
    author = {Kovacic, Iva and Honic, Meliha and Rechberger, Helmut},
    title = {{B}{I}{M}-based {M}aterial {P}assport},
    booktitle = {{C}onference {P}roceedings of the 13th {O}{T}{M}{C} {C}onference 2017},
    year = {2017},
    pages = {486--501},
    isbn = {978-953-8168-21-5},
    keywords = {{B}{I}{M}, {U}rban {M}ining, {M}aterial {P}assport, {L}{C}{A}, {M}odelling, {C}ircular {E}conomy},
    abstract = {{B}uilding stocks and infrastructures represent the largest material stock of industrial economies. {T}hese total material stocks on the global scale are about as large as primary resource stocks in nature. {I}t is of long-term importance to maintain or frequently recycle these urban stocks, and in consequence to minimize the use of primary resources and thus the dependency on imports - a strategy labelled as ''{U}rban {M}ining''. {F}or a successful implementation of the urban mining strategy knowledge on material composition of buildings and upcoming material flows is needed. {A} {M}aterial {P}assport ({M}{P}) is a qualitative and quantitative knowledge base of the material composition of, and the material distribution within, a building structure.\par
{T}here are multiple purposes of a life-cycle oriented {M}{P} - as design-optimization tool regarding efficient use of material and resources; as material information for an efficient endof-life demolition of structures and recycling of applied materials and finally, if applied extensively, as the informational basis for a secondary raw materials cadastre, which in return is the basis of sophisticated recycling plans.\par
{C}omputational design and modelling tools such as {B}uilding {I}nformation {M}odelling ({B}{I}{M}) bear large potentials for automated compilation of {M}{P}. {I}n this paper, a modelling method for creation of {B}{I}{M}-based {M}{P} simultaneously allowing resources-optimized design and life cycle analysis will be presented.\par
{T}his paper presents ongoing research within funded project {B}{I}{M}aterial, as a central milestone towards standardized, {B}{I}{M}-generated building material passes, which again builds fundament for implementation of urban mining as part of circular economy strategy.},
    note = {eingeladen; {V}ortrag: 13th {I}nternational {C}onference {O}rganization, {T}echnology and {M}anagement in {C}onstruction ({O}{T}{M}{C}) 2017, {P}orec, {K}roatien; 2017-09-27 -- 2017-09-30}

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