

H. Sakurai, K. Yoshimura, K. Kosuge, N. Tsujii, H. Abe, H. Kitazawa, G. Kido, H. Michor, G. Hilscher:
"Antiferromagnetic Order in Bi4Cu3V2O14 with Novel Spin Chain";
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 71 (2002), S. 1161 - 1165.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Antiferromagnetic Order in Bi4Cu3V2O14 with Novel Spin Chain

Hiroya Sakurai*, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura, Koji Kosuge, Naohito Tsujii1, Hideki Abe1, Hideaki Kitazawa1, Giyuu Kido1, Herwig Michor2 and Gerfried Hilscher2
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502
1National Institute for Materials Science, Sengen 1-2-1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-0047
2Institut für Experimentalphysik Technische Universität Wien,
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/131 A-1040 Wien, Austria

(Received December 10, 2001)

The magnetic susceptibility, the magnetization process, the specific heat and the 51V NMR have been investigated on the powder sample of Bi4Cu3V2O14 , which has a characteristic chain structure. The magnetic susceptibility has a broad maximum around 20.5 K. The magnetization curve bends upward at 6.7 T and around 15 T, and increases linearly below 6.7 T, between 7 T and 11 T, and above 20 T. From the NMR measurement, it has been crucially proved that the ground state of this compound is an antiferromagnetically ordered state. The Néel temperature TN is determined to be 6 K from the specific heat measurement. The hyperfine field at the vanadium site at 4.2 K is obtained to be 2.12 kOe. The isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine coupling constants are determined as Ahfiso=20.4 kOe/µB and Ahfaniso=4.97 kOe/µB in the paramagnetic region. It has been, furthermore, suggested that the physical properties of this compound are due to the novel spin chain.

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