
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

B. Böhm:
"Traverses of Economic Growth";
Vortrag: 11th International Schumpeter Society Conference, Sophia Antipolis; 21.06.2006 - 24.06.2006; in: "11th International Schumpeter Society Conference", (2006), 17 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This paper proposes a simple model composed of an equation explaining investment growth per employment and a productivity growth relationship. It shall serve as a vehicle to investigate the dynamics of changing growth paths. While descriptive analysis of the growth
rates of such time series on a disaggregated level has typically shown cyclical movements or structural cycles, the process of identifying growth traverses in two variables of central
importance for the growth process has not received much attention. Instead of analysing the full set of economic sectors of an economy this paper will concentrate on the aggregate. This paper uses a spectrum of different techniques, from a simple partition of the "framework space" on one end to the smooth transition regression approach on the other, to explore the nonlinear features of growth traverses in a small set of European countries.

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