
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

G. Hanappi, E. Hanappi-Egger:
"The Death of the Family? Evolution of the New Deal between Biological and Social Reproduction";
Talk: EAEPE 2005 Conference, Bremen, Germany; 2005-11-10 - 2005-11-12.

English abstract:
This paper investigates the dramatic changes in family structures that took place in industrialized countries since the end of World War II. The concept of the family, both as a biological and as a social unit, has played a significant role for the economic and ideological evolution of modern societies - but as almost every empirical indicator shows the structure and processing of this elementary unit is currently experiencing a fundamental metamorphosis. The paper explores and analyses recent developments to sketch possibilities for a fundamental new deal.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.