
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

R. Schürhuber, A. Prechtl:
"Nonuniform Lossless Transmission Lines: Exact Solutions on Time Domain";
Talk: ISTET'01, Linz; 2001-08-19 - 2001-08-22; in: "ISTET'01", (2001), ISBN: 3-9501491-2-0; 271 - 276.

English abstract:
In this paper we present a class of nonuniform lossless transmission lines (NTL's), where closed-form solutions for voltage and current distributions along the line can be given. These solutions are available in time domain and so allow the study of transient wave propagation phenomena on NTL's. We derive the equations of the characteristic impedances of this class of transimmion lines and give general closed-form expressions for both voltage and current. We also discuss the propagation of pulses along such lines and as an application we study the transition of two uniform lines with different characteristic impedances connected by a piece of such a nonuniform transmission line.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.