (eingeladen); 06.01.2010.

E. Persson:
"Quantum chaos in the kicked Rydberg atom";
Vortrag: Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics, Heidelberg, Germany (eingeladen); 23.11.2007.

E. Persson:
"Quantum control of electron localization in molecules driven by trains of half-cycle pulses";
Poster: Gordon Research Conferences, Multiphoton Processes, Tilten School, Tilton, NH, USA; 06.06.2010 - 11.06.2010.

E. Persson:
"Quantum control of electron localization in molecules driven by trains of half-cycle pulses";
Poster: ECAMP 10, Salamanca, Spain; 05.07.2010 - 09.07.2010.

E. Persson:
"Towards attosecond half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: DPG, München, Deutschland; 21.03.2004.

E. Persson:
"Towards attosecond half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: ADLIS Workshop, Semmering; 31.01.2004.

E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe:
"Quantum control of electron localization in molecules driven by trains of half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: Lund University, Lund (eingeladen); 12.11.2009.

E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe:
"Quantum control of electron localization in molecules driven by trains of half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College, London, UK (eingeladen); 21.09.2009.

E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe:
"Quantum control of electron localization in molecules driven by trains of half-cycle pulses";
Poster: International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Max-Plank-Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany; 23.11.2009 - 27.11.2009.

E. Persson, M. Lezius, K.-M. Schiessl, A. Scrinzi, X.-M. Tong, V.S. Yakovlev, J. Burgdörfer:
"Towards attosecond half-cycle pulse";
Vortrag: Intense Laser-Matter Interaction and Pulse Propagation, MPI, Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 01.08.2005 - 24.08.2005.

E. Persson, M. Lezius, K.-M. Schiessl, A. Scrinzi, X.-M. Tong, V.S. Yakovlev, J. Burgdörfer:
"Towards attosecond half-cycle pulses";
Poster: Intense Laser-Matter Interaction and Pulse Propagation, MPI, Dresden, Germany; 01.08.2005 - 24.08.2005.

E. Persson, M. Pichler, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gräfe:
"Quantum control of electron localization in molecules driven by trains of half-cycle pulses";
Poster: Advances in Strong Field and Attosecond Physics, London, UK; 23.06.2010 - 25.06.2010.

E. Persson, S. Puschkarski, X.-M. Tong, J. Burgdörfer:
"Towards attosecond half cycle pulses";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

E. Persson, S. Puschkarski, X.-M. Tong, J. Burgdörfer:
"Towards attosecond half-cycle pulses ";
Vortrag: Third International Conference on Ultrafast Optics, Vienna; 30.06.2003 - 04.07.2003.

E. Persson, S. Puschkarski, X.-M. Tong, J. Burgdörfer:
"Towards attosecond half-cycle pulses";
Poster: 8th Europ. Conf. on Atomic and Molecular Physics (ECAMP VIII), Rennes, Frankreich; 06.07.2004 - 07.07.2004.

E. Persson, K.-M. Schiessl, A. Scrinzi, J. Burgdörfer:
"Creation of polarized states using a train of unidirected half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: Rice University, Houston, Texas (eingeladen); 03.08.2007.

E. Persson, K.-M. Schiessl, A. Scrinzi, J. Burgdörfer:
"Creation of polarized states using a train of unidirectional half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: 16th International Laser Physics Workshop 2007, León, Mexico; 22.08.2007.

E. Persson, K.-M. Schiessl, A. Scrinzi, J. Burgdörfer:
"Generation and application of attosecond half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: ADLIS-Workshop 2007, Goldegg; 25.02.2007.

E. Persson, K.-M. Schiessl, A. Scrinzi, J. Burgdörfer:
"On the generation of attosecond half-cycle pulses";
Vortrag: 27. EAS-Tagung 2006, Riezlern, Austria; 05.02.2006 - 10.02.2006.

E. Persson, S. Yoshida, X.-M. Tong, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"A Floquet study of the periodically kicked Rydberg atom";
Poster: Resonances - From Physics to Mathematics and Back, MPIPKS, Dresden; 23.01.2004 - 30.01.2004.

E. Persson, S. Yoshida, X.-M. Tong, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum localization in the three-dimensional kicked atom ";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

E. Persson, S. Yoshida, X.-M. Tong, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum localization in the three-dimensional kicked Rydberg atom";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2003, American Physical Society, Boulder, Colorado, USA; 21.05.2003 - 24.05.2003.

E. Persson, S. Yoshida, X.-M. Tong, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Suppression of ionization in the periodically kicked Rydberg atom";
Poster: XVIII International Conference on Atomic Physics, Cambridge, USA; 30.06.2002.

J. Peuron, K. Boguslavski, A. Kurkela, T. Lappi:
"Heavy quark diffusion in an overoccupied gluon plasma";
Vortrag: 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Mit, Usa; 26.07.2021 - 31.07.2021.

J. Peuron, K. Boguslavski, A. Kurkela, T. Lappi:
"Heavy quark diffusion in an overoccupied gluon plasma";
Vortrag: A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2021, Stavanger, Norway; 02.08.2021 - 06.08.2021.

K. Pichler:
"Coherent perfect absorption in disordered media - a random anti-laser";
Vortrag: Invited talk at Theory Lunch Seminar, Wien (eingeladen); 08.01.2019.

K. Pichler:
"Der Anti-Laser - ein perfekter Absorber";
Vortrag: Öffentlicher Vortrag bei einer Volkshochschule, Wien (eingeladen); 21.11.2019.

K. Pichler:
"Optimal wave fields for micromanipulation in complex scattering environments";
Vortrag: Solid state and optics seminar, Yale University, New Haven, USA (eingeladen); 06.02.2020.

K. Pichler, M. Kühmayer, J. Böhm, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"A Random Anti-Laser Implemented by Coherent Perfect Absorption in a Disordered Medium";
Vortrag: Cleo Usa 2019, San José, California; 05.05.2019 - 10.05.2019.

K. Pichler, M. Kühmayer, J. Böhm, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Experimental realization of the random anti-laser";
Vortrag: Foundations of Nonlinear Optics (FoNLO) 2019, Air Force Institut of Technology, Dayton, Ohio (eingeladen); 06.08.2019 - 08.08.2019.

K. Pichler, M. Kühmayer, J. Böhm, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, U. Kuhl, S. Rotter:
"Introducing the random anti-laser: Coherent perfect absorption in disordered media";
Vortrag: Optical Solitons and Frequency Comb Generation, Berlin (eingeladen); 18.09.2019 - 20.09.2019.

R. Pierrat, P. Ambichl, S. Gigan, A. Haber, R. Carminati, S. Rotter:
"An invariance property of light scattering in disordered systems";
Vortrag: Transformations in Optics, Leiden, the Netherlands; 18.05.2015 - 22.05.2015.

R. Pierrat, P. Ambichl, S. Gigan, A. Haber, R. Carminati, S. Rotter:
"An invariance property of wave scattering through disordered media";
Vortrag: Summer school "Waves and disorder", Cargese, France (eingeladen); 30.06.2014 - 12.07.2014.

R. Pierrat, P. Ambichl, S. Gigan, A. Haber, R. Carminati, S. Rotter:
"Invariance Property of Wave Scattering through Disordered Media";
Vortrag: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prag; 06.07.2015 - 09.07.2015.

S. Pleschko, M Fürsatz, I. Gebeshuber, Hp. Winter, C. Lemell, N. Stolterfoht, F. Aumayr:
"2-D scattering distribution of multiply charged ions guided through nano-capillaries";
Poster: 348. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef/D; 21.06.2005.

F. Preis, C. Ecker, A. Mukhopadhyay, A. Rebhan, A. Soloviev:
"Semiholography for heavy ion collisions: recent developments";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2018, Barcelona, Spain; 25.06.2018 - 29.06.2018.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense (holographic) matter";
Vortrag: Workshop ``P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and Dense Matter 2012", Brookhaven (USA) (eingeladen); 25.07.2012 - 27.07.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense (holographic) matter";
Vortrag: Conference ``QCD@Work 2012", Lecce (Italy); 18.06.2012 - 21.06.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: Johns-Hopkins Workshop "AdS/CFT and its Applications", Budapest, Ungarn; 22.06.2011 - 24.06.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: Seminar, MIT, Cambridge, USA (eingeladen); 09.09.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: Seminar, Washington University, St Louis, USA (eingeladen); 15.09.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, USA (eingeladen); 23.09.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense holographic matter";
Vortrag: INT Summer School on Applications of String Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA (eingeladen); 18.07.2011 - 29.07.2011.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Poster: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2012, Swansea, UK; 10.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Vortrag: Workshop "Holography and magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking", Dublin (eingeladen); 19.11.2012 - 22.11.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Vortrag: Workshop ``QCD in strong magnetic fields", Trento (Italy) (eingeladen); 12.11.2012 - 16.11.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Vortrag: ``Hadron Physics from Lattice QCD" (Workshop of the Collaborative Research Center SFB TR55), Graz (eingeladen); 27.09.2012 - 28.09.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt:
"Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter";
Vortrag: Second Norwegian Winter Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim (Norway) (eingeladen); 13.12.2012 - 15.12.2012.

F. Preis, A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Dense Matter in the Sakai Sugimoto Model";
Poster: Chiral Symmetry and Confinement in Cold, Dense Quark Matter, Trento (Italien); 19.06.2010 - 23.06.2010.

T. Prihkna, W. Gawalek, Y. Savchuk, M. Serga, T. Habisreuther, A. Soldatov, S. You, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Noudem, V. Sokolovsky, F. Karau, J. Dellith, M. Wendt, M. Tompsic, V. Moshchil, N. Sergienko, C. Schmidt, D. Litzkendorf, P. Nagorny, V. Sverdun, I. Vajda, J. Kosa:
"MgB2-based materials synthesized under high-pressure";
Vortrag: 7th Int. Workshop PASREG 2010, Washington, D.C., USA; 29.07.2010 - 31.07.2010.

S. Prohazka:
"Non-AdS Higher Spin Gravity";
Vortrag: 66th Yearly Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (2016), Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 27.09.2016 - 29.09.2016.

S. Prohazka:
"Non-AdS Higher Spin Gravity";
Vortrag: ULB seminar, Brüssel (eingeladen); 06.12.2016.

S. Prohazka:
"Non-AdS Higher Spin Gravity";
Vortrag: HET Journal club, Kopenhagen (eingeladen); 07.12.2016.

S. Prohazka:
"Non-AdS Higher Spin Gravity";
Vortrag: Lunch seminar, University of Groningen, Groningen (eingeladen); 01.12.2016.

S. Prohazka:
"Towards Lifshitz holography in 3-dimensional higher spin gravity";
Vortrag: 3rd IPM School and Workshop on Applied AdS/CFT, Teheran (eingeladen); 22.02.2014 - 28.02.2014.

G. Puebla-Hellmann, M. Bachmann, F. Schwarz, G. Kastlunger, H. Riel, K. Venkatesan, H. Berke, R. Stadler, E. Lörtscher:
"Nanopores: A room-temperature stable and scalable platform for molecular electronics";
Vortrag: 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO 2015), Rom, Italien; 27.07.2015 - 30.07.2015.

L. Rachbauer:
"Fisher Information for Optimal Sensing and Particle Manipulation";
Vortrag: VCQ Student Talk, Vienna (eingeladen); 30.05.2022.

M. Rauwolf, R. Wanzenböck, A. Turyanskaya, D. Ingerle, G. Buzanich, S. Lang, R. Windhager, M. Radtke, J. Hofstätter, A. Roschger, P. Roschger, S. Sprio, L. Preti, A. Tampieri, C. Streli:
"Determination of the Oxidation State of Zinc and Strontium in Mineralized Osteosarcoma Tissue by in Micro X-ray Fluorescence XANES";
Poster: 68th Annual Denver X-Ray Conference (2019), Illinois, USA; 05.08.2019 - 09.08.2019.

A. Rebhan:
"AdS/QCD for hadrons and neutron stars";
Vortrag: FAKT Workshop 2022: Particle Physics Retreat, Bruck an der Mur; 24.02.2022 - 25.02.2022.

A. Rebhan:
"An introduction to hot and dense QCD";
Vortrag: European Graduate School Basel-Graz-Tübingen, Double Graduate Day Graz "Physics at its limits: Cosmic Rays, Superstrings and Hot QCD", Graz (eingeladen); 29.11.2007.

A. Rebhan:
"Analytical approaches to the thermodynamics of deconfined quark-gluon matter";
Vortrag: Ohio Center for Theoretical Science Workshop: Effective Field Theories in Physics - From Nano to Tera, Columbus, Ohio (eingeladen); 17.06.2005.

A. Rebhan:
"Anomalies in holographic QCD and the chiral magnetic effect";
Vortrag: CERN, Theory Division, Genf, Schweiz (eingeladen); 14.09.2009.

A. Rebhan:
"Central exclusive production of glueballs and their decay";
Vortrag: Central Exclusive Production at the LHC, Heidelberg, Germany (eingeladen); 06.02.2019.

A. Rebhan:
"Clues on aμHLBL from holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Virtual Workshop on Theoretical Evaluation of the Muon g-2 (FCCP2021), Napoli, Italy (eingeladen); 16.09.2021 - 17.09.2021.

A. Rebhan:
"Electromagnetic signatures of a strongly coupled anisotropic plasma";
Vortrag: Vortrag Universität Bielefeld, Universität Bielefeld (eingeladen); 09.06.2011.

A. Rebhan:
"Gauge/gravity duality and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik, Wien (eingeladen); 09.06.2022.

A. Rebhan:
"Glueball decay patterns from the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: 51st Rencontres de Moriond - QCD and High Energy Interactions, La Thuile (eingeladen); 21.03.2016.

A. Rebhan:
"Glueball spectrum and decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: CEA Saclay, Particle Physics Seminar, Gif-sur-Yvette; 20.06.2014.

A. Rebhan:
"Glueballs and their decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Helsinki Institute of Physics, Helsinki (eingeladen); 07.04.2015.

A. Rebhan:
"Glueballs and their decays in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: 53. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik: Intersection Between QCD and Condensed Matter, Schladming; 01.03.2015 - 06.03.2015.

A. Rebhan:
"Glueballs in Holographic QCD";
Vortrag: 679th WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Quantum Chromodynamics and Its Symmetries, Oberwölz (eingeladen); 09.09.2018 - 15.09.2018.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard anisotropic loops and nonabelian plasma instabilities";
Vortrag: "Hadronic collisions at the LHC and QCD at high density", Ecole de Physique, Les Houches, France (eingeladen); 25.03.2008 - 05.04.2008.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard expanding loops and heavy ion collisions";
Vortrag: "Hadronic collisions at the LHC and QCD at high density", Ecole de Physique, Les Houches, France (eingeladen); 25.03.2008 - 05.04.2008.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard expanding loops and non-Abelian plasma instabilities";
Vortrag: 46. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, "Non-equilibrium aspects of quantum field theory: From cosmology to table-top experiments", Schladming; 28.02.2008 - 01.03.2008.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard loop effective theory and quark-gluon plasma instabilities";
Vortrag: Norwegian Winter Workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim, Norway (eingeladen); 24.02.2010 - 26.02.2010.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard loop effective theory of the (anisotropic) quark gluon plasma";
Vortrag: International School of Nuclear Physics, 30th Course: Heavy-Ion Collisions from the Coulomb Barrier to the Quark-Gluon Plasma, Erice (eingeladen); 16.09.2008 - 24.09.2008.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard loop effective theory: From QCD thermodynamics to color plasma instabilities";
Vortrag: "Quantum Field Theory in Extreme Environments", IPhT, CEA Saclay, Paris (eingeladen); 23.05.2009.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard thermal loop approach to QCD thermodynamics and quark susceptibilities";
Vortrag: ITP Program on QCD and Gauge Theory Dynamics in the RHIC Era, Santa Barbara, USA (eingeladen); 28.05.2002.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard thermal loops and hard dense loops in equilibrium QCD thermodynamics";
Vortrag: "Hadronic collisions at the LHC and QCD at high density", Ecole de Physique, Les Houches, France (eingeladen); 25.03.2008 - 05.04.2008.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard thermal loops for (non-)equilibrium quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: ICTS Program "The Myriad Colorful Ways of Understanding Extreme QCD Matter", Bangalore (eingeladen); 01.04.2019 - 17.04.2019.

A. Rebhan:
"Hard-loop effective actions in hot and dense QCD";
Vortrag: European Graduate School Basel-Graz-Tübingen, Double Graduate Day Graz "Physics at its limits: Cosmic Rays, Superstrings and Hot QCD", Graz (eingeladen); 30.11.2007.

A. Rebhan:
"Holographic glueball decay and other recent results from the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: 3rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Kolymbari, Greece (eingeladen); 28.07.2014 - 06.08.2014.

A. Rebhan:
"Holographic guide to glueball hunting";
Vortrag: Kolloquium am Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid (eingeladen); 25.04.2016.

A. Rebhan:
"Holographic Models of Strongly Coupled Anisotropic Plasmas";
Vortrag: Workshop on Strongly-Interacting Field Theories SIFT, Jena (eingeladen); 14.11.2013 - 16.11.2013.

A. Rebhan:
"Holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Joint DK Workshop Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jean, Graz (eingeladen); 24.10.2014 - 26.10.2014.

A. Rebhan:
"Holographic QCD and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon";
Vortrag: Confronting Large N, Holography, Integrability and Stringy Models with the Real World, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, NY (eingeladen); 04.04.2022.

A. Rebhan:
"Holographic QCD and the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2";
Vortrag: Schwinger-Fest 2022, UCLA, Los Angeles (eingeladen); 16.06.2022.

A. Rebhan:
"HTL-resummed thermodynamics of hot and dense QCD";
Vortrag: Strong and electroweak matter 2002, Heidelberg, Germany (eingeladen); 03.10.2002.

A. Rebhan:
"Implementation of HLbL short distance constraints";
Vortrag: Muon g-2 Theory Initiative Workshop, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan (eingeladen); 28.06.2021 - 03.07.2021.

A. Rebhan:
"Is there a string in my quark soup?";
Hauptvortrag: 51. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik: Extreme QCD in and out of Equilibrium, Schladming (eingeladen); 23.02.2013 - 02.03.2013.

A. Rebhan:
"New analytical results on the thermodynamics of deconfined quark-gluon matter";
Vortrag: Niels-Bohr-Institut, Univ. Kopenhagen, Kopenhagen (eingeladen); 05.07.2004.

A. Rebhan:
"New developments in quark-gluon plasma physics";
Vortrag: Teilchenphysikseminar, Fakultät für Physik der Universität Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 08.06.2010.

A. Rebhan:
"Non-Fermi-liquid specific heat of normal degenerate quark matter";
Vortrag: ECT*-APCTP International Workshop on Novel Approaches to the Nuclear Many-Body Problem: From Nuclei to Stellar Matter, Trento (eingeladen); 15.09.2004.

A. Rebhan:
"Nonabelian plasma instabilities";
Vortrag: Isaac Newton Institute Workshop "Exploring QCD: Deconfinement, Extreme Environments and Holography", Cambridge, UK (eingeladen); 21.08.2007.

A. Rebhan:
"Nonabelian plasma instabilities";
Vortrag: RETUNE 2012 (Relaxation, Turbulence, and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Matter Fields - From Quantum Fluids to High-Energy Physics), Heidelberg (eingeladen); 23.06.2012.

A. Rebhan:
"Nonabelian plasma instabilities in Bjorken expansion";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2008, Amsterdam; 26.08.2008 - 29.08.2008.

A. Rebhan:
"Nonequilibrium dynamics in weakly coupled quark gluon plasma";
Vortrag: Seminar für Teilchen- und Kernphysik, Physikdepartment, TU München, München (eingeladen); 21.07.2009.

A. Rebhan:
"Perturbative QCD at high temperature and/or chemical potential";
Vortrag: Symposium on Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei II - 310. WE-Heraeus Seminar, Oberwölz (eingeladen); 20.09.2003.

A. Rebhan:
"Plasma Instabilities from Hard Expanding Loops";
Vortrag: 12th Polish Workshop on Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, Kielce (eingeladen); 04.11.2016 - 06.11.2016.

A. Rebhan:
"Quark-gluon plasma instabilities in anisotropic expansion";
Vortrag: ECT* Workshop "High energy QCD : from RHIC to LHC", Trento, Italien (eingeladen); 11.01.2007.

A. Rebhan:
"Quark-Gluon-Plasma - The hottest matter ever studied";
Vortrag: Exner Lectures 2017, Wien (eingeladen); 18.10.2017.

A. Rebhan:
"Quark-gluon-plasma instabilities in the hard-loop approximation";
Vortrag: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York (eingeladen); 30.09.2005.

A. Rebhan:
"Quickened Plasma Instabilities in Heavy Ion Collisions";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak matter 2010, Montreal (Kanada); 29.06.2010 - 02.07.2010.

A. Rebhan:
"Recent Progress in QCD at High Temperature";
Vortrag: Common Trends in Cosmology and Particle Physics, Balatonfüred, Hungary, Balatonfüred, Hungary (eingeladen); 23.06.2003 - 28.06.2003.

A. Rebhan:
"Scalar and Tensor Glueball Decay Patterns from the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto Model";
Vortrag: 14th Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, Paris (eingeladen); 15.06.2016.

A. Rebhan:
"Scalar glueball decay rates from string theory";
Vortrag: ECT*-Workshop Spectroscopy of Resonances and QCD, Trento (eingeladen); 10.02.2016.

A. Rebhan:
"Semi-holography for heavy-ion collisions";
Vortrag: Holography Seminar, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford (eingeladen); 17.05.2016.

A. Rebhan:
"Semi-holography for heavy-ion collisions";
Vortrag: CERN TH Institute "The Big Bang and the Little Bangs - Non-equilibrium phenomena in cosmology and in heavy-ion collisions", Geneva (eingeladen); 15.08.2016 - 26.08.2016.

A. Rebhan:
"Semi-holography: Combining weak and strong coupling methodologies";
Vortrag: Abschlusssymposium Doktoratskolleg "Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei and Stars", Graz (eingeladen); 26.02.2018 - 01.03.2018.

A. Rebhan:
"Strong magnetic fields in strongly interacting matter and holography";
Vortrag: Kolloquium, MPI für Physik - Werner-Heisenberg-Institut, München (eingeladen); 15.02.2011.

A. Rebhan:
"Summing bubbles in thermal field theory";
Vortrag: Retirement event Prof. Peter Landshoff, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England (eingeladen); 30.09.2004.

A. Rebhan:
"Surprising Aspects of Quark-Gluon-Plasma due to Supergravity";
Vortrag: Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Workshop "Aspects of Supergravity", Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY (eingeladen); 10.01.2014.

A. Rebhan:
"The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Graduate Physics Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia (eingeladen); 07.03.2022.

A. Rebhan:
"The hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon g−2 from holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Seminar talk at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India (eingeladen); 12.02.2020.

A. Rebhan:
"The hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon g-2 from holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Holographic QCD, Nordita, Stockholm (eingeladen); 24.07.2019.

A. Rebhan:
"The hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon g-2 from holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Seminar talk Uni Regensburg, Regensburg (eingeladen); 17.01.2020.

A. Rebhan:
"Theory of fundamental interactions at TU Wien";
Vortrag: FAKT Workshop (Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft): Particle Physics Retreat, Bruck an der Mur; 28.02.2019 - 01.03.2019.

A. Rebhan:
"Thermal field theory";
Vortrag: ECT* Doctoral Training Programme 2008 "Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions", Trento (eingeladen); 01.07.2008 - 04.07.2008.

A. Rebhan:
"Thermodynamics of Large-Nf QCD at Nonzero Chemical Potential and Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior";
Vortrag: QCD and Dense Matter: From Lattices to Stars, INT, University of Washington, Seattle, USA (eingeladen); 16.04.2004.

A. Rebhan:
"Thermodynamics of QCD at large quark chemical potential";
Vortrag: 29th Johns Hopkins Workshop in Theoretical Physics: "Strong Matter in the Heavens", Budapest (eingeladen); 01.08.2005.

A. Rebhan:
"Weak coupling approach to thermal QCD";
Hauptvortrag: Perimeter Institute Conference "Exotic States of Hot and Dense Matter and their Dual Description", Waterloo, Canada (eingeladen); 22.05.2007.

A. Rebhan:
"Weak coupling expansions in deconfined QCD at small and large quark chemical potential";
Vortrag: ECT* International Workshop on QCD at finite density, Trento, Italien (eingeladen); 24.03.2006.

A. Rebhan:
"Weak coupling techniques for the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: 9`eme Rencontre Itzykson: The New Frontiers of QCD, CEA/SPhT Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, Frankreich (eingeladen); 10.06.2004.

A. Rebhan:
"Weak-coupling techniques for QCD thermodynamics ";
Vortrag: 4th Budapest Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (eingeladen); 03.12.2004.

A. Rebhan:
"Weibel instabilities in anisotropically expanding quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: INT Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Quark-Gluon Plasma, Washington University, Seattle, USA; 27.09.2006.

A. Rebhan, F. Brünner, D. Parganlija:
"Holographic QCD predictions for glueball decay patterns";
Vortrag: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 24.08.2017.

A. Rebhan, C. Ecker, A. Kurkela, A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Preis, A. Soloviev, S. Stricker:
"Semi-Holographic Approach to Quark-Gluon Plasma Physics";
Vortrag: Fire and ice: Hot QCD meets cold and dense matter, Saariselkä, Finland (eingeladen); 03.04.2018 - 07.04.2018.

A. Rebhan, C. Ecker, A. Kurkela, A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Preis, A. Soloviev, S. Stricker:
"Semi-holographic approaches to quark-gluon plasma physics";
Vortrag: Holography and Extreme Chromodynamics (HoloQuark2018), Santiago de Compostela, Spain (eingeladen); 02.07.2018 - 05.07.2018.

A. Rebhan, P. Romatschke:
"Hard-Expanding-Loop Dynamics of Plasma Instabilities";
Poster: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2006, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York; 11.05.2006.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Holographic chiral currents in a magnetic field";
Vortrag: Chiral Symmetry and Confinement in Cold, Dense Quark Matter., Trento; 19.06.2010 - 23.06.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA) (eingeladen); 13.02.2009.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Seminar, Washington University in St Louis (USA) (eingeladen); 29.01.2009.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Seminar, Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 07.05.2009.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"Supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: Seminar, University of Illinois, Chicago (USA) (eingeladen); 02.02.2009.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Washington University in St Louis (USA) (eingeladen); 04.02.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Seminar, Arizona State University, Tempe (USA) (eingeladen); 10.02.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge (USA) (eingeladen); 24.02.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak matter 2010, Montreal (Kanada); 29.06.2010 - 02.07.2010.

A. Rebhan, A. Schmitt, S. Stricker:
"The chiral magnetic effect in holographic QCD";
Vortrag: Hot Matter: Quasiparticles or Quasinormal modes (EMMI workshop), Wien (eingeladen); 24.08.2010 - 28.08.2010.

A. Rebhan, D. Steineder:
"Anisotropic plasmas at weak and strong coupling";
Poster: 49. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik - "Physics at all scales: The Renormalization Group", Schladming; 26.02.2011 - 05.03.2011.

A. Rebhan, D. Steineder:
"Electromagnetic signatures of a strongly coupled anisotropic plasma";
Vortrag: INT Summer School on Applications of String Theory, Seattle, Washington, USA; 18.07.2011 - 29.07.2011.

A. Rebhan, D. Steineder:
"Holographic Models of Strongly Coupled Anisotropic Plasmas";
Vortrag: HoloGrav 2013 Workshop, Helsinki (eingeladen); 04.03.2013 - 08.03.2013.

A. Rebhan, D. Steineder:
"Holographic Models of Strongly Coupled Anisotropic Plasmas";
Vortrag: Holography and QCD - Recent progress and challenges -, Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo, Tokyo (eingeladen); 24.09.2013 - 28.09.2013.

A. Rebhan, D. Steineder:
"Violation of the shear viscosity bound in a strongly coupled anisotropic (N=4 SYM) plasma";
Vortrag: CEA Saclay, Particle Physics Seminar, Gif-sur-Yvette; 08.12.2011.

A. Reiner:
"Anwendung der hierarchischen Referenztheorie auf Einkomponentenflüssigkeiten";
Vortrag: Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Wien, Wien, Austria; 19.06.2002.

A. Reiner, G. Kahl:
"Critical behavior of simple fluids";
Poster: Fifth Liquid Matter Conference, Konstanz, Germany; 17.09.2002.

C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, F.B. Dunning:
"Collisional decoherence of Rydberg wavepackets";
Vortrag: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Argentina; 21.07.2005 - 27.07.2005.

C. O. Reinhold, P.S. Krstic, J. Burgdörfer:
"High-order harmonic genertation by saddle-point promotion";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Williamsburg, USA; 31.05.2002.

C. O. Reinhold, E. Persson, D. Arbó, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning:
"The kicked Rydberg atom: effect of noise and external fields on dynamical stabilization";
Vortrag: 2004 APS Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Tucson, Arizona, USA; 25.05.2004 - 29.05.2004.

C. O. Reinhold, M. Seliger, T. Minami, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, J.J. Mestayer, W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning:
"Open quantum system approach in multiple atomic collisions in solids and gases";
Vortrag: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany (eingeladen); 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007.

C. O. Reinhold, S. Yoshida, F.B. Dunning:
"Field-induced dissociation of Rydberg ion-pair states";
Poster: 27th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXVII ICPEAC), Belfast/UK (eingeladen); 27.07.2011 - 02.08.2011.

C. O. Reinhold, S. Yoshida, C. Wang, F.B. Dunning:
"Electric-field-induced dissociation of heavy Rydberg ion-pair states";
Poster: 42nd Annual DAMOP Meeting, Altanta, Georgia (eingeladen); 13.06.2011 - 17.06.2011.

U. Reinosa:
"2PI effective action and non-perturbative thermodynamics";
Vortrag: Physik Department, TU München, München (eingeladen); 03.06.2005.

U. Reinosa:
"2PI effective action and non-perturbative thermodynamics";
Vortrag: LAPPTH Annecy, Annecy-le-Vieux, France; 31.03.2005.

U. Reinosa:
"2PI effective action and non-perturbative thermodynamics";
Vortrag: Centre de Physique Theorique Marseille, Marseille, France; 30.03.2005.

U. Reinosa:
"2PI effective action and non-perturbative thermodynamics";
Vortrag: Laboratoire de Physique Theorique d'Orsay, Universite Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France; 17.03.2005.

U. Reinosa:
"Renormalization and gauge symmetries for 2PI effective actions";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004, Helsinki, Finnland; 19.06.2004.

E. Riegler:
"Stringtheorie und konvexe Geometrie";
Vortrag: FAKT 2003 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Strobl / Wolfgangsee; 04.10.2003.

M. Riegler:
"Flat Space Holography and Entanglement Entropy in 2 + 1 Dimensions";
Vortrag: Holography and Quantum Information, Kyoto; 31.05.2016 - 03.06.2016.

M. Riegler:
"Flat Space Holography and Entanglement Entropy in 2+1 Dimensions";
Vortrag: Vienna Central European Seminar, Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 27.11.2015 - 28.11.2015.

M. Riegler:
"Higher-Spin Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions";
Vortrag: 64. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Schloss Pöllau; 24.09.2014 - 27.09.2014.

M. Riegler:
"Holography and Entanglement in 2(+1) Dimensions";
Vortrag: Monitoring Workshop Jena 2015, Jena, Deutschland (eingeladen); 28.09.2015 - 29.09.2015.

M. Riegler:
"How General Is Holography?";
Vortrag: Humboldt Kolleg "From the Vacuum to the Universe", Kitzbühel; 26.06.2016 - 01.07.2016.

E. Rivet, A. Brandstötter, K. Makris, H. Lissek, S. Rotter, R. Fleury:
"Constant Pressure Sound Waves in Non-Hermitian Disordered Media";
Vortrag: CLEO 2018, San Jose; 13.05.2018 - 18.05.2018.

N. Rohringer, S. Peter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time dependent density functional theory: A critical case study: Unltra short pulse excitation of interacting two electron systems";
Poster: Intern. Workshop and School: Time Dependent Density Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, Benasque, Frankreich; 28.08.2004 - 12.09.2004.

P. Romatschke:
"Cold deconfined matter EOS through an HTL quasiparticle model";
Poster: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2002, Heidelberg, Germany; 03.10.2002.

P. Romatschke:
"Collective modes of an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: Thematische Sommerschule der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule "Quantum fields in and out of equilibrium", Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Deutschland; 23.09.2003.

P. Romatschke:
"Collective modes of an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: FAKT 2003 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Strobl / Wolfgangsee; 02.10.2003.

P. Romatschke:
"HTL Quasiparticle Models of Deconfined QCD at Finite Chemical Potential";
Vortrag: Common Trends in Cosmology and Particle Physics, Balatonfüred, Hungary, Balatonfüred, Hungary; 23.06.2003 - 28.06.2003.

P. Romatschke:
"Mountains on spirals";
Poster: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004, Helsinki, Finnland; 17.06.2004.

S. Rotter:
"A modular recursive Green's function method: perspectives for future applications";
Vortrag: Workshop on Andreev Billiards 2004, Technische Universität Wien; 06.04.2004.

S. Rotter:
"Ballistic quantum transport at high magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Charged-Particle Transport through Nanostructures and Solids, Debrecen, Hungary (eingeladen); 14.11.2003.

S. Rotter:
"Ballistic quantum transport at high magnetic fields";
Vortrag: University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK (eingeladen); 18.05.2004.

S. Rotter:
"Ballistic quantum transport: recent results and insights";
Vortrag: Kolloquiumsvortrag, Heidelberg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 25.11.2009.

S. Rotter:
"Complex Scattering in Cavities: from Nano- to Macroscale";
Vortrag: Habilitandenseminar der Fakultät Physik, TU-Vienna; 04.03.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Controlling the propagation of waves in complex environments";
Vortrag: Seminar am Institut für Telekommunikation, TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 29.01.2020.

S. Rotter:
"Controlling waves in complex scattering systems";
Vortrag: Theoretical and Applied Computational Inverse Problems, Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Wien; 05.05.2014 - 16.05.2014.

S. Rotter:
"Curious physics with coupled QCLs";
Vortrag: 10 Year Anniversary Symposium of the FWF SFB InfraRed Optical Nanostructures, Vienna (eingeladen); 22.10.2015 - 23.10.2015.

S. Rotter:
"Curious physics with non-Hermitian micro-cavities";
Vortrag: 4th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications (WOMA2015), Sapporo, Japan (eingeladen); 01.12.2015 - 04.12.2015.

S. Rotter:
"Decoherence and Fano resonances in transport through quantum dots";
Vortrag: Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prag, Tschechien; 28.07.2004.

S. Rotter:
"Designing optimal states of light with the Wigner-Smith operator";
Vortrag: CWCM2020, Ein Gedi, Israel (eingeladen); 17.02.2020 - 20.02.2020.

S. Rotter:
"Designing the optimal wave";
Vortrag: Physics Colloquium of the Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel (eingeladen); 20.02.2020.

S. Rotter:
"Designing the optimal wave";
Vortrag: Colloquium BEC Center Trento, Trento (eingeladen); 08.06.2021.

S. Rotter:
"Dressage riding with waves";
Vortrag: Maxwell Society Weekend, London (eingeladen); 27.02.2015 - 01.03.2015.

S. Rotter:
"Dynamically encircling an exceptional point for asymmetric mode switching";
Vortrag: 642. WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Physics: Theory and Experiment", Bad Honnef, Germany (eingeladen); 15.05.2017 - 19.05.2017.

S. Rotter:
"Electron transport through quantum dots with a mixed classisal phase space";
Vortrag: TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 11.06.2004.

S. Rotter:
"Exceptional Points and Loss-induced Lasing in Coupled Micro-disk Lasers";
Vortrag: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prag (eingeladen); 06.07.2015 - 09.07.2015.

S. Rotter:
"Exceptional points, coherent perfect absorption and disorder scattering in non-Hermitian media";
Vortrag: APS March Meeting 2019, Boston, USA (eingeladen); 04.03.2019 - 08.03.2019.

S. Rotter:
"Exceptional Points, Principal Modes and Particle-like Scattering States in Multi-mode Waveguides";
Vortrag: 10th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Brescia (eingeladen); 27.06.2016 - 01.07.2016.

S. Rotter:
"Exceptional Points, Principal Modes and Particle-like Scattering States in Multi-mode Waveguides";
Hauptvortrag: Nice Optics 2016, Nizza (eingeladen); 26.10.2016 - 28.10.2016.

S. Rotter:
"Exceptional Points, Principal Modes and Particle-like Scattering States in Multi-mode Waveguides";
Vortrag: Metamaterials'2017, Marseille (eingeladen); 28.08.2017 - 02.09.2017.

S. Rotter:
"Exploring exceptional points in optics";
Vortrag: Cruising Optics Frontiers, Greece (eingeladen); 13.07.2015 - 17.07.2015.

S. Rotter:
"Exploring the topology of exceptional points";
Vortrag: Informal workshop on "Non-Hermitian, Quantum and Topological Photonics", Trento, Italy (eingeladen); 24.02.2022.

S. Rotter:
"Introducing the random anti-laser: coherent perfect absorption in disordered media";
Vortrag: Waves Cote d'Azur, Nizza (eingeladen); 04.06.2019 - 07.06.2019.

S. Rotter:
"Introducing the random anti-laser: coherent perfect absorption in disordered media";
Vortrag: Yale Solid State & Optics Seminar, New Haven, USA (eingeladen); 07.03.2019.

S. Rotter:
"Introducing the random anti-laser: coherent perfect absorption in disordered media";
Vortrag: Institute Seminar, Institut Langevin, Paris (eingeladen); 05.04.2019.

S. Rotter:
"Introducing the random anti-laser: coherent perfect absorption in disordered media";
Vortrag: Quantum Optics and Laser Science Seminar, Imperial College, London (eingeladen); 13.09.2019.

S. Rotter:
"Laser fields with optimal properties";
Vortrag: NDSL 2021: Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers, Berlin (eingeladen); 16.06.2021 - 18.06.2021.

S. Rotter:
"Lasing and disorder scattering inspired by PT-symmetry";
Vortrag: Discrete 2018, Wien (eingeladen); 26.11.2018 - 30.11.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Lecture series on "Transport through nanostructures in the quantum-to-classical crossover"";
Vortrag: XXIV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days, Heidelberg, Germany (eingeladen); 06.04.2010 - 09.04.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Licht auf dem Weg durch den Würfelzucker";
Vortrag: FIT Workshop 2018, Wien (eingeladen); 29.01.2018 - 31.01.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Light fields in complex media: mesoscopic physics meets wave control";
Hauptvortrag: DPG spring meeting 2018, Berlin (eingeladen); 11.03.2018 - 16.03.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Light fields in complex media: mesoscopic scattering meets wave control";
Hauptvortrag: Complex 2018 Summer School: Transport, mesoscopy and imaging of waves in complex media, Cargese, Frankreich (eingeladen); 28.05.2018 - 01.06.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Light fields in complex media: mesoscopic scattering meets wave control";
Vortrag: Seminar am AKH Wien (Abteilung Optical Imaging), Wien (eingeladen); 15.06.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Light fields in complex media: mesoscopic scattering meets wave control";
Vortrag: Minisymposium on Non-Equilibrium Many-Body Dynamics, Regensburg (eingeladen); 19.07.2018 - 20.07.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Light fields in complex media: mesoscopic scattering meets wave control";
Vortrag: RECENDT Knowledge Club, Linz (eingeladen); 18.09.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Mesoscopic scattering meets wave control";
Vortrag: Spatio-Temporal Control of Waves: From Imaging to Sensing, Cargese, Frankreich (eingeladen); 24.04.2017 - 28.04.2017.

S. Rotter:
"Mesoscopic scattering meets wave control";
Vortrag: EOS Conferences at the World of Photonics Congress (WPC2017), München (eingeladen); 26.07.2017 - 29.07.2017.

S. Rotter:
"Mesoscopic scattering meets wave control";
Vortrag: Seminar at the Institute of Scientific Instruments, Brno (eingeladen); 17.07.2017.

S. Rotter:
"Modal interactions in microlasers";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Universität Graz (eingeladen); 09.11.2009.

S. Rotter:
"Nano, Laser & Quanten - ein Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsgebiete der technischen Physik";
Vortrag: Generalversammlung des Absolventenverbandes, BG/BRG Wieselburg, Wieselburg an der Erlauf, Niederösterreich (eingeladen); 24.11.2017.

S. Rotter:
"New Insights on Coherent Wave Transmission through Disordered Systems";
Vortrag: Workshop on Coherent Phenomena in Disordered Optical Systems, Trieste (eingeladen); 26.05.2014 - 30.05.2014.

S. Rotter:
"New insights on coherent wave transmission through disordered systems";
Vortrag: 9th International Summer School on "Let's face chaos through nonlinear dynamics, Maribor, Slovenia (eingeladen); 22.06.2014 - 06.07.2014.

S. Rotter:
"Non‐Hermitian physics close to exceptional points";
Vortrag: Applied problems with PDEs, Workshop, Wien (eingeladen); 15.12.2015.

S. Rotter:
"Non-Hermitian channels of invisibility across complex media";
Vortrag: Virtual seminar series on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, London (eingeladen); 05.11.2020.

S. Rotter:
"Non-Hermitian News from Lasing, Anti-lasing, and Disorder Scattering";
Vortrag: Synthetic Non-Hermitian Photonic Structures: Recent Results and Future Challenges, Dresden (eingeladen); 13.08.2018 - 16.08.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Non-Hermitian Physics near Exceptional Points";
Vortrag: CoQus Colloquium Vienna, Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 15.02.2016.

S. Rotter:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: CQ Seminar Universität Tübingen, Tübingen (eingeladen); 26.06.2015.

S. Rotter:
"Nonlinear scattering in acoustic, optical and quantum cavities";
Vortrag: Berufungsvortrag am Institut für Theoretische Physik,TU Wien, Wien; 16.12.2009.

S. Rotter:
"Novel photonic devices based on exceptional points and coherent perfect absorption";
Vortrag: 12th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices, Zuse Institute Berlin (eingeladen); 14.02.2019 - 15.02.2019.

S. Rotter:
"Optimal states of light in disordered media: indestructible light beams and maximum information states";
Vortrag: Colloquium talk at TU Graz, Graz (eingeladen); 14.12.2021.

S. Rotter:
"Optimal states of light in disordered media: information retrieval & scattering-invariance";
Vortrag: ÖPG SPS Annual Meeting 2021, Innsbruck (eingeladen); 30.08.2021 - 03.09.2021.

S. Rotter:
"Optimal states of light in disordered media: information retrieval & scattering-invariance";
Vortrag: Queens College Physics Colloquium, Queens College, New York, USA (eingeladen); 18.10.2021.

S. Rotter:
"Optimal wave fronts for information retrieval and for cooling multiple particles";
Vortrag: Wave propagation and control in complex media - From order to disorder 2021, Cargese, Frankreich (online durchgeführt) (eingeladen); 28.06.2021 - 30.06.2021.

S. Rotter:
"Perspectives on laser simulations with a self-consistent lasing theory";
Vortrag: Group seminar Prof. Unterrainer, TU-Vienna (eingeladen); 27.04.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Photon- and Phonon-lasing at the exceptional point";
Vortrag: 653. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Optical Microcavities and Their Applications ("WOMA"), Bad Honnef, Germany (eingeladen); 06.11.2017 - 10.11.2017.

S. Rotter:
"Photon- and Phonon-lasing at the Exceptional Point";
Vortrag: NDSL2018 International Workshop: Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers, Berlin (eingeladen); 18.06.2018 - 20.06.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Playing billiards with electrons";
Vortrag: Kolloquium, Universität Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spanien (eingeladen); 10.06.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Pump-controlled exceptional points and directional random laser emission";
Vortrag: 44th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah (eingeladen); 05.01.2014 - 09.01.2014.

S. Rotter:
"Pump-controlled exceptional points and random laser emission";
Vortrag: IR-ON meeting, Wien (eingeladen); 19.04.2013.

S. Rotter:
"Quantenmechanisches Schrotrauschen in mesoskopischen Systemen";
Vortrag: Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Deutschland (eingeladen); 23.06.2005.

S. Rotter:
"Quantum chaos with neutrons?";
Vortrag: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Atominstitut (eingeladen); 27.05.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Quantum shot noise in mesoscopic conductors";
Vortrag: University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain (eingeladen); 08.09.2005.

S. Rotter:
"Quantum-to-classical crossover of mesoscopic transport";
Vortrag: Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, USA (eingeladen); 19.04.2007.

S. Rotter:
"Resenct results on shot noise in quantum dots";
Vortrag: MPI Dresden, Dresden Deutschland (eingeladen); 08.06.2004.

S. Rotter:
"Reversing the pump-dependence of a laser at an exceptional point";
Vortrag: IR-ON and NextLite Symposium, Vienna (eingeladen); 13.03.2014 - 14.03.2014.

S. Rotter:
"Scattering in complex media: from mesoscopic transport to wave control";
Vortrag: CoQus summer school 2013, Vienna (eingeladen); 02.09.2013 - 06.09.2013.

S. Rotter:
"Self-organized lasing modes in random lasers";
Vortrag: Conference on "Quantum hybrid systems", Heidelberg, Germany (eingeladen); 12.05.2010 - 15.05.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Shot noise in the quantum-to-classical crossover regime";
Vortrag: Condensed Matter Seminar, Yale, USA (eingeladen); 30.03.2006.

S. Rotter:
"Strong interactions in multimode random lasers";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag am Atominstitut, Vienna (eingeladen); 12.12.2008.

S. Rotter:
"Strong Interactions in Multimode Random Lasers";
Vortrag: invited seminar lecture, PDEtech Seminar, Technische Universität Wien (eingeladen); 21.01.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Strong Interactions in Multimode Random Lasers";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, Freiburg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 10.02.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Strong Interactions in Multimode Random Lasers";
Vortrag: Seminar talk, photonics institute, TU-Vienna (eingeladen); 06.05.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Strong Interactions in Multimode Random Lasers";
Vortrag: Vortrag im Gruppenseminar Prof. Ritsch, Uni Innsbruck, Innsbruck (eingeladen); 29.06.2010.

S. Rotter:
"Strong Interactions in Random Lasers";
Vortrag: Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantum Systems, Krasnoyarsk, Russische Föderation; 06.07.2009 - 10.07.2009.

S. Rotter:
"The concept of time in scattering through complex media";
Vortrag: Science Camp on Complex Nano-Photonics, London (eingeladen); 18.08.2015 - 21.08.2015.

S. Rotter:
"The concept of time in scattering through complex media";
Vortrag: Solid state and optics seminar, Yale University, New Haven, USA (eingeladen); 18.01.2017.

S. Rotter:
"The concept of time in scattering through complex media";
Vortrag: Nanophotonics seminar, Utrecht University (eingeladen); 28.08.2017.

S. Rotter:
"The physics of exceptional points";
Vortrag: Yale Quantum Institute Colloquium, New Haven, USA (eingeladen); 20.01.2017.

S. Rotter:
"The physics of exceptional points";
Vortrag: Stuttgarter Physikalisches Kolloquium, Stuttgart (eingeladen); 27.11.2018.

S. Rotter:
"The physics of exceptional points";
Vortrag: Physics Colloquium, University Paris Sud, Paris (eingeladen); 09.04.2019.

S. Rotter:
"The physics of exceptional points";
Vortrag: Institute Seminar, Institut Langevin, Paris (eingeladen); 12.04.2019.

S. Rotter:
"The physics of exceptional points";
Vortrag: Physics Seminar, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (eingeladen); 10.02.2021.

S. Rotter:
"The physics of exceptional points";
Vortrag: Colloquium, University of Crete, Heraklion (eingeladen); 11.03.2021.

S. Rotter:
"The Wigner-Smith operator: time-delay, wave-front shaping and micro-manipulation";
Vortrag: Institute Seminar, Institut Langevin, Paris (eingeladen); 19.04.2019.

S. Rotter:
"Theoretical Quantum Optics for Collectively Coupled Emitters";
Vortrag: Quantum Science Workshop, Tübingen (eingeladen); 11.01.2016.

S. Rotter:
"Topological photonics with exceptional points";
Vortrag: CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017, München; 25.07.2017 - 29.07.2017.

S. Rotter:
"Tunable Fano resonances in transport through quantum dots";
Vortrag: MPI Dresden, Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 04.06.2004.

S. Rotter:
"Was Physiker nach ihrem Studium machen";
Vortrag: Informationsveranstaltung der Fachschaft Physik, Wien (eingeladen); 10.12.2015.

S. Rotter:
"Wave Control and Suppression of Scattering by Non-Hermitian Index Tailoring";
Hauptvortrag: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2022, Hangzhou, China (eingeladen); 25.04.2022 - 29.04.2022.

S. Rotter:
"Wave control and the concept of time in scattering through disordered media";
Vortrag: Seminar der Arbeitsgruppe von Monika Ritsch-Marte, Innsbruck (eingeladen); 12.01.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Wave Engineering in Complex Media";
Hauptvortrag: CLEO 2018, San Jose (eingeladen); 13.05.2018 - 18.05.2018.

S. Rotter:
"Wave engineering with gain and loss: encircling exceptional points and fringe-free scattering through disorder";
Vortrag: Non-Hermitian Photonics in Complex Media: PT-symmetry and beyond, Heraklion (eingeladen); 16.06.2016 - 18.06.2016.

S. Rotter:
"Wavefront shaping with the Wigner-Smith operator";
Vortrag: Seminar on Complex Photonic Systems, Twente, Niederlande (eingeladen); 23.09.2021.

S. Rotter, F. Aigner, J. Burgdörfer:
"Mesoscopic transport and shot noise in the quantum-to-classical crossover";
Vortrag: Department of Applied Physics, Yale, Yale, USA (eingeladen); 23.10.2006.

S. Rotter, F. Aigner, J. Burgdörfer:
"Mesoscopic transport in the quantum-to classical crossover";
Vortrag: Condensed Matter Theory Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge (eingeladen); 14.12.2006.

S. Rotter, F. Aigner, J. Burgdörfer:
"Mesoscopic transport in the quantum-to-classical crossover";
Vortrag: University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (eingeladen); 24.05.2007.

S. Rotter, F. Aigner, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"Suppression of shot noise and divergence of localization lengths in the quantum-to-classical crossover";
Vortrag: Group Seminar, Prof. Eric Heller, Harvard University, Cambridge (eingeladen); 14.12.2006.

S. Rotter, F. Aigner, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Does RMT work for mesoscopic systems with disorder?";
Vortrag: Penetrating Physics by Random Matrices, Cuernavaca, Mexiko; 02.03.2009 - 06.03.2009.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, J. Doppler, T. Hisch, F. Libisch, M. Liertzer:
"Taming waves in theory and experiment";
Vortrag: Zentrum für Optische Quantentechnologien, Hamburg (eingeladen); 15.02.2013.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, J. Doppler, T. Hisch, F. Libisch, M. Liertzer:
"Taming waves in theory and experiment";
Vortrag: Colloquium, University of Crete, Heraklion (eingeladen); 21.02.2013.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, A. Girschik, K. Makris, F. Libisch, A. Pena, L. Ge, Y. Chong, A.D. Stone, A. Chabanov:
"Relating Coherent Transport to Modes in Random and PT-symmetric media";
Vortrag: Transport in Open Quantum Systems: Experiment and Theory, Porquerolles (eingeladen); 21.05.2013 - 25.05.2013.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Creating waves that behave like particles";
Vortrag: Vienna Science Salon, Wien (eingeladen); 25.11.2010.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in transport through complex media";
Vortrag: 7th International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Puebla, Mexiko (eingeladen); 20.09.2010 - 24.09.2010.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: Seminar Institut für Festkörperphysik, TU Wien (eingeladen); 20.06.2008.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: Seminar talk MPIPKS, Dresden, Max-Planck-Institut for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden (eingeladen); 15.10.2010.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: Frühjahrstagung der DPG, 2011, Dresden; 14.03.2011 - 18.03.2011.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: Institutsseminar, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles, ESPCI, Paris (eingeladen); 16.02.2012.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris-Vienna meeting on nano photonics and electronics, Paris (eingeladen); 01.04.2012 - 03.04.2012.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: Non-Hermitian Degeneracies: new directions of research and applications, Technion, Israel (eingeladen); 21.04.2012 - 24.04.2012.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: Quantum Efficiency Seminar, Freiburg (eingeladen); 24.07.2012.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: Christmas Colloqium, CAMTP, Maribor, Maribor, Slowenien (eingeladen); 06.12.2012 - 08.12.2012.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Generating waves that behave like particles";
Vortrag: Vortrag anlässlich eines runden Tisches, organisiert von der Fachschaft Physik der TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 05.05.2011.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch:
"Wellen die sich wie Teilchen gebärden";
Vortrag: Metaday, Wien (eingeladen); 10.06.2011.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, F. Libisch, K. Makris:
"Time-delay eigenstates and PT-symmetry";
Vortrag: 7th IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, Georgia, USA; 04.04.2011 - 07.04.2011.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, M. Liertzer, M. Brandstetter, K. Makris, T. Hisch, L. Ge, Y. Chong, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci, C. Deutsch, K. Unterrainer:
"Exceptional points in gain-loss structures";
Vortrag: 12th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics, Koç University, Istanbul (eingeladen); 02.07.2013 - 06.07.2013.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, J. Doppler, F. Libisch, D. Pogany:
"Taming waves in theory and experiment";
Vortrag: Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Graz / Technische Universität Graz, Graz, Österreich (eingeladen); 19.06.2013.

S. Rotter, P. Ambichl, M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, F. Libisch, D. Pogany, F. Mintert:
"Complex scattering and lasing photonic micro-structures";
Vortrag: Seminar talk, Brunel University, London (eingeladen); 06.07.2013.

S. Rotter, R. Amsüss, D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, J. Majer, T. Nöbauer, S. Putz, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, H.E. Tureci, A. Valookaran:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Hauptvortrag: XXXIV Dynamics Days Europe, Bayreuth (eingeladen); 08.09.2014 - 12.09.2014.

S. Rotter, R. Amsüss, D. Krimer, M. Liertzer, J. Majer, T. Nöbauer, S. Putz, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, H.E. Tureci, A. Valookaran:
"Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics in the Strong-Coupling Limit of Cavity QED";
Vortrag: SFB Seminar TU-Berlin, Berlin (eingeladen); 29.09.2014.

S. Rotter, A. Bärnthaler, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gehler, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann:
"Probing decoherence through Fano resonances";
Vortrag: Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity: Theory, Methods and Applications, Thessaloniki (eingeladen); 12.07.2010 - 16.07.2010.

S. Rotter, A. Bärnthaler, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gehler, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann:
"Probing decoherence through Fano resonances";
Vortrag: Austrian-Chinese Workshop on Dissipative Systems: Kinetic Theory and Semiconductor Applications, Wien (eingeladen); 03.11.2010 - 05.11.2010.

S. Rotter, A. Bärnthaler, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, S. Gehler, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann:
"Probing decoherence through Fano resonances";
Vortrag: Frühjahrstagung der DPG, 2011, Dresden; 14.03.2011 - 18.03.2011.

S. Rotter, A. Cresti:
"Shot noise in transport through quantum dots: investigating the role of the contacts";
Vortrag: 20th International conference on noise and fluctuations, Pisa; 14.06.2009 - 19.06.2009.

S. Rotter, J. Doppler, F. Izrailev, J. Méndez-Bermúdez, N. Makarov, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann, O. Dietz:
"Quantitative Description of Coherent Transport through Surface-disordered Wires";
Poster: Transport in Open Quantum Systems: Experiment and Theory, Porquerolles, Frankreich (eingeladen); 21.05.2013 - 25.05.2013.

S. Rotter et al.:
"Generating particle-like scattering states in wave transport";
Vortrag: IFP-Seminar, Wien (eingeladen); 20.06.2011.

S. Rotter, J. Feist, A. Bäcker, R. Ketzmerick, B. Huckestein, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transport through nano-wires with surface roughness";
Vortrag: Tunneling and Scattering in Complex Systems - From Single to Many Particle Physics, Dresden, Germany; 14.09.2009 - 18.09.2009.

S. Rotter, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer, A. Bäcker, R. Ketzmerick:
"Transport through nano-wires with surface roughness";
Vortrag: Advanced techniques in nonlinear dynamics, Puebla, Mexico (eingeladen); 23.02.2009 - 27.02.2009.

S. Rotter, A. Girschik, F. Libisch:
"Topological Insulator in the Presence of Spatially Correlated Disorder";
Poster: Transport in Open Quantum Systems: Experiment and Theory, Porquerolles, Frankreich (eingeladen); 21.05.2013 - 25.05.2013.

S. Rotter, U. Kuhl, F. Libisch, A. Bärnthaler, J. Burgdörfer, H. Stöckmann:
"Fano resonances and decoherence in transport through quantum dots";
Vortrag: Conference "Many-Body Open Quantum Systems: From Atomic Nuclei to Quantum Dots", Trento, Italy (eingeladen); 14.05.2007.

S. Rotter, U. Kuhl, F. Libisch, A. Bärnthaler, J. Burgdörfer, H. Stöckmann:
"Tunable Fano resonances in transport through microwave cavities";
Vortrag: Workshop on Experimental Realization of Self-Orthogonality, Haifa, Israel (eingeladen); 23.03.2008 - 28.03.2008.

S. Rotter, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, U. Kuhl, H. Stöckmann:
"Tunable Fano resonances in transport through Quantum Billiards";
Vortrag: Dynamics Days 2003, Palma, Mallorca, Spain; 26.09.2003.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, M. Brandstetter, T. Hisch, C. Deutsch, D. Pogany, F. Mintert, L. Ge, H.E. Tureci, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer:
"Pump-controlled exceptional points and random laser emission";
Vortrag: Advances in Quantum Chaotic Scattering: From (Non-)Linear Waves to Few-Body Systems, Dresden (eingeladen); 09.09.2013 - 13.09.2013.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci:
"Pump-induced exceptional points in lasers";
Vortrag: Group seminar, Prof. Tsironis, Heraklion (eingeladen); 21.02.2013.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, M. Brandstetter, H.E. Tureci, C. Deutsch, P. Klang, D. Pogany, J. Schöberl, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer:
"Controlling a Laser by Spatial Variation of the Pump Profile";
Vortrag: Ferdinand Braun Institute Colloquium, Berlin (eingeladen); 18.10.2013.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci, F. Mintert, D. Pogany:
"Pump-controlled exceptional points and random laser emission";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag am Atominstitut, Wien (eingeladen); 12.04.2013.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, L. Ge, A Cerjan, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci, D. Pogany, F. Mintert:
"Pump-controlled exceptional points and random laser emission";
Vortrag: Institutssseminar Institut Langevin, Paris (eingeladen); 05.03.2013.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, D. Pogany, F. Mintert, M. Brandstetter, K. Unterrainer:
"Pump-Controlled Exceptional Points and Random Laser Emission";
Vortrag: Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar (Israel Science Foundation workshop), Ein Gedi, Israel (eingeladen); 21.05.2013 - 26.05.2013.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, D. Pogany, F. Mintert, L. Ge, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci, A Cerjan:
"Controlling a laser by spatial variation of the pump profile";
Vortrag: GMe Workshop 2013, Wien (eingeladen); 06.06.2013 - 07.06.2013.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, T. Hisch, D. Pogany, F. Mintert, L. Ge, A.D. Stone, H.E. Tureci, A Cerjan:
"Controlling a laser by spatial variation of the pump profile";
Vortrag: Theorieseminar, Uni Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg (eingeladen); 12.06.2013.

S. Rotter, M. Liertzer, K. Makris:
"Introducing a self-consistent laser theory: first results and perspectives";
Vortrag: 2nd IR-ON Symposium, Vienna (eingeladen); 10.03.2011.

S. Rotter, A. Pena, A. Girschik, F. Libisch, A. Chabanov:
"Entering the single-channel regime in transport through random media";
Vortrag: Institutssseminar Institut Langevin, Paris (eingeladen); 25.07.2013.

S. Rotter, A. Pena, A. Girschik, F. Libisch, A. Chabanov:
"The single-channel regime of transport through random media";
Vortrag: Group seminar Prof. Gigan, Paris (eingeladen); 25.04.2014.

S. Rotter, K. Pichler, M. Kühmayer, J. Böhm, A. Brandstötter, P. Ambichl, U. Kuhl:
"Introducing the Random Anti-laser: Coherent Perfect Absorption in Disordered Media";
Vortrag: WAVES 2019 - 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Wien; 25.08.2019 - 30.08.2019.

S. Rotter, H.E. Türeci, A.D. Stone, Y. Alhassid:
"Interplay between the mesoscopic Stoner and Kondo effects";
Poster: Dynamics and Relaxation in the Complex Quantum and Classical Systems and Nanostructures, Dresden, Deutschland; 01.08.2006.

S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci, Y. Alhassid, A.D. Stone:
"Kondo effect in a mesoscopic interacting electron system";
Vortrag: Seminar an der ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland (eingeladen); 10.04.2008.

S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci, Y. Alhassid, A.D. Stone:
"Kondo effect in a mesoscopic interacting electron system";
Vortrag: Institut für Theoretische Physik, TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 22.04.2008.

S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci, Y. Alhassid, A.D. Stone:
"Kondo effect in a mesoscopic interacting electron system";
Vortrag: Workshop "New Frontiers of Quantum Chaos in Mesoscopic Systems", MPI Dresden, Germany; 23.05.2008.

S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci, Y. Alhassid, A.D. Stone:
"Kondo effect in a mesoscopic interacting electron system";
Vortrag: DPG Fruehjahrstagung, 2009, Dresden; 23.03.2009 - 27.03.2009.

S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci, Y. Alhassid, A.D. Stone:
"The Kondo box in the presence of exchange interaction";
Vortrag: Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 2007, Denver, Colorado, USA; 05.03.2007 - 09.03.2007.

S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci, Y. Alhassid, A.D. Stone:
"The Kondo box in the presence of exchange interaction";
Vortrag: Max-Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden (eingeladen); 11.05.2007.

S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci, Y. Alhassid, A.D. Stone:
"The Kondo effect in a mesoscopic interacting electron system";
Vortrag: Yale Condensed Matter Seminar, Yale, USA (eingeladen); 14.02.2008.

S. Rotter, H.E. Tureci, Y. Alhassid, A.D. Stone:
"The mesoscopic Kondo effect in the presence of exchange interaction";
Vortrag: Yale University, New Haven (eingeladen); 03.05.2007.

S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ballistic quantum transport at high magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Int. Workshop on Chaos and Interactions in Complex Systems, Regensburg, Germany (eingeladen); 10.09.2002.

S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, F. Libisch, F. Aigner, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer:
"A modular method for the efficient calculation of ballistic transport through quantum billiards";
Vortrag: Large Scale Scientific Computing, Sozopol, Bulgarien; 07.06.2005.

S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ballistic quantum transport at high magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung, Göttingen, Germany; 22.10.2002.

S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ballistic quantum transport at high magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany; 24.10.2002.

S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ballistic quantum transport at high magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany; 05.05.2003.

S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer:
"Ballistic quantum transport at high magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Chaos and Quantum Transport, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany; 25.03.2003.

C. Roupec:
"Scaling limits of dS vacua and the swampland";
Vortrag: String Phenomenology, Gnef, Schweiz; 24.06.2019 - 28.06.2019.

J. Salzer:
"Holography in 2d Dilaton Gravity";
Vortrag: 66th Yearly Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (2016), Vienna, Austria; 27.09.2016 - 29.09.2016.

N. Sato, P. Shanahan, A. Ipp, K. Cranmer:
"Machine Learning Round Table";
Vortrag: A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2021, virtuell (eingeladen); 02.08.2021 - 06.08.2021.

R. Savo, R. Pierrat, R. Carminati, S. Rotter, S. Gigan:
"Experimental verification of mean path length invariance in multiple light scattering";
Vortrag: META'16, 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Malaga; 25.07.2016 - 28.07.2016.

R. Savo, R. Pierrat, U. Najar, R. Carminati, S. Rotter, S. Gigan:
"Une invariance de la lumière en milieu complexe";
Vortrag: Optique Toulouse 2018, Toulouse (eingeladen); 03.07.2018 - 06.07.2018.

R. Savo, R. Pierrat, U. Najar, R. Carminati, S. Rotter, S. Gigan:
"When the Structure Becomes Insignificant: Invariance of the Mean Path Length in Light-Scattering Media";
Vortrag: Novel Optical Materials and Applications 2018, Zürich; 02.07.2018 - 05.07.2018.

M. Schaller, K. Svozil:
"Zeno squeezing of cellular automata";
Vortrag: 8th International Conference on Unconventional Computation, UC 2009, Ponta Delaga, Portugal; 07.09.2009 - 11.09.2009.

E. Scheidegger:
"An introduction to the topological vertex";
Vortrag: Workshop "Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Branes in Calabi-Yau spaces, ESI Wien (eingeladen); 11.05.2004.

E. Scheidegger:
"D-branes on Calabi-Yau spaces";
Vortrag: String Theory and Complex Geometry, Bad Honnef, Germany (eingeladen); 09.04.2002.

E. Scheidegger:
"D-branes on toric Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces";
Vortrag: Duke University, Durham; 25.04.2002.

E. Scheidegger:
"D4-branes on toric Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces";
Vortrag: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; 02.05.2002.

E. Scheidegger:
"Higher genus topological string amplitudes";
Vortrag: Beyond the Standard Model 2004, Bad Honnef, Deutschland; 08.03.2004.

E. Scheidegger:
"Higher genus topological string amplitudes";
Vortrag: Workshop "Mathematical and Physical Aspects of String Theory", Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, Schweiz; 20.07.2004.

E. Scheidegger:
"Higher genus topological string amplitudes";
Vortrag: Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Physics, WAGP 2004, Lissabon, Portugal; 12.09.2004.

E. Scheidegger:
"New applications of Calabi-Yau complete intersections";
Vortrag: Workshop: New developments in mirror symmetry, Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig (eingeladen); 26.03.2003.

E. Scheidegger:
"Physics and Calabi-Yau manifolds";
Vortrag: Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary (eingeladen); 21.05.2004.

E. Scheidegger:
"Topological string amplitudes on regular K3 fibrations";
Vortrag: Workshop "String-Theorie und Geometrie", MFO, Oberwolfach, Deutschland (eingeladen); 13.08.2004.

M. Scheucher, D. Wirtitsch, M. Hiller, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, S. Ye, X. Zhang, F.B. Dunning:
"Stabilizing Bohr wavepackets by electron-electron interaction";
Poster: 2013 Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics and the CAP Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Canada, Quebec, Canada; 03.06.2013 - 07.06.2013.

K.-M. Schiessl, K. L. Ishikawa, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum path interference in high-harmonic generation";
Vortrag: 402nd Wilhelm und Else Hereaeus Seminar "Novel Light Sources and Applications", Obergurgel (eingeladen); 03.02.2008 - 09.02.2008.

K.-M. Schiessl, K. L. Ishikawa, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum paths interference for atoms in few-cycle pulses visualized by high-harmonic generation";
Poster: 11th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP 2008), Heidelberg, Germany; 18.09.2008 - 23.09.2008.

K.-M. Schiessl, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of guiding of highly charged projectiles through insulating nanocapillaries";
Poster: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Argentina; 21.07.2005 - 27.07.2005.

K.-M. Schiessl, E. Persson, A. Scrinzi, J. Burgdörfer:
"Resonant two-color driving in high harmonic generation: Single-atom and pulse propagation";
Vortrag: Tagung "Energiereiche atomare Stöße, EAS", Riezlern, Austria; 06.02.2006.

K.-M. Schiessl, K. Tökési, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of ion guiding through insulating nanocapillaries: Energy dependence";
Poster: 14th Intern. Conf. on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI-2008), University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo/Japan; 01.09.2008 - 05.09.2008.

K.-M. Schiessl, K. Tökési, B. Solleder, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of guiding of charged particles through nanocapillaries: ions and electrons";
Vortrag: Workshop on Interaction of Ions with Insulators, Liyama, Nagano (eingeladen); 08.09.2008 - 10.09.2008.

M. Schimpf:
"M24 Moonshine in IIA and IIB string theory";
Vortrag: Moonshine, Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Wien (eingeladen); 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018.

M. Schimpf:
"Testing the AdS4/CFT3 Bethe ansatz from the AdS4 x CP3 string side";
Vortrag: RTN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theories, CERN, Genf, Schweiz; 09.02.2009 - 13.02.2009.

F. Schipfer, L. Hammer, S. Gara, S. Stagl, R. Sedmik:
"Online-Podiumsdiskussion: (Irr-)Wege aus der Klimakrise - Kann ich meine Ölheizung behalten?";
Hauptvortrag: Scientists for Future, Wien (eingeladen); 01.06.2021.

A. Schmitt:
"Color Superconductivity";
Vortrag: YITP International Symposium: Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense QCD, Kyoto, Japan (eingeladen); 03.03.2008 - 06.03.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2008, Amsterdam (eingeladen); 26.08.2008 - 29.08.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Seminar, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spanien) (eingeladen); 29.10.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: "Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter" (International Graduate School Bielefeld-Paris), Orsay (Frankreich) (eingeladen); 09.03.2009 - 13.03.2009.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Workshop "Quark-Gluon Plasma meets Cold Atoms", Riezlern (Oesterreich) (eingeladen); 03.08.2009 - 08.08.2009.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in dense quark matter: properties and astrophysical applications";
Vortrag: Workshop "Phase Transitions in Particle, Nuclear, and Condensed Matter Systems", Muenster (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 18.02.2009 - 20.02.2009.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity in the QCD phase diagram and in compact stars";
Vortrag: Seminar, Southampton, UK (eingeladen); 24.03.2011.

A. Schmitt:
"Color superconductivity: recent developments and astrophysical applications";
Vortrag: Seminar, Karl-Franzens-Univeritaet, Graz (eingeladen); 16.01.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Dense matter in a magnetic field - from a field-theoretic and a holographic point of view";
Vortrag: ``Dense Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Astrophysics" (Helmholtz International Summer School), Dubna (Russia) (eingeladen); 28.08.2012 - 08.09.2012.

A. Schmitt:
"Dense matter in a magnetic field -- from a field-theoretic and a holographic point of view";
Vortrag: QCD vacuum and matter under strong magnetic field, Beijing (China); 04/2013.

A. Schmitt:
"Dense QCD matter in compact stars";
Vortrag: Achievements and Perspectives in Low-Energy QCD with Strangeness, Trento (eingeladen); 10/2014.

A. Schmitt:
"Kaon-condensed CFL quark matter: properties and astrophysical applications";
Vortrag: Seminar, IEEC, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spanien) (eingeladen); 08.05.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"Kaon-condensed CFL quark matter: properties and astrophysical applications";
Vortrag: Seminar, Universitaet Bielefeld (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 06.05.2008.

A. Schmitt:
"QCD at finite temperature and density from holography";
Vortrag: Seminar, Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt (Deutschland) (eingeladen); 27.05.2010.

A. Schmitt:
"QCD in strong magnetic fields";
Vortrag: Excited QCD 2013, Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo (Bosnia) (eingeladen); 03.02.2013 - 09.02.2013.

A. Schmitt:
"Sound modes and the two-stream instability in relativistic superfluids";
Vortrag: Effective field theory for quantum many-body systems, Madrid (eingeladen); 01/2014.

A. Schmitt:
"Sound modes and the two-stream instability in relativistic superfluids";
Vortrag: The structure and signals of neutron stars, from birth to death, Florence; 03/2014.

A. Schmitt:
"Sound modes and the two-stream instability in relativistic superfluids";
Vortrag: Strong and electroweak matter 2014, Lausanne; 07/2014.

A. Schmitt:
"Stressed Cooper pairing in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: New Frontiers in QCD 2010, Kyoto (Japan) (eingeladen); 18.01.2010 - 19.03.2010.

A. Schmitt:
"Strongly interacting matter in a magnetic field";
Vortrag: Graduate Days Graz, Graz (eingeladen); 26.04.2012 - 27.04.2012.

A. Schmitt:
"Superfluid components in color-flavor locked quark matter";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2012, Swansea, UK; 10.07.2012 - 13.07.2012.

A. Schmitt, A. Haber:
"Flux Tubes in a Proton Superconductor Coupled to a Neutron Superfluid";
Vortrag: XIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Thessaloniki, Greece; 02.09.2016.

A. Schmitt, A. Haber:
"Flux Tubes Interacting with Superfluids";
Vortrag: INT Program INT-16-2b The Phases of Dense Matter, USA, Seattle, Washington, Institute for nuclear theory (eingeladen); 27.07.2016.

A. Schmitt, A. Haber:
"Instabilities in Relativistic Two-Component Superfluids";
Vortrag: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der ÖPG und der SPG, Wien; 01.09.2015 - 04.09.2015.

A. Schmitt, A. Haber:
"Instabilities in Relativistic Two-Component Superfluids";
Poster: NewCompStar Summer School "Dense matter in compact stars", Bukarest; 21.09.2015 - 25.09.2015.

E. Schöll-Paschinger:
"Multicriticality in simple fluids";
Vortrag: Fifth Liquid Matter Conference, Konstanz; 17.09.2002.

E. Schöll-Paschinger:
"Phasenverhalten von einfachen Flüssigkeiten und ihren Mischungen";
Vortrag: Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 11.01.2005.

E. Schöll-Paschinger:
"Self-consistent liquid state theories";
Vortrag: Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 30.06.2004.

E. Schöll-Paschinger, G. Kahl:
"A liquid state theory that remains successful in the critical region";
Poster: MECO-27, Sopron, Hungary; 08.03.2002.

E. Schöll-Paschinger, G. Kahl:
"Criticality and phase behavior of fullerenes";
Poster: Sixth Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Spindleruv Mlýn, Czech Republic; 13.06.2002.

E. Schöll-Paschinger, G. Kahl:
"Phase behavior of a symmetric binary mixture";
Poster: Fifth Liquid Matter Conference, Konstanz, Germany; 16.09.2002.

E. Schöll-Paschinger, G. Kahl:
"Phase transitions and criticality in binary mixtures";
Poster: Sixth Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Spindleruv Mlýn, Czech Republic; 12.06.2002.

E. Schöll-Paschinger, G. Kahl, G. Stell:
"Multicriticality in simple fluids";
Poster: Sixth Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Spindleruv Mlýn, Czech Republic; 13.06.2002.

F. Schöller:
"Three dimensional gravity";
Vortrag: 66th Yearly Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (2016), Vienna, Austria (eingeladen); 28.09.2015.

S. Schönhuber, M. Brandstetter, C. Deutsch, M. Krall, M. Liertzer, H. Detz, A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, S. Rotter, K. Unterrainer:
"Novel Photonic Concepts for THz QCLs: Coupled Microdisk Cavities and Random Lasers";
Poster: International Quantum Cascade Lasers School & Workshop (IQCLSW 2014), Policoro; 07.09.2014 - 14.09.2014.

D. Schuh, D. Mueller, A. Ipp:
"Momentum Broadening in a Highly Diluted Glasma";
Poster: 15th Vienna Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory 2019, Wien; 28.11.2019 - 29.11.2019.

A. Schumer:
"Chirality in the vicinity of an Exceptional Point";
Vortrag: Demetrios Christodoulides' group seminar, University of Central Florida, Orlando (eingeladen); 14.02.2018.

A. Schumer, L. Ding, J. Leshin, Y. Alahmadi, A. Ul-Hassan, G. Lopez Galmiche, P. Likamwa, S. Rotter, D. Christodoulides, M. Khajavikhan:
"Bimodal Directional Laser";
Vortrag: CLEO, San Jose; 10.05.2020 - 15.05.2020.

A. Schumer, J. Feilhauer, J. Doppler, A. Mailybaev, J. Böhm, U. Kuhl, N. Moiseyev, S. Rotter:
"Encircling exceptional points as a non-Hermitian extension of rapid adiabatic passage";
Vortrag: META 2021 - The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Warschau (eingeladen); 20.07.2021 - 23.07.2021.

A. Schumer, J. Feilhauer, J. Leshin, M. Khajavikhan, D. Christodoulides, S. Rotter:
"Topological effects related to exceptional points";
Vortrag: Department of Applied Physics, Yale, New Haven, USA (eingeladen); 10.04.2019.

A. Schumer, J. Feilhauer, S. Rotter:
"Breaking of PT-symmetry and its relation to chiral mode conversion in the vicinity of an exceptional point";
Poster: Synthetic Non-Hermitian Photonic Structures: Recent Results and Future Challenges, Dresden; 13.08.2018 - 16.08.2018.

A. Schumer, J. Feilhauer, S. Rotter:
"Chiral state transfer protocols in the vicinity of an exceptional point";
Vortrag: The 49th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2019), Snowbird, Utah (eingeladen); 07.01.2019 - 11.01.2019.

A. Schwaighofer, J. Srajer, G. Ramer, S. Rotter, B. Lendl, C. Nowak:
"Double-layered nanoparticle stacks for surface-enhanced IR absorption spectroscopy";
Poster: IRDG Christmas Meeting 2014, London, UK; 18.12.2014.

D.F. Schwanzer:
"Static and dynamic properties of two dimensional systems with competing interactions";
Vortrag: CMS Seminar, Vienna; 21.06.2010.

D.F. Schwanzer:
"Static and dynamic properties of two-dimensional systems with competing interactions";
Vortrag: CMS Seminar, Wien; 23.03.2015.

D.F. Schwanzer:
"Structure of a system of polymers confined 1n a porous matrix of star polymers";
Vortrag: Evaluation Hearing: Computational Materials Science, Wien; 11/2007.

D.F. Schwanzer, D. Coslovich, G. Kahl:
"Clustering and phase separation in a soft primitive model of polyelectrolytes";
Poster: International Soft Matter Conference 2010, Granada, Spain; 04.07.2010 - 08.07.2010.

D.F. Schwanzer, M.-J. Fernaud, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Polymers confined in a porous matrix of star polymers";
Poster: CCP5 Summerschool 2007, Sheffield, United Kingdom; 08.07.2007 - 17.07.2007.

D.F. Schwanzer, M.J. Fernaud, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos:
"Solving the replica Ornstein-Zemike equations for a system of polymers confined in a porous matrix of star polymers";
Poster: Winter School Amsterdam CECAM Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 01/2008.

D.F. Schwanzer, J. Kurzidim, D. Coslovich, G. Kahl:
"Radial distribution functions of colloidal particles in porous confinement";
Poster: SimBioMa2008, Konstanz, Germany; 04/2008.

D.F. Schwanzer, J. Kurzidim, D. Coslovich, G. Kahl:
"Structural properties of colloids confined in porous materials";
Poster: 7th Liquid Matter Conference 2008, Lund, Sweden; 07/2008.

D. J. Schwarz:
"Accelerated expansion without dark energy";
Vortrag: XVIII IAP Colloquium: On the nature of dark energy, Paris, France; 03.07.2002.

D. J. Schwarz:
"Confrontation of cosmological inflation with observations";
Vortrag: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (eingeladen); 20.02.2002.

D. J. Schwarz:
"Die ersten Sekunden des Universums";
Vortrag: Universität Köln, Köln, Germany; 18.04.2002.

D. J. Schwarz:
"Kosmische Mikrowellenstrahlung, dunkle Materie und kosmologische Inflation";
Vortrag: Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; 16.01.2002.

D. J. Schwarz:
"Origin of cosmological perturbation";
Vortrag: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (eingeladen); 19.02.2002.

D. J. Schwarz:
"Principles and inflationary models";
Vortrag: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (eingeladen); 18.02.2002.

D. J. Schwarz:
"The early universe";
Vortrag: Summer School on 'Cosmology and the High-Redshift Universe', Abisko, Sweden (eingeladen); 12.08.2002.

T. Schweigler, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
"Simulation of guiding through macroscopic capillaries";
Vortrag: 3rd Workshop on Interactions of Ions with Insulators (WIII-2010), Narita/Japan (eingeladen); 03.05.2010 - 05.05.2010.

J. Seke:
"A new U-matrix formalism in QED including a new renormalization procedure";
Vortrag: Florida International University, Miami, USA (eingeladen); 19.05.2004.

J. Seke:
"The same vacuum state without adiabatic switching for both interacting and free fields";
Vortrag: City College, City University of New York, New York, USA (eingeladen); 19.04.2004.

J. Seke:
"The same vacuum state without adiabatic switching for both interacting and free fields";
Vortrag: University of Miami, Miami, USA (eingeladen); 12.05.2004.

J. Seke, G. Adam, O. Hittmair:
"A new consistent renormalization concept involving bound-state problems";
Poster: 53. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg; 01.10.2003 - 02.10.2003.

J. Seke, A. Soldatov, N.N. Bogolubov, G. Adam:
"The complete treatment of the time evolution in the case of a discretized atom-field interaction model";
Poster: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Leoben, Austria; 26.09.2002.

M. Seliger:
"Non-unitary Monte Carlo description of open quantum systems";
Vortrag: Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Charged-Particle Transport through Nanostructures and Solids, Debrecen, Hungary (eingeladen); 14.11.2003.

M. Seliger, T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Decoherence in HCI";
Vortrag: 2nd Annual Joint Collaboration Meeting, La Londe-les Maures, Var, France; 21.05.2003.

M. Seliger, T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Non-unitary Monte Carlo description of open quantum systems";
Poster: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2003, American Physical Society, Boulder, Colorado; 21.05.2003 - 24.05.2003.

M. Seliger, T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Non-unitary quantum Monte Carlo method for transport of atomic states through solids";
Poster: 35th Meeting of the Division of Atomic und Optical Physics (DAMOP), Tucson, Arizona; 25.05.2004 - 29.05.2004.

M. Seliger, T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Time evolution of coherent projectile states in solids formed by electron capture";
Poster: 11th International Conference on Highly Charged Ions, Caen, France; 01.09.2002.

M. Seliger, C. O. Reinhold, T. Minami, J. Burgdörfer:
"Monte Carlo description of open quantum systems";
Vortrag: 25. Tagung über energiereiche atomare Stöße (EAS), Riezlern, Österreich; 10.02.2004.

M. Seliger, C. O. Reinhold, T. Minami, J. Burgdörfer:
"Non-unitary master equation for the internal state of ions traversing solids";
Poster: 21st Intern. Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS), Genova, Italy; 04.07.2004 - 09.07.2004.

M. Seliger, C. O. Reinhold, T. Minami, J. Burgdörfer:
"Non-unitary quantum trajectory Monte Carlo method for open quantum systems";
Vortrag: Intern. Workshop on Atomic Physics (ATOM 2004), Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 30.11.2004.

M. Seliger, C. O. Reinhold, T. Minami, J. Burgdörfer:
"Quantum-trajectory Monte Carlo method for non-unitary open quantum systems";
Vortrag: ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary (eingeladen); 16.01.2004.

M. Seliger, C. O. Reinhold, T. Minami, D.R. Schultz, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdörfer, E. Lamour, J. Rozet, D. Vernhet:
"Productions and transport of electronic states in fast ions penetrating solids";
Poster: 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXIV ICPEAC), Rosario, Arbgentina; 21.07.2005 - 27.07.2005.

M. Seliger, K. Tökési, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Highly transverse convoy electron distributions emitted by highly charged ions";
Poster: 11th International Conference on Highly Charged Ions, Caen, France; 01.09.2002.

ö. Sengül, A. Valli, R. Stadler:
"Destructive Quantum Interference in Graphene-like Single Molecule Junctions";
Poster: Graphene 2020, Grenoble; 19.10.2020 - 23.10.2020.

ö. Sengül, A. Valli, R. Stadler:
"Electrode effects on the observability of destructive quantum interference in single-molecule junctions";
Poster: GPAW 2021, Online; 01.06.2021 - 04.06.2021.

ö. Sengül, J. Völkle, A. Valli, R. Stadler:
"Detection of small gaseous molecules on pyrene molecular junctions via destructive quantum interference";
Poster: Chemical Sensing Meeting, Vienna; 20.09.2021.

ö. Sengül, J. Völkle, A. Valli, R. Stadler:
"Electrode effects on the observability of destructive quantum interference and detection of small molecules on single molecular junctions";
Vortrag: ElecMol 2021, Lyon; 29.11.2021 - 02.12.2021.

N. Shvetsov-Shilovski, M. Lein, L.B. Madsen, E. Rasanen, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, D. Arbó, K. Tökési:
"Non-perturbative semiclassical model for strong-field ionization";
Poster: 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXX ICPEAC), Cairns, Tropical Queensland/Australia; 27.07.2017.

H. Skarke:
"A non-perturbative approach to inhomogeneous cosmology";
Vortrag: Inhomogeneous Cosmologies, Torun, Polen; 02.07.2017 - 07.07.2017.

H. Skarke:
"Classification of Cones for Calabi-Yaus";
Vortrag: 3CinG Workshop on Computational Algebra, Cambridge (eingeladen); 18.04.2017 - 21.04.2017.

B. Skerlak, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, H.E. Türeci:
"Collective multi-mode effects in quantum optics";
Vortrag: Frühjahrstagung der DPG, 2011, Dresden; 14.03.2011 - 18.03.2011.

V. Smejkal, L. Chizhova, J. Burgdörfer, F. Libisch:
"High harmonic generation in single-layer graphene";
Poster: Graphene study 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden; 25.06.2017 - 30.06.2017.

V. Smejkal, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, L Wirtz, A. Molina-Sanchez:
"Exciton formation in monolayer MoS2";
Poster: International conference on many particle spectrocscopy of atoms, molecules, clusters and surfaces, Budapest, Hungary; 22.08.2018 - 24.08.2018.

V. Smejkal, L. Mennel, M. M. Furchi, L. Linhart, S. Wachter, M. Paur, D.K Polyushkin, T. Müller, J. Burgdörfer, F. Libisch:
"Second harmonic generation in strained MoS2";
Vortrag: International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM) 2018, Kirchberg in Tirol; 17.03.2018 - 24.03.2018.

V. Smejkal, L. Mennel, L. Linhart, D.K Polyushkin, M. Paur, M. M. Furchi, S. Wachter, T. Müller, J. Burgdörfer, F. Libisch:
"Second harmonic generation in strained MoS2";
Vortrag: HoW exciting! 2018, Berlin, Germany; 31.07.2018 - 09.08.2018.

A. Soldatov, J. Seke, G. Adam:
"On the momentum representation of the spinor components of relativistic eigenfunctions and the Fourier transformation of their multiple products for hydrogen-like atoms";
Poster: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Linz; 28.09.2004 - 30.09.2004.

A. Soldatov, J. Seke, G. Adam, M. Polak:
"Coputationally efficient analytic representation of relativistic bound-bound, bound-unbound and unbound-unbound transition matrix elements of hydrogen atoms";
Poster: ÖPG Leoben, Leoben; 22.09.2008 - 26.09.2008.

B. Solleder:
"Electron emission during scattering of N6+ ions from a magnetized iron surface";
Poster: 13th Int. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI 2006), Queen's University Belfast, Norhtern Ireland; 28.08.2006 - 01.09.2006.

B. Solleder, C. Lemell, K. Tökési, N. Hatcher, J. Burgdörfer:
"Spin-dependent low-energy electron scattering and transport in metals";
Vortrag: 25th Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXV ICPEAC), Freiburg, Germany (eingeladen); 25.07.2007 - 31.07.2007.

A. Soloviev:
"Hybrid toy models for the quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: ICTS Program "The Myriad Colorful Ways of Understanding Extreme QCD Matter", Bangalore; 01.04.2019 - 17.04.2019.

A. Soloviev, A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Preis, A. Rebhan:
"Towards understanding hybrid strong/weak thermalisation of the QGP";
Vortrag: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 24.08.2017.

J. Sonntag, S. Reichardt, L Wirtz, B. Beschoten, M.I. Katsnelson, F. Libisch, C Stampfer:
"Impact of Many-Body Effects on Landau Levels in Graphene";
Poster: International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM) 2018, Kichberg in Tirol; 17.04.2018 - 24.04.2018.

R. Stadler:
"Coherent tunneling and electron hopping in molecules with redox centers";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag am Center of Atomic-Scale Materials Design, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark (eingeladen); 14.09.2015.

R. Stadler:
"Das Schalter-Molekül";
Vortrag: Vortrag vor Besuchern der Technischen Fachoberschule Bruneck organisiert vom Büro für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der TU Wien, TU Wien (eingeladen); 28.04.2016.

R. Stadler:
"Devices in single molecule electronics based on quantum interference and redox switches";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag am Institute of Physics der Czech Academy of Sciences, Prag, Tschechische Republik (eingeladen); 03.12.2015.

R. Stadler:
"Electrochemical interference";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag am Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, TU Wien; 27.01.2015.

R. Stadler:
"Investigation of the detection mechanism in graphene based bio sensors";
Vortrag: Chemical Sensing Meeting, Vienna; 20.09.2021.

R. Stadler:
"Theoretical device design in single molecule electronics based on redox switching and quantum interference";
Vortrag: Seminar "Physical and Theoretical Chemistry", University of Graz (eingeladen); 16.12.2016.

R. Stadler:
"Theoretical Investigation of the detection mechanism in graphene based bio sensors";
Vortrag: Seminar, Austrian Institute of Technology, Tulln (eingeladen); 14.02.2018.

R. Stadler, X. Zhao, V. Geskin:
"Destructive quantum interference in electron transport: A reconciliation of the molecular orbital and the atomic orbital perspective";
Hauptvortrag: Workshop "Many paths to interference: a journey between quantum dots and single molecule junctions", Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (eingeladen); 18.04.2017 - 20.04.2017.

C. Stampfer, L. Wirtz, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer:
"Semiclassical theory for transmission through open billards: convergence towards quantum transport";
Poster: Workshop on Mesoscopic Physics and Electron Interaction, Triesete, Italy; 26.06.2002.

P. Stanzer:
"A quantum null energy cojecture";
Vortrag: ESI Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Vienna; 29.05.2017 - 30.06.2017.

P. Stanzer, D. Grumiller, C. Ecker, W. van der Schee:
"Exploring non-local observables in shock wave collisions";
Poster: Vienna Central European Seminar, Vienna, Austria; 01.12.2016 - 02.12.2016.

P. Stanzer, D. Grumiller, C. Ecker, W. van der Schee:
"Exploring non-local observables in shock wave collisions";
Vortrag: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 21.08.2017 - 25.08.2017.

P. Stanzer, D. Grumiller, C. Ecker, W. van der Schee:
"Quantum null energy condition from numerical holography";
Vortrag: Spanish and Portuguese Relativity Meeting 2017,, Malaga; 12.09.2017 - 15.09.2017.

D. Steineder:
"Holographic View on the Quark Gluon Plasma";
Vortrag: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Wien; 18.10.2011.

D. Steineder, A. Rebhan:
"Shear viscosities in anisotropic strongly coupled plasma";
Vortrag: International School of Nuclear Physics, 34th Course, Probing the Extremes of Matter with Heavy Ions, Erice; 16.09.2012 - 24.09.2012.

D. Steineder, A. Rebhan:
"Shear viscosities of a strongly coupled anisotropic plasma";
Vortrag: 8th Vienna Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Wien; 27.11.2011.

D. Steineder, S. Stricker, A. Vuorinen:
"Bottom-up thermalization from holography";
Vortrag: Holograv2013, Helsinki (eingeladen); 04.03.2013 - 08.03.2013.

D. Steineder, S. Stricker, A. Vuorinen:
"Bottom-up vs. top-down thermalization";
Vortrag: Schladming winterschool 2013, Schladming; 23.02.2013 - 02.03.2013.

S. Stetina, A. Schmitt, M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu:
"From field theory to superfluid hydrodynamics of dense quark matter";
Vortrag: Excited QCD 2013, Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo (Bosnia) (eingeladen); 03.02.2013 - 09.02.2013.

S. Stetina, A. Schmitt, M. Alford, S.K. Mallavarapu:
"Superfluidity in dense quark matter";
Vortrag: II Postgraduate Meeting On Theoretical Physics, Madrid, Spain; 09.10.2013 - 11.10.2013.

C.L. Stokely, A. Pattanayak, F.B. Dunning, D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer:
"Transit phase-space localization of quasi-one-dimensional Rydberg wavepackets";
Vortrag: Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Williamsburg, USA; 31.05.2002.

C.L. Stokely, W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning, D. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer, A. Pattanayak:
"Pulse induced focusing of Rydberg wave packets";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

A.D. Stone, H.E. Türeci, L. Ge, S. Rotter:
"Theory of diffusive random lasers";
Vortrag: Conference on Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, NY, USA (eingeladen); 19.10.2008 - 23.10.2008.

S. Stricker:
"Holographic Thermalization at intermediate coupling";
Vortrag: Symposium Latsis EPFL (14-18 July 2014) on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM14), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Schweiz (eingeladen); 14.07.2014 - 18.07.2014.

S. Stricker:
"Holographic Thermalization at intermediate coupling";
Vortrag: Holography Seminar, Oxford; 10.02.2014.

S. Stricker:
"Holographic Thermalization Patterns";
Poster: Workshop on Strongly-Interacting Field Theories SIFT, Jena; 14.11.2013 - 16.11.2013.

S. Stricker:
"Meson supercurrents and the Meissner effect in the Sakai-Sugimoto model";
Vortrag: 47. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, "Fundamental Challenges of QCD", Schladming; 04.03.2009.

S. Stricker:
"The AdS/CFT Correspondence and its Applications to the Quark Gluon Plasma";
Vortrag: FAKT 2007 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Langenlois; 24.09.2007 - 26.09.2007.

S. Stricker:
"Using black hole formation to study thermalization";
Hauptvortrag: DK Kolloquium, Bielefeld (eingeladen); 14.01.2015.

M. Strickland:
"Collective modes of an anisotropic QCP";
Vortrag: University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (eingeladen); 06.06.2003.

M. Strickland:
"Collective modes of an anisotropic QGP";
Vortrag: Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA (eingeladen); 04.03.2003.

M. Strickland:
"Collective modes of an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma";
Vortrag: Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004, Helsinki, Finnland; 16.06.2004.

M. Strickland:
"Energy loss and collective modes of an anisotropic QGP";
Vortrag: University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany (eingeladen); 06.11.2003.

M. Strickland:
"Energy loss and collective modes of an anisotropic QGP";
Vortrag: Polish Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw, Poland (eingeladen); 10.12.2003.

M. Strickland:
"Instabilities - a faster way to thermalize";
Vortrag: Ohio State University, Columbus, USA (eingeladen); 08.01.2004.

M. Strickland:
"QGP Instabilities - a faster way to thermalize";
Vortrag: University of Virginia, Charlottesville (eingeladen); 06.01.2004.

M. Strickland:
"Reorganizing finite temperature QCD perturbation theory";
Vortrag: Vienna University of Technology, Vienna; 12.11.2002.

M. Strickland:
"Two-loop hard thermal loop perturbation theory";
Vortrag: Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA (eingeladen); 13.12.2002.

B. Sulik, R. Hellhammer, Z.D. Pesic, N. Stolterfoht, K. Tökési:
"Fermi-shuttle acceleration in low and intermediate velocity ion-atom collsions";
Poster: XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm, Sweden; 23.07.2003 - 29.07.2003.

B. Sulik, C. Koncz, K. Tökési, A. Orbán, L. Köver, S. Ricz, J.-Y. Chesnel, N. Stolterfoht, D. Berényi:
"Hot electrons from ion-atom collisions: Fermi-shuttle type scattering";
Vortrag: 11th International Conference on Highly Charged Ions, Caen, France; 04.09.2002.

K. Svozil:
"Aesthetics and Scarcity: A physics perspective";
Vortrag: Data Ecologies05, Linz, Austria (eingeladen); 13.05.2005.

K. Svozil:
"Automata models of quantized systems";
Vortrag: 6th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT), Kyoto, Japan (eingeladen); 21.09.2002.

K. Svozil:
"Bertlmann's chocolate balls and quantum type cryptography";
Vortrag: 3rd International Workshop on Physics and Computation (P&C 2010), Assuan, Egypt; 30.08.2010 - 04.09.2010.

K. Svozil:
"Breathing in and out of Entanglement";
Hauptvortrag: Worlds of Entanglement 2017, Brüssel (eingeladen); 29.09.2017 - 30.09.2017.

K. Svozil:
"Can a computer be "pushed" to perform faster-than-light?";
Vortrag: Unconventional Computation 10, Tokyo, Japan; 21.06.2010 - 22.06.2010.

K. Svozil:
"Can there be randomness in quantum coin tosses involving beam splitters? On the relationship between quantum randomness and Turing computability";
Vortrag: Workshop "Physics and Computation", Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris; 28.06.2012 - 29.06.2012.

K. Svozil:
"Communication cost of breaking the Bell barrier";
Vortrag: Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 2007, Valtice, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 24.06.2007 - 27.06.2007.

K. Svozil:
"Conceptualizing Quantum Music and Quantum Musical Space";
Hauptvortrag: 1st International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Musical Creativity, Plymouth, UK (eingeladen); 19.11.2021 - 20.11.2021.

K. Svozil:
"Contextuality by nonembeddibility, the connection between two-valued states and coloring as well as reconstruction of (hyper)graphs, and extending Kolmogorov's probability axioms";
Vortrag: Fifteenth Biennial Quantum Structure 2022 Conference, Tropea; 26.06.2022 - 03.07.2022.

K. Svozil:
"Cryptography with quanta and chocolate balls";
Vortrag: 2nd Vienna Symposium on the Foundations of modern Physics 2009 in honour of Daniel Greenberger and Helmut Rauch, Wien (eingeladen); 11.06.2009 - 14.06.2009.

K. Svozil:
"Equals 2";
Vortrag: Foundations of Quantum Science & Technology 2008, Port Dickson, Malaysia (eingeladen); 24.11.2008 - 28.11.2008.

K. Svozil:
"Extending Kolmogorov's axioms for collections of contexts";
Vortrag: Quantum Information and Probability: From Foundations to Engineering (QIP22), Växjö, Schweden (eingeladen); 14.06.2022 - 17.06.2022.

K. Svozil:
"Farewell to counterfactuals";
Vortrag: Foundations of Probability and Physics, Växjö, Schweden (eingeladen); 07.06.2004 - 12.06.2004.

K. Svozil:
"Forms of probabilities in nonboolean propositional structures";
Hauptvortrag: VII Conference on Quantum Foundations: 90 Years of Uncertainty, Cordoba, Argentinien (eingeladen); 29.11.2017 - 01.12.2017.

K. Svozil:
"Fuzzy Logic meets Quantum Logic - BuCal 2017";
Hauptvortrag: Fuzzy Logic meets Quantum Logic - BuCal 2017, Bucharest (eingeladen); 25.09.2017 - 27.09.2017.

K. Svozil:
"Graphs in Quantum Mechanics";
Vortrag: Eingeladener Vortrag, Universität Shiraz, Iran, Shiraz, Iran (eingeladen); 04.05.2019.

K. Svozil:
"How can Intrinsic, Embedded Observers unscramble the Quantum Omelette?";
Vortrag: Logic, music and quantum information - Symposium, Florenz (eingeladen); 15.06.2013 - 17.06.2013.

K. Svozil:
"How to perceive Quantum clouds";
Hauptvortrag: Worlds of Entanglement 2019 (WOE2019), Santiago, Chile (eingeladen); 07.03.2019 - 08.03.2019.

K. Svozil:
"Index of refraction in exotic vacua";
Vortrag: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev; 28.05.2010.

K. Svozil:
"Is quantum contextuality a red herring?";
Vortrag: 6th European QIPC Workshop, Universität Wien, Austria; 22.05.2005.

K. Svozil:
Vortrag: Seminar für Neutronen- und Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Wien, Atominstitut; 12.12.2003.

K. Svozil:
"Kolmogorov-type conditional probabilities among distinct context";
Vortrag: Quantum Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics and Beyond (QCQMB) 2019, Prag (eingeladen); 18.05.2019 - 19.05.2019.

K. Svozil:
"Kontextualität und Quantenscholastik";
Vortrag: ITP - Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart/Germany (eingeladen); 13.01.2009.

K. Svozil:
"Logical equivalence between generalized urn models and finite automata";
Vortrag: Quantum Structures 2002, Wien, Austria; 05.07.2002.

K. Svozil:
"Man in the middle attack on quantum cryptography";
Vortrag: Institut für Theoretische Physik, TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 15.04.2005.

K. Svozil:
"On the solution of trivalent decision - problems by quantum state identification";
Vortrag: 7th International Conference on Unconventional Computation 2008 (UC2008), Vienna (eingeladen); 25.08.2008 - 28.08.2008.

K. Svozil:
"Paul Feyerabend und die Physik";
Vortrag: Intern. Symposium am Institut Wiener Kreis, Wien (eingeladen); 18.06.2004 - 19.06.2004.

K. Svozil:
"Proposed direct test of quantum contextuality";
Vortrag: 8th International Conference on Unconventional Computation, UC 2009, Ponta Delaga, Portugal; 07.09.2009 - 11.09.2009.

K. Svozil:
"Proposed test of quantum contextuality";
Vortrag: Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine; 15.09.2009 - 18.09.2009.

K. Svozil:
"Qantum recursion theory";
Vortrag: Seminario "Logical and Physical Aspects of Quantum Mechanics", Università di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia Dottorato in Storia, Filosofia e Didattica delle Science (eingeladen); 08.06.2012.

K. Svozil:
"Quanten-Kryptographie - und wie man sie (vielleicht) knacken kann";
Vortrag: Institut für Photonik, TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 16.03.2005.

K. Svozil:
"Quantification of contextuality";
Vortrag: First Joint Cagliari-Olomouc Workshop on Algebraic Logic, Cagliari; 14.03.2012 - 16.03.2012.

K. Svozil:
"Quantum and quasi-classical correlations & the cost of breaking the bell barrier";
Vortrag: Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; 06.03.2008.

K. Svozil:
"Quantum clouds and contextuality";
Vortrag: Towards Ultimate Quantum Theory (UQT), , June 11-14, 2018, Växjö, Schweden (eingeladen); 11.06.2018 - 14.06.2018.

K. Svozil:
"Quantum Clouds as Pathways to Non-(Hyper)-Classicality";
Hauptvortrag: TopHPC 2019 - International Congress on High Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics, Tehran, Iran (eingeladen); 23.04.2019 - 25.04.2019.

K. Svozil:
"Quantum computation by state identification";
Vortrag: Conference on Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations-3, Vaxjö, Sweden; 06.06.2005 -