
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

R. Schawarz, Ch. Peutsch:
"Personal Skills Development";
Talk: IEEE Symposium Extra Skills for Young Engineers (Region 8), Maribor, Slowenien; 2000-10-18 - 2000-10-20; in: "Proceedings of the Symposium Extra Skills for Young Engineers", Maribor (2000), ISBN: 86-435-0357-6; 43 - 45.

English abstract:
`Potentials’ is what up and coming junior staff are commonly called who are expected to enable companies to make it into the new millenium. There is a loud call for intelligent, well-trained, globally-minded and flexible experts. So far it has been taken for granted that high-quality technical training is sufficient to secure a young staff member’s promotion in his/her company. So-called `soft skills’ have been increasingly added to the list of necessary and important skills. What we are talking about here are teamwork, teambuilding and project management as well as such skills as rhetoric and negotiating. In our paper we want to focus on the skills needed for (project-)teamwork and teambuilding.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.