
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

D. Korosec, K. Kumpulainen, H. Müller, E. Riedling, Kr. Kumpulainen, A. Tibaut, M. Debevc:
"Measuring the university climate: Do teachers and students really want to get more involved with computers and Internet?";
Talk: VIEWDET 2001 Vienna International Workshop on Distance Education and Training, Wien; 12-06-2001 - 12-07-2001; in: "VIEWDET 2001 - Vienna International Workshop on Distance Education and Training", E. Riedling (ed.); Institut für Industrielle Elektronik und Materialwissenschaften, Wien (2002), ISBN: 3-901578-08-0; 17 - 26.

English abstract:
A survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in university teaching and learning is presented in this paper. Two questionnaires - for teaching staff and students - have been carefully compiled by an international project group in order to assess the level of technology integration in the educational process at the University of Maribor (UM), Slovenia.

We first describe some dilemmas of the working group during the survey preparation process and then list the final questions, presented to 600 members of staff and close to 16,000 regular and part time undergraduate students, both in paper and electronic form. The idea was not to investigate on the equipment (software and hardware) but to focus on applications, while also trying to assess some subjective impressions, opinions and prevailing factors influencing the openness and acceptance of ICT in university teaching and learning. To keep the effort requested from participants low, special care has been devoted to the number of questions, their structure and compact, yet clear, formulation.

We believe that the described survey is a good proposal for investigating the overall climate regarding the computers and Internet as the educational media among all participants in the process of university education.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.