
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Vincze, M. Zillich, W. Ponweiser:
"A Software Framework to Integrate Vision and Reasoning Components for Cognitive Vision Systems ";
Vortrag: IEEE International Conference on Intellegent Robots and Systems, Sendai, Japan; 28.09.2004 - 02.10.2004; in: "Proceedings IROS 2004", (2004), S. 1 - 8.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In this paper the importance of integration
for Cognitive Vision Systems (CVS) is highlighted. CVS
set out to solve tasks such as interpreting the activities
of persons or groups of persons or providing robots with
means to act autonomously. What these applications both
require is the use of a large number of functionalities, e.g.,
perception-action mapping, recognition and categorisation,
prediction, reaction to actions, symbolic interpretation, and
communication to humans or other systems. Within this
contribution these cognitive vision functionalities of CVS
are encapsulated in components. To arrive at the level of
building a system from these functionalities it is considered
essential to provide a framework that coordinates
the components. In the course of the ActIPret project,
such a framework has been developed and demonstrated.
The framework is built on two principles to organise
the components: (1) the service principle uses a "yellow
pages" directory to announce its capabilities and to select
other components, and (2) the hierarchy principle orders
components along data abstraction from signal to symbolic
levels and ascertains that system response is reactive.
ActIPret shows the interpretation of a person handling
tools involving functionalities such as tracking, object and
gesture recognition, spatial-temporal object relationships
and reasoning to extract the symbolic description. To
move towards other multi-task CVS we invite the research
community to exploit this framework and to exchange
components and framework.

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