

L. Gherardini, S. Radel, S. Sielemann, O. Doblhoff-Dier, M. Gröschl, E. Benes, A.J. McLoughlin:
"A study of the spatial organisation of microbial cells in a gel matrix subjected to treatment with ultrasound standing waves";
Bioseparation, 10 (2002), S. 153 - 162.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Retention and manipulation of microbial cells through exploitation of ultrasonic forces has been reported as a novel
cell immobilisation technique. The spatial ordering of yeast cells, within suspensions subjected to an ultrasonic
standing wave field, was analysed for the first time. A technique, based on `freezing’ the spatial arrangement using
polymer gelation was developed. The resultant gel was then sectioned and examined using microscopic techniques.
Light Microscopy confirmed the presence of specific regions in the ultrasonic field, where the cells are organised
into bands corresponding to the standing waves’ pressure nodal planes. Computer Image Analysis measurement of
several physical parameters associated with this cell distribution matched the values derived from the theoretical
model. The spatial cell-cell re-arrangement within each band and uneven distribution along the nodal planes have
been analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy. These results complement the ongoing study of the process of
immobilisation of microbial cells by ultrasound standing waves.

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