
    author = {Honic, Meliha and Kovacic, Iva and Rechberger, Helmut},
    title = {{M}aterial {P}assport ({M}{P}) for the enhancement of circular economy in the {A}{E}{C} industry},
    booktitle = {12th {S}{D}{E}{W}{E}{S} {C}onference {D}ubrovnik 2017},
    year = {2017},
    pages = {1--13},
    publisher = {{U}niversity of {Z}agreb},
    issn = {1847-7178},
    abstract = {{A} major fraction of building materials is transformed into waste at the end of the building life cycle. {F}or sustainability reasons, it is of importance to maintain or frequently recycle urban stocks, and in consequence to minimize the use of primary resources, wherefore a {M}aterial {P}assport ({M}{P}) represents an important support-tool. {A} {M}{P} is a design optimization tool, an inventory of all materials embedded in a building and an evaluation of the recyclability of materials. {I}n this paper, the proof of concept of the {M}{P} is demonstrated on a use case, which is a residential building, whereby a variant in timber and a variant in concrete construction are evaluated. {R}esults show that the recyclability of the concrete variant is better; however, concrete leads to more waste, due to its significantly higher mass in comparison with timber.\par
{A} {M}{P} shows large potentials in terms of optimization of recyclability and plays a crucial role as an inventory of the existing stocks.},
    note = {{V}ortrag: 12th {C}onference on {S}ustainable {D}evelopment of {E}nergy, {W}ater and {E}nvironment {S}ystems ({S}{D}{E}{W}{E}{S} 2017), {D}ubrovnik, {K}roatien; 2017-10-04 -- 2017-10-08}

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