

F. Bleibinhaus, E. Brückl et al.:
"Wide-angle observations of ALP 2002 shots on the TRANSALP profile: linking the two DSS projects.";
Tectonophysics, (414) (2006), S. 71 - 78.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Dynamite shots of the crustal-scale refraction seismic project ALP 2002 were recorded by an array of 40 seismological three-component stations on the TRANSALP profile. These observations provide a direct link between the two deep seismic projects. We report preliminary results obtained from these data. In a first approach we verified the TRANSALP refraction seismic velocity model computing traveltimes for several shots and comparing them to the new observations. The results generally confirm this model. Significant first-break traveltime differences in and near the Tauern Window are explained by anisotropy. Large-scale features of the model, particularly the Moho structure, seem to be continuous towards the east. Traveltime residuals of wide-angle reflections indicate a slight eastward dip component of the Adriatic Moho.

Elektronische Version der Publikation:

Zugeordnete Projekte:
Projektleitung Ewald Brückl:
ALP 2002 - Ein seismisches 3D-Modell der Ostalpen

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.