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Publikationsliste für
Christoph Rameshan
E165 - Institut für Materialchemie
als Autorin / Autor bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Person
2000 - 2020

207 Datensätze

Die Publikationen der Fakultät für Technische Chemie sind erst ab dem Jahr 2002 vollzählig in der Publikationsdatenbank enthalten. Publikationen aus den Jahren vor 2002 können, müssen aber nicht in der Datenbank vorhanden sein.


P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Gemeinsam stark und doch so individuell verschieden";
4 bis 8 Fachzeitschrift für Kindergarten und Unterstufe, 5 (2020), S. 34 - 35.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Pusteblumen sind nicht nur zum Pusten da!";
4 bis 8 Fachzeitschrift für Kindergarten und Unterstufe, Nr. 2 (2020), S. 22 - 23.

C. Garcia Yago, V. Truttmann, I. Lopez-Hernandez, T. Haunold, C. Marini, K. Dobrezberger, Ch. Rameshan, E. Pittenauer, P. Kregsamer, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, G. Rupprechter, M. Stöger-Pollach:
"Dynamics of Pd dopant atoms inside Au nanoclusters during catalytic CO oxidation";
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020), S. 23626 - 23636.

A. Ghoorchian, A. Afkhami, T. Madrakian, R. Rameshan, Ch. Rameshan, A. Hajian:
"Absorbance-based Spectroelectrochemical Sensor for Determination of Ampyra Based on Electrochemical Preconcentration";
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 324 (2020), 128723; S. 1 - 11.

T. Haunold, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"An ultrahigh vacuum-compatible reaction cell for model catalysis under atmospheric pressure flow conditions";
Review of Scientific Instruments, 91 (2020), 125101; S. 1 - 9.

X. Li, Verena Pramhaas, Ch. Rameshan, P. Blaha, G. Rupprechter:
"Coverage-induced orientation change: CO on Ir(111) monitored by polarization-dependent sum frequency generation spectroscopy and density functional theory";
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020), S. 18102 - 18111.

L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, H. Summerer, T. Ruh, J. Popovic, A. Nenning, S. Löffler, A.K. Opitz, P. Blaha, Ch. Rameshan:
"Modifying the Surface Structure of Perovskite-Based Catalysts by Nanoparticle Exsolution";
Catalysts, 10 (2020), S. 268.

L. Lindenthal, T. Ruh, R. Rameshan, H. Summerer, A. Nenning, C. Herzig, S. Löffler, A. Limbeck, A.K. Opitz, P. Blaha, Ch. Rameshan:
"Ca-doped rare earth perovskite materials for tailored exsolution of metal nanoparticles";
Acta Crystallographica Section B, B76 (2020), S. 1055 - 1070.

J. Popovic, L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, T. Ruh, A. Nenning, S. Löffler, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"High Temperature Water Gas Shift Reactivity of Novel Perovskite Catalysts";
Catalysts (eingeladen), 10 (2020), 582; S. 1 - 17.

R. Rameshan, A. Nenning, J. Raschhofer, L. Lindenthal, T. Ruh, H. Summerer, A.K. Opitz, T. Huber, Ch. Rameshan:
"Novel Sample-Stage for Combined Near Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Catalytic Characterization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy";
Crystals (eingeladen), 10 (2020), 947; S. 1 - 16.

T. Ruh, Verena Pramhaas, P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"How Greenhouse Gases Can Be Used To Store Energy";
Frontiers for Young Minds, 8 (2020), 527039; S. 1 - 8.

K. Sokołowska, L. Zhongyue, E. Hulkko, Ch. Rameshan, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, V. Apkarian, T. Lahtinen:
"Chemically Selective Imaging of Individual Bonds through Scanning Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy: Disulfide Bridges Linking Gold Nanoclusters";
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (2020), S. 796 - 799.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan, V. Schneeweiß:
"Zu Besuch im Teddybärkrankenhaus - Kindern Ängste nehmen";
klein&groß - Zeitschrift für Frühpädagogik, 12 (2019), S. 34 - 37.

C. Garcia Yago, S. Pollitt, M. van der Linden, V. Truttmann, Ch. Rameshan, R. Rameshan, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, P. Kregsamer, M. Stöger-Pollach, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, G. Rupprechter:
"Support effect on the reactivity and stability of Au25(SR)18 and Au144(SR)60 nanoclusters in liquid phase cyclohexane oxidation";
Catalysis Today, 336 (2019), S. 174 - 185.

C. Garcia Yago, S. Pollitt, M. van der Linden, V. Truttmann, Ch. Rameshan, R. Rameshan, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, P. Kregsamer, M. Stöger-Pollach, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, G. Rupprechter:
"Support effect on the reactivity and stability of Au25(SR)18 and Au144(SR)60 nanoclusters in liquid phase cyclohexane oxidation";
Catalysis Today, 336 (2019), S. 174 - 185.

H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, I. Prosvirin, V I Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"CO2 activation on ultrathin ZrO2 film by H2O co-adsorption: In situ NAP-XPS and IRAS studies";
Surface Science, 679 (2019), S. 139 - 146.

Matteo Roiaz, L. Falivene, Ch. Rameshan, L. Cavallo, S. Kozlov, G. Rupprechter:
"Roughening of Copper (100) at Elevated CO Pressure: Cu Adatom and Cluster Formation enable CO Dissociation";
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019), S. 8112 - 8121.

M. Sajadpour, H. Siampour, S. Abbasian, M. Amiri, R. Rameshan, Ch. Rameshan, A. Hajian, H. Bagheri, A. Moshaii:
"A Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor Based on the Hybrid Thin Films of Cu on Acetanilide/ITO";
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 166 (2019), S. 1116 - 1125.

B Zhang, A. Sels, S. Pollitt, G. Salassa, C. Garcia Yago, Ch. Rameshan, J. Llorca, K. Hradil, G. Rupprechter, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, T. Bürgi:
"Ligand and support effects on the reactivity and stability of Au 38(SR)24 catalysts in oxidation reactions";
Catalysis Communications, 130 (2019), 105768; S. 1 - 7.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Auf den Spuren der Langsamkeit";
klein&groß - Zeitschrift für Frühpädagogik, 06 (2018), S. 11 - 13.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Schmetterlinge schlüpfen im Kindergarten";
4 bis 8 Fachzeitschrift für Kindergarten und Unterstufe, 1 (2018), S. 8 - 11.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Winzige Gäste zu Besuch";
Kleinstkinder, 8 (2018), S. 20 - 21.

M. Corva, A. Ferrari, M. Rinaldi, Z. Feng, Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter, R. Constantini, M. Dell´Angela, G. Pastore, G. Comelli, N. Seriani, E. Vesselli:
"Vibrational fingerprint of localized excitons in a two-dimensional metal-organic crystal";
Nature Communications, 9 (2018), S. (#?).

T. Häusler, P. Gebhardt, D. Iglesias, Ch. Rameshan, S. Marchesan, D. Eder, H. Grothe:
"Ice Nucleation Activity of Graphene and Graphene Oxides";
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018), 15; S. 8182 - 8190.

X. Li, Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Polarization-Dependent SFG Spectroscopy of Near Ambient Pressure CO Adsorption on Pt(111) and Pd(111) Revisited";
Topics in Catalysis, 61 (2018), 61; S. 751 - 762.

A. Motin, T. Haunold, A. Bukhtiyarov, A. Bera, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Surface science approach to Pt/carbon model catalysts: XPS, STM and microreactor studies";
Applied Surface Science, 440 (2018), 440; S. 680 - 687.

A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan, M. Kubicek, G. M. Rupp, A. Nenning, T. Götsch, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, B. Klötzer, J. Fleig:
"The chemical evolution of the La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ surface under SOFC operating conditions and its implications for electrochemical oxygen exchange activity";
Topics in Catalysis, 61 (2018), S. 2129 - 2141.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, K. Anic, Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, R. Rameshan, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, J. Knudsen, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter:
"In situ NAP-XPS Spectroscopy during Methane Dry Reforming on ZrO2/Pt(111) Inverse Model Catalyst";
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30 (2018), 264007; S. 1 - 12.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Lorenz, M. Armbrüster, I. Kasatkin, B. Klötzer, T. Götsch, K. Ploner, S. Penner:
"Impregnated and Co-precipitated Pd-Ga2O3, Pd-In2O3 and Pd-Ga2O3-In2O3 Catalysts: Influence of the Microstructure on the CO2 Selectivity in Methanol Steam Reforming";
Catalysis Letters, 148 (2018), S. 3062 - 3071.

Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, X. Li, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Atmospheric Pressure Reaction Cell for Operando Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Ultrahigh Vacuum Grown Model Catalysts";
Review of Scientific Instruments, 89 (2018), 045104; S. 1 - 10.

B Zhang, A. Sels, G. Salassa, S. Pollitt, V. Truttmann, Ch. Rameshan, J. Llorca, W. Olszewski, G. Rupprechter, T. Bürgi, N. Barrabés-Rabanal:
"Ligand migration from cluster to support: A crucial factor for catalysis by thiolate-protected gold clusters";
ChemCatChem, 10 (2018), S. 5372 - 5376.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Ein unscheinbares Raupending wird zum schönen Schmetterling";
klein&groß - Zeitschrift für Frühpädagogik, 70 (2017), 06; S. 28 - 31.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Vertrauen, respektieren, offen kommunizieren - Reflexion im Team";
klein&groß - Zeitschrift für Frühpädagogik, 11 (2017), S. 6 - 11.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Was wir von Kindern und Giraffen lernen können - Achtsame Kommunikation mit Kindern";
klein&groß - Zeitschrift für Frühpädagogik, 12 (2017), S. 12 - 14.

F. Biegger, F. Jungwirth, M. Seifner, Ch. Rameshan, S. Barth:
"Aerosol-assisted CVD of thioether-functionalised indium aminoalkoxides";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 148 (2017), S. 1385 - 1392.

A.K. Opitz, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan, M. Kubicek, T. Götsch, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, B. Klötzer, J. Fleig:
"Surface Chemistry of Perovskite-Type Electrodes During High Temperature CO2 Electrolysis Investigated by Operando Photoelectron Spectroscopy";
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017), S. 35847 - 35860.

T. Phongamwong, W. Donphai, P. Prasitchoke, Ch. Rameshan, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, W. Klysubun, G. Rupprechter, M. Chareonpanich:
"Novel visible-light-sensitized Chl-Mg/P25 catalysts for photocatalyticdegradation of rhodamine B";
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 207 (2017), S. 326 - 334.

S. Pollitt, E. Pittenauer, Ch. Rameshan, T. Schachinger, O. Safonova, V. Truttmann, B. Abhijit, G. Allmaier, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, G. Rupprechter:
"Synthesis and Properties of Monolayer Protected Cox(SC2H4Ph)m Nanoclusters";
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (2017), S. 10948 - 10956.

K. Anic, A. Bukhtiyarov, H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"CO Adsorption on Reconstructed Ir(100) Surfaces from UHV to mbar Pressure: A LEED, TPD, and PM-IRAS Study";
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (2016), 20; S. 10838 - 10848.

K. Anic, A. Wolfbeisser, H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, J. Bernardi, G. Rupprechter:
"Surface spectroscopy on UHV-grown and technological Ni-ZrO2 reforming catalysts: from UHV to operando conditions";
Topics in Catalysis, 59 (2016), S. 1614 - 1627.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Frösche auf Urlaub";
4 bis 8 Fachzeitschrift für Kindergarten und Unterstufe, 1 (2016), S. 18 - 21.

L. Lukashuk, K. Föttinger, E. Kolar, Ch. Rameshan, D. Teschner, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, N. Yigit, H. Li, E. McDermott, M. Stöger-Pollach, G. Rupprechter:
"Operando XAS and NAP-XPS studies of preferential CO oxidation on Co3O4 and CeO2-Co3O4 catalysts";
Journal of Catalysis, 344 (2016), S. 1 - 15.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Ameisen beobachten";
4 bis 8 Fachzeitschrift für Kindergarten und Unterstufe, 1 (2015), 2; S. 10 - 13.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Wenn für Väter und ihre Kinder Quality time an oberster Stelle steht";
Bananenblau - Die Zeitschrift für Eltern und Kinder, 4 (2015), S. 6 - 7.

O. Karslıoglu, S. Nemsak, I. Zegkinoglou, A. Shavorskiy, M. Hartl, F. Salmassi, E. Gullikson, M. Ng, Ch. Rameshan, B. Rude, D. Bianculli, A. Cordones, S. Axnanda, E. Crumlin, P. Ross, C.M. Schneider, Z. Hussain, Z. Liu, C. Fadley, H. Bluhm:
"Aqueous solution/metal interfaces investigated in operando by photoelectron spectroscopy";
Faraday Discussions, 180 (2015), S. 35 - 53.

H. Li, J. Choi, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, M. Schmid, G. Rupprechter:
"The growth of an ultrathin zirconia film on Pt3Zr examined by-HR-XPS, TPD, STM and DFT";
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015), S. 2462 - 2470.

M. Ng, A. Shavorskiy, Ch. Rameshan, A. Mikkelsen, E. Lundgren, A. Preobrajenski, H. Bluhm:
"Reversible Modification of the Structural and Electronic Properties of a Boron Nitride Monolayer by CO Intercalation";
ChemPhysChem, 16 (2015), 5; S. 923 - 927.

A.K. Opitz, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan, R. Rameshan, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, J. Fleig, B. Klötzer:
"Beschleunigung der elektrochemischen Wasserspaltungskinetik durch polarisations-getriebene Bildung von oberflächennahem Eisen(0): Eine in-situ XPS Studie an Perowskit-Elektroden";
Angewandte Chemie, 127 (2015), S. 2666 - 2670.

A.K. Opitz, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan, R. Rameshan, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, J. Fleig, B. Klötzer:
"Improving electrochemical water-splitting kinetics by polarization-driven formation of near-surface Fe0: An in-situ XPS study on perovskite-type electrodes";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 54 (2015), S. 2628 - 2632.

Ch. Rameshan, M. Ling Ng, A. Shavorskiy, J. Newberg, H. Bluhm:
"Water adsorption on polycrystalline vanadium from ultra-high vacuum to ambient relative humidity";
Surface Science, 641 (2015), S. 141 - 147.

P. Bartl, Ch. Rameshan:
"Entdeckendes Lernen - Kleine Forscherinnen und Forscher im Kindergarten";
klein&groß - Zeitschrift für Frühpädagogik, 67 (2014), 07-08; S. 52 - 55.

H. Holzapfel, A. Wolfbeisser, Ch. Rameshan, C Weilach, G. Rupprechter:
"PdZn surface alloys as models of methanol steam reforming catalysts: Molecular studies by LEED, XPS, TPD and PM-IRAS";
Topics in Catalysis, 57 (2014), S. 1218 - 1228.

L. Mayr, R. Rameshan, B. Klötzer, S. Penner, Ch. Rameshan:
"Combined UHV/high-pressure catalysis setup for depth-resolved near-surface spectroscopic characterization and catalytic testing of model catalysts";
Review of Scientific Instruments, 85 (2014), S. 055104-1 - 055104-8.

H. Lorenz, Ch. Rameshan, T. Bielz, N. Memmel, W. Stadlmayr, L. Mayr, Q. Zhao, S. Soisuwan, B. Klötzer, S. Penner:
"From Oxide-Supported Palladium to Intermetallic Palladium Phases: Consequences for Methanol Steam Reforming";
ChemCatChem, 5 (2013), 6; S. 1273 - 1285.

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden

T. Haunold, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
in: "Vienna Young Scientists Symposium", Book-of-Abstracts.com / D.I. Krebs, Gumpoldskirchen, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0, S. 72 - 73.

X. Li, Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
in: "Vienna Young Scientists Symposium", Book-of-Abstracts.com / D.I. Krebs, Gumpoldskirchen, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0, S. 74 - 75.

L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, J. Raschhofer, R. Rameshan, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Nanoparticle Exsolution: Enhancing Catalyst Reactivity Under Reaction Conditions";
in: "Vienna Young Scientists Symposium", Book-of-Abstracts.com / D.I. Krebs, Gumpoldskirchen, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0, S. 70 - 71.

L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, J. Raschhofer, T. Ruh, R. Rameshan, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Characterization of novel doped perovskite catalysts - tailored exsolution of metal nanoparticles";
in: "Vienna Young Scientists Symposium", Book-of-Abstracts.com / D.I. Krebs, Gumpoldskirchen, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0, S. 98 - 99.

R. Rameshan, J. Raschhofer, M. Huber, J. Popovic, Ch. Rameshan:
"Development Of A Lab-Based In-Situ Nap-Xps System For Electro-Catalysis Research";
in: "Vienna Young Scientists Symposium", Book-of-Abstracts.com / D.I. Krebs, Gumpoldskirchen, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0, S. 96 - 97.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag)

L. Lindenthal, F. Schrenk, R. Rameshan, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan:
"Novel Doped Perovskites Catalysts for Methane Dry Reforming - Enhancing Catalytic Activity by Tailored Exsolution of Nanoparticles";
Vortrag: The XVI International Forum-Contest of Students and Young Researchers, St. Petersburg; 17.06.2020 - 19.06.2020; in: "The XVI International Forum-Contest of Students and Young Researchers", Online Webpage, (2020), 1 S.

R. Rameshan, L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, T. Ruh, J. Raschhofer, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Enhancing Catalytic Activity of Perovskites by Tailored Exsolution";
Vortrag: 3S´20, Symposium on Surface Science 2020, St. Christoph am Arlberg; 01.03.2020 - 07.03.2020; in: "3s'2020 Symposium On Surface Science 2020", (2020), S. 39 - 40.

A. Shavorskiy, M. Ling Ng, Ch. Rameshan, O. Karslioglu, C. Wang, H. Bluhm:
"Increased Reactivity of Subsurface Hydrogen Probed in a Membrane Reactor Cell by APXPS";
Vortrag: 6th Annual Ambient pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Workshop 2019, Lund; 10.12.2019 - 13.12.2019; in: "6th Annual Ambient pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Workshop 2019", (2019), S. 40.

R. Rameshan, L. Lindenthal, T. Ruh, J. Raschhofer, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Enhancing Catalytic Activity of Perovskites by Tailored Exsolution";
Vortrag: 11th International Conference on Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions, Sochi, Russland; 07.10.2019 - 11.10.2019; in: "XI International Conference "Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions"", (2019), S. 24.

L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, R. Rameshan, T. Ruh, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Nanoparticle Exsolution: Tailored Catalyst Surfaces For Energy Conversion";
Vortrag: 18. Österreichische Chemietage, Linz; 24.09.2019 - 27.09.2019; in: "18. Österreichische Chemietage", (2019), 1 S.

L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, J. Popovic, T. Ruh, J. Raschhofer, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Tailoring Catalyst Surfaces for Chemical Energy Conversion - Operando Spectroscopic Studies of Nanoparticle Exsolution";
Vortrag: E-MRS 2019 Fall Meeting, Warschau; 16.09.2019 - 19.09.2019; in: "E-MRS Conference Programme - Fall Meeting 2019", (2019), S. 323.

N. Yigit, L. Lukashuk, K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, G. Rupprechter:
"Operando Studies of Cobalt Oxide by NAP-XPS, XAS and Infrared: Commercial and Model Catalysts";
Vortrag: Europacat 2019, Aachen, Deutschland; 18.08.2019 - 23.08.2019; in: "Europacat 2019", (2019).

L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, J. Raschhofer, T. Ruh, R. Rameshan, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Nanoparticle Exsolution: Tailoring Catalyst Surfaces and their Reactivity in Operando in Real Time by Polarization";
Vortrag: 52. Jahrestagung Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar; 12.03.2019 - 15.03.2019; in: "52. Jahrestagung Deutscher Katalytiker", DECHEMA, (2019), S. 16.

L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, J. Raschhofer, T. Ruh, R. Rameshan, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Enhancing Catalytic Activity by Electrochemically driven Metal Nanoparticle Exsolution - Controlling the Catalyst Surface Structure in Real Time";
Vortrag: Operando Surface Catalysis Meeting, Oslo; 29.01.2019 - 01.02.2019; in: "Operando Surface Catalysis Meeting", (2019), 35 S.

T. Haunold, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Surface science studies of modified Co3O4(111) thin films";
Poster: 14th Pannonien International Symposium on Catalysis, Starý Smokovec; 03.09.2018 - 07.09.2018; in: "14th Pannonien International Symposium on Catalysis", (2018), ISBN: 978-80-89597-94-9; S. 157.

Ch. Rameshan, Verena Pramhaas, T. Haunold, R. Rameshan, L. Lindenthal, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, G. Rupprechter:
"Correlating Structure and Reactivity on Model Catalysts by Operando Studies - Catalysts for Environmental and Energy Applications";
Hauptvortrag: 14th Pannonien International Symposium on Catalysis, Starý Smokovec (eingeladen); 03.09.2018 - 07.09.2018; in: "14th Pannonien International Symposium on Catalysis", (2018), ISBN: 978-80-89597-94-9; S. 66.

T. Haunold, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) - Introduction to Theory and Practical Application";
Poster: VSS 2018 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 07.06.2018 - 08.06.2018; in: "VSS 2018", Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-8-3; S. 82 - 83.

Ch. Rameshan, A.K. Opitz, R. Rameshan, L. Lindenthal:
"Enhancing Catalytic Activity By Electrochemically Driven Metal Nanoparticle Exsolution";
Vortrag: VSS 2018 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 07.06.2018 - 08.06.2018; in: "VSS 2018", Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-8-3; S. 124 - 125.

R. Rameshan, Ch. Rameshan:
"Stability Of Catalysts In Solid Oxide Fuel Cells";
Poster: VSS 2018 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 07.06.2018 - 08.06.2018; in: "VSS 2018", Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-8-3; Paper-Nr. NSM.15, 2 S.

K. Anic, L. Lukashuk, N. Yigit, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, G. Rupprechter:
"Operando studies of working cobalt oxide catalysts by XAS, NAP-XPS and infrared: applied and model catalysis";
Hauptvortrag: OperandoVI - 6th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, Estepona, Malaga; 15.04.2018 - 19.04.2018; in: "OperandoVI - 6th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy", (2018), S. 21.

Ch. Rameshan, A.K. Opitz, A. Nenning, M. Kubicek, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, T. Götsch, R. Rameshan, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, B. Klötzer, J. Fleig, G. Rupprechter:
"Enhancing Catalytic Activity by Electrochemically driven Metal Nanoparticle Exsolution - Water and C02 Electrolysis";
Poster: OperandoVI - 6th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, Estepona, Malaga; 15.04.2018 - 19.04.2018; in: "OperandoVI - 6th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy", (2018), S. 72.

Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Thickness dependent adsorption properties of Pt films - CO oxidation studied in situ by SFG";
Vortrag: 17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017, Salzburg; 25.09.2017 - 28.09.2017; in: "17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017", (2017).

Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, X. Li, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"A New Experimental Setup For Uhv And Ambient Pressure Sfg";
Vortrag: 17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017, Salzburg; 25.09.2017 - 28.09.2017; in: "17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017", (2017), 1 S.

Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, M. Corva, Ch. Rameshan, E. Vesselli, G. Rupprechter:
"From simple systems to real catalysts: in-situ investigations of CO oxidation on Pt model catalysts by sum frequency generation spectroscopy";
Vortrag: EUROPACAT 13th European Congress on Catalysis, Florence; 27.08.2017 - 31.08.2017; in: "EUROPACAT Catalysis - A Bridge to the Future", (2017), S. 26.

Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"A New UHV System Including a High Pressure Cell for In-Situ sum frequency generation Spectroscopy";
Poster: EUROPACAT 13th European Congress on Catalysis, Florence; 27.08.2017 - 31.08.2017; in: "EUROPACAT Catalysis - A Bridge to the Future", (2017), S. 133.

G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, Y. Suchorski:
"Spectroscopy and microscopy of catalytic processes on well-defined surfaces: from UHV to operando conditions";
Vortrag: 33rd European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-33), Szeged (eingeladen); 27.08.2017 - 01.09.2017; in: "33rd European Conference on Surface Science", (2017).

G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, Y. Suchorski:
"Surface spectroscopy and surface microscopy of catalytic processes from UHV to operando conditions";
Hauptvortrag: Icass 2nd International Conference On Applied Surface Science, Dalian (China) (eingeladen); 12.06.2017 - 15.06.2017; in: "Icass 2nd International Conference On Applied Surface Science", (2017).

K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, M. Bertram, V. Vonk, A. Knop-Gericke, J. Libuda, A. Stierle, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts";
Vortrag: International FOXSI Conference 2017, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna; 15.05.2017 - 17.05.2017; in: "International FOXSI Conference", (2017), 1 S.

A.K. Opitz, G. M. Rupp, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan, T. Götsch, A. Limbeck, S. Volkov, V. Vonk, R. Rameshan, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, F. Bertram, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, A. Stierle, B. Klötzer, J. Fleig:
"On the surface chemistry of perovskite-type model electrodes: Gaining insights by in-situ spectroscopy and surface modification under electrochemical operation";
Vortrag: International FOXSI Conference 2017, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna; 15.05.2017 - 17.05.2017; in: "International FOXSI Conference, May 15-17, 2017 TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna", (2017), S. 1.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, Matteo Roiaz, K. Anic, Verena Pramhaas, J. Knudsen, H. Bluhm, G. Rupprechter:
"In-situ NAP-XPS on Oxides - Interaction of Water with Surfaces";
Vortrag: International FOXSI Conference 2017, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna; 15.05.2017 - 17.05.2017; in: "International FOXSI Conference", (2017), 1 S.

G. Rupprechter, K. Föttinger, Ch. Rameshan:
"Operando studies of working catalysts by synchroton-based XPS and XAS at atmospheric pressure";
Vortrag: 253rd ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, San Francisco (eingeladen); 02.04.2017 - 06.04.2017; in: "ACS Publications", (2017).

G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, Y. Suchorski:
"Surface spectroscopy and surface microscopy of catalytic processes: From model to technological materials, from UHV to operando conditions";
Vortrag: 253rd ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, San Francisco (eingeladen); 02.04.2017 - 06.04.2017; in: "ACS Publications", (2017).

K. Anic, L. Lukashuk, Matteo Roiaz, N. Yigit, K. Föttinger, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Operando studies of working cobalt oxide catalysts by synchotron-based XPS and XAS at atmospheric pressure: surface science and applied catalysis";
Vortrag: 3S´17, Symposium on Surface Science 2017, St. Moritz, Switzerland (eingeladen); 05.03.2017 - 10.03.2017; in: "3s´17 Symposium On Surface Science", (2017), S. 139 - 140.

Ch. Rameshan, K. Anic, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts - Surface Reactivity towards CO and H2O";
Vortrag: 32. Workshop Novel Materials and Superconductivity, Obertraun; 12.02.2017 - 18.02.2017; in: "32. Workshop "Novel Materials and Superconductivity"", (2017), 1 S.

K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"Insights into the catalysis on Cobalt oxide - surface reactivity towards CO and H2O";
Vortrag: 13th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Siofok; 19.09.2016 - 23.09.2016; in: "13th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis", Hungarian Chemical Society, (2016), ISBN: 978-963-9970-56-4; S. 42.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, Matteo Roiaz, K. Anic, Verena Pramhaas, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, R. Rameshan, J. Knudsen, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter:
"Methane Dry Reforming studied on Inverse Pt/ZrO2 Model Catalysts by in-situ Spectroscopy";
Vortrag: 13th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Siofok; 19.09.2016 - 23.09.2016; in: "13th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis", Hungarian Chemical Society, (2016), ISBN: 978-963-9970-56-4; S. 75.

G. Rupprechter, K. Föttinger, Ch. Rameshan:
"Operando studies of working catalysts by synchroton-based XPS and XAS at atmospheric pressure: surface science and applied catalysis";
Vortrag: Future Possible Use of Neutron and Synchrotron Sources by the Austrian User Community, Graz; 15.09.2016 - 16.09.2016; in: "Future Possible Use of Neutron and Synchrotron Sources by the Austrian User Community", (2016), S. 15.

A.K. Opitz, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan, S. Volkov, V. Vonk, R. Rameshan, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, F. Bertram, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, A. Stierle, B. Klötzer, J. Fleig:
"Enhancing electrolysis performance of perovskite-type electrodes by polarization-driven exsolution of metallic catalyst particles: A synchrotron-based in-situ XRD and XPS study of near-surface chemistry";
Vortrag: MLZ Conference: Neutrons for Energy, Bad Reichenhall (eingeladen); 18.07.2016 - 22.07.2016; in: "MLZ Conference: Neutrons for Energy", (2016), S. 16.

Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, O. Bethge, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Platinum thin film model catalysts investigated under reaction conditions using sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy";
Poster: The 16th International Congress on Catalysis, Beijing; 03.07.2016 - 08.07.2016; in: "The 16th International Congress on Catalysis - Poster Presentations", (2016), S. 26.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, G. Rupprechter:
"Methane dry reforming on an inverse model catalyst: ZrO2/Pt(111)";
Poster: The 16th International Congress on Catalysis, Beijing; 03.07.2016 - 08.07.2016; in: "The 16th International Congress on Catalysis - Poster Presentations", (2016), S. 54.

Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Surface Roughening of Copper (100) by High Pressure Carbon Monoxide Exposure";
Poster: The 16th International Congress on Catalysis, Beijing; 03.07.2016 - 08.07.2016; in: "The 16th International Congress on Catalysis - Poster Presentations", (2016), S. 7.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, Matteo Roiaz, K. Anic, Verena Pramhaas, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, R. Rameshan, J. Knudsen, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter:
"Methane Dry Reforming studied on Invers Pt/ZrO2 Model Catalyst";
Poster: The Future of X-ray and Electron Spectroscopies, Uppsala; 15.06.2016 - 17.06.2016; in: "The Future of X-Ray and Electron Spectroscopies", (2016), S. 84.

A.K. Opitz, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan, S. Volkov, V. Vonk, R. Rameshan, R. Blume, M. Havecker, F. Bertram, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, A. Stierle, B. Klötzer, J. Fleig:
"Electrochemical Switching of Bulk Properties and Surface Functionality of Perovskite Electrodes - An In-situ XRD and XPS Study";
Vortrag: EMRS Spring Meeting 2016, Lille; 02.05.2016 - 06.05.2016; in: "Spring Meeting 2016", (2016), S. CC-7.

H. Li, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, J. Choi, Ch. Rameshan, F. Mittendorfer, M. Schmid, J. Redinger, G. Rupprechter:
"Model catalysts for reforming reactions: water interaction with ultrathin films of zirconium oxide";
Vortrag: 5. GÖCH Symposium 2016 "Physikalische Chemie in Österreich", Salzburg (eingeladen); 14.04.2016 - 15.04.2016; in: "5.GÖCH Symposium 2016-"Physikalische Chemie in Österreich"", (2016), S. 13.

H. Li, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, J. Choi, Ch. Rameshan, F. Mittendorfer, M. Schmid, J. Redinger, G. Rupprechter:
"Model catalysts for reforming reactions: water interaction with ultrathin films of zirconium oxide";
Vortrag: COST Action CM1104, 4th and Final General Meeting, Universität Osnabrück (eingeladen); 06.04.2016 - 08.04.2016; in: "Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions", (2016).

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, K. Anic, Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, R. Rameshan, J. Knudsen, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter:
"Methan dry reforming studied on inverse Pt/ZrO2 model catalyst";
Vortrag: COST Action CM1104, 4th and Final General Meeting, Osnabrück; 06.04.2016 - 08.04.2016; in: "COST Action CM1104; Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions", (2016).

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, K. Anic, Verena Pramhaas, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, R. Rameshan, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter:
"Methane Dry Reforming studied on Invers Pt/ZrO2 Model Catalyst";
Poster: 49. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar; 16.03.2016 - 18.03.2016; in: "49. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker", (2016), S. 26.

G. Rupprechter, H. Li, K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov:
"Model catalysts for reforming and oxidation reactions: ultrathin films of zirconium oxide and cobalt oxide";
Vortrag: 3S´16, Symposium on Surface Science 2016, St. Christoph am Arlberg (eingeladen); 21.02.2016 - 27.02.2016; in: "3S´16 Symposium on Surface Science 2016", F. Aumayr, U. Diebold, C. Lemell, P. Varga (Hrg.); TU-Wien, (2016), S. 57 - 58.

K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, H. Li, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts - Structure and Surface Reactivity";
Vortrag: 16. Österreichische Chemietage, Innsbruck; 21.09.2015 - 24.09.2015; in: "16. Österreichische Chemietage", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Gumpoldskirchen (2015), 1 S.

H. Li, K. Anic, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, I. Prosvirin, G. Rupprechter:
"The activation of CO2 on a ZrO2 thin film";
Poster: 16. Österreichische Chemietage, Innsbruck; 21.09.2015 - 24.09.2015; in: "16. Österreichische Chemietage", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Gumpoldskirchen (2015), 1 S.

Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter, O. Bethge:
"Investigation of ALD prepared model catalysts by SFG spectroscopy";
Vortrag: 16. Österreichische Chemietage, Innsbruck; 21.09.2015 - 24.09.2015; in: "16. Österreichische Chemietage", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Gumpoldskirchen (2015), 1 S.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, H. Bluhm, G. Rupprechter:
"Interaction of Metal and Oxide Model Surfaces with Water studied by in-situ XPS";
Vortrag: 16. Österreichische Chemietage, Innsbruck; 21.09.2015 - 24.09.2015; in: "16. Österreichische Chemietage", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Gumpoldskirchen (2015), 1 S.

Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, Demir Dilek, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Sum Frequency Spectroscopy for Investigations in Heterogeneous Catalysis";
Vortrag: 16. Österreichische Chemietage, Innsbruck; 21.09.2015 - 24.09.2015; in: "16. Österreichische Chemietage", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Gumpoldskirchen (2015), 1 S.

G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, Y. Suchorski:
"Molecular level studies of catalytic reactions: Synergies of technological catalysts and surface science model systems";
Vortrag: 16. Österreichische Chemietage, Innsbruck; 21.09.2015 - 24.09.2015; in: "16. Österreichische Chemietage", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Gumpoldskirchen (2015), 1 S.

H. Li, K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, I. Prosvirin, G. Rupprechter:
"CO2 and H2O (Co)adsorption on a ZrO2 Thin Film";
Vortrag: XII EuropaCat "Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources", Kazan, Russland; 30.08.2015 - 04.09.2015; in: "EuropaCat XII", (2015), S. 247.

L. Lukashuk, E. Kolar, Ch. Rameshan, D. Teschner, A. Knop-Gericke, K. Föttinger, G. Rupprechter:
"Mechanistic Insights into CO Oxidation and Preferential CO Oxidation over Cobalt Oxide and Promoted Cobalt Oxide Catalysts";
Poster: XII EuropaCat "Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources", Kazan, Russland; 30.08.2015 - 04.09.2015; in: "EuropaCat XII", (2015), S. 381.

Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Investigation of Catalytic Reactions on ALD Model Catalysts and Perovskites with Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy";
Poster: ICAVS 8, Wien; 12.07.2015 - 17.07.2015; in: "ICAVS 8 Abstracts Poster", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-200-04205-6; S. 614 - 615.

Ch. Rameshan, K. Anic, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts As Alternative To Nobel Metal Catalysts";
Vortrag: Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015; in: "Vienna young Scientist Symposium", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Gumpoldskirchen, (2015), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-0-7; S. 104 - 105.

A.K. Opitz, A. Nenning, S. Kogler, Ch. Rameshan, R. Rameshan, R. Blume, M. Haevecker, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, B. Kloetzer, J. Fleig:
"Surface and Bulk Properties of Polarized Mixed Conduting LSF Electrodes: An in-situ Study In H2/H2O and O2 by Simultaneous Near-ambient Pressure XPS and Impedance Spectroscopy";
Vortrag: 20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Colorado; 14.06.2015 - 19.06.2015; in: "20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics", (2015), S. 95.

G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, Y. Suchorski, A. Bukhtiyarov, H. Li, K. Anic, A. Wolfbeisser, L. Lukashuk:
"Operando Studies on PdZn, Co3O4/CoO and Ni-ZrO2: Synergies of Surface Science Based Model Systems and Technological Catalysts";
Vortrag: 5th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, Deauville, France; 17.05.2015 - 21.05.2015; in: "OPERANDO V, 5th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy", (2015), S. 40.

Verena Pramhaas, Demir Dilek, Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"SFG Spectroscopic Investigation of Model Catalysts Prepared by ALD";
Vortrag: International Workshop: Sum Frequency Spectroscopy, Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus, Wiesbaden Naurod, Germany; 30.03.2015 - 01.04.2015; in: "International Workshop: Sum Frequency Spectroscopy", (2015), S. 1.

Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, Demir Dilek, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"SFG Spectroscopy in Catalytic Reactions from UHV to Ambient Pressure: Setup and Principle Investigations";
Vortrag: International Workshop: Sum Frequency Spectroscopy, Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus, Wiesbaden Naurod, Germany; 30.03.2015 - 01.04.2015; in: "International Workshop: Sum Frequency Spectroscopy", (2015), S. 1.

A. Kitla, R. Thalinger, Ch. Rameshan, B. Klötzer, K. Föttinger, G. Rupprechter:
"In-situ XPS of CuNi-ZrO2 during methane decomposition";
Poster: 30. "Planneralm" Workshop "Novel Materials and Superconductivity", BSFZ Obertraun; 08.02.2015 - 14.02.2015; in: "30. "Planneralm" Workshop "Novel Materials and Superconductivity", (2015).

Ch. Rameshan, K. Anic, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt oxide model catalyst as alternative to noble metal catalysts";
Vortrag: 30. "Planneralm" Workshop "Novel Materials and Superconductivity", BSFZ Obertraun; 08.02.2015 - 14.02.2015; in: "30. "Planneralm" Workshop "Novel Materials and Superconductivity", (2015).

H. Li, J. Choi, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, M. Schmid, G. Rupprechter:
"Model studies of Ni(Pd)-ZrO 2-Pt 3(Pd 3)Zr solid oxide fuel cell anodes";
Vortrag: COST Action CM1104 Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions, 3rd General Meeting, Barcelona, Spanien; 12.11.2014 - 14.11.2014; in: "COST Action CM1104 Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions, 3rd General Meeting", (2014), S. 16.

Ch. Rameshan, K. Anic, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalyst as Alternative to Noble Metal Catalysts";
Poster: COST Action CM1104 Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions, 3rd General Meeting, Barcelona, Spanien; 12.11.2014 - 14.11.2014; in: "COST Action CM1104 Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions, 3rd General Meeting", (2014), S. 53.

K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, H. Li, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalyst as Alternative to Noble Metal Catalysts";
Vortrag: 12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Castle Trest, Czech Republic; 16.09.2014 - 20.09.2014; in: "12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis", (2014), S. 29.

A. Bukhtiyarov, K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, G. Rupprechter:
"Ir (100) CO and O2 induced reconstructions - a substrate material for model catalysts";
Poster: 12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Castle Trest, Czech Republic; 16.09.2014 - 20.09.2014; in: "12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis", (2014), S. 16.

G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, A. Bukhtiyarov, K. Anic, K. Föttinger, L. Lukashuk:
"Ultrathin Films of Zirconium Oxide and Cobalt Oxide as Model Catalyst";
Hauptvortrag: 12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Castle Trest, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 16.09.2014 - 20.09.2014; in: "12th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis", (2014), S. 1.

H. Li, K. Anic, A. Bukhtiyarov, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Ultrathin films of Zirconium Oxide and Cobalt Oxide as Model Catalyst";
Vortrag: ECOSS 30 European Conference on Surface Science, Antalya / Türkei; 31.08.2014 - 05.09.2014; in: "ECOSS 30 European Conference on Surface Science", Ecoss 30, Antalya (2014), S. 95.

H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, C Weilach, G. Rupprechter:
"A combined (in-situ) IRAS, (in-situ) XPS and TPD study of interaction between water and zirconium oxide";
Poster: ECOSS 30 European Conference on Surface Science, Antalya / Türkei; 31.08.2014 - 05.09.2014; in: "ECOSS 30 European Conference on Surface Science", Ecoss 30, Antalya (2014), S. 243.

M. Ling Ng, A. Shavorskiy, Ch. Rameshan, A. Mikkelsen, E. Lundgren, A. Preobrajenski, H. Bluhm:
"Boron nitride nanomesh as a molecular filter for CO capture";
Vortrag: ECOSS 30 European Conference on Surface Science, Antalya / Türkei; 31.08.2014 - 05.09.2014; in: "ECOSS 30 European Conference on Surface Science", Ecoss 30, Antalya (2014), S. 373.

H. Li, J. Choi, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, M. Schmid, G. Rupprechter:
"Model studies of Ni(Pd)-ZrO2 -Pt3(Pd3)Zr solid oxide fuel cell anodes";
Vortrag: COST Redox WG3 Meeting 2014, 2nd Workshop of Workgroup 3 (Reactivity) CMST COST Action CM1104, Prague, Czech Republic; 08.05.2014 - 09.05.2014; in: "COST Redox WG3 Meeting 2014, Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions", (2014), S. 1.

Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, K. Anic, H. Li, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalyst as Alternative to Noble Metal Catalysts";
Vortrag: COST Redox WG3 Meeting 2014, 2nd Workshop of Workgroup 3 (Reactivity) CMST COST Action CM1104, Prague, Czech Republic; 08.05.2014 - 09.05.2014; in: "COST Redox WG3 Meeting 2014, Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions", (2014), S. 1.

H. Li, Jake Choi, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, M. Schmid, G. Rupprechter:
"Modelling Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Anodes by Surface Science Methods: Ni-ZrO2 -Pt3Zr";
Vortrag: 4. GÖCH Symposium "Physikalische Chemie in Österreich", Leoben, Montanuniversität Leoben; 28.04.2014 - 29.04.2014; in: "4. GÖCH Symposium "Physikalischen Chemie in Österreich"", (2014), S. KV-1.

Ch. Rameshan, W. Stadlmayr, C Weilach, H. Lorenz, M. Hävecker, R. Blume, T. Rocha, D. Teschner, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl, N. Memmel, D. Zemlyanov, G. Rupprechter, B. Klötzer:
"PdZn and CuZn model catalysts for methanol steam reforming - Structure selectivity correlations obtained by in-situ surface spectroscopy and catalytic testing";
Vortrag: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Dresden, Germany; 30.03.2014 - 04.04.2014; in: "DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie", Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V., Bad Honnef (2014), S. 1.

H. Li, Jake Choi, W. Mayr-Schmölzer, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, F. Mittendorfer, J. Redinger, M. Schmid, G. Rupprechter:
"Model studies of Ni(Pd)-ZrO2-Pt3Pd3)Zr solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) anodes: preparation, stability, water and CO adsorption";
Vortrag: 3S'14 Symposium on Surface Science 2014, St. Christoph/Arlberg, St. Christoph/Arlberg; 09.03.2014 - 15.03.2014; in: "3S'14, Symposium on Surface Science 2014, St. Christoph/Arlberg, March, 9-15, 2014.", (2014), S. 167 - 168.

H. Holzapfel, Ch. Rameshan, C Weilach, G. Rupprechter:
"In situ HP-XPS during methanol decomposition and oxidation on Pd(111)";
Poster: Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities by Austrian researchers, Vienna; 11.11.2013 - 12.11.2013; in: "Abstract Booklet "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities by Austrian researchers"", (2013), S. 66.

H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, C Weilach, G. Rupprechter:
"Using synchrotron based XPS to charactreize ZrO2 ultrathin film grown on Pt3Zr";
Poster: Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron Facilities by Austrian Scientists, Wien; 11.11.2013 - 12.11.2013; in: "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron Facilities by Austrian Scientists", TU Wien, (2013), S. 65.

Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"Synchrotron based AP-XPS for obtaining correlations between surface structure and catalytic selectivity";
Vortrag: Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron Facilities by Austrian Scientists, Wien (eingeladen); 11.11.2013 - 12.11.2013; in: "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron Facilities by Austrian Scientists", TU Wien, Wien (2013), S. 32.

H. Holzapfel, Ch. Rameshan, C Weilach, S. Kozlov, K M Neyman, G. Rupprechter:
"Reconstruction of Bimetallic PdZn/Pd(111) Surface Alloys induced by CO?";
Vortrag: 15th Austrian Chemistry Days (Chemietage), Graz; 23.09.2013 - 26.09.2013; in: "15th Austrian Chemistry Days, Graz University of Technology", (2013).

H. Li, K. Anic, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, J. Choi, M. Schmid, G. Rupprechter:
"Preparation and characterization of Ni particles supported by ZrO2 thin films as model catalysts";
Vortrag: 15th Austrian Chemistry Days (Chemietage), Graz; 23.09.2013 - 26.09.2013; in: "15th Austrian Chemistry Days, Graz University of Technology", (2013).

Ch. Rameshan, L. Mayr, H. Lorenz, M. Hävecker, R. Blume, T. Rocha, D. Teschner, S. Penner, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl, B. Klötzer:
"PdIn studied by in-situ XPS during methanol steam reforming reaction";
Vortrag: 2nd International Symposium on Intermetallic Compounds in Methanol Steam Reforming, Ismaning, Germany (eingeladen); 27.06.2012 - 29.06.2012; in: "2nd international Symposium on Intermetallic Compounds in Methanol Steam Reforming", (2012).

Ch. Rameshan, B. Klötzer, S. Penner, F. Klauser, D. Zemlyanov, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl:
"Nanostructured Pd-Zn Surfaces as Model Catalysts for Methanol Steam Reforming";
Vortrag: 14th International Congress on Catalysis, COEX, Seoul, Korea; 13.07.2008 - 18.07.2008; in: "Abstracts of the 14th International Congress on Catalysis", (2008).

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag)

L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, T. Ruh, F. Schrenk, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Nanoparticle Exsolution: Tailoring Surfaces for Chemical Energy Conversion";
Vortrag: PETRA IV Workshop - Materials and Processes for Energy and Transport Technology, Hamburg + Online; 19.10.2020 - 21.10.2020.

L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, F. Schrenk, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan:
"Polarization assisted Exsolution of Metal Nanoparticles from Doped Perovskites for Enhanced Catalytic Performance";
Poster: Young Chemists Summit, Innsbruck; 21.09.2020 - 23.09.2020.

L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, F. Schrenk, A. Nenning, Ch. Rameshan:
"Spezial Talk: Polarization assisted Exsolution of Metal Nanoparticles from Doped Perovskites for Enhanced Catalytic Performance";
Vortrag: Young Chemists Summit, Innsbruck; 21.09.2020 - 23.09.2020.

L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, R. Rameshan, T. Ruh, H. Summerer, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, S. Löffler, Ch. Rameshan:
"Novel Doped Perovskite Catalysts - Enhancing Catalytic Activity by Tailored Exsolution of Nanoparticles";
Poster: EFCATS Summer School 2020, Portoroz-Portorose; 15.09.2020 - 19.09.2020.

Ch. Rameshan:
"Combining in-situ Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry on Perovskite-Type Catalysts";
Vortrag: Workshop BESSY III expert meeting Heterogeneous catalysis/Chemistry at surfaces, BERLIN + Virtual Meeting via Zoom (eingeladen); 16.04.2020 - 17.04.2020.

Ch. Rameshan:
"Model Surfaces of heterogeneous catalysts - Correlation of Structure and Reactivity studied by in situ Spectroscopy";
Vortrag: BASF Science Talk, Ludwigshafen (eingeladen); 11.03.2020.

T. Ruh, L. Lindenthal, H. Summerer, R. Rameshan, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan, P. Blaha:
"DFT Investigation of the effect of Ca doping on rare earth perovskites";
Poster: 35th Workshop: Novel Materials and Superconductors 2020, Schladming; 09.02.2020 - 14.02.2020.

L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, J. Popovic, J. Raschhofer, T. Ruh, H. Summerer, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Tuneable Catalyst Surfaces for Heterogeneous Catalysis";
Vortrag: Blickpunkt Forschung: Klimaschutz konkret @ TU Wien, Wien; 23.10.2019.

Ch. Rameshan:
"Nanoparticle Exsolution to Tailor Catalytic Reactivity";
Vortrag: Perovskite Meeting, Mülheim; 16.10.2019.

G. Rupprechter, K. Föttinger, Ch. Rameshan:
"Operando studies of cobalt oxide by NAP-XPS, XAS and IR: Commercial and model catalysts";
Vortrag: ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting, San Diego (CA), USA; 25.08.2019 - 29.08.2019.

Ch. Rameshan:
"Metal Nanoparticle Exsolution: Enhancing Catalytic Activity of Perovskite Type Catalyst Materials";
Vortrag: Seminar, Division Technical Electrochemistry, CTA, Wien (eingeladen); 10.04.2019.

J. Popovic, L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, J. Raschhofer, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"New Perovskite Materials for Chemical Energy Conversion - Structural and Catalytic Characterisation";
Poster: Current Trends in SOFC Research, Vienna; 11.02.2019 - 12.02.2019.

J. Raschhofer, R. Rameshan, T. Huber, J. Popovic, Ch. Rameshan:
"Development of a Lab-based In-situ NAP-XPS System for SOFC and Electro-Catalysis Research";
Poster: Current Trends in SOFC Research, Vienna; 11.02.2019 - 12.02.2019.

L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, R. Rameshan, J. Raschhofer, T. Ruh, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Metal Nanoparticle Exsolution on Perovskite Type Catalyst Materials ‐ Enhancing Catalytic Activity";
Vortrag: 34th Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductors, Schladming; 10.02.2019 - 15.02.2019.

L. Lindenthal, J. Popovic, J. Raschhofer, T. Ruh, R. Rameshan, A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan:
"Structural and Chemical Characterisation of Doped Perovskites by XRD and XPS ‐ Tailored Exsolution of Metal Nanoparticles";
Poster: 34th Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductors, Schladming; 10.02.2019 - 15.02.2019.

T. Ruh, L. Lindenthal, R. Rameshan, Ch. Rameshan, P. Blaha:
"Structural Relaxation od Doped Rare Earth Perovskites";
Poster: 34th Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductors, Schladming; 10.02.2019 - 15.02.2019.

Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Importance of model catalysts: CO oxidation on Pt";
Poster: Summer School "Solids4fun" 2018, Waidhofen an der Ybbs; 02.07.2018 - 06.07.2018.

Ch. Rameshan, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, K. Föttinger, Y. Suchorski, G. Rupprechter:
"Operando studies of model and technological heterogeneous catalysts";
Vortrag: 6. GÖCH Symposium Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Graz; 16.05.2018 - 17.05.2018.

Ch. Rameshan:
"ERC Potentials Workshop I "From the idea to the proposal"";
Vortrag: ERC Potentials Workshop I "From the idea to the proposal", Wien (eingeladen); 11.04.2018.

A. Motin, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Hydrogenation on Carbon Supported Metal Clusters";
Vortrag: 33. Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductivity, Obertraun; 11.02.2018 - 17.02.2018.

A. Motin, T. Haunold, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Surface science approach to Pt/carbon model catalysts: XPS, STM and microreactor studies";
Poster: SFB F45 FOXSI 7th Annual PhD Workshop, 8967 Haus im Ennstal; 31.01.2018 - 03.02.2018.

Ch. Rameshan:
"Model Catalysis: Bridging the gap from UHV to atmospheric pressure by in situ studies";
Vortrag: Vortrag Forschungsplattform Material- und Nanowissenschaften, Institutsseminar Physikalische Chemie, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck (eingeladen); 12.10.2017.

A. Nenning, A.K. Opitz, Ch. Rameshan, M. Kubicek, T. Götsch, R. Blume, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter, B. Kloetzer, J. Fleig:
"Mechanistic Insight into High Temperature CO2 Electrodes on Mixed Conducting Perovskite-Type Electrodes Revealed By in-Operando Photoelectron Spectroscopy";
Vortrag: 232nd ECS Meeting, National Harbor, MD, USA; 01.10.2017 - 05.10.2017.

Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Pt model catalysts: SFG study on roughness effects on CO adsorption & oxidation";
Poster: Solids4Fun Summerschool 2017, Waidhofen a.d.Ybbs; 03.07.2017 - 07.07.2017.

Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, X. Li, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"A New Ultra-High Vacuum System Including a High Pressure Cell for In-Situ Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy";
Vortrag: Solids4Fun Summerschool 2017, Waidhofen a.d.Ybbs; 03.07.2017 - 07.07.2017.

Verena Pramhaas, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"CO interaction with Pt: bridging the "materials gap"";
Vortrag: 6th Annual FOXSI PhD Workshop, Haus im Ennstal; 01.02.2017 - 04.02.2017.

Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"A New UHV System Including a High Pressure Catalysis Cell for In-Situ SFG Spectroscopy";
Poster: 6th Annual FOXSI PhD Workshop, Haus im Ennstal; 01.02.2017 - 04.02.2017.

Ch. Rameshan, K. Anic, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"Insights into the catalysis of cobalt oxide - surface reactivity towards CO and H2O";
Vortrag: PETRA III Science Seminar, DESY Hamburg (eingeladen); 12.10.2016.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, Matteo Roiaz, Verena Pramhaas, R. Blume, M. Hävecker, R. Rameshan, J. Knudsen, A. Knop-Gericke, G. Rupprechter:
"Methane Dry Reforming Studied on Inverse Pt/ZrO2 Model Catalyst";
Poster: International FOXSI Conference 2016, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna; 23.05.2016 - 25.05.2016.

G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan, K. Föttinger, Y. Suchorski:
"Surface spectroscopy and surface microscopy of catalytic processes: from model to technological materials, from UHV to operando conditions";
Vortrag: Joseph Black Lecture, University of Glasgow, UK, Glasgow, UK (eingeladen); 10.05.2016.

K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt oxide model systems - bridging the pressure gap";
Vortrag: SFB-F45 "FOXSI" Annual PhD Workshop 2016, Haus im Ennstal; 30.03.2016 - 02.04.2016.

Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Roughening of Copper (100) by High Pressure Carbon Monoxide Exposure";
Poster: SFB-F45 "FOXSI" Annual PhD Workshop 2016, Haus im Ennstal; 30.03.2016 - 02.04.2016.

Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Roughening of Copper (100) by High Pressure Carbon Monoxide Exposure";
Poster: 31. Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductivity, Obertraun; 07.02.2016 - 13.02.2016.

H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"The activation of CO2 on a ZrO2 thin film";
Poster: SFB-F45 "FOXSI" Annual Meeting 2015, Stadtschlaining; 14.09.2015 - 16.09.2015.

Matteo Roiaz, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Towards an Investigation in Catalysis: CO Adsorption on Cu(100)";
Vortrag: Vortrag am CNR-IOM Istituto Officina dei Materiali, University of Trieste, Trieste (eingeladen); 22.07.2015.

L. Lukashuk, E. Kolar, Ch. Rameshan, D. Teschner, A. Knop-Gericke, K. Föttinger, G. Rupprechter:
"Mechanistic Insights into CO Oxidation and Preferential CO Oxidation over Cobalt Oxide and Promoted Cobalt Oxide Catalysts";
Vortrag: Solids4Fun Summer School 2015, Schloss Hernstein; 29.06.2015 - 03.07.2015.

Ch. Rameshan:
"In-situ Surface Investigations of Catalytic Reactions on Model Catalysts";
Vortrag: Institutseminar Institut für Festkörperelektronik, Wien (eingeladen); 24.06.2015.

H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"In situ spectroscopy on ultrathin ZrO2 films and metal-oxide systems";
Poster: International SFB FOXSI Symposium 2015, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015.

H. Li, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Zirconia Thin Films: In-situ Studies of Structure and Reactivity";
Vortrag: International SFB FOXSI Symposium 2015, TUtheSky Lounge, TU Vienna; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015.

K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalyst - surface hydroxylation";
Poster: SFB-F45 "FOXSI" Annual PhD seminar 2015, Haus im Ennstal; 29.03.2015 - 01.04.2015.

H. Li, K. Anic, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, A. Bukhtiyarov, I. Prosvirin, G. Rupprechter:
"CO2 (and H2O) adsorption on a ZrO2 thin film";
Vortrag: SFB-F45 "FOXSI" Annual PhD seminar 2015, Haus im Ennstal; 29.03.2015 - 01.04.2015.

Ch. Rameshan, K. Anic, A. Bukhtiyarov, G. Rupprechter:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalyst as Alternative to Noble Metal Catalysts";
Poster: 48. Jahrestagung Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar; 11.03.2015 - 13.03.2015.

H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, K. Anic, G. Rupprechter:
"Ni and Pd particles supported by ZrO2 film-principle investigations";
Poster: SFB-F45 "FOXSI" Annual PhD Seminar 2014, Hochkar, Göstling; 07.04.2014 - 10.04.2014.

H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, C Weilach, G. Rupprechter:
"A combined (in-situ) XPS, (in-situ) IRAS and TPD study of the interaction between water and Zirconium Oxide";
Vortrag: SFB-F45 "FOXSI" Annual PhD Seminar 2014, Hochkar, Göstling; 07.04.2014 - 10.04.2014.

Ch. Rameshan:
"PdZn and CuZn model catalysts for methanol steam reforming - Structure selectivity correlations obtained by in-situ surface spectroscopy and catalytic testing";
Vortrag: SFB-F45 "FOXSI" Annual PhD Seminar 2014, Hochkar, Göstling; 07.04.2014 - 10.04.2014.

K. Anic, H. Li, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Preperation and characterization of Ni/ZrO2/Pd3Zr";
Poster: 2nd Annual Symposium of SFB F45 Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces (FOXSI), Conference Center Burg Schlaining, Stadtschlaining, Austria; 18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013.

H. Holzapfel, Ch. Rameshan, C Weilach, S. Kozlov, K M Neyman, G. Rupprechter:
"Rearrangement of atoms in bimetallic PdZn/Pd(111) surface alloys";
Poster: 2nd Annual Symposium of SFB F45 Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces (FOXSI), Conference Center Burg Schlaining, Stadtschlaining, Austria; 18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013.

Ch. Rameshan:
"XPS: A powerful technique for ex- and in-situ surface characterisation";
Vortrag: 2nd Annual Symposium of SFB F45 Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces (FOXSI), Conference Center Burg Schlaining, Stadtschlaining, Austria; 18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013.

H. Li, K. Anic, H. Holzapfel, C Weilach, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Preparation and characterization of Pd particles grown on ZrO2 ultra thin film";
Poster: 2nd Annual Symposium of SFB F45 Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces (FOXSI), Conference Center Burg Schlaining, Göstling/Ybbs; 18.03.2013 - 21.03.2013.


Ch. Rameshan:
"Model Catalysis: Bridging the Gap from UHV to Atmospheric Pressure by in situ Synchrotron Studies";
TU Wien/ Fakultät für Technische Chemie, 2019.

Dissertationen (eigene und begutachtete)

Z. Jakub:
"Surface Science Studies of Iron Oxides as Model Catalyst Supports";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): G. Parkinson, F. Esch, Ch. Rameshan; Institut für Angewandte Physik (E134), 2020; Rigorosum: 17.06.2020.

N. Köpfle:
"Catalytic synergisms at (bi)metallic and oxidic surfaces and interfaces for efficient hydrogen generation in fuel cell-relevant re-forming processes";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): B. Klötzer, Ch. Rameshan; Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Innsbruck, 2020; Rigorosum: 20.03.2020.

Verena Pramhaas:
"Operando SFG Spectroscopy of Pt/ZrO2 ALD Model Catalysts";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan, P. Blaha, U. Diebold; Technische Universität Wien | Fakultät für Technische Chemie | Institut für Materialchemie | E165, 2018; Rigorosum: 20.12.2018.

Matteo Roiaz:
"Operando PM-IRAS and SFG Spectroscopyof Cu, Pt and Pd Model Catalysts Prepared in Ultra-High Vacuum";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan; Technische Universität Wien | Fakultät für Technische Chemie | Institut für Materialchemie | E165, 2018; Rigorosum: 09.05.2018.

K. Anic:
"Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts on Ir(100): Structure, Adsorption and Reactivity";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan; E165 - Institut für Materialchemie der Technischen Universität Wien, 2018; Rigorosum: 23.02.2018.

K. Anic:
"Kobalt Oxid Modellkatalysatoren auf Ir(100): Struktur, Adsorption und Reaktivität";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan; E165 - Institut für Materialchemie der Technischen Universität Wien, 2017; Rigorosum: 17.01.2017.

Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute)

F. Schrenk:
"CO2 Nutzbarmachung via Methan Trockenreformierung";
Betreuer/in(nen): Ch. Rameshan; Institut für Materialchemie, 2020; Abschlussprüfung: 15.12.2020.

L. Lindenthal:
"Structural and Chemical Characterisation of Doped Perovskites by XRD and XPS { Tailored Exsolution of Metal Nanoparticles";
Betreuer/in(nen): G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan; Institut für Materialchemie - E 165, 2019; Abschlussprüfung: 17.12.2019.

J. Popovic:
"Catalytic characterisation of doped Perovskites by gas chomatography for water-gas-shift reaction";
Betreuer/in(nen): G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan; Institut für Materialchemie, 2019.

P. Winkler:
"Spektroskopie an Au25(SR)18 Clustern auf ALD Oberflächen";
Betreuer/in(nen): N. Barrabés-Rabanal, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter; Materialchemie/165-PC, 2016; Abschlussprüfung: 19.10.2016.

K. Anic:
"Preparation and characterization of Ni/ZrO2/Pd3Zr as model system for methane reforming";
Betreuer/in(nen): G. Rupprechter, Ch. Rameshan; E165 - Institut für Materialchemie der Technischen Universität Wien, 2013; Abschlussprüfung: 16.09.2013.

Wissenschaftliche Berichte

T. Ruh, Ch. Rameshan:
"CO2-Umwandlung mittels Design-Katalysatoren";
Bericht für Wirtschaftskammer Wien; 2019; 4 S.

Verena Pramhaas, Ch. Rameshan, R. Rameshan, T. Haunold, G. Rupprechter:
"CO dissociation and oxidation on ALD prepared Pt model catalysts";
Bericht für MAX IV Laboratory; Berichts-Nr. Proposal 20180016, 2018; 3 S.

K. Anic, Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, Matteo Roiaz, G. Rupprechter:
"Surface Hydroxylation studied on Co3O4 Model Catalyst";
Bericht für MAX LAB Lund; Berichts-Nr. Proposal 20140121, 2016; 3 S.

Ch. Rameshan, K. Anic, G. Rupprechter:
"Low Temperature CO Oxidation and Water Gas Shift Reaction on Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts - In Situ Characterization of the Active Phase";
Bericht für DESY Synchrotron Hamburg; Berichts-Nr. Proposal I-20150249 EC, 2016; 2 S.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, K. Anic, Matteo Roiaz, G. Rupprechter:
"Methane dry reforming on an inverse model catalyst: ZrO2/Pt(111)";
Bericht für MAX LAB Lund; Berichts-Nr. Proposal 20140032, 2016; 3 S.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, L. Mayr, Matteo Roiaz, N. Barrabés-Rabanal, G. Rupprechter:
"XAS measurement of Zr based model catalysts";
Bericht für Bericht für MAX LAB Lund; Berichts-Nr. Proposal 20140460, 2016; 3 S.

Ch. Rameshan, H. Li, K. Anic, Verena Pramhaas, R. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Interaction of an invers ZrO2 model catalyst with CO2, CH4 and H2O at elevated pressures - a model for solid oxide fuel cell anode reactions. / Low temperature CO oxidation on Cobalt-Oxide model systems";
Bericht für Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Elektronenspeicherring BESSY II, Berlin, Deutschland; 2015; 2 S.

K. Föttinger, L. Lukashuk, Ch. Rameshan, G. Rupprechter:
"Structure dependence of CO oxidation over Co3O4 nanoshaped catalysts: insights into the nature of active sites and deactivation mechanisms";
Bericht für Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Elektronenspeicherring BESSY II, Berlin, Deutschland; 2014; 2 S.