
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

A Mehlmann:
"Stability, Interaction and Imitation in Flatland Games";
Talk: Workshop on Game Theory, Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, Wien; 2002-05-13 - 2002-05-14.

English abstract:
Conways classical cellular automaton, widely known as the "game of life", is usually played on a cellular grid extending infinitely in every direction. In this paper we will restrict our attention to a special class of cellular automata simulating different modes of repeated play. Starting from a given one-shot game played by a finite population of agents living in flatland, a rectangular shaped game board structured by the classical definitions of neighborhood, we define transformation rules for cellular automata, which are determined by different modes of learning behavior. As a special case we also consider rules determined by the best-reply behavior in standard two-person symmetric bimatrix games.
A meaningful concept of solution for the underlying population games will necessarily include robustness against any possible unilateral deviation undertaken by a single player (and will remain stable if we increase the radius of neighborhood on the playing field).
The resulting process of cellular transformation is then analyzed and finally compared with the outcomes of more prominent evolutionary processes, such as the replicator dynamics or the KMR-model proposed by Kandori, Mailath and Rob.
Keywords: local interaction, imitation-based learning, 2x2-symmetric games, cellular automata

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.