

W.S.M. Werner, H. Störi, Hp. Winter:
"Quantitative model for the surface sensitivity in Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy (APECS)";
Surface Science, 518 (2002), S. L569 - L576.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The e.ects of multiple elastic and inelastic scattering on the lineshape in Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectra
(APECS) are studied. A simple and at the same time general model is proposed. Model calculations are performed that
con.rm the well known fact that the surface sensitivity of APECS, when the Auger peak is measured in coincidence
with the photoelectron peak, is enhanced as compared to the ordinary (``singles´´) spectrum. The results also show how
the average depth from which the Auger electrons originate can be selected experimentally by recording them in coincidence
with the loss features of the photoelectron spectrum and vice versa. Additional simulations reveal why surface
and bulk excitations, that can be clearly distinguished in experimental APECS spectra, are uncorrelated to a high
degree. This allows one to consistently eliminate the contribution of multiple bulk and surface scattering from experimental
APECS data ultimately providing the true energy distribution at the source.
2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Electron-solid interactions, scattering, di.raction; Monte carlo simulations; Auger electron spectroscopy; Photoelectron
spectroscopy; Auger ejection; Electron emission; Photoelectron emission

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