
    author = {Lederer, Jakob and Rechberger, Helmut and Fellner, Johann},
    title = {{T}he {U}tilization of {M}{S}{W}{I} {F}ly {A}shes in {C}ement {P}roduction and its {I}mpact on {H}eavy {M}etal {C}ontents {I}n {C}ement},
    booktitle = {{S}ardinia 2015, 15th {I}nternational {W}aste {M}anagement and {L}andfill {S}ymposium},
    year = {2015},
    editor = {Cossu, Raffaello and Pinjing, He and Kjeldsen, Peter and Matsufuji, Yasushi and Reinhart, Debra and Stegmann, Rainer},
    publisher = {{C}{I}{S}{A} {P}ublisher},
    address = {{S}ardina},
    numpages = {9},
    eid = {83},
    url = {http://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/PubDat_241764.pdf},
    issn = {2282-0027},
    note = {{V}ortrag: {S}ardinia 2015, 15th {I}nternational {W}aste {M}anagement and {L}andfill {S}ymposium, {S}. {M}argherita di {P}ula ({C}agliari), {S}ardinia; 2015-10-05 -- 2015-10-09}

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