

Hp. Winter, F. Aumayr:
"Inelastic interaction of slow ions with clean solid surfaces: Potential and kinetic electron emission, plasmon excitation, potential sputtering";
in: "The Physics of Multiply and Highly Charged Ions - Vol. 2: Interactions with Matter", herausgegeben von: Kluwer Academic Publisher; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/NL, 2003, ISBN: 1-4020-1582-8, S. 3 - 45.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We present a tutorial treatment of the interaction of slow ions with clean solid
surfaces, with special emphasis on experimental aspects. We start by describing
the underlying basic mechanisms and some relevant applications, and then
present the established experimental techniques for investigating different reactions,
including production of slow singly and multiply charged ion beams and
preparation of clean solid surfaces for pertinent studies. Following this outline,
we discuss the current status of research in four selected areas of the low ion
impact energy regime to which we have contributed and where in recent years
important progress could be achieved: Electron emission due to ion potential energy
(potential emission - PE), kinetic electron emission (KE) near the ion impact
energy threshold, excitation of plasmons by the ion potential energy (potential
excitation of plasmons - PEP), and sputtering of insulator surfaces related to the
ion potential energy (potential sputtering - PS).
Keywords: ion beam impact, interactions with surfaces, potential electron emission, kinetic
electron emission, plasmon excitation, potential sputtering

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