
Contributions to Books:

E. Schmidt, C. Grabner:
"Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Calculation Methods for the Mechanical Deformation of Roebel Bar Conductors";
in: "Computational Engineering I", issued by: Japan Society for Computational Methods in Engineering (JASCOME); Japan Society for Computational Methods in Engineering (JASCOME), 2004, ISBN: 4-9901969-0-2, 159 - 168.

English abstract:
The deformation process of Roebel bars embedded in slots of electrical
machines mainly depends on the acting electromagnetic forces inside the
current carrying regions and the mechanical preload due to the slot
wedge. Additionally, the mechanical properties of the utilized materials
and the nonlinear saturation of the surrounding iron parts determine
the amount of the mechanical displacements. With this fully coupled
electromagnetic-mechanical problem, the behaviour is completely different
between the two cases of loose and fixed bars. Thereby, electrical load
cases with inphase and opposite phased currents represent the occurring
critical operational states. The paper compares results obtained from
coupled electromagnetic-mechanical finite element analyses with results
from analytical calculations for various industrially used material
compositions of the bar insulation.

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