
    author = {Hofmann, Alex and Miksa, Tomasz and Knees, Peter and Bakos, Asztrik and Sa{\&}{\#}287;lam, Hande and Ahmedaja, Ardian and Yimwadsana, Boonsit and Chan, Clare and Rauber, Andreas},
    title = {Enabling FAIR use of Ethnomusicology Data - Through Distributed Repositories, Linked Data and Music Information Retrieval},
    journal = {Empirical Musicology Review},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {16},
    number = {1},
    pages = {47--64},
    url = {https://emusicology.org/article/view/7632/6260},
    doi = {10.18061/emr.v16i1.7632},
    keywords = {ethnomusicology, research data, FAIR principles, music information retrieval, linked data}

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