
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

J.M. Perdigues, B. Furch, C. Matos, O. Minster, L. Cacciapuoti, M. Pfennigbauer, M. Aspelmeyer, T. Jennewein, R. Ursin, T. Schmitt-Manderbach, G. Baister, J. Rarity, W. Leeb, C. Barbieri, H. Weinfurter, A. Zeilinger:
"Quantum communication at ESA: Towards a space experiment on the ISS";
Talk: 58th International Astronautical Congress, Hyderabad, Indien; 09-24-2007 - 09-28-2007; in: "58th International Astronautical Congress-2007, Hyderabad, India", (2007), Paper ID IAC-07-B2.3.05, 15 pages.

English abstract:
The European Space Agency (ESA) has supported since 2002 - in the frame of its General Studies Programme -
several studies in the field of quantum communications for space systems. As a result of these studies, a European
research consortium led by Prof. Zeilinger (Vienna University) submitted the mission proposal Space-QUEST
("QUantum Entanglement for Space ExperimenTs") to the European Life and Physical Sciences in Space
Programme of ESA, aiming at a quantum communications space-to-ground experiment from the International
Space Station. This paper will present the achievements of the ESA studies on quantum communications and
discuss the programmatic roadmap and the proposed technology development activities for the implementation of
the proposed Space-QUEST experiment on-board the ISS.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.