

P. Kerschl, R. Grössinger, C. Kussbach, R. Sato Turtelli, K.-H. Müller, L. Schultz:
"Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline barium ferrite at high temperatures";
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 242-245 (2002), S. 1468 - 1470.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline barium ferrite at high temperatures

P. Kerschl [Corresponding Author Contact Information] , [E-mail The Corresponding Author] , a, R. Grössingerb, C. Kussbachb, R. Sato-Turtellib, K. H. Müllera and L. Schultza

a Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, P.O.Box 270016, D-01171 Dresden, Germany
b Institut für Experimentalphysik, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

Available online 18 December 2001.


In this work we try to clarify whether intergranular exchange coupling in nanocrystalline barium ferrite with grain sizes down to 40 nm can be achieved. From room temperature up to the Curie temperature TC (723 K), a MR/MS of 0.5 was found and no evidence for exchange coupling was obtained. A difference in the determined coercive field with different field pulse duration is attributed to magnetic viscosity.

Author Keywords: Exchange coupling??insulators; Magnetic viscosity; Stoner?Wohlfarth model; Temperature effects

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