
Contributions to Proceedings:

B. Böhm:
"Approaches to the Measurement of Eco-Efficiency";
in: "SOR '05, 8th International Symposium on Operations Resaearch in Slovenia '05", issued by: L. Zadnik Stirn, S. Drobne; Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operations Research, 2005, (invited), ISBN: 961-6165-20-8, 3 - 9.

English abstract:
The present paper presents a selection of approaches to measure eco-efficiency at different levels considering the multi-objective nature of this concept. It shortly reviews the level of implementation in industries and discusses major elements and processes. Different measurement concepts at the industry level will be reviewed. Aspects of eco-efficiency beyond the individual firm are considered next. Micro- and macroeconomic aspects will be integrated by a discussion of the multiple objective nature of the macroeconomic problem and an attempt to measure macro-eco-efficiency.

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