
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

S. Bou, D Fratila, A. Boglea, D. Andrijasevic, A. Almansa, W. Palfinger, W. Mann, A. Olowinsky, W. Brenner, R. Möst, Z. Rozynek:
"Technologies for Microassembly Selected Methods";
Talk: 4M 2007 - Third International conference on multi-material micro manufacture, Borovets, Bulgaria (invited); 2007-10-03 - 2007-10-05; in: "4M 2007 - Third international Conference on multi-material micro manufacture - Proceedings", (2007), ISBN: 978-1904445-53-1; 55 - 58.

English abstract:
This paper presents three different Microassembly examples. The first part of the paper presents a solution based on a laser system, next a contact-less microdispensing system and finally an innovative hot air stream joining system. One of the most remarkable differences between these methods is the different material requirements:
meanwhile the laser system requires that one of the joint components is optically transparent, the other two systems do not have this constraint but require compatibility between glue and parts.

Related Projects:
Project Head Werner Brenner:
Methoden und Werkzeuge für Handhabung und Montage in der Mikrodimension (Tech. abgeschlossen 2007)

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.