

B. Dehlink, M. Engl, K. Aufinger, H. Knapp:
"Integrated Bandpass Filter at 77 GHz in SiGe Technology";
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 17 (2007), 5; S. 346 - 348.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The implementation and characterization of an integrated passive bandpass filter at 77 GHz is presented. A lumped elements filter occupying very small die area (110 x 60 µm², without pads) is demonstrated. It is realized with spiral inductors and metal-insulator-metal capacitors. The filter is fabricated in an advanced SiGe:C technology. It has a center frequency of 77.3 GHz and a bandwidth of 12 GHz. The insertion loss is 6.4 dB. This is the first time that integrated inductors are used for filters at millimeter wave frequencies around 80 GHz.

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