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Publication list for
Raphael Suda
E202 - Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures
as author or essentially involved person

8 records (2017 - 2021)

Books and Book Editorships

Ch. Schranz, R. Suda, S. Pech:
"LaTeX, Excel, Word - Werkzeuge für den ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Hochschul-Einsatz (3., korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage)";
TU Verlag, Wien, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-903311-22-0; 432 pages.

More information

Ch. Schranz, R. Suda, S. Pech:
"LaTeX, Excel, Word - Werkzeuge für den ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Hochschul-Einsatz (2., korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage)";
TU Verlag, Wien, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-903024-90-8; 432 pages.

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Publications in Scientific Journals

R. Suda, T. Kiefer, Ch. Schranz, J. Füssl:
"A Finite-Element-Based Approach to Quantify the Impact of Bed Joint Reinforcement on the Compressive Strength of Vertically Perforated Clay Block Masonry";
Engineering Structures, 239 (2021), 112277.

R. Suda, Ch. Schranz, A. Jäger:
"Development of a tool for the structural design of the vertical load-bearing capacity of unreinforced masonry";
Mauerwerk, 21 (2017), 4; 223 - 234.

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Contributions to Proceedings

R. Suda, T. Kiefer, Ch. Schranz, J. Füssl:
"Do Fibre Reinforced Bed Joints Affect the Compressive Strength of Brick Masonry? A Stochastic, Finite Element Based Approach to Quantify the Increase of the Load Carrying Capacity";
in: "Programme & Proceedings of the China-Austria Forum for Postgraduates of Civil Engineering", J. Zhang, B. Pichler (ed.); Vienna University of Technology, 2019, 91 - 93.

Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry)

R. Suda, T. Kiefer, T. Buchner, C. Schranz, J. Füssl:
"A Multiscale Model for Brick Masonry with Special Focus on Bed Joint Reinforcement";
Talk: 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM) & ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Virtual Congress; 01-11-2021 - 01-15-2021.

R. Suda:
"Do Fibre Reinforced Bed Joints Affect the Compressive Strength of Brick Masonry? A Stochastic, Finite Element Based Approach to Quantify the Increase of the Load Carrying Capacity";
Talk: China-Austria Forum for Postgraduates of Civil Engineering, Vienna, Austria; 10-07-2019 - 10-08-2019.

Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised)

R. Suda:
"Finite Element Based Determination of the Vertical Load Carrying Capacity Increase of Brick Masonry Due to Fibre Reinforced Bed Joints";
Supervisor: J. Füssl, T. Kiefer, Ch. Schranz; Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen, 2019; final examination: 01-18-2019.