
    author = {Roithner, Caroline Evelin and Cencic, Oliver and Rechberger, Helmut},
    title = {{M}ultiple application of statistical entropy: assessment of recycling process effectiveness as well as product-inherent recyclability},
    booktitle = {{S}ardinia 2021, 18th {I}nternational symposium on waste management and sustainable landfilling},
    year = {2021},
    pages = {1--9},
    publisher = {{C}{I}{S}{A} {P}ublisher},
    address = {1529},
    url = {https://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/publik_297836.pdf},
    isbn = {9788862650267},
    note = {{V}ortrag: {S}ardinia 2021, {F}orte {V}illage, {S}.{M}. {D}i {P}ula, {S}ardinia, {I}taly; 2021-10-11 -- 2021-10-15}

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