

S. Khmelevskyi, I. Turek, P. Mohn:
"Large Negative Magnetic Contribution to the Thermal Expansion in Iron-Platinum Alloys: Quantitative Theory of the Invar Effect";
Physical Review Letters, 91 (2003), S. 037201/1 - 037201/4.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We show that the large negative magnetic contribution to the thermal expansion in disordered Fe-Pt
alloys can be understood within the disordered local moment (DLM) approach. On the basis of first
principles calculations we quantitatively describe the spontaneous volume magnetostriction for various
Pt concentrations. It is found that the Invar effect in these alloys is entirely related to the state of
thermal magnetic disorder modeled by the DLM states.We also show that the experimentally observed
anomaly in the temperature dependence of the magnetization is due to a spontaneous reduction of the
local magnetic moments rather than to ``hidden excitations.’’
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.037201 PACS numbers: 75.80.+q, 65.40.De, 71.15.Nc, 75.50.Bb

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