
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Gadringer, H. Arthaber, G. Magerl:
"Feedforward amplifier using power sensors for the loop balancing";
Vortrag: The 33rd European Microwave Conference, München, Deutschland; 06.10.2003 - 10.10.2003; in: "European Microwave Week 2003", (2003), ISBN: 1-58053-839-8; S. 1223 - 1226.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Adaptively controlled feedforward amplifiers are discussed in a large number of publications over the past years. So far, for the control of the distortion cancellation loop it seemed inevitable to implement a baseband processing unit at the output of the amplifier if the use of a pilot carrier should be avoided. This paper analyzes a modified feedforward structure, in which power sensors are used to provide the input signals for the loop controllers. The limits of this approach are discussed and measurement results for a 40 W GSM2+ (EDGE) power amplifier are presented.

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