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Publikationsliste für
Hassan Hamie
E370 - Institut für Energiesysteme und Elektrische Antriebe
als Autorin / Autor bzw. wesentlich beteiligte Person

6 Datensätze (2018 - 2022)


H. Hamie, A. Hoayek, J. Auer:
"Modeling Post-Liberalized European Gas Market Concentration-A Game Theory Perspective";
Forecasting, 3 (2021), S. 1 - 16.

H. Hamie, A. Hoayek, J. Auer:
"Modeling the price dynamics of three different gas markets-records theory";
Energy Strategy Reviews, 21 (2018), S. 121 - 129.

H. Hamie, A. Hoayek, M. Kamel, J. Auer:
"Northwestern European wholesale natural gas prices: comparison of several parametric and non-parametric forecasting methods";
International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 42 (2020), 3/4; S. 259 - 284.

A. Hoayek, H. Hamie, J. Auer:
"Modeling the Price Stability and Predictability of Post Liberalized Gas Markets Using the Theory of Information";
ENERGIES, 13 (2020), 3012; S. 1 - 20.

M. Olleik, H. Hamie, J. Auer:
"Using Natural Gas Resources to De-Risk Renewable Energy Investments in Lower-Income Countries";
ENERGIES, 15 (2022), 1651; S. 1 - 22.

Dissertationen (eigene und begutachtete)

H. Hamie:
"Econometric modeling of natural gas prices - Different modeling approaches and case studies related to gas markets";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): J. Auer, A. Neumann, B. Maddah; E370, 2020; Rigorosum: 29.06.2020.