
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

E. Leiss, P. Schönhuber:
"Magnetic field distribution in and around ferromagnetic structures";
Poster: 12th Inter. Symp. on Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems (ISEM 2005), Bad Gastein; 2005-09-12 - 2005-09-14; in: "ISEM 2005, Bad Gastein, Short Paper Proceedings", H. Pfützner, E. Leiss (ed.); Vienna Magnetics Group Reports, (2005), ISBN: 3-902105-01-1; 60.

English abstract:
Approaches to determine the magnetic field distribution in and around thin ferromagnetic structures have been compared. Taking as example a strip, the field distribution has been evaluated from small magnetization up to saturation. These experimental results have been compared to the results of analytical and numerical mathematical approaches.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.