
    author = {Kaniusas, Eugenijus and Pf{\"u}tzner, Helmut and Mehnen, Lars and Kosel, J{\"u}rgen and others},
    title = {Survey on the Biomedical Applicability of Magnetoelastic Bilayer Sensors},
    booktitle = {Pranesimu tezes},
    year = {2003},
    pages = {36},
    note = {Vortrag: {III}-oji metine {MU} Psichiofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos instituto Konferencija, Palanga; 2003-00-00}
@comment { WARNUNG: Die Namensliste im Feld 'author' enth{\"a}lt im Original-Datensatz den Zusatz 'et al.'! }

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