
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

G. Popovic, E. Chatzitheodoridis, H. Detter, W. Brenner et al.:
"From Microstructures to Microsystems - Results of a Joint European Project";
Talk: International Intersociety, Electronic Packaging Technical Conference (InterPACK), Kauai, Hawaii; 07-08-2001 - 07-13-2001; in: "Proceedings of InterPACK ´01", (2001), ISBN: 0-7918-3530-8; 15672.

English abstract:
Handling and assembly of microparts is the most important and challenging step in the progression from simple microstructures to a promising microsystem. With regard to the dimensions of microparts, it is obvious that the assembly procedure is a difficult task which significantly influences the final production costs and quality. In order to integrate MEMS into real industrial applications, it is necessary to construct, produce and assemble reliable and cheap products, but nowadays, the assembly of such microsystems is still predominantly manual. This paper presents recent results and activities of a European network by the name of Handling and Assembly of Functionally Adapted Microcomponents (HAFAM) which is part of the European Commission program Training and Mobility of Researchers. The results obtained within this network shall contribute to the transfer of production and assembly of micromechanical systems from the laboratory to an industrial level. Topics addressed in this paper are: adaptation of high-precision positioning stages to what is needed for handling and assembly of microparts, development of tools for handling and assembly and methods for automation, combinations of different technologies in one fabrication process for batch assembly, methods and devices for quality control and characterization of various MEMS structures during and after the assembly process.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.