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Publication list for members of
E376 - Institute of Automation and Control
as authors or essentially involved persons
Doctor's Theses (authored and supervised)

150 records (1996 - 2021)

Doctor's Theses (authored and supervised)

  1. Author: Georg Jäggle, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Chronis Kynigos; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    G. Jäggle:
    "Designing and assessing Educational Robotics Activities with the C4STEM framework";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, C. Kynigos, A. Kugi; E376, 2021; oral examination: 11-18-2021.


  2. Author: Florian Rötzer, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Ian K. Craig; Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02

    F. Rötzer:
    "Modeling and Control of Reheating Strategies for Refractory Metals";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, I.K. Craig, W. Kemmetmüller; E376, 2021; oral examination: 08-30-2021.


  3. Author: Francesco Cigarini, E376-01
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Manfred Kaltenbacher, E325-03; Yuen Yong

    F. Cigarini:
    "Model-based Analysis and Multiphysics Finite Element Simulation for Shaping the Dynamics of HighPrecision Scanning Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, M. Kaltenbacher, Y. Yong; E376, 2021; oral examination: 07-09-2021.


  4. Author: Gerhard Freudenthaler
    Other persons involved: Thomas Meurer, E376-02; Christophe Prieur; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    G. Freudenthaler:
    "Formation Control of Multi-Agent-Systems based on Continuum Models";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: T. Meurer, C. Prieur, A. Kugi; E376, 2021; oral examination: 07-06-2021.


  5. Author: Lukas Marko, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Martin Guay; Georg Schitter, E376-01

    L. Marko:
    "Multivariable Strip Shape Control in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Lines";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, M. Guay, G. Schitter; E376, 2021; oral examination: 06-23-2021.


  6. Author: Peter Riegler-Nurscher
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Marc Hanheide; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    P. Riegler-Nurscher:
    "Mobile vision system for estimation of soil and plant properties";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, M. Hanheide, A. Kugi; E376, 2021; oral examination: 06-21-2021.


  7. Author: Gabriel Forstner, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02; Christopher Gerada; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    G. Forstner:
    "Model-based control of permanent magnet synchronous motors with inter-turn winding short circuit";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: W. Kemmetmüller, C. Gerada, A. Kugi; E376, 2021; oral examination: 05-03-2021.


  8. Author: Martin Müller, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Morten Hovd; Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02

    M. Müller:
    "Model-based thickness control in hot strip rolling with oil lubrication";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, M. Hovd, W. Kemmetmüller; E376, 2021; oral examination: 04-23-2021.


  9. Author: Josef Johann Maier
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Stefano Mattoccia; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    J. Maier:
    "Optimization of the Relative Stereo Pose Estimation Pipeline";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, S. Mattoccia, A. Kugi; E376, 2021; oral examination: 03-08-2021.


  10. Author: Alexander Aschauer, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Stefan Nickel; Andreas Steinböck, E376-02

    A. Aschauer:
    "Optimal Scheduling in a Hot Rolling Mill for Refractory Metals";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, S. Nickel, A. Steinböck; E376, 2021; oral examination: 03-05-2021.


  11. Author: Thomas Hausberger, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02; Arnau Dòria-Cerezo; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    T. Hausberger:
    "Nonlinear High-Speed Model Predictive Control with Long Prediction Horizons for Power-Converter Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: W. Kemmetmüller, A. Dòria-Cerezo, A. Kugi; E376, 2020; oral examination: 12-18-2020.


  12. Author: Martin Saxinger, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Reza Moheimani; Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02

    M. Saxinger:
    "Model-based control of the transverse strip shape and position in a hot-dip galvanizing line";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, R. Moheimani, W. Kemmetmüller; E376, 2020; oral examination: 12-04-2020.


  13. Author: Kiru Park, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Vincent Lepetit; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    K. Park:
    "6D Pose Estimation of Objects Using Limited Training Data";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, V. Lepetit, A. Kugi; E376, 2020; oral examination: 11-20-2020.


  14. Author: Alexander Zeiler, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Markus Bambach; Andreas Steinböck, E376-02

    A. Zeiler:
    "Mathematical Modeling, Process Optimization and Quality Estimation in Side-trimming of Heavy Steel Plates";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, M. Bambach, A. Steinböck; E376, 2020; oral examination: 10-28-2020.


  15. Author: Christian Hartl-Nesic, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Tamim Asfour; Markus Vincze, E376

    C. Hartl-Nesic:
    "Surface-Based Path Following Control on Freeform 3D Objects";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, T. Asfour, M. Vincze; E376, 2020; oral examination: 09-10-2020.


  16. Author: Mohammad Loghmani, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Tatiana Tommasi; Georg Schitter, E376-01

    M. Loghmani:
    "Object Classification for Robot Vision through RGB-D Recognition and Domain Adaption";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, T. Tommasi, G. Schitter; E376, 2020; oral examination: 06-16-2020.


  17. Author: Thomas Riel, E376-01
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Thomas Schildknecht; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    T. Riel:
    "High performance satellite tracking system for free-space optical communication";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, T. Schildknecht, A. Kugi; E376, 2020; oral examination: 06-04-2020.


  18. Author: Robert Brauneis, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Gerhard Hirt; Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02

    R. Brauneis:
    "Automatic Deflection Compensation of a Multi-Actuator Gap Leveler for Heavy Plates";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, G. Hirt, W. Kemmetmüller; E376, 2020; oral examination: 01-07-2020.


  19. Author: René Paris, E376-01
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Klaus Janschek; Bernhard Zagar

    R. Paris:
    "Vision-based Absolute Position Sensing on Technical Surfaces";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, K. Janschek, B. Zagar; E376, 2019; oral examination: 10-01-2019.


  20. Author: Andreas Deutschmann-Olek, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Pierre Rouchon; Georg Reider, E387-01

    A. Deutschmann-Olek:
    "Modeling and Control of Optical Pulse Amplifiers for Ultra-Short Laser Pulses";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, P. Rouchon, G.A. Reider; E376, 2019; oral examination: 09-03-2019.


  21. Author: Georg Halmetschlager, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Peter Corke; Andreas Kugi, E376-02

    G. Halmetschlager:
    "Autonomous Calibration of Depth Sensors For Robotic Vision";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, P. Corke, A. Kugi; E376, 2019; oral examination: 05-27-2019.


  22. Author: Christoph Fröhlich, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Barry Lennox; Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02

    C. Fröhlich:
    "Modeling and control of servo-pump driven injection molding machines";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, B. Lennox, W. Kemmetmüller; E376, 2019; oral examination: 05-03-2019.


  23. Author: Herwig Koppauer, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Lucy Y. Pao; Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02

    H. Koppauer:
    "Nonlinear model predictive control of an automotive waste heat recovery system";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, L. Pao, W. Kemmetmüller; E376, 2019; oral examination: 04-02-2019.


  24. Author: Bernhard Bischof, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Alin Albu-Schäffer; Markus Vincze, E376

    B. Bischof:
    "Path and Surface Following Control for Industrial Robotic Applications";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, A. Albu-Schäffer, M. Vincze; E376, 2018; oral examination: 11-23-2018.


  25. Author: Wilfried Lepuschitz, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Paulo Leitao, Polytecnic Insti ...; Vladimir Marik

    W. Lepuschitz:
    "Self-Reconfigurable Manufacturing Control based on Ontology-Driven Automation Agents";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, P. Leitao, V. Marik; E376, 2018; oral examination: 04-10-2018.


  26. Author: Paul Zeman, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Boris Lohmann, TU München; Markus Vincze, E376

    P. Zeman:
    "Mathematische Modellierung und Regelung von hydraulischen Hybridantrieben";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, B. Lohmann, M. Vincze; E376, 2018; oral examination: 02-20-2018.


  27. Author: Andreas Pfeffer, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Steven Liu; Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02

    A. Pfeffer:
    "Modelling, Estimation and Control Concepts for Pneumatic Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, S. Liu, W. Kemmetmüller; E376, 2018; oral examination: 01-12-2018.


  28. Author: Ernst Csencsics, E376-01
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Maarten Steinbuch

    E. Csencsics:
    "Integrated Design of High Performance Mechatronics for Optical Inline Metrology Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, A. Kugi, M. Steinbuch; E376, 2017; oral examination: 11-27-2017.


  29. Author: Katharina Prinz, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Ian K. Craig; Markus Vincze, E376

    K. Prinz:
    "Model-based control of the thickness profile in hot strip rolling";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, I.K. Craig, M. Vincze; E376, 2017; oral examination: 10-27-2017.


  30. Author: Stephan Strommer, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Dirk Abel

    S. Strommer:
    "Mathematische Modellierung, Beobachterentwurf, Regelung und Optimierung eines kontinuierlichen Bandglühofens";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, D. Abel; E376, 2017; oral examination: 10-04-2017.


  31. Author: Philipp Kotman
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Jan Lunze

    P. Kotman:
    "Modeling and Control of Diesel Engine Air Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, J. Lunze; E376, 2017; oral examination: 09-15-2017.


  32. Author: Franz Königseder, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Klaus Janschek; Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, E376-02

    F. Königseder:
    "Regelung einer stabilisierten Plattform für Film- und Fernsehkameras";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, K. Janschek, W. Kemmetmüller; E376, 2017; oral examination: 06-23-2017.


  33. Author: Daniel Wolf, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Emanuele Menegatti

    D. Wolf:
    "Learning and Modeling Scene Context for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, E. Menegatti; E376, 2017; oral examination: 06-14-2017.


  34. Author: Thomas Fäulhammer, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; John Folkesson

    T. Fäulhammer:
    "From the Lab to the Wild: Learning and Recognizing Objects in Cluttered Environments on a Mobile Robot";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, J. Folkesson; E376, 2017; oral examination: 05-23-2017.


  35. Author: Martin Niederer, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Ulrich Konigorski

    M. Niederer:
    "Nichtlineare modellprädiktive Regelung der Bandtemperatur in einem Glühofen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, U. Konigorski; E376, 2017; oral examination: 05-17-2017.


  36. Author: Stefan Flixeder, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Tsu-Chin Tsao

    S. Flixeder:
    "Force-Based Cooperative Manipulation of Highly Deformable Materials";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, T. Tsao; E376, 2017; oral examination: 05-05-2017.


  37. Author: F. Schausberger, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; André Desbiens

    F. Schausberger:
    "Mathematical Modeling, Estimation, and Control of the Contour Evolution in Heavy-Plate Rolling";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, A. Desbiens; E376, 2016; oral examination: 11-28-2016.


  38. Author: David Faustner, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Harald Aschemann

    D. Faustner:
    "Modeling and Optimal Torque Control of Saturated Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, H. Aschemann; E376, 2016; oral examination: 09-26-2016.


  39. Author: Lara Lammer, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Chronis Kynigos

    L. Lammer:
    "Introducing Young People to Real-life Problem Solving in Multi-Disciplinary Teams with Robotic Product Development";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, C. Kynigos; E376, 2016; oral examination: 09-13-2016.


  40. Author: Matthias W. Hofmair, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Olle Hagman, TU Lulea

    M. W. Hofmair:
    "Process Optimization and Control of a Patching Plant for Shuttering Panels";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, O. Hagman; E376, 2016; oral examination: 08-16-2016.


  41. Author: Johannes Henikl, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Oliver Sawodny

    J. Henikl:
    "Regelungsstrategien für den Ausleger einer Autobetonpumpe";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, O. Sawodny; E376, 2016; oral examination: 05-13-2016.


  42. Author: Martin Böck, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Manfredi Maggiore, University of To ...

    M. Böck:
    "Model Predictive and Flatness-based Path Following Control and Manifold Stabilization with Applications";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, M. Maggiore; E376, 2016; oral examination: 03-04-2016.


  43. Author: Monika Wenger, E376
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Birgit Vogel-Heuser, TUM

    M. Wenger:
    "Model-Driven Re-Engineering of Control Applications";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, B. Vogel-Heuser; E376, 2016; oral examination: 02-23-2016.


  44. Author: Sayeda Nahar, Tu Delft
    Other persons involved: Athanasios Scarpas, TU Delft; Georg Schitter, E376-01

    S. Nahar:
    "Phase-separation characteristics of bitumen and their relation to damage-healing";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Scarpas, G. Schitter; E376, 2016; oral examination: 02-08-2016.


  45. Author: Mathias Blank, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Bernd Deutschmann

    M. Blank:
    "Digital Control Strategies for EMI reduced switching of Smart Power Switches";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, B. Deutschmann; E376, 2015; oral examination: 12-18-2015.


  46. Author: Shingo Ito, E376-01
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Robert Munnig Schmidt, TU Delft

    S. Ito:
    "High-precision positioning without external vibration isolation";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, R. Munnig Schmidt; E376, 2015; oral examination: 12-17-2015.


  47. Author: Stefan Eberharter, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Istvàn Erlich

    S. Eberharter:
    "Modellierung und Regelung eines mobilen VLF Prüfgenerators";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, I. Erlich; E376, 2015; oral examination: 11-05-2015.


  48. Author: Jürgen Steininger, E376-01
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Robert Stark

    J. Steininger:
    "Optical Path Design and System Integration for High Speed Scanning Lever Atomic Force Microscopes";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, R. Stark; E376, 2015; oral examination: 10-15-2015.


  49. Author: Patrik Zips, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Jürgen Adamy

    P. Zips:
    "Optimisation based motion planning for non-holonomic vehicles in narrow environments";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, J. Adamy; E376, 2015; oral examination: 10-08-2015.


  50. Author: Michael Baumgart, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Didier Theilliol

    M Baumgart:
    "Modeling and Optimal Compensation of the Deflection of Roller Levelers for Flat-Rolled Steel Products";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, D. Theilliol; E376, 2015; oral examination: 06-02-2015.


  51. Author: Katrin Speicher, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Ian K. Craig

    K. Speicher:
    "Mathematical modeling and observer design for the plate temperature in hot rolling";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, I.K. Craig; E376, 2015; oral examination: 05-05-2015.


  52. Author: Han Woong Yoo, TU Delft
    Other persons involved: Michel Verhaegen, TU Delft; Georg Schitter, E376-01

    H. W. Yoo:
    "Optomechatronics Design and Control for Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Verhaegen, G. Schitter; E376, 2015; oral examination: 03-31-2015.


  53. Author: Alexander Michel, E376
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Rudibert King, TU Berlin

    A. Michel:
    "Modellbasierte Regelung von industriellen Wärmeübertragern";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, R. King; E376, 2015; oral examination: 01-16-2015.


  54. Author: Gayane Shalunts, E193-01
    Other persons involved: Robert Sablatnig, E193-01; Markus Vincze, E376

    G. Shalunts:
    "Architectural style classification of building facades";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: R. Sablatnig, M. Vincze; Institut für Rechnergestützte Automation, 2015.


  55. Author: Ekaterina Potapova, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Simone Frintrop, Universität Bonn

    E. Potapova:
    "Attention-driven Object Detection and Segmentation for Robotics";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, S. Frintrop; E376, 2014; oral examination: 12-10-2014.


  56. Author: Thomas König, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; K. Schlacher

    T. König:
    "Entwicklung, Parametrierung und Online-Adaption eines mathematischen Modells eines Walzgerüstes beim Warmwalzen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, K. Schlacher; E376, 2014; oral examination: 11-28-2014.


  57. Author: Luis A. Mateos, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Eric Demeester, KU Leuven

    L. Mateos:
    "In-pipe Robotic System for Pipe-joint Rehabilitation in Fresh-water Pipes";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, E. Demeester; E376, 2014; oral examination: 08-08-2014.


  58. Author: David Fischinger, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Antonio Morales

    D. Fischinger:
    "Enabling Autonomous Robotic Grasping based on Topographic Features";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, A. Morales; E376, 2014; oral examination: 07-04-2014.


  59. Author: Aitor Aldoma Buchaca, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Luigi di Stefano

    A. Aldoma Buchaca:
    "A hypothesis verification framework for 3D object recognition in clutter";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, L. di Stefano; 376, 2014; oral examination: 07-03-2014.


  60. Author: Ingo Hegny, E376
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Luca Ferrarini

    I. Hegny:
    "Development and Simulation Framework for Industrial Production Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, L. Ferrarini; E376, 2014; oral examination: 02-26-2014.


  61. Author: Markus Bader, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Juan Francisco Blanes, Universitat Poli ...

    M. Bader:
    "Spontaneous Reorientation Guided by Visual Room-Awareness";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, J. Blanes; E376, 2013; oral examination: 12-16-2013.


  62. Author: Edgar John Holleis, E384
    Other persons involved: Christoph Grimm, E384; Markus Vincze, E376

    E.J. Holleis:
    "Address Assignment in Indoor Wireless Networks Using Deterministic Channel Simulation";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: C. Grimm, M. Vincze; E376, 2013; oral examination: 11-28-2013.


  63. Author: Florian Mair, E376
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Helmut Seidel, UNI Saarland, LMM

    F. Mair:
    "Modeling and control of capacitive single- and dual-axis MEMS frame gyroscopes";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, H. Seidel; E376, 2013; oral examination: 11-21-2013.


  64. Author: Kai Zhou, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Patric Jensfelt

    K. Zhou:
    "Robotic Perception Benefit from Spatial Knowledge";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, P. Jensfelt; E376, 2013; oral examination: 11-18-2013.


  65. Author: Reinhard Hametner, E376
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; Georg Frey, Saarlandes Uni.

    R. Hametner:
    "Test Driven Software Development for Improving the Quality of Control Software for Industrial Automation Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, G. Frey; E376, 2013; oral examination: 10-01-2013.


  66. Author: Andreas Richtsfeld, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; N. Krüger

    A. Richtsfeld:
    "Robust Object Detection for Robotics Using Perceptual Organization in 2D and 3D";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, N. Krüger; E376, 2013; oral examination: 06-20-2013.


  67. Author: Thomas Mörwald, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Ales Leonardis

    T. Mörwald:
    "Object modelling for cognitive robotics";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, A. Leonardis; E376, 2013; oral examination: 04-18-2013.


  68. Author: Lukas Jadachowski, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Thomas Meurer, E376-02; Ansgar Jüngel, E101-01

    L. Jadachowski:
    "Backstepping Observers for Parabolic PDEs with Varying Parameters";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: T. Meurer, A. Jüngel; E376, 2013; oral examination: 04-12-2013.


  69. Author: Irene Reisner-Kollmann, E193-02
    Other persons involved: Werner Purgathofer, E193-02; Markus Vincze, E376

    I. Reisner-Kollmann:
    "Reconstruction of 3D Models from Images and Point Clouds with Shape Primitives";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: W. Purgathofer, M. Vincze; Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen, 2013; oral examination: 03-12-2013.


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  70. Author: Tobias Glück, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Roger Goodall, Loughborough Uni ...

    T. Glück:
    "Soft Landing and Self-Sensing Strategies for Electromagnetic Actuators";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, R. Goodall; E376, 2013; oral examination: 02-28-2013.


  71. Author: Thomas Wimböck, DLR
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Gerd Hirzinger

    T. Wimböck:
    "Controllers for Compliant Two-Handed Dexterous Manipulation";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, G. Hirzinger; E376, 2013; oral examination: 01-18-2011.


  72. Author: Gottfried Koppensteiner, E376
    Other persons involved: Georg Schitter, E376-01; David P. Miller, UOO

    G. Koppensteiner:
    "Knowledge-based Agent Architecture for Cooperative Production Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Schitter, D. Miller; E376, 2012; oral examination: 11-16-2012.


  73. Author: Michael Kamelreiter, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Ansgar Trächtler, Universität Pade ...

    M. Kamelreiter:
    "Suspension control based on continuous and digital electrorheological dampers";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, A. Trächtler; E376, 2012; oral examination: 06-06-2012.


  74. Author: Walter Wohlkinger, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; James J. Little

    W. Wohlkinger:
    "Grasping Categories: 3D Shape Matching with Synthetic 3D Data for Robotic Manipulation of Categories";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, J. Little; E376, 2012; oral examination: 04-26-2012.


  75. Author: Tilman Utz, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; K. Schlacher

    T. Utz:
    "Control of Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Based on Semi-Discretizations";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, K. Schlacher; E376, 2012; oral examination: 02-13-2012.


  76. Author: Johann Prankl, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Bastian Leibe

    J. Prankl:
    "From Images to Objects - Vision for Cognitive Robotic Experimentation";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, B. Leibe; E376, 2011; oral examination: 09-27-2011.


  77. Author: Klaus Holzmann, E376
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Alois Steindl, E325-02

    K. Holzmann:
    "Modellierung und Regelung von elektrorheologischen Dämpfern";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, A. Steindl; E376, 2011; oral examination: 09-06-2011.


  78. Author: Andreas Steinböck, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Biao Huang, University of Al ...

    A. Steinböck:
    "Model-Based Control and Optimization of a Continuous Slab Reheating Furnace";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, B. Huang; E376, 2011; oral examination: 08-19-2011.


  79. Author: Johannes Schröck, E376
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; K. Schlacher

    J. Schröck:
    "Mathematical Modeling and Tracking Control of Piezo-Actuated Flexible Structures";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, K. Schlacher; E376, 2011; oral examination: 07-21-2011.


  80. Author: Martin Humenberger
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Margrit Gelautz, E193-01

    C. Humenberger:
    "Real-Time Stereo Matching for Embedded Systems in Robotic Applications";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, M. Gelautz; E376, 2011; oral examination: 04-27-2011.


  81. Author: Andreas Kimmersdorfer, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Manfred Schrödl, E370-02

    A. Kimmersdorfer:
    "Robuste modellbasierte Bewegungsregelung bei Visual Servoing mit adaptiver Zustands- und Störgrößenschätzung";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, M. Schrödl; E376, 2010; oral examination: 11-26-2010.


  82. Author: Detry Renaud
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; N. Krüger; Justus Piater; J. Verly; L. Wehenkel; Jeremy Wyatt

    D. Renaud:
    "Learning of Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Modal Features for Robotic Grasping";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, N. Krüger, J. Piater, J. Verly, L. Wehenkel, J. Wyatt; Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2010; oral examination: 06-2010.


  83. Author: Harald Jordan, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Dietmar Dietrich, E384

    H. Jordan:
    "Robuste Verarbeitungssysteme von Videosequenzen im komplexen Umfeld";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, D. Dietrich; E376, 2010; oral examination: 05-25-2010.


  84. Author: Daniel Wild, E376
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Boris Lohmann, TU München

    D. Wild:
    "Modellierung und Beobachterentwurf für einen Stoßofen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, B. Lohmann; E376, 2010; oral examination: 05-20-2010.


  85. Author: Peter Gemeiner, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Andrew John Davison, Imperial College

    P. Gemeiner:
    "Improving Accuracy and Robustness of Localisation and Mapping Algorithms Using Vision and Inertial Sensors";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, A. Davison; E376, 2010; oral examination: 04-23-2010.


  86. Author: Markus Egretzberger, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Ulrich Schmid, E366-02

    M. Egretzberger:
    "Mathematical Modeling and Control of Micro Electromechanical Gyroscopes";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, U. Schmid; E376, 2010; oral examination: 04-21-2010.


  87. Author: Ahmad Byagowi
    Other persons involved: Peter Kopacek, E325-04; Markus Vincze, E376

    A. Byagowi:
    "Control System for a Humanoid Robot";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: P. Kopacek, M. Vincze; E376, 2010; oral examination: 03-25-2010.


  88. Author: Mario Richtsfeld, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Peter Kopacek, E325-04

    M. Richtsfeld:
    "Robust Range Image Processing for Robot Manipulation";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, P. Kopacek; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2009; oral examination: 12-21-2009.


  89. Author: Wolfgang Ponweiser, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Monique Thonnat

    W. Ponweiser:
    "The Vision of a Vision System - The Optimized Use of Computer Vision Algorithms";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, M. Thonnat; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2009; oral examination: 11-24-2009.


  90. Author: Daniel Thull
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Anton Arnold, E101-01

    D. Thull:
    "Tracking Control of Mechanical Distributed Parameter Systems with Applications";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, A. Arnold; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2009; oral examination: 09-11-2009.


  91. Author: Munir Merdan, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Vladimir Marik

    M. Merdan:
    "Knowledge-based Multi-Agent Architecture Applied in the Assembly Domain";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, V. Marik; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2009; oral examination: 03-23-2009.


  92. Author: Matthias Schlemmer, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; G. Stojanović

    M. Schlemmer:
    "Getting Past Passive Vision - On the Use of an Ontology for Situated Perception in Robots";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, G. Stojanović; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2009; oral examination: 03-20-2009.


  93. Author: Franz Fuchshumer, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Ulrich Konigorski

    F. Fuchshumer:
    "Modellierung, Analyse und nichtlineare modellbasierte Regelung von verstellbaren Axialkolbenpumpen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, U. Konigorski; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2009; oral examination: 02-10-2009.


  94. Author: Roland Lindinger, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Nicolaos Dourdoumas

    R. Lindinger:
    "Adaptiver Drehzahlbeobachter für ein pulsmustergespeistes Traktionsantriebssystem";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, N. Dourdoumas; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2009; oral examination: 01-12-2009.


  95. Author: Klaus Stocker, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Hermann Kaindl, E384-01

    K. Stocker:
    "Ein neues System zur automatischen Inprozessmessung und -prüfung glänzender Freiformflächen mittels Deflektometrie";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, H. Kaindl; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2008; oral examination: 10-20-2008.


  96. Author: Sergiy Antonov, Robert Bosch GmbH
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Hans Peter Lenz

    S. Antonov:
    "Model-based Vehicle Dynamics Control";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, H.P. Lenz; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2008; oral examination: 09-29-2008.


  97. Author: Christoph Karl Sünder, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Valeriy Vyatkin

    C.K. Sünder:
    "Evaluation of Downtimeless System Evolution in Automation and Control Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, V. Vyatkin; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2008; oral examination: 09-10-2008.


  98. Author: Stefan Martin Benjam Gächter Toya
    Other persons involved: Roland Y. Siegwart; Markus Vincze, E376; Nicola Tomatis

    S. Gächter Toya:
    "Detection of Structured Objects with a Range Camera";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: R. Siegwart, M. Vincze, N. Tomatis; ETH Zürich Departement of Mechanical and Process Engineering, 2008; oral examination: 06-16-2008.


  99. Author: Thomas Kiefer, E376-02
    Other persons involved: Andreas Kugi, E376-02; Hans Troger, E325-02

    T. Kiefer:
    "Modeling and control of the hot rolling process of heavy plates in view of the elimination of ski-ends";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Kugi, H. Troger; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2007; oral examination: 12-18-2007.


  100. Author: Alois Zoitl, E376-01
    Other persons involved: Bernard Favre-Bulle, E376; Robert W. Brennan

    A. Zoitl:
    "Basic Real-Time Reconfiguration Services for Zero Down-Time Automation Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: B. Favre-Bulle, R. Brennan; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2007; oral examination: 12-05-2007.


  101. Author: Michael Zillich, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Vaclav Hlavac

    M. Zillich:
    "Making Sense of Images: Parameter-Free Perceptual Grouping";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, V. Hlavac; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2007; oral examination: 07-02-2007.


  102. Author: Georg Biegelbauer, E376
    Other persons involved: Markus Vincze, E376; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04

    G. Biegelbauer:
    "Efficient Part Feature and Object Detection by Fitting Geometric Models to Range Image Data";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Vincze, H. Pottmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2006; oral examination: 11-17-2006.


  103. Author: Peter Krammer, E354
    Other persons involved: Gottfried Magerl, E354-01; Bernard Favre-Bulle, E376

    P. Krammer:
    "Spatial Localization of Elementary Geometric Shapes with Industrial Ultrasonic Sensors";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Magerl, B. Favre-Bulle; Institut für Elektrische Mess- und Schaltungstechnik, 2006; oral examination: 03-27-2006.


  104. Author: Michael Bleyer, E193-01
    Other persons involved: Margrit Gelautz, E193-01; Markus Vincze, E376

    M. Bleyer:
    "Segmentation-based Stereo and Motion with Occlusions";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Gelautz, M. Vincze; Institute for Software Technology and Interactive Systems - Interactive Media Systems Group, 2006.


    More information

  105. Author: Christian Gessl, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    C. Gessl:
    "Adhäsionsregelung an einem Rad-Schiene Kontakt unter Beobachtereinsatz";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2005.


  106. Author: Gerhard Jambrich, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Bernard Favre-Bulle, E376

    G. Jambrich:
    "Robust Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, B. Favre-Bulle; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2005.


  107. Author: Martin Schickmair
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    M. Schickmair:
    "Optimaler Betriebspunkt für die Sachgüterproduktion bei divergenten technischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Unternehmenszielen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, A. Weinmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2005.


  108. Author: Thomas Berndorfer, Festo
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Bernard Favre-Bulle, E376

    T. Berndorfer:
    "Entwurf von hochperformanten Low-Power Mikroprozessorsystemen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, B. Favre-Bulle; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2004.


  109. Author: Klaus Glanzer, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    K. Glanzer:
    "Holonic Control Systems with Integration to Product Design and Logistics";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, A. Weinmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2004.


  110. Author: Günter Heider, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Bernard Favre-Bulle, E376

    G. Heider:
    "Die Entwicklung der Wertschöpfung und funktionsübergreifender Prozesse in der industriellen Automation in Österreichs Industrie in den vergangenen 50 Jahren und Konsequenzen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, B. Favre-Bulle; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2004.


  111. Author: Andreas Pichler, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    A. Pichler:
    "Range Image Understanding: Composite and Generic Feature Detection";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, A. Weinmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2004.


  112. Author: Alexander Viehweider, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    A. Viehweider:
    "Robust Backstepping - Algorithmic-improvements for control of nonlinear electromechnical Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2004.


  113. Author: M. Vollkron
    Other persons involved: Robert Noisser, E376; Heinrich Schima

    M. Vollkron:
    "Development of an Automatic Speed Adaption System for Continuous Working Left Ventricular Assist Devices";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: R. Noisser, H. Schima; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2004.


  114. Author: Franz Auinger
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    F. Auinger:
    "Domain-Independent Life-cycle overlapping Framework for Automation of Manufacturing";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, A. Weinmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2003.


  115. Author: Thomas Bachner, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Günther Brauner, E370-01

    T. Bachner:
    "Strombandgeregeltes aktives Störstromfilter in frei versetzter Taktierung";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, G. Brauner; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2003.


  116. Author: Stefan Chroust, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    S. Chroust:
    "Switching Kalman Filter for visual Servoing";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, R. Noisser; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2003.


  117. Author: Christoph Dutzler, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    C. Dutzler:
    "A Modular Distributed Control Architecture for Industrial Systems";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, A. Weinmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2003.


  118. Author: Stephan Häberle, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    S. Häberle:
    "Wissensbasierte Methodik zu Konzeption komplexer Automatisierungsanlagen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, A. Weinmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2003.


  119. Author: Jürgen Pretschuh, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    J. Pretschuh:
    "Quantifizierungsmethoden für ein regelbares-Holistic-Manufacturing";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, A. Weinmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2003.


  120. Author: Thomas Schmidt, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    T. Schmidt:
    "System architecture for cost-effective automaton of Complex enterprise-spanning business processes";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, A. Weinmann; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2003.


  121. Author: Rene Traxl, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    R. Traxl:
    "Ein neues Decision Support System zur Analyse und Optimierung integrierter Fertigungsanlagen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik, 2002.


  122. Author: Alexander Brenner, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    A. Brenner:
    "Performanceverbesserung bei der automatisierten Einzelteilsortierung mit Zeilenkameras in Echtzeit";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361, 2001.


  123. Author: Clemens Knezu, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    C. Knezu:
    "Robuste Gleitzustände unter Sollwertführung";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; E 375, 2001.


  124. Author: A. Pllana, E376
    Other person involved: Robert Noisser, E376

    A. Pllana:
    "Maximierung des Einzugsbereiches und der Robustheit bei der Stabilitätsbeurteilung von nichtlinearen Regelkreisen mittels Dissipativitätstheorie";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: R. Noisser; E 375, 2001.


  125. Author: Wolfgang Prechelmacher, E376
    Other persons involved: Robert Noisser, E376; Alexander Weinmann, E376

    W. Prechelmacher:
    "Zeitoptimale Bahngeschwindigkeitsplanung für mechanische Manipulatoren";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: R. Noisser, A. Weinmann; E 375, 2001.


  126. Author: Michael Rauch, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    M. Rauch:
    "Holistic Product Development - A Framework for Adaptive Design of New Product Development Processes";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; Institut für Flexible Automation, 2001.


  127. Author: Stephan Riedler, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    S. Riedler:
    "Korrelation zwischen Technologieinvestition und der regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361, 2001.


  128. Author: H. Rothwangl, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    H. Rothwangl:
    "Optimizing Constraint Control Using Mixed Integer Programming";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; E 375, 2001.


  129. Author: Horst Trenovatz, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    H. Trenovatz:
    "Stabilität und zuverlässige Parametertrajektorien linearparametervariierender Systeme";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; E 375, 2001.


  130. Author: Gerhard Elsbacher, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    G. Elsbacher:
    "Automatisierung von Konstruktionsaufgaben mit ganzheitlichem wissensbasierten Ansatz";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361, 2000.


  131. Author: Karl Fürst, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Dietmar Dietrich, E384

    K. Fürst:
    "Modulstruktur für eine flexible Komponentenintegration bei hohen Arbeitsgeschwindigkeiten in der industriellen Bildverarbeitung";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, D. Dietrich; Institut für Flexible Automation, 1999.


  132. Author: Wilfried Kubinger, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    W. Kubinger:
    "Ein neues Verfahren zur Bewertung regionenbasierter Farbsegmentierungsverfahren";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361 Flexible Automation, 1999.


  133. Author: Johann Marinits, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    J. Marinits:
    "Globale Optimierung auf intervallarithmetischer Basis mit regelungstechnischer Anwendung";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; E 375, 1999.


  134. Author: Dieter Schmidradler, E376
    Other person involved: Horst Ebel, E138-05

    D. Schmidradler:
    "Temperaturmessung im Verbrennungsraum eines Dieselmotors mittels RGB-Kamera";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Ebel; Institut für Angewandte und Technische Physik, 1999.


  135. Author: Karl Fürst, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    K. Fürst:
    "Modulstruktur für eine flexible Komponentenintegration bei hohen Arbeitsgeschwindigkeiten in der industriellen Bildverar";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361 Flexible Automation, 1998.


  136. Author: Peter Krautgartner, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    P. Krautgartner:
    "Optimization of the Dynamics of Vision-Based Control";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361 Flexible Automation, 1998.


  137. Author: Thomas Lanner, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    T. Lanner:
    "Dynamic Product Development";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361 Flexible Automation, 1998.


  138. Author: Michael Schleicher, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    M. Schleicher:
    "HoME: Holistic Matrix Evaluation for Assembly Line Sequencing and Balancing Based on Simulation";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361 Flexible Automation, 1998.


  139. Author: Ernst Bodenstorfer, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    E. Bodenstorfer:
    "Stabilitätsanalyse von Fuzzy-Regelungen mit Hilfe der Hyperstabilitätstheorie";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; E375, 1997.


  140. Author: Theodora Dimitrova, E376
    Other persons involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376; Rupert Patzelt, E354

    T. Dimitrova:
    "Ein neues Codier-Verfahren für die Ultraschallentfernungsmessung mit hoher Auflösung";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen, R. Patzelt; E 354 Elektrische Meßtechnik, 1997.


  141. Author: Karl Filz, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    K. Filz:
    "Optical Real Time Orientation Measurement of Moving Targets";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361 Flexible Automation, 1997.


  142. Author: Thomas Grünberger, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Hanns Peter Jörgl, E325-04

    T. Grünberger:
    "Optimierung neuronaler Regler mittels Genetischer Algorithmen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, H. Jörgl; E375, 1997.


  143. Author: Herbert Hufnagl, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    H. Hufnagl:
    "Machine Vision mit einem neuen kontinuierlichen zeilenorientierten System";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361 Flexible Automation, 1997.


  144. Author: E. Putz-Lorber, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    E. Putz-Lorber:
    "Ganzheitliches, prozessorientiertes Qualitätsmanagement bei hohen Flexibilitätsanforderungen in der Produktion";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361, 1997.


  145. Author: Stephan Spiess, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    S. Spiess:
    "Efficient Calibration of a Two Faced Laser Tracking System";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361, 1997.


  146. Author: Herbert Swaton, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    H. Swaton:
    "Kombinationsfehlermaß und kompakte Anregungssignale für optimale parametrische Prozeßidentifikation";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; E375, 1997.


  147. Author: Markus Vorderwinkler, E376
    Other person involved: Gerfried Zeichen, E376

    M. Vorderwinkler:
    "Eine modulare Steuerungsarchitektur für Industrieroboter";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Zeichen; E 361, 1997.


  148. Author: Markus Glasl, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Erich Rummich, E370-02

    M. Glasl:
    "Selektive Überschwingungsregelung für den betzseitigen Stromrichter eines Vollbahnfahrzeuges";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, E. Rummich; E375, 1996.


  149. Author: Angela Kusel, E376
    Other persons involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376; Robert Noisser, E376

    A. Kusel:
    "Computergestützter Sensitivitätsentwurf von Fuzzy-Regelungen";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann, R. Noisser; E375, 1996.


  150. Author: A. Magenauer, E376
    Other person involved: Alexander Weinmann, E376

    A. Magenauer:
    "Numerischer und experimenteller Nachweis von Chaos in einer zweipunktgeregelten PT2-Strecke unter harmonischer Anregung";
    Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Weinmann; E 375, 1996.
