
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A Cvetanovic, A Cvetanovic, M. Soucek, D. Andrijasevic, W. Brenner:
"A Concept of Collision Prevention during Micro Assembly in a SEM Chamber";
Poster: 4M 2007 - Third International conference on multi-material micro manufacture, Borovets, Bulgaria; 2007-10-03 - 2007-10-05; in: "4M 2007 - Third international Conference on multi-material micro manufacture - Proceedings", (2007), ISBN: 978-1904445-53-1; 51 - 54.

English abstract:
This paper presents a concept for avoiding collisions during micro assembly processes in the chamber of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The focus is the phase during which a micro gripper approaches the specimen holder and the phase during which the micro components positioned on it are picked up. Although the position of the gripper tips should be known exactly, the current design of equipment in the SEM chamber does not allow an assessment of the position in the z-direction (vertical axis). This uncertainty of relative positions
causes a high risk that tips of micro grippers could break if they collide with the specimen holder, because the operator has no information about the distance. Mounting of an additional camera on the existing tweezersgripper module is proposed for the purpose of providing information about the distance between micro gripper and
micro component. The working principle is based on evaluation of the fictive distance (to the virtual image) between the approaching gripper tips and their mirror image on the reflecting holder.

Related Projects:
Project Head Werner Brenner:
Methoden und Werkzeuge für Handhabung und Montage in der Mikrodimension (Tech. abgeschlossen 2007)

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.