author = {Fein, Martin and B{\"o}ck-Schnepps, Michael and Strommer, Stephan and Niederer, Martin and Steinb{\"o}ck, Andreas and Kugi, Andreas},
title = {Modellbasierte Regelung und Optimierung von kontinuierlichen Bandgl{\"u}h{\"o}fen},
booktitle = {PROZESSW{\"A}RME - Energieeffizienz in der industriellen Thermoprozesstechnik Band III: 2015-2019},
volume = {3},
year = {2021},
editor = {Beneke, Franz},
pages = {268--278},
publisher = {Vulkan-Verlag},
address = {Essen},
isbn = {978-3-8027-3137-2}
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.