
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

G. Franzl, S. Aleksic, B. Statovci-Halimi, S. Sarwar:
"Quality of Transmission Management in Dynamically Routed All-Optical Networks";
Talk: 13th European Conference on Networks & Optical Communications (NOC 2008), Krems, Austria; 07-01-2008 - 07-03-2008; in: "Proceedings of NOC2008", imc - University of Applied Sciences, 1 (2008), 306 - 313.

English abstract:
The paper discusses in general how to use control loops with impairments monitoring and mitigation for the control and management of dynamically routed all-optical networks. To do so the basic problem is outlined, constraint light-path provisioning reviewed, the cyclic performance optimisation problem discussed and control-loop demands derived. The view from the network-layer dominates as it is assumed the link between the connectivity sold to customers and the resources required for providing it. We conclude that dynamic all-optical networks are possible; impairments mitigation within control-loops effectively helps to increase the overall performance and reduces the demand for quality of transmission headroom to cope with transients from dynamic traffic assignments. Scenario independent control-loop specs are found too restrictive to be feasibly met and therefore a scheme with autonomous control-loop operation targeting on stabilization via the physical-layer control-loops and optimisation via an intelligent performance aware light-path routing is proposed.

constraint multi-hop light-paths (CB-RWA), Quality of Transmission (QoT), all-optical networks (WDM), End-to-End Quality of Service management (E2E, QoS)

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Project Head Slavisa Aleksic:
BONE: Aufbau von zukünftigen optischen Netzen in Europa

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.