

R. Grössinger, M. Taraba, A. Wimmer, J. Dudding, R.N. Cornelius, P.A. Knell, P. Bissel, B. Enzberg-Mahlke, W. Fernengel, J.C. Toussaint, D. Edwards:
"Calibration of a pulsed field magnetometer";
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 38 (2002), No. 5; S. 2982 - 2984.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Abstract - An industrial design of a pulsed field magnetometer (PFM) which generates in a bore of 30 mm a maximum field of 5T with two different pulse durations (40 and 57 ms) is described. The field is calibrated using a small pickup coil where the effective winding area is known from a NMR calibration. The magnetization is calibrated using Fe3O4 an industrial ferrite but also Fe and Ni.

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