
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

G. Hairer, M.H. Mansfeld, C. Nöhammer, M. Vellekoop:
"PCR Microsystem for Fast Cycling";
Poster: GMe Workshop 2006, Wien; 2006-10-13; in: "GMe Workshop 2006 Proceedings", K. Riedling (ed.); (2006), ISBN: 978-3-901578-17-5; 117 - 120.

English abstract:
In this paper we present the design, fabrication and test of silicon-glass based PCR chips which amplify specified DNA strands. The design of the chip was optimized to ensure a fast PCR process in terms of thermal cycling speed, biocompatibility, size of reaction chamber and simplicity of fabrication. First tests using a conventional setup for thermocycling show successful DNA amplification in the micro PCR chip.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.