
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

B. Düring:
"A semi-smooth Newton method for an inverse problem in option pricing";
Talk: 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07), Zürich (invited); 2007-07-16 - 2007-07-20.

English abstract:
We present an optimal control approach using a Lagrangian framework to identify local volatility functions from given option prices. We employ a globalized sequential quadratic programming algorithm and implement a line search strategy. The linear-quadratic optimal control problems in each iteration are solved by a primal-dual active set strategy which leads to a semi-smooth Newton method. We present first- and second-order analysis as well as numerical results.

German abstract:
siehe englischer Abstract

Inverse problem, option pricing, semi-smooth Newton method

Related Projects:
Project Head Ansgar Jüngel:
Numerik und Modellierung nichtlinearer partieller Differentialgleichungen zur Beschreibung von Kredit- und Preisrisiken

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.