
    author = {Frank, Jakob},
    title = {Analysing and Evaluating Playlists on Music Maps},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9\textsuperscript{th} International Student Workshop},
    year = {2009},
    editor = {Babic, Frantisek and Paralic, Jan and Rauber, Andreas},
    pages = {10--17},
    url = {http://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/PubDat_180798.pdf},
    isbn = {978-80-89284-41-2},
    note = {invited; talk: Workshop on Data Analysis (WDA'2009), Certovica, Vysn{\'a} Boca, Slovakia; 2009-07-02 -- 2009-07-04}

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