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Publikationsliste für
Sebastian Busch
E370 - Institut für Energiesysteme und Elektrische Antriebe
als Autorin / Autor bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Person

38 Datensätze (2010 - 2017)

Bücher und Buch-Herausgaben

S Busch, N. Nakicenovic et al. (Hrg.):
"World in Transition: Governing the Marine Heritage, flagship report";
Eigenverlag, WBGU Berlin, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-936191-39-4; 413 S.

N. Nakicenovic, S Busch (Hrg.):
"Climate Protection as a World Citizen Movement Special Report";
WBGU (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Global Umweltveränderungen), Berlin, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-936191-43-1; 143 S.

N. Nakicenovic, S Busch (Hrg.):
"Human progress within planetary guard rails - A contribution to the SDG debate Policy Paper 8";
WBGU (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Global Umweltveränderungen), 2014, ISBN: 978-3-936191-70-7; 48 S.


P. Capros, L. Paroussos, P. Fragkos, S. Tsani, B. Boitier, F. Wagner, S Busch, G Resch, M. Blesl, J. Bollen:
"Description of models and scenarios used to assess European decarbonisation pathways";
Energy Strategy Reviews, 2 (2014), 3-4; S. 220 - 230.

P. Capros, L. Paroussos, P. Fragkos, S. Tsani, B. Boitier, F. Wagner, S Busch, G Resch, M. Blesl, J. Bollen:
"European decarbonisation pathways under alternative technological and policy choices: A multi-model analysis";
Energy Strategy Reviews, 2 (2014), 3-4; S. 231 - 245.

P. del Rio, G Resch, A. Ortner, L Liebmann, S Busch, Ch. Panzer:
"A techno-economic analysis of EU renewable electricity policy pathways in 2030";
Energy Policy, 104 (2017), S. 484 - 493.

R. Haas, G Resch, Ch. Panzer, S Busch, M. Ragwitz, A Held:
"Efficiency and effectiveness of promotion systems for electricity generation from renewable energy sources - Lessons from EU countries";
Energy, doi:10.1016/j.energy.2010.06.028, 2010 (2010), doi:10.1016/j.energy.2010.06.028, 2010; S. 1 - 8.

C. Klessmann, M. Rathmann, D. de Jager, A. Gazzo, G Resch, S Busch, M. Ragwitz:
"Policy options for reducing the costs of reaching the European renewables target";
Renewable Energy, 57 (2013), S. 390 - 403.


R. Haas, S Busch, G Resch, M. Ragwitz, A Held:
"Promoting electricity from renewable energy sources in emerging and developing countries - lessons learned from the EU";
in: "Energy and Sustainability III", WITPRESS, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-84564-508-3, S. 241 - 252.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag)

S Busch:
"Welfare Effects Of Cross Border Support For Renewable Energies In Europe: Case Study For France And Germany";
Vortrag: 13th European IAEE Conference 2013, Düsseldorf, Deutschland; 18.08.2013 - 21.08.2013; in: "Proceedings, Energy Economics of Phasing out Carbon and Uranium", (2013), 1 S.

S Busch, R. Mendelevitch, J. Stede:
"Technology-Specific Res Premiums For A Cost-Effective Renewables Expansion Using A Two-Stage Renewable Electricity Expansion Model";
Poster: 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Türkei; 25.05.2015 - 27.05.2015; in: "Proceedings, Energy Security, Technology and Sustainability Challenges Across the Globe", (2015), 1 S.

S Busch, A. Ortner:
"An efficient mechanism for cross-border support of renewable electricity in the European Union";
Poster: 9. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, Wien; 11.02.2015 - 13.02.2015; in: "Proceedings, Energiesysteme im Wandel: Evolution oder Revolution?", (2015), 1 S.

S Busch, G Resch:
"Benefits and Distributional Effects of Regionally Integrating Support Schemes for Renewable Electricity";
Poster: 37th IAEE International Conference, New York; 15.06.2014 - 18.06.2014; in: "Energy & The Economy", (2014), 1 S.

R. Haas, S Busch, G Resch, M. Ragwitz:
"Promoting electricity generation from renewable energy sources in emerging and developing countries - Lessons learned from the EU";
Vortrag: 5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5), Denizli-Turkey; 27.06.2010 - 30.06.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), 8 S.

R. Haas, G Resch, S Busch:
"Promoting electricity generation from renewable energy sources in emerging and developing countries - Lessons learned from the EU";
Vortrag: ASEAN Australian Engineering Congress, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia; 25.07.2011 - 27.07.2011; in: "Proceedings, Engineering for Sustainability", (2011), S. 1 - 10.

G Resch, S Busch, L Liebmann:
"Prospects For Renewable Energies In Europe Up To 2030";
Vortrag: 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Türkei; 25.05.2015 - 27.05.2015; in: "Proceedings, Energy Security, Technology and Sustainability Challenges Across the Globe", (2015), 2 S.

G Resch, S Busch, Ch. Panzer, A. Ortner:
"Feasible Pathways for a European RES strategy beyond 2020";
Vortrag: 13th European IAEE Conference 2013, Düsseldorf, Deutschland; 18.08.2013 - 21.08.2013; in: "Proceedings, Energy Economics of Phasing out Carbon and Uranium", (2013), 2 S.

G Resch, P. del Rio, M. Ragwitz, S Busch, A. Ortner:
"Assessment Of European Res Policy Pathways For The Period Beyond 2020";
Vortrag: 37th IAEE International Conference, New York; 15.06.2014 - 18.06.2014; in: "Energy & The Economy", (2014), 2 S.

G Resch, L Liebmann, S Busch:
"Perspektiven für Erneuerbare Energien in Europa bis 2030";
Vortrag: 9. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, Wien; 11.02.2015 - 13.02.2015; in: "Proceedings, Energiesysteme im Wandel: Evolution oder Revolution?", (2015), S. 1 - 2.

G Resch, L Liebmann, S Busch, A. Ortner:
"The Potentials and the Benefits of intensified RES Cooperation in the European Union - a Pre-Assessment";
Vortrag: 3rd International 100% Renewable Energy Conference (IRENEC 2013), Istanbul, Turkey; 27.06.2013 - 29.06.2013; in: "Proceedings", (2013), S. 1 - 5.

G Resch, Ch. Panzer, S Busch, M. Ragwitz, C. Klessmann:
"Future prospects for RES in Europe by 2020 and beyond - the need for and impact of cooperation";
Vortrag: 12th European IAEE conference, Venedig, Italien; 09.09.2012 - 12.09.2012; in: "Proceedings, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability", (2012), 2 S.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag)

S Busch, N. Nakicenovic, A. Ortner, G Resch:
"An efficient mechanism for cross-border support of renewable electricity in the European Union";
Poster: Systems Analysis 2015 Konferenz, IIASA, Laxenburg; 11.11.2015 - 13.11.2015.

Dissertationen (eigene und begutachtete)

S Busch:
"An efficient mechanism for cross-border support of renewable electricity in the European Union";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Haas, K. Neuhoff, M. Ragwitz; E370, 2017; Rigorosum: 15.02.2017.

Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute)

M. Luu:
"An analysis of promotion strategies for renewable electricity (RES-E) in BRIC countries";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Haas, S Busch; E370, 2014; Abschlussprüfung: 12.06.2014.

Wissenschaftliche Berichte

S Busch et al.:
"Building Europe´s (Energy) Future A manifesto for an European Community for Energy Transition";
Bericht für Kulturwissenschaftlichen Instituts Essen und der Hans Böckler Stiftung; 2015; 10 S.

S Busch et al.:
"Healthy And Just Cities For Children And Youth";
Bericht für UN Habitat, World Vision; 2015; 16 S.

D. Jager, C. Klessmann, E. Stricker, T. Winkel, E. Visser, M. Koper, M. Ragwitz, A Held, G Resch, S Busch, Ch. Panzer, A. Gazzo, T. Roulleau, P. Gousseland, M. Henriet, A. Bouillé:
"Financing Renewable Energy in the European Energy Market";
Bericht für European Commission, DG Energy; 2011.

L Liebmann, S Busch, G Resch, A. Ortner, F. Dalla Longa:
"Pre-assessment of the potentials and the benefits of intensified RES cooperation";
Bericht für European Commission, Report of the Intelligent Energy - Europe project BETTER; 2013; 55 S.

M. Ragwitz, S Busch, A. Ortner, G Resch, L Liebmann, M. Welisch, C. Zehetner, I. Boie, R. Stütz, M. Junginger et al.:
"Assessment of Renewables Policy in the EU";
Bericht für EU; Berichts-Nr. Projekts DIA-CORE (Technical Report), 2016; 61 S.

M. Ragwitz, G Resch, M. Welisch, C. Maurer, S Busch, A Held, J. Winkler:
"Auctions for Renewable Energy in the European Union - Questions Requiring further Clarification";
Bericht für Agora Energiewende; Berichts-Nr. 058/08-I2014/EN, 2014; 40 S.

M. Ragwitz, S. Steinhilber, B. Breitschopf, G Resch, Ch. Panzer, A. Ortner, S Busch, M. Rathmann, C. Klessmann, C. Nabe, I. de Lovinfosse et al.:
"RE-Shaping: Shaping an effective and efficient European renewable energy market";
Bericht für Intelligent Energy - Europe, ALTENER; Berichts-Nr. D23, 2012; 124 S.

G Resch, L Liebmann, A. Ortner, S Busch:
"2020 RES scenarios for Europe - are Member States well on track for achieving 2020 RES targets?";
Bericht für EU; 2014; 61 S.

G Resch, L Liebmann, A. Ortner, S Busch, Ch. Panzer, P. del Rio, M. Ragwitz, S. Steinhilber, M. Klobasa, J. Winkler, G. Gephart, C. Klessmann, I. de Lovinfosse, G. Papaefthymiou et al.:
"Final report of the beyond2020 project - approaches for a harmonisation of RES(-E) support in Europe";
Bericht für EU; Berichts-Nr. 7, 2014; 154 S.

G Resch, L Liebmann, A. Ortner, S Busch, Ch. Panzer, P. del Rio, M. Ragwitz, S. Steinhilber, M. Klobasa, J. Winkler, G. Gephart, C. Klessmann, I. de Lovinfosse, G. Papaefthymiou et al.:
"Summary report beyond2020 - approaches for a harmonisation of RES(-E) support in Europe";
Bericht für EU; Berichts-Nr. 7, 2014; 68 S.

G Resch, A. Ortner, C. Zehetner, L Liebmann, S Busch, M. Welisch, P. del Rio, M. Ragwitz, S. Steinhilber, C. Klessmann, L. Janeiro, L. Teschniere, F. Genoese, H. Doukas, C. Karakosta, K. Papapostolou, J. Jansen, K. Veum, J.M Glachant, A. Henriot, H. Gil, L. Szabo:
"Interim report towards2030-dialogue: Dialogue on a RES policy framework for 2030";
Bericht für IEE project Towards2030-dialogue; 2015; 60 S.

G Resch, A. Ortner, C. Zehetner, L Liebmann, S Busch, M. Welisch, J. Geipel, P. del Rio, M. Ragwitz, A Held, S. Steinhilber et al.:
""Dialogue on a RES policy framework for 2030", Final report of the towards2030-dialogue project. A report compiled within the IEE project towards2030-dialogue";
Bericht für EU; 2017; 121 S.

G Resch, Ch. Panzer, A. Ortner, S Busch, P. Del Rio Gonzalez, M. Ragwitz, S. Steinhilber, M. Klobasa et al.:
"nception report beyond2020 - approaches for a harmonisation of RES(-E) support in Europe";
Bericht für Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE),; Berichts-Nr. D7.1, 2012; 56 S.

M. Welisch, A. Ortner, S Busch, G Resch:
"D4.2: RES market values and the merit-order effect - Policy Dialogue on the assessment and convergence of RES Policy in EU Member States";
Bericht für EC-IEE Project DiaCore; 2015; 74 S.