
    author = {Honic, Meliha and Kovacic, Iva and Sibenik, Goran and Rechberger, Helmut},
    title = {{D}ata- and stakeholder management framework for the implementation of {B}{I}{M}-based {M}aterial {P}assports},
    journal = {{J}ournal of {B}uilding {E}ngineering},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {23},
    pages = {341--350},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jobe.2019.01.017},
    keywords = {{M}aterial {P}assport; {B}uilding {I}nformation {M}odelling; {D}ata- and stakeholder management; {R}esources efficiency; {R}ecycling},
    abstract = {{E}uropean {A}rchitecture, {E}ngineering and {C}onstruction ({A}{E}{C}) industry consumes a significant amount of materials like steel, aluminum, copper and plastics, thus creating a large reservoir on secondary raw materials in buildings. {O}ne of the main strategies to minimize environmental impacts and the energy consumption is maximizing\par
recycling rates. {T}o enable circularity, and in consequence high recycling rates, material information about the existing building stock is necessary. {T}herefore, new design-centric tools and methods, as well as tools, which enable a compilation of data repositories on the material composition of buildings, are required. {T}he first\par
aim of this research is the generation of a {B}uilding {I}nformation {M}odelling ({B}{I}{M}) - supported {M}aterial {P}assport ({M}{P}), which enables an assessment of the recycling potential and environmental impacts of building materials.\par
{F}or the compilation of the semi-automated {M}{P}, a specific methodology was developed and tested on a use case.\par
{T}hereby various challenges regarding data and stakeholders were faced, such as inconsistent data and lack of collaboration between various stakeholders. {T}hese challenges lead to the second focus of this paper - the development of a data- and stakeholder management framework. {T}he data- and stakeholder management framework presents the required collaboration of various stakeholders in order to achieve a successful implementation of the {M}{P} in the {A}{E}{C} industry. {R}esults show, that a semi-automated compilation of the {B}{I}{M}-based {M}{P} is possible and the implementation of the {M}{P} in the {A}{E}{C} industry requires close collaboration of a broad spectrum of stakeholders, thus forming a need for creating digital platforms for life cycle management of buildings and material resources.},
    note = {eingeladen}

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