
    author = {Kovacic, Iva and Honic, Meliha and Rechberger, Helmut},
    title = {{B}im {B}ased {M}aterial {P}assport {A}s {T}ool {F}or {E}nhancemet {O}f {C}ircular {E}conomy {I}n {A}ec {I}ndustry},
    booktitle = {{A}dvances in {I}nformatics and {C}omputing in {C}ivil and {C}onstruction {E}ngineering},
    year = {2018},
    organization = {{I}van {M}utis, imo {H}artmann},
    publisher = {{S}pringer {N}ature},
    numpages = {8},
    url = {https://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/publik_281003.pdf},
    isbn = {978-3-030-00219-0},
    keywords = {{M}aterial {P}assport, {R}esources {E}fficiency, {L}{C}{A}, {U}rban {M}ining, {B}{I}{M}},
    abstract = {{T}he concept of ''{U}rban {M}ining'' - based on reuse or recycling of secondary materials contained in urban stocks, and in consequence minimisation of primary resources consumption paired with increased recycling rates and waste reduction - is fundament of circular economy in {A}{E}{C}. {T}he implementation of circular economy involves participation and consensus of numerous stakeholders along {A}{E}{C} value chain, ranging from material and building product manufacturers and logistic; till designers, planners and facility managers. {T}he complexity of such actor network, as well as sometimes opposing interests in the industry requires for tools which would allow modelling and prediction of material and waste flows; both as design and decision support instrument. {W}e propose a {M}aterial {P}assport ({M}{P}) as such tool, as qualitative and quantitative documentation of the material composition of, and the material distribution within, a building structure. \par
{N}ew computational tools such as {B}uilding {I}nformation {M}odelling ({B}{I}{M}), bear large potentials for automated compilation of {M}{P}, as information-rich building elements and components build extensive {B}{I}{M}-based material knowledge-base. \par
{I}n this paper, a modelling framework for creation of {B}{I}{M}-based {M}{P} will be presented; through coupling of {B}{I}{M} with material-inventory and analysis tool and various eco-inventories, thus enabling generation of both {M}{P} and life cycle assessment of a building in various design stages for varying {L}evels of {D}evelopment. \par
{T}hereby the proposed framework allows use of {M}{P} along the value chain of {A}{E}{C} industry for various stakeholders such as material industry, architects, building owners and public policy; with multiple purposes as design-optimization tool in early design stages for of material and resources efficient design; as material-repository for an feasible end-of-life demolition of structures and recycling of applied materials; as a document of material assets of real estates and finally, if applied extensively, as the informational basis for a secondary raw materials cadastre, which in return is the basis of sophisticated recycling plans.}

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