
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

H. Arthaber, M. Mayer, G. Magerl:
"A Broadband Active Harmonic Load-Pull Setup with a Modulated Generator as Active Load";
Vortrag: European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, Nederland; 11.10.2004 - 15.10.2004; in: "Proceedings European Microwave Conference 2004", (2004), ISBN: 1-58053-994-7; S. 685 - 688.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This paper proposes an active harmonic load-pull setup which allows the use of broadband test signals and guarantees unconditional stability of the active load. Active load-pull systems with conventional active loos suffer from too high delay times which limit their application to smallband signals. The proposed system uses a modulated RF source for generation of the required backward travelling wave. This guarantees unconditional stability of the load and allows a perfect delay compensation. Equations will be given to approximate the modulation signal for backed-off (weakly non-linear) amplifiers.

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