E. Bauer, St Berger, S. Gabáni, G. Hilscher, H. Michor, C. Paul, M. Giovannini, A. Saccone, C. Godart, P. Bonville, Y. Aoki, H. Sato:
"Non-Fermi-Liquid Features of Novel Yb2Pd2In";
Acta Physica Polonica B,
S. 367
- 370.
Kurzfassung englisch:
Non-Fermi-Liquid Features of Novel Yb2Pd2In
E. Bauer, St. Berger, S. Gabani, G. Hilscher, H. Michor, Ch. Paul, M. Giovannini, A. Saccone, C. Godart, P. Bonville, Y. Aoki, H. Sato
Yb in ternary Yb2Pd2In exhibits a valency \nu \approx 2.9 and consequently, no clear evidence of long range magnetic order down to 40 mK. Low temperature resistivity and specific heat are characterised by significant deviations from a Fermi-liquid (FL) scenario. While the application of magnetic fields recovers a FL state, pressure drives the system closer to a magnetic instability at T=0.
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