G. Gartner, D. Bennett, T. Morita:
"Towards Ubiquitous Cartography";
Cartography and Geographic Information Science,
Vol. 34
S. 247
- 257.
Kurzfassung englisch:
Computer generated maps have become commonplace over the past decade. Most internet search engines, for example, have the ability to generate maps in response to spatial queries and routes between specified origins and destinations. At the same time, advances in mobile computing technologies provide access to these mapping capabilities from virtually any location on the earth´s surface. Maps and map making have become ubiquitous and this phenomenon requires cartographers to rethink basic concepts about map design and map use. In this special issue we present five research projects that are focused on the emerging field of ubiquitous cartography. These projects were selected, in part, because they are representative of key research challenges that face the cartographic research community. In this introductory paper, key terms are defined and research challenges outlined. By way of this collected set of papers, ubiquitous cartography is presented as a new and important arena for cartographic research.
Location Based Services, TeleCartography, Mobile Internet, Navigation Systems, Ubiquitous Mapping
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