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Publikationsliste für
Christian Panzer
E370 - Institut für Energiesysteme und Elektrische Antriebe
als Autorin / Autor bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Person

105 Datensätze (2007 - 2018)

Bücher und Buch-Herausgaben

Ch. Panzer (Hrg.):
"Economics and Regulatory Criteria for Distributed Generation - An assessment of approaches in Denmark and Austria";
VDM-Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-836465-16-8; 140 S.

Ch. Panzer (Hrg.):
"Investment costs of renewable electricity technologies: The impact of learning effects and volatile energy and raw material prices";
Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, Saarbrücken, 2012, ISBN: 978-3838133690; 151 S.


P. del Rio, G Resch, A. Ortner, L Liebmann, S Busch, Ch. Panzer:
"A techno-economic analysis of EU renewable electricity policy pathways in 2030";
Energy Policy, 104 (2017), S. 484 - 493.

R. Haas, Ch. Panzer, G Resch, M. Ragwitz, G. Reece, A Held:
"A historical review of promotion strategies for electricity from renewable energy sources in EU countries";
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2 (2011), 15; S. 1003 - 1034.

R. Haas, G Resch, Ch. Panzer, S Busch, M. Ragwitz, A Held:
"Efficiency and effectiveness of promotion systems for electricity generation from renewable energy sources - Lessons from EU countries";
Energy, doi:10.1016/j.energy.2010.06.028, 2010 (2010), doi:10.1016/j.energy.2010.06.028, 2010; S. 1 - 8.

Ch. Panzer, J. Auer, G. Lettner:
"Effiziente Förderung der Stromerzeugung aus Offshore-Wind";
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 3 (2014), S. 48 - 51.

G Resch, A Held, T. Faber, Ch. Panzer, F. Toro, R. Haas:
"Potentials and prospects for renewable energies at global scale";
Energy Policy, 36 (2008), 11; S. 4048 - 4056.


R. Haas, G Resch, Ch. Panzer, M. Ragwitz, A Held:
"Efficiency and effectiveness of promotion systems for electricity generation from renewable energy sources - Lessons from EU countries";
in: "Wirtschaftliche Blätter - Energiepolitik", herausgegeben von: WKO; MANZ'sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung, 2009, S. 573 - 587.

Ch. Panzer, A Held:
"Overview of RES Characteristics and Future Scenarios";
in: "The Gulf and European Energy Security", herausgegeben von: Gulf Research Center Foundation; Eigenverlag, Manama, Bahrain, 2010, S. 93 - 111.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag)

J. Auer, Ch. Panzer, G. Lettner:
"The Offshore Wind Investment Framework - An International Assessment";
Vortrag: 13th European IAEE Conference 2013, Düsseldorf, Deutschland; 18.08.2013 - 21.08.2013; in: "Proceedings, Energy Economics of Phasing out Carbon and Uranium", (2013), 2 S.

T. Faber, Ch. Panzer, G Resch, R. Haas, C. Huber, D.J. Asch:
"Linking promotion strategies for electricity from renewables and for demand-side conservation in a dynamic European electricity market";
Vortrag: 31st IAEE International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey; 18.06.2008 - 20.06.2008; in: "Bridging Energy Supply and Demand: Logistics, Competition and Environment", (2008), ISSN: 1559-792x; S. 1 - 17.

R. Haas, A. Ajanovic, L. Kranzl, N. Nakicenovic, Ch. Panzer, G Resch, L Weißensteiner:
"Policies for heading towards sustainable energy systems";
Vortrag: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy& Environmental Protection, SEEP, Dublin; 12.08.2009 - 15.08.2009; in: "Proceedings of SEEP 2009, Environmental Protection Beyond 2020:", (2009), ISBN: 978-0-95557813-7; S. 302 - 308.

R. Haas, G Resch, Ch. Panzer, M. Ragwitz, A Held:
"Efficiency and effectiveness of promotion systems for electricity generation from renewable energy sources - Lessons from EU countries";
Vortrag: 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia; 30.09.2009 - 03.10.2009; in: "CD Proceedings, Energy, Water and Environment Systems", (2009), ISBN: 978-953-6313-98-3; 2 S.

R. Haas, G Resch, M. Ragwitz, A Held, T. Faber, Ch. Panzer:
"Trading guarantee-of-origin certificates: Blessing or pitfall for promoting electricity from renewable energy sources?";
Vortrag: 21th Scientific Conference on Energy and the Environment, Opatija, Croatia; 22.10.2008 - 24.10.2008; in: "Energy and the environment 2008", Vol. II (2008), ISBN: 978-953-6886-13-5; S. 13 - 28.

A. Lopez-Polo, R. Haas, Ch. Panzer, J. Auer:
"Prospects for grid-parity of Photovoltaics due to effective promotion schemes in major countries";
Vortrag: The 4th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2012 ), Shanghai, China; 27.03.2012 - 29.03.2012; in: "Proceedings,", (2012), 4 S.

A. Lopez-Polo, R. Haas, G Resch, Ch. Panzer, J Schallenberg-Rodriguez, J Knápek:
"Promoting Electricity Generation from Photovoltaics Efficiently and Effectively: A Survey on Lessons Learned";
Vortrag: 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE 2011), Bangkok, Thailand; 27.02.2012 - 29.02.2012; in: "Proceedings, A Paradigm Shift to Low Carbon Society", (2012), 6 S.

Ch. Panzer:
"Electricity market implications of volatile energy technology investment costs";
Vortrag: 12th European IAEE conference, Venedig, Italien; 09.09.2012 - 12.09.2012; in: "Proceedings, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability", (2012), 2 S.

Ch. Panzer:
"Future investment costs of renewable energy technologies at volatile energy- and raw material prices - an econometric assessment";
Vortrag: 35th Annual IAEE International Conference, Perth, Australia; 24.06.2012 - 27.06.2012; in: "Proceedings, Energy markets evolution under global carbon constraints: Assessing Kyoto and looking forward", (2012), 26 S.

Ch. Panzer:
"How fossil energy excess-reserves in the Middle East region can trigger renewable energy investments";
Vortrag: 8. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien , IEWT 2013, Wein, Österreich; 13.02.2013 - 15.02.2013; in: "Erneuerbare Energien - Überforderte Energiemärkte? Proceedings der 8. IEWT", (2013), 24 S.

Ch. Panzer:
"Implications of global unconventional gas development - Climate policy versus market effects";
Vortrag: 32nd North-American USAEE conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA; 28.07.2013 - 31.07.2013; in: "Industry meets government - impact on energy use & development, Proceedings", (2013), 2 S.

Ch. Panzer:
"Investment costs of renewable energy technologies under consideration of volatile raw material prices - an econometric assessment";
Vortrag: 12. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz; 15.02.2012 - 17.02.2012; in: "Alternativen für die Energiezukunft Europas in den Proceedings", (2012), ISBN: 978-3-85125-200-2; 10 S.

Ch. Panzer:
"Market potential of Lebanon's oil and gas production and implications from international developments";
Vortrag: 2nd Lebanon oil and gas summit LIOG, Beirut, Lebanon (eingeladen); 03.12.2013 - 04.12.2013; in: "Proceedings", (2013), 16 S.

Ch. Panzer, J. Auer:
"Successful integration of renewable electricity generation in the Gulf region";
Vortrag: 3rd Gulf research Meeting, Cambridge, UK; 11.07.2012 - 14.07.2012; in: "Proceedings, Creating a bridge of scholarly and academic excellence", Gerlach Press, (2012), 17 S.

Ch. Panzer, R. Hoefnagels, G Resch, M. Junginger:
"Investitionskosten erneuerbarer Energietechnologien in Zeiten volatiler Rohstoffpreise";
Vortrag: IEWT Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung TU Wien, Wien; 16.02.2011 - 18.02.2011; in: "7. IEWT, Energieversorung 2011: Märkte um des Marktes Willen?", (2011), 2 S.

Ch. Panzer, R. Hoefnagels, G Resch, M. Junginger:
"Up-front investment costs of renewable energy technologies in a dynamic context";
Vortrag: IAEE International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden; 19.06.2011 - 23.06.2011; in: "Proceedings of the 34th Conference, Institutions, Efficiency and Evolving Energy Technologies", (2011), 15 S.

Ch. Panzer, W. Prüggler:
"Ökonomische und regulatorische Kriterien dezentraler Energieversorgung, angewandt in Dänemark und Österreich, mit speziellem Fokus auf Wind und Kraftwärmekopplungsanlagen";
Vortrag: 10. Symposium Energieinnovation, TU Graz, Österreich; 13.02.2008 - 15.02.2008; in: "Energiewende", Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, (2008), ISBN: 978-3-902465-94-8; S. 1 - 10.

Ch. Panzer, G Resch, T. Faber, R. Haas:
"Förderinstrumente zur Stromerzeugung aus Erneuerbaren Energien - die Qual der Wahl!";
Vortrag: Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT), Wien; 11.02.2009 - 13.02.2009; in: "Proceedings der 6. IEWT, Energie, Wirtschaft und technologischer Fortschritt in Zeiten hoher Energiepreise", (2009), S. 1 - 11.

Ch. Panzer, G Resch, T. Faber, R. Haas:
"How to efficiently support renewable electricity - the future task in Europe";
Vortrag: 10th IAEE European Conference, Wien; 07.09.2009 - 10.09.2009; in: "Proceedings, Energy, Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Economies", (2009), ISSN: 1559-792x; S. 1 - 22.

Ch. Panzer, G Resch, R. Haas, T. Faber:
"Europe takes the challenge - the way forward in promoting renewable electricity";
Vortrag: 32nd IAEE International Conference, San Francisco, USA; 21.06.2009 - 24.06.2009; in: "Webpage, Energy, Economy and Environment: The global view", (2009), ISSN: 1559-792x; 16 S.

Ch. Panzer, G Resch, R. Haas, P. Schumacher:
"Deriving future support schemes of RES, by considering the cost evolution of RES technologies at volatile energy and raw material prices accompanied by technological learning impacts";
Vortrag: 11. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz; 10.02.2010 - 12.02.2010; in: "Proceedings und Webpage - Alte Ziele - neue Wege", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-85125-083-1; S. 1 - 11.

Ch. Panzer, G Resch, R. Hoefnagels, M. Junginger:
"Efficient but sufficient support of all RES technologies in times of volatile raw energy prices";
Vortrag: 29th USAEE/IAEE Annual North American Conference, Calgary, Canada; 14.10.2010 - 16.10.2010; in: "Proceedings,", (2010), 8 S.

G Resch, S Busch, Ch. Panzer, A. Ortner:
"Feasible Pathways for a European RES strategy beyond 2020";
Vortrag: 13th European IAEE Conference 2013, Düsseldorf, Deutschland; 18.08.2013 - 21.08.2013; in: "Proceedings, Energy Economics of Phasing out Carbon and Uranium", (2013), 2 S.

G Resch, Ch. Panzer, S Busch, M. Ragwitz, C. Klessmann:
"Future prospects for RES in Europe by 2020 and beyond - the need for and impact of cooperation";
Vortrag: 12th European IAEE conference, Venedig, Italien; 09.09.2012 - 12.09.2012; in: "Proceedings, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability", (2012), 2 S.

G Resch, Ch. Panzer, T. Faber, R. Haas, M. Ragwitz:
"20% Erneuerbare Energien in 2020 auf EU-Ebene - eine erste Analyse des neuen energiepolitischen Rahmens";
Vortrag: Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT), Wien; 11.02.2009 - 13.02.2009; in: "Proceedings der 6. IEWT, Energie, Wirtschaft und technologischer Fortschritt in Zeiten hoher Energiepreise", (2009), S. 1 - 2.

G Resch, Ch. Panzer, R. Haas, M. Ragwitz:
"20% RES by 2020 - an assessment of the new EU RES policy framework";
Vortrag: 10th IAEE European Conference, Wien; 07.09.2009 - 10.09.2009; in: "Proceedings der 10th IAEE, Energy, Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Economies", (2009), ISSN: 1559-792x; S. 1 - 2.

G Resch, Ch. Panzer, L. Pelkmans, M. Junginger, R. Hoefnagels:
"Der Einfluss von Nachhaltigkeitskriterien auf die Verwendung fester und gasförmiger Biomasse";
Vortrag: 12. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz; 15.02.2012 - 17.02.2012; in: "Proceedings, Alternativen für die Energiezukunft Europas", (2012), ISBN: 978-3-85125-200-2; S. 1 - 2.

G Resch, Ch. Panzer, M. Ragwitz:
"Possible designs for renewable energy support schemes beyond 2020";
Vortrag: RELP 2012 - Conference on Renewable Energy Law 2012, Brüssel; 08.03.2012; in: "Proceedings, Market Design and System Transformation for a Renewable Energy Future", (2012), S. 37 - 39.

G Resch, M. Ragwitz, Ch. Panzer:
"Europas Strategie für Erneuerbare Energien nach 2020 - Problemfelder und Handlungsoptionen";
Vortrag: 8. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien , IEWT 2013, Wein, Österreich; 13.02.2013 - 15.02.2013; in: "Proceedings, Erneuerbare Energien: Überforderte Energiemärkte?", (2013), 2 S.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag)

Ch. Panzer:
"A quantitative assessment of future RES pathways in the context of NREAPs - results from the Reshaping project";
Vortrag: Public stakeholder workshop of IEE project RES4LESS, Madrid; 19.09.2011.

Ch. Panzer:
"A quantitative assessment of policy pathways for meeting the challenge";
Vortrag: Policy stakeholder workshop - IEE project Reshaping, Vilnius; 16.05.2011.

Ch. Panzer:
"Biomass role in the Renewable Energy Directive 2020 energy futures";
Vortrag: AEBIOM conference, Brüssel; 29.06.2011.

Ch. Panzer:
"Challenges facing the GCC oil and gas industry";
Vortrag: 4th Gulf research meeting, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (eingeladen); 11.07.2012 - 14.07.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Concepts and solutions tailored to increasing renewable energy shares - lessons learnt in Europe";
Vortrag: Energy Security conference - Potential for EU-GCC cooperation, Manama, Bahrain; 10.11.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Consequences of BAU and evolving national policies";
Vortrag: Regional workshop of the futures-e project, Vilnius, Lithuania; 04.03.2008.

Ch. Panzer:
"Consequences of possible harmonisation and coordination scenarios";
Vortrag: Regional workshop of the futures-e project, Vilnius, Lithuania; 04.03.2008.

Ch. Panzer:
"Cost-benefit analysis of RES policy pathways beyond 2020 - results of the quantitative assessment";
Vortrag: Dissemination workshop of the IEE project beyond2020, Prague, Czech Republic; 02.10.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Deploying Renewables - Principles for Effective Policies";
Vortrag: International Feed-in Cooperation - 6th Workshop, Brüssel; 03.11.2008.

Ch. Panzer:
"Design elements of main harmonized instruments";
Vortrag: Policy workshop on "Strategic aspects of long‐term RES policy design" within the IEE project beyond 2020, Brüssel; 19.09.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Development and application of specific tools for energy security in the renewable energy sector";
Vortrag: Policy stakeholder workshop - FP7 project SECURE, Milan; 18.01.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Die Bedeutung der KMU´s für den Wissenschaftsstandort Österreichs";
Vortrag: Rudolf Sallinger Preis Verleihung, Wien; 21.02.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Dynamic RES investment cost modeling";
Vortrag: Expert discussion at CSIC, Madrid, Spain; 13.04.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Dynamic technology investment cost modeling - the multifactor impact approach";
Vortrag: Modeling seminar at UMB, Norwegian University of Life Science UMB, Oslo (eingeladen); 25.10.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Effiziente Förderung der Offshore Windenenergie-Stromerzeugung";
Vortrag: Studienpräsentation BMU Deutschland, Berlin; 01.10.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Effiziente Förderung der Offshore Windenenergie-Stromerzeugung";
Vortrag: Studienpräsentation BMU Deutschland, Berlin; 12.07.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Energieszenarien: Methoden, Zielsetzungen und Beispiele";
Vortrag: FH Tulln - Lehrgang: Bioenergy, Tulln; 25.11.2011.

Ch. Panzer:
"Future investment costs of renewable energy technologies at volatile energy and raw material prices - an econometric assessment";
Vortrag: Model validation workshop, Seville, Spain (eingeladen); 28.05.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Future investments of renewable energy technologies at volatile raw material- and energy prices - an econometric assessment";
Vortrag: Energy Modelling expert workshop, Lulea; 05.10.2011.

Ch. Panzer:
"Future investments of renewable energy technologies at volatile raw material- and energy prices - an econometric assessment";
Vortrag: Reshaping final conference, IEE project Reshaping, Brüssel; 07.12.2011.

Ch. Panzer:
"Future Lessons learned form the past and present energy scenarios";
Vortrag: EFONET final conference, Brüssel; 08.06.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Future modelling of energy technologies in scenarios up to 2050";
Vortrag: EFONET Workshop - Technology Integration, Dublin; 22.01.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Green-X ... (past &) future renewable energy deployment in Europe and global scale";
Vortrag: Final conference of EMPLOY-RES project - DG-TREN TREN, Brüssel; 21.04.2009.

Ch. Panzer:
"Internationale Beispiele und Lessons Learned of RES frameworks";
Vortrag: ENERVIS Konferenz - Wie geht es weiter mit dem EEG? Entwicklungsperspektiven und strategische Konsequenzen, Berlin, Deutschland (eingeladen); 17.04.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Internationale Beispiele und Lessons Learned of RES frameworks";
Vortrag: ENERVIS Konferenz - Wie geht es weiter mit dem EEG? Entwicklungsperspektiven und strategische Konsequenzen, Berlin, Deutschland (eingeladen); 03.06.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Is Europe on track to reach its 2020 goals";
Vortrag: 12. Interparliamentary Meeting Athens, Athen; 23.10.2012 - 24.10.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Long term RES potentials and costs";
Vortrag: Policy stakeholder workshop - IEE project Reshaping, Vilnius; 16.05.2011.

Ch. Panzer:
"Long-term cost developments - technological change";
Vortrag: Scientific exchange, Reshaping, Utrecht; 01.11.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Main conclusions and policy recommendations - Renewables";
Vortrag: Policy stakeholder workshop - FP7 project SECURE, Brüssel; 29.09.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Meeting 14% RES by 2020 in Slovakia 20% RES by 2020 in Europe ... scenarios on meeting the 2020 RES commitment";
Vortrag: Reshaping expert talk at the Slovakian Ministry of Economy, Bratislava; 11.05.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Meeting the 20% RES target by 2020 - the Belgium approach";
Vortrag: The Industry roadmap for the renewable energy action plan, EDORA, Brüssel; 25.01.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Meeting the 20% RES target by 2020 - the Bulgarian approach";
Vortrag: The Industry roadmap for the renewable energy action plan, APEE, Sofia; 04.02.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Meeting the 20% RES target by 2020 - the Cypriot approach";
Vortrag: The Industry roadmap for the renewable energy action plan, Cyprus Energy Agency, Nicosia; 23.04.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Meeting the 20% RES target by 2020 - the Romanian approach";
Vortrag: The Industry roadmap for the renewable energy action plan, SUNE, Bucharest; 03.02.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Meeting the 20% RES target by 2020 - the Slovenian approach";
Vortrag: The Industry roadmap for the renewable energy action plan, ZDMHE, Ljubljana; 08.03.2010.

Ch. Panzer:
"Options and policy packages for renewable electricity in the EU beyond 2020 - Pathways and designs";
Vortrag: Experts and stakeholders discussion bei CEPS, Brüssel (eingeladen); 12.10.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Policy criteria and possible policy pathways for harmonization";
Vortrag: International final conference of the IEE project beyond2020, Brussels, Belgium; 22.10.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Policy Integration and Interactions - Trade Offs with other Policies, Markets and Sectors";
Vortrag: International final conference of the futures-e project, Brüssel; 25.11.2008.

Ch. Panzer:
"Policy suggestions for implementation of renewable energy sources";
Vortrag: Parliamentarian event, Lithuanian Parliament, Vilnuis, Lithuania; 22.04.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Policy suggestions for implementation of renewable energy sources";
Vortrag: Parliamentarian event, Croatian Parliament, Zagreb, Croatia; 11.07.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Policy suggestions for implementation of renewable energy sources";
Vortrag: Parliamentarian event, Slovakian Parliament, Bratislava, Slovakia; 14.10.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Renewable electricity policy framework beyond 2020 - Pathways and designs";
Vortrag: POWERHOUSE breakfast discussion - EUROGAS, Brüssel (eingeladen); 24.01.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Renewable Energy - Policy, Regulation and grid integration";
Vortrag: Workshop organized by Unistrategic, Cairo, Egypt; 18.08.2008.

Ch. Panzer:
"Renewable energy in Europe - Required action to meet the target for 2020 and implications beyond";
Vortrag: EUFORES Parliamentary Breakfast Debate, EU Parliament, Strasbourg, France (eingeladen); 23.10.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Renewable energy source - potentials, costs and support frameworks";
Vortrag: Guest lecture at NewDesignUniversity, St. Pölten; 14.06.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Renewable Energy Sources - International support measures";
Vortrag: Utility discussion, Ökostrom AG, Wien (eingeladen); 29.11.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Renewable Energy Sources - Lessons Learned and potential future pathways?";
Vortrag: International Summer School for Sustainable Energy Systems, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Deutschland (eingeladen); 26.09.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"Renewable Energy Sources - Lessons Learned and potential future pathways?";
Vortrag: 4th annual forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Vilnius, Lithuania (eingeladen); 11.11.2013.

Ch. Panzer:
"RES-technology diffusion pathways - Model-based assessment of selected policy options for the EU-MENA region";
Vortrag: Desertec/EGES meeting, DII, München; 01.08.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Results of the Beyond 2020 project - policy packages for RES-E beyond the year 2020";
Vortrag: RES4LESS stakeholder consultation workshop, Brüssel (eingeladen); 26.11.2012.

Ch. Panzer:
"Short characterisation of the Green-X model";
Vortrag: Comparative analyzes workshop - EFONET project, FP7 - Coordinated Action and Support, Oslo; 18.05.2009.

Ch. Panzer:
"The role of renewables in the future European energy mix";
Vortrag: SECURE regional workshop, Moscow; 02.07.2010.

Ch. Panzer, L. Kranzl:
"Past energy scenarios and approaches - A (first) literature overview";
Vortrag: 1st EFONET Workshop, Wien; 12.11.2008.

Ch. Panzer, L. Kranzl, E. Krawczyk, E. Rosenberg:
"Future modelling of energy technologies in scenarios up to 2050";
Vortrag: EFONET Workshop - Technology Integration, Rome; 23.11.2010.

Dissertationen (eigene und begutachtete)

Ch. Panzer:
"Investment costs of renewable energy technologies under consideration of volatile raw material prices";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Haas, P. Del Rio Gonzalez; E370, 2012; Rigorosum: 09.05.2012.

Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute)

Ch. Panzer:
"Economics and Regulatory Criteria of Distributed Genertation, Implemented in Denmark and Austria, with special Focus on Wind and Small-scale Combined Heat and Power Plants";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Haas; Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft, 2007; Abschlussprüfung: 12.10.2007.

Wissenschaftliche Berichte

B Dallinger (Burgholzer), A Fleischhacker, G. Lettner, D Schwabeneder, B. Frantes, Ch. Panzer, M. Schechtner:
"UrbanEnergyCells- D4: Umsetzungs- und Potentialanalyse, und techno-ökonomischen Anforderungen";
Bericht für BMVIT; 2018; 41 S.

B Dallinger (Burgholzer), A Fleischhacker, G. Lettner, D Schwabeneder, B. Frantes, Ch. Panzer, M. Schechtner, S. Kermer:
"UrbanEnergyCells- D2: Entwicklung alternativer Geschäftsmodelle für urbane Energiezellen im zukünftigen hybriden Energiesystem";
Bericht für BMVIT; 2018; 28 S.

B Dallinger (Burgholzer), A Fleischhacker, G. Lettner, D Schwabeneder, B. Frantes, M. Schechtner, Ch. Panzer, S. Kermer:
"UrbanEnergyCells- D3: Quantitative Analyse von Energiezellen";
Bericht für BMVIT; 2018; 34 S.

B Dallinger (Burgholzer), A Fleischhacker, G. Lettner, D Schwabeneder, B. Frantes, M. Schechtner, Ch. Panzer, S. Kermer:
"UrbanEnergyCells- UrbanEnergyCells - Anforderungen zur Umsetzung von Energiezellen in zukünftigen Energiesystemdesigns";
Bericht für BMVIT; 2018; 25 S.

D. Jager, C. Klessmann, E. Stricker, T. Winkel, E. Visser, M. Koper, M. Ragwitz, A Held, G Resch, S Busch, Ch. Panzer, A. Gazzo, T. Roulleau, P. Gousseland, M. Henriet, A. Bouillé:
"Financing Renewable Energy in the European Energy Market";
Bericht für European Commission, DG Energy; 2011.

Ch. Panzer, G Resch, A Held, M. Ragwitz:
"Assessment of the potential impact of renewable energy sources on the security of supply, costs of energy security measures and policy support";
Bericht für Report of the FP7 project SECURE - Security of Energy Considering its Uncertainty, Risk and Economic implications; 2010.

M. Ragwitz, S. Steinhilber, B. Breitschopf, G Resch, Ch. Panzer, A. Ortner, S Busch, M. Rathmann, C. Klessmann, C. Nabe, I. de Lovinfosse et al.:
"RE-Shaping: Shaping an effective and efficient European renewable energy market";
Bericht für Intelligent Energy - Europe, ALTENER; Berichts-Nr. D23, 2012; 124 S.

G Resch, L Liebmann, A. Ortner, S Busch, Ch. Panzer, P. del Rio, M. Ragwitz, S. Steinhilber, M. Klobasa, J. Winkler, G. Gephart, C. Klessmann, I. de Lovinfosse, G. Papaefthymiou et al.:
"Final report of the beyond2020 project - approaches for a harmonisation of RES(-E) support in Europe";
Bericht für EU; Berichts-Nr. 7, 2014; 154 S.

G Resch, L Liebmann, A. Ortner, S Busch, Ch. Panzer, P. del Rio, M. Ragwitz, S. Steinhilber, M. Klobasa, J. Winkler, G. Gephart, C. Klessmann, I. de Lovinfosse, G. Papaefthymiou et al.:
"Summary report beyond2020 - approaches for a harmonisation of RES(-E) support in Europe";
Bericht für EU; Berichts-Nr. 7, 2014; 68 S.

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