

F. Kools, A. Morel, R. Grössinger, J.M. Le Breton, P. Tenaud:
"LaCo-substituted ferrite magnets, a new class of high-grade ceramic magnets; intrinsic and microstructural aspects";
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 242 - 245 (2002), S. 1270 - 1276.

Kurzfassung englisch:
LaCo-substituted ferrite magnets, a new class of high-grade ceramic magnets; intrinsic and microstructural aspects

F. Kools [Corresponding Author Contact Information] , [E-mail The Corresponding Author] , a, b, A. Morela, b, R. Grössingerc, J. M. Le Bretond and P. Tenauda, b

a Carbone Lorraine??Ferrites, 41, rue Pierre Brossolette, B.P. 1642, 27016 Evreux Cedex, France
b Carbone Lorraine??Ferrites, 38830 St-Pierre d'Allevard Cedex, France
c Institut für Experimentalphysik, Technische Universität Wien, Wien A-1040, Austria
d GMP, UMR CNRS 6634, Université de Rouen, 76821 Mont-St-Aignan Cedex, France

Available online 11 December 2001.


The science and technology of conventional ferrite magnets is reviewed, including their historical evolution and models to explain their properties. Next, a survey is given of the new LaCo-type ferrite magnets, representing a breakthrough in magnetic performance. The increased performance is explained with the classical models. Increased market share of M-ferrite magnets as well as re-intensification of background research is expected.

Author Keywords: Ferrite??hexagonal; Permanent magnet; Substitution effects; Coercivity; Anisotropy field

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