author = {Brodinova, Sarka and Ortner, Thomas and Filzmoser, Peter and Zaharieva, Maia and Breiteneder, Christian},
title = {Evaluation of robust PCA for supervised audio outlier detection},
booktitle = {Proceeding of 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT)},
year = {2016},
numpages = {12},
url = {http://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/PubDat_250911.pdf},
isbn = {978-90-73592-36-0},
keywords = {Outlier detection, Robust PCA, Audio data, Experiments},
note = {talk: 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT), Oviedo, Spain; 2016-08-23 -- 2016-08-26}
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