
    author = {Szeles, J.Constantin and Kampusch, Stefan and Kaniusas, Eugenijus},
    title = {Innovative clinical medicine based on auricular vagus nerve stimulation},
    booktitle = {Abstract of the International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within {EU} {COST} Action {BM1309:} European network for innovative uses of {EMFs} in biomedical applications ({EMF}-{MED})},
    year = {2017},
    pages = {1},
    note = {eingeladen; Vortrag: International Workshop on Vagus Nerve Stimulation within {EU} {COST} Action {BM1309:} European network for innovative uses of {EMFs} in biomedical applications ({EMF}-{MED}), Warschau; 2017-02-14 -- 2017-02-16}

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